Display Result Based On Time Difference
Feb 15, 2008
I want to make a formula based on 2 times ex: 10:07:00 and 10:09:00. This formula should display "intime" if the diference between both is under 20 minutes, "outime" if the diference is above 20 minutes and it should display "error" if the time is under 0 minutes (this will only happen when someone makes a mistake typing in the time. For example 10:37:00 and 10:36:00)
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Sep 29, 2006
Instead of calculating a time difference manually I want to have a formula do it for me. What I want to achieve goes as followed:
08/06/2006 04:33
12/06/2006 01:05
Time difference is 92:32 [hh:mm]
another example:
09/06/2006 12:42
12/06/2006 11:35
Time difference is 70:53 [hh:mm]
So instead of getting 92:32 and 70:53 by calculating it myself I would like to have a formula do it for me. Otherwise I'll have to invest a lot of time to get the information I need.
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Jan 29, 2013
I have a combobox that returns me the names that are in a spreadsheet.
I need a return label, the index (address of that cell that the combobox returned), how do I do that?
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Jul 30, 2012
I am conducting some analysis on alarm data of certain devices and am looking for creating a VBA algorithm that will do the following (refer to the table below for example data)
I want identify an asset in alarm (Column F) and based on its asset ID (Column C) and Fault Description (Column D) then find the row when the asset with the same asset ID and fault description returns to an 'ok' Asset State. After the row where the same asset ID and Fault description is found where the asset state returns to 'ok', I want to calculate the total alarm time based on the difference between when the asset ID and Fault description goes from 'Alarm' State to 'OK' state from DateandTime Column.
I want the result to be populated in a new worksheet that displays data with the following column headings as a result of the above calculations: Date, Asset ID, Asset Description, Fault Description, Alarm Time
I have added an additional column to show the type of output I am after.
There are up to 20,000 rows of data I want to perform the above calculation on.
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Mar 2, 2008
Have 2 columns with time values and the third showing the time difference ( no Problems). what to hide the row if the time diff is > 2 seconds? (problem) What would be the best why to do this
{Sub TimeDiff()
Dim i As Integer
Dim timevalue As Date
timevalue = "00:00.20"
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveWorkbook. Sheets("Racing")
For i = 4 To . Range("M1") - 1
If .Range("P" & i) > timevalue And Rows(i).EntireRow.Hidden = False And .Range("P" & i) <> "" Then
Rows(i).EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If
Next i
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Oct 2, 2007
I have a table of repair jobs done over a period of time. I just need to determine during which shift was the repair job done. The time during which the job was initiated is called Notification Time.
If the job was done at, say, 0100 hrs, then it was done during Shift 1 (0000hrs to 0800 hrs)
If done at 0830 hrs, Shift 2 (0801 to 1600hrs)
If done at 2030 hrs, Shift 3 (1601 to 2359 hrs)
I need a formula to allow me to determine the Shift no. by just checking against the Notification Time column.
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Mar 18, 2014
I've got a matrix combining actions on the left hand side (Col A) and owners on Cols B to F. I have drop down list for each action/owner combo: N/A, OK, KO, TBD.
Owner #1
Owner #2
Owner #3
Owner #4
Owner #5
Action #1
I would like to create a formula in Col G that does the following:If any of the values in columns B to F equals OK, then OKIf any of the values in columns B to F equals KO, then KO I've been tinkering with multiple IFs and quite rightly got bogged down as too many criteria to take into account...
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Apr 27, 2014
Formula to calculate time allotted minus time used and show the difference in hour and minute.
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Apr 27, 2007
I use datediff to calculate the difference between 2 dates in Months.
Result = Datediff("M", Date1,Date2)
I need the result to be formatted to 2 decimal places ie 23.52 (months)
Not neccessary to use datediff if this doesnt work.
Please note I have cross posted this HERE because I couldnt get connected to ozgrid for some reason, I will montior both sites for a solution and post back results. Apologies for the inconvenience.
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Mar 23, 2009
If the first 2 columns do not equal 9, the third column needs to display the difference. I tried a normal 'IF' statement, but I'm a little to novice it seems.
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May 3, 2008
This may be a bit vague but here goes.
I have to calculate the difference between the start time and end time of a job. The only catch is, how can I avoid calculating "out of hours" time. So, if a job goes from 9am to 9am the next day, I want it to avoid calculating between the hours of 23:30 and 03:30.
Another example is if a job goes from 02:00 to 04:00, I want it to avoid the tim between 02:00 and 03:00.
If there is a difference in days, so the job goes overnight, how do I take that into consideration also.
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Aug 16, 2008
I've got a time difference from 8:00AM - 12:30PM as 4.30 I'm trying to get the minutes, .30, converted into a 6 minute increment, .5. Is it possible to do this and if so how would it be done? Below is a chart of how the time is converted from 6 minutes increments into decimal form.
6 = 0.1 36 = 0.6
12 = 0.2 42 = 0.7
18 = 0.3 48 = 0.8
24 = 0.4 54 = 0.9
30 = 0.5 60 = 1.0
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Jul 7, 2006
i want to ask for a reason if a item is late where M & line is the time it should have left and N & line is the actual time it left.
TL is the difrence between the two times
but it returns "DRIVER DISPATCHED -.11233543 E2 MINUTES LATE"
how do i format this to show the difrence in minutes
TL = Range("N" & Line) - Range("M" & Line)
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Dec 19, 2008
I have a worksheet which contains START TIME in column A, then TIME USAGE in column B and END TIME in column C. User enters start time, followed by the number of time usage in minutes, how could i possibly display the end time automatically in this scenario? how do you add the entered time usage to the start time to display the end time? Say if I enter 1:00 AM at start time and 00:15 minutes on time usage, how can 1:15 AM be displayed on the end time automatically?
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Feb 16, 2008
I have an excel file that linked to an external feed that receives stock prices in real time. on the file i have the stock name, the price paid and the current price. I would like to have a popup that shows up whenever a stock price has a 15% or higher return. I would like the popup to show the stock name. I realise that conditional formatting would highlight whatever is over 15%, but the workbook has multiple worksheets and I would like it to popup even when i am on another worksheet.
Enclosed is a copy of the file (the actual file has many more sheets) : john.zip
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Mar 16, 2009
I am using a stacked Data chart with Layout #5. See attached. I calculated in a table below the % difference between the 2 months, but is there a way to display this % difference of the 2 months either in the chart or in a table (or both)?
Is there a way to modify the table only? Or is there a different type of chart that can display this?
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Feb 16, 2008
I have an excel file that linked to an external feed that receives stock prices in real time. on the file i have the stock name, the price paid and the current price. I would like to have a popup that shows up whenever a stock price has a 15% or higher return. I would like the popup to show the stock name. I realise that conditional formatting would highlight whatever is over 15%, but the workbook has multiple worksheets and I would like it to popup even when i am on another worksheet. enclosed is a copy of the file (the actual file has many more sheets)
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Aug 30, 2013
Is there a way to make a cell display the text difference between two cells?
For example of cell E2 reads "Thank Goodness it is Friday" and cell F2 reads "Thank Goodness" can I put a formula in H2 that will show the text that is in E2 but not F2 ( "it is Friday")?
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Feb 28, 2007
I'm trying to calcuate the time difference using military time.
For example:
A1 has 0400 A2 has 0430 A3 SHOULD be :30
B1 has 1500 B2 has 1715 B3 SHOULD be 2:15
Unfortunately I either keep getting all zero's, or the correct answer but without the ":" in the answer (b3 would look like 215)
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May 2, 2014
I've got results in row 3 - 16 386 and sometimes these results are exactly the same in some rows. What I now would need is row AB to display only one of each result and row AH to display how many percentages of the time this particular result appears.
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Dec 4, 2009
I have 4 categories A, B, C & D. These are in desending importance, means A is most important and D is least important. Now there could be many A, B, C & Ds listed in a column. The challange is if coulmn contains A anywhere then the result should be A. If A is absent, then search for B, if present anywhere then display the result as B. It doesn't matter how many times A or any character is listed in column. I am attaching a sheet for better explanation.
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Dec 31, 2009
As mentioned below , in excel sheethow to add and subtract time value and get result in time format. As given in below sheet, suppose i want to calculate each day stoppage duration and finally total stoppge duration. Kindly let me know the farmula or function for the same with example. I'm using excel 2003.
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Feb 10, 2009
I have a count for each site for certain cloumn headers.
But i want to collate these so that if there is a 1 in the column the it will output it with the column header. But there are 10 column headers and I would like to get a result that has all the columns with 1 in.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q (Organic Suites) (Inorganic Suites)
sitea 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 (O1 O3 O5 O6 O8 OS) (I1 I2)
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Jan 15, 2010
I want to sum a column and then display the result but in the same cell put some text:-.....
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Sep 26, 2007
I have a formula in A1 that I would like to execute from A2. I want the A1 to display the formula (so no "="), but I would like cell A2 to execute the formula in A1.
If A1 contains: "SUM(1+2)", how can I get A2 to display "3" without reproducing the formula?
A1: SUM(1+2)
A2: ????
I suppose I'm looking for something like this:
A2: ==A1
But, of course, that doesn't work.
If I do this it gets close:
A2: ="="&A1
But that returns "=SUM(1+2)" instead of executing the formula.
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Dec 6, 2012
I have 4 columns in a worksheet.
number type date name
I am using an input box to enter the value of column D. After the value of column D is entered, I want a message box that displays the corresponding data in column A and B. with the vba coding?
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Sep 13, 2013
creating a .Find code to search a range on a sheet and then display each result seperately in a msgbox. An inputbox will be the value .find searches the range for.
the msgbox needs to be a vbyesno
Dim myItem As String, myRNG As Range, NewLoc As String
Dim Found As Range [code].....
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Mar 6, 2014
I am using the below formula to find the latest date (column N) based on fund (column G) and Vendor (column O) reference. How can I find (column I) where the balance of that payment is? I know there are formulas like INDIRECT RC[-1] but how to add them to my formula.
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Dec 8, 2009
Hopefully you will be able to help again. Is it possible to do a vlookup that references data on other tabs within the worksheet so that the result of the formula is in the cell not the formula.
So if my vlookup was =vlookup(a2,$a$1:$b$12,3,0) and the result was john smith i want just john smith in the cell. I know about copy and paste values but i was looking for a more automatic way. One that doesn't need intervention.
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Feb 11, 2009
I have a formula on cell A1, if the result of this: =SUM(COUNTIF(F:F;M40);COUNTIF(M:M;M40)) is equal to 1, I want the cell to display the word OK.
I have tryed this but it didn't work:
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