If Statement: Need To Display The Difference

Mar 23, 2009

If the first 2 columns do not equal 9, the third column needs to display the difference. I tried a normal 'IF' statement, but I'm a little to novice it seems.

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If Statement That Will Return 0 If Difference Between Two Cell Ranges Is Negative?

Apr 26, 2014

How would i wrte this formula correctly?


It needs to say if the sum of the two cell ranges is less than or equal to zero then display as zero, otherwise display the answer

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Display Popup When Percentage Difference Reached

Feb 16, 2008

I have an excel file that linked to an external feed that receives stock prices in real time. on the file i have the stock name, the price paid and the current price. I would like to have a popup that shows up whenever a stock price has a 15% or higher return. I would like the popup to show the stock name. I realise that conditional formatting would highlight whatever is over 15%, but the workbook has multiple worksheets and I would like it to popup even when i am on another worksheet.

Enclosed is a copy of the file (the actual file has many more sheets) : john.zip

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Display Th % Difference Of The 2 Months Either In The Chart Or In A Table

Mar 16, 2009

I am using a stacked Data chart with Layout #5. See attached. I calculated in a table below the % difference between the 2 months, but is there a way to display this % difference of the 2 months either in the chart or in a table (or both)?
Is there a way to modify the table only? Or is there a different type of chart that can display this?

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Display Result Based On Time Difference

Feb 15, 2008

I want to make a formula based on 2 times ex: 10:07:00 and 10:09:00. This formula should display "intime" if the diference between both is under 20 minutes, "outime" if the diference is above 20 minutes and it should display "error" if the time is under 0 minutes (this will only happen when someone makes a mistake typing in the time. For example 10:37:00 and 10:36:00)

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Display Popup When Percentage Difference Reached

Feb 16, 2008

I have an excel file that linked to an external feed that receives stock prices in real time. on the file i have the stock name, the price paid and the current price. I would like to have a popup that shows up whenever a stock price has a 15% or higher return. I would like the popup to show the stock name. I realise that conditional formatting would highlight whatever is over 15%, but the workbook has multiple worksheets and I would like it to popup even when i am on another worksheet. enclosed is a copy of the file (the actual file has many more sheets)

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How To Make A Cell Display Text Difference Between Two Cells

Aug 30, 2013

Is there a way to make a cell display the text difference between two cells?

For example of cell E2 reads "Thank Goodness it is Friday" and cell F2 reads "Thank Goodness" can I put a formula in H2 that will show the text that is in E2 but not F2 ( "it is Friday")?

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Nested If Statement: Display The Other Word At The Start?

May 13, 2009

I have a large range of data and on each row the cells contain either 0, 1, No or another word. I would like to display the other word at the start but im really stuck on how to do it. This other word can change on each row but each specific row will only have one word. I can post a sample spreadsheet if necessary.

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IF Statement To Display Quarter Of A Year Based On A Three-letter Month Abbreviation

Nov 16, 2009

I'm trying to wrtie an IF statement to display one of Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4 based on the three letter month abbrev. All i have so far is the following, which isn't leading anywhere - and i have a feeling theres an easier way to write it.


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Utilize A Select Case Statement In Target Intersect Statement

Jul 28, 2009

I am currently using an Intersect statement in a worksheet module to perform two things:
1. Insert a time stamp into row 2 when row 1 has a price inserted
2.To clear that time stamp if the price is deleted at some later date.

My problem is with the time stamp value being deleted by the user.
If I try to clear the price (now that the time cell =empty) I get a Runtime error 91 - Object Variable or With block variable not set.

I would like to convert this code to a select case statement but I'm not sure how to do this in this situation. Would error coding be appropriate in this instance?

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Cell B1 To Display True If Any Of The Values In Column C Match Otherwise I Want To Display FalseOR Function Confusion

Dec 16, 2008


i m wanting Cell B1 to display true if any of the values in column C match otherwise I want to display false.

A 1
B 0
C 0
D 0

But I can't determine how to get this done.

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Formatting / Display - Field Not Display 0 If It Is Empty On WHITE Sheet

Mar 14, 2013

I have attached the spreadsheet for reference. All other sheets pull information from the WHITE sheet.

I want the columns for unit price, discount and total to be set to two decimal places but I also don't want it to show anything if the field has a 0 value (so if i only have a few items I don't get lots of o's).

To get the field to not display a 0 if it is empty on the WHITE sheet I have been using "0;-0;;@" which I found on the net. If I use this then it negates the two decimal places.

This also includes the WHITE sheet.

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If Statement Within If Statement (recognize The Cell)

Oct 1, 2008

I'm trying to set up an if statement that will recognize that if a cell is FHR it will do something...but if it's PHR it will do something else. I think I found the place where I keep getting an error but I'm not sure how to go about fixing the issue.

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Excel 2010 :: Use One Set Statement To Set Second Statement?

Feb 14, 2012

I am attempting to use a previously Set variable as part of the next Set statement, pretty unsuccessfully at present.

My purpose is trying to look up


from a userform in Col Z then look across the row to Cols D,I,N,S & W (different types of work) to see if


matches the year selected then insert a formula in the row to the left. Then loop down to the FinalRow.

Currently my Set Found1 statement does not recognise my Found10 value. I know it will be my syntax as it always is. I have cut down the following code to display where the problem areas are, Found1 thru 5.


Sub CmdGo3_Click()
Dim Row As Range
Dim FinalRow As Long
Dim Found1, Found2, Found3, Found4, Found5, Found10 As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False


Windows 7 with Excel 2010

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ADODB SQL Statement ORDER BY Statement

May 5, 2014

I have an Excel Sheet which I use as Database. The database has 11 columns and I insert data with the following function:

Sub testInsert()
Dim adoCommand As New ADODB.Command
Dim sQuery As String
Dim i As Integer

Dim strTest As String

strTest = "test"

[Code] .......

Now I want to retrieve this data. i.e. I want all F1 where F2 and F3 are 0 AND I want them ordered descending. I'm trying to achieve this with:

Sub testSelect()
Dim adoCommand As New ADODB.Command
Dim sQuery As String
Dim mrs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim strTest As String

strTest = "test"

[Code] ....

The result I am getting looks like this:

I assume, that the data is interpreted as String instead of an integer. But I explicitely stated the data as Integer when storing the data into the DB.

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Switch Statement Is Too Long For VBA. To Make The Switch Statement Work Over Two Lines

Jan 6, 2009

I have created a very long switch statement, which is too long to be placed in one row in VBA. I have attempted to put a space and underscore at the end of one line and continue the statement on the row below by placing a comma at the start of the second line. VBA will accept my efforts, but when I run the statement in the immediate window, the following error appears.

"Invalid procedure call or argument"

I understand that there are certain rules where I can split a switch statement onto two lines, yet I do not know what they may be.

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IF Statement - Minus One Statement From The Other?

Mar 18, 2014

I am looking to have one formula containing two If Statements that minus.


So the result of If Statement 1 minus the result of If Statement 2.

What I am seeing at the moment in the cell is FALSE and what I want to see is the sum.

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If-statement Inside An If-statement

Jun 13, 2009

If A1 shows 10:00am and A2 shows 4:00pm, then A3 calculates the total number of hours: =(A2-A1)*24

But if A1 shows "Off," then A3 shows 0: =IF(A1="Off",0,(A2-A1)*24)

Now, if I want to change "(A2-A1)*24" to another if-statement, how do I do this? I can always set up a hidden cell (A4) that contains the results of the first if-statement, and then say: =IF(A1="Off",0,A4). But can I do this without going through all the trouble of setting up hidden cells?

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IF Statement, MAX Statement, And Return A Value

Apr 25, 2007

Each row represents a call. If a call in column A equals "CW" and it has the highest duration (H:MM:SS) value in column B, then provide me the date (MM/DD/YYYY) for that call that is stated in column C.

Column A --- Column B ---- Column C
AB ------------ 0:02:22 ----- 04/14/2007
CW ----------- 0:03:13 ----- 04/16/2007
CW ----------- 0:01:42 ----- 04/13/2007

Thus, the value that should be returned is "04/16/2007".

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If Statement Contained Into A Sum Statement

Jul 3, 2007

I have a problem with a formula inserted with control+shift+enter

The formula is

MEAN(IF(' VALIDATION'!$G$2:$G$59999=D30;'VALIDATION'!$E$2:$E$59999))

In the Validation sheet I have the column G with values 0 and 1, and another column E with numeric values.

Changing the value of cell D30, the formula will calculate the mean of the values in column E that have a value equal to D30 in column G.

The problem is that this function works when D30=1 and not when d30=0, in this case the formula returns N/D.

I have tried using also text values instead of 1 and the formula works . The problem is only when D30 is 0

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IF Statement Within A COUNTIF Statement: Cell In Sheet "Summary" Count The Number Of Cells In Column DX Of Sheet "Analyses" That Are Greater Than 0

Apr 22, 2009

I am trying to have a cell in sheet "Summary" count the number of cells in column DX of sheet "Analyses" that are greater than 0, provided that the value in column A of "Analyses" corresponds with the value in B8 of sheet "Summary."

(In "Analyses," there are 106 subjects, each taking up 64 rows. So, columns 1-64 correspond to Subject 1, columns 65-128 correspond to subject 2, etc. In column DX, each subject has 64 values that are either 0 or greater than 0. In "Summary," each subject has one row that summarizes the 64 trials. I want a single cell in the "Summary," sheet to reflect the number of times each subject produces a value greater than 0 in column DX of "Analyses.") I tried using this formula, but it did not work correctly:


(Summary!B8 = 1, so I am trying to calculate the number of values in DX that are greater than 0 only for subject 1.) When I press enter, this yields a value of 384. This is impossible, given that subject 1 only has 64 possibilities of yielding a value greater than 0. Subject 1 has 2 values in column DX that are greater than 0. I tried making this an array formula by pressing Shift+Ctrl+Enter, and that just gives me a #VALUE! error.

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Difference Between Sum(a1/a2) And (a1/a2)?

Aug 27, 2009

I read from one of the posts here and see sum(a1/a2). I tried it on excel and see no difference between sum(a1/a2) and (a1/a2). if there is a difference, could you please highlight to me? If not, why put 'sum'?

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Age Difference, 45, 50, 55

Mar 28, 2008

I am trying to work out to get the following result.

Using Cell CB5 as a Date Of Birth, I want to be able to have cell CA5 return "Yes: if the following is either met..

If under 45, Cell

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Using VLOOKUP To Display Date If Present, If Not Display Today's Date

Feb 26, 2009

I'm currently using an IFERROR, VLOOKUP formula to display an availability date for a product.

Atm, it reads some like this

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Difference Between Two Timestamps?

May 20, 2014

I have two timestamp fields from which I need to extract the difference.

[Code] ..........

The formula is B2-A2 and the Difference field is a custom field using h:m:s.

As you can see, the difference is correct, except in military time. The correct answer should be 5:41:33.

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Difference Between Two Dates

May 22, 2014

I'm currently doing some research for the World Cup (Soccer) and I want to create a formula that finds the largest gap between two dates. Basically, I'm copy and pasting player data into an Excel template I've created and one of the columns in each player's data is a list of dates when he has played over the last 12 months. I want to create a formula that shows me the length (in days) of his longest break from playing competitive football AFTER Oct 1st 2013.

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Calculate Until Difference Is Zero

Jul 24, 2014

I'm trying to automate the attached schedule so that the formulas in H stop increasing once the amount in column J equals zero. So far everything I've tried either gives me a circular reference error or ends up giving me the same result as if I depreciated the asset an additional month.

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Difference Between Dates

Feb 28, 2008

I'm trying to figure out a formula that tells me how many reports are overdue.
A report is due every six months. There may be times when more than one report got missed.

Right now, I have the Y6 recognizing that a report is late... period.


So, what I need is:
If the Time Difference between V6 and T6 is greater than 6 months, divide the difference by 6 mos and return the answer to cell Y6 (rounded down with no decimals).

See attachment.

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Difference Between Imdiv And / ?

Oct 4, 2008

Could someone explain to me what the difference is between these the two examples given in this worksheet?

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Lookup The Difference

Mar 2, 2009

i m try to use the lookup function but not sure which one i want

the cell to look up is e1
the cells it could be in are a1:a20
the answer will be next to the answer in b1:20

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