Data Validation - Creating Subset Choices Based On Adjacent Column Choice
Oct 27, 2013
I am limiting choices in a certain cell to a list via data validation (using data validation, allow - list and pointing to the source). I want to limit the next set of choices in the next column (in this example in Column C) for the user based on the choice made in the adjoining cell. For example to keep it simple I will use the following: if the user selected "Fruit" in B1, then the options in C1 would only show "Oranges","Apples", "Pears". If however the user selected "Veg" it would only show "Cucumber", "Lettuce", "Spinach", "Radishes" in the drop down in column C. I can put a prefix in front of the column C data validation list if that is needed to narrow down e.g. FR-oranges, FR-apples etc.
1 Fruit Oranges
2 Veg Lettuce
Data Validation source for Column B (H2:H4)
Data Validation for Column C: (I2:I10)
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Feb 6, 2008
I want to select a Hyperlinked file.These files are named using Data in ColumnA,B & C. The realtionship between filename and data in columns is; A-B-C.ext. After selecting data A from the dropdown list,i should be able to select corresponding data B and then again another dropdown list for corresponding data C.This should show the desired already hyperlinked file. I want to select the hyperlinked file name by simply selecting all the three data independently.
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Dec 11, 2013
If I have a table as noted below with the following assumptions:
- this table will likely grow
- the 'Include' column data will change based on external criteria/formulas, so the 'Include' column will not be sorted.
- Macros aren't an option as this sheet needs to be macro free.
How do I build a formula that I can place in a data validation drop down to only include 'Item's that have Yes indicated in the 'Include' column?
I've been researching this and found answers if the 'Include' column was sorted via offset, but I haven't found any to sift through when unsorted. I feel like there is a simple answer to this that I am missing. Here is the sheet --> ExampleSheet.xlsx
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Oct 23, 2013
code to loop and fill the attached worksheet Slot column with the techs first choice that is not a duplicate above from more senior tech. The techs are listed down column A with the most senior tech able to get first choice. If the next tech down the list bid the same choice as the first tech the the code would select the next choice.
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Mar 11, 2014
I've got a spreadsheet and I've used data validation to look at a list on another tab.
I need to be able to multiply values out based on what i choose on the drop down menu.
I've attached a sample spreadsheet to explain : tasks.xlsx‎
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Aug 10, 2008
I'm working on a simple worksheet, it is a tracking sheet for programs taught. What I'm trying to find is a code to insert a row based on a Data Validation List.
Exampl of data:
Column A is for " Name" then futher down Column K is "Program Taught" and Column L is " Date Taught".
Column K is where the Data Validation List is located with a in cell drop down.
What I would like to do is when a user selects a program from Column K a row is inserted with all of the formulas and formats from the previous row, and upon insert would like it to copy Column A into the new row.
This would be so I can keep a historical of programs and dates taught.
And to really spice things up I want to lock Columns K & L of the previous row after the new row is inserted.
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May 14, 2008
I have three hidden columns (Text only) one column with Parts, then Description, then Cost. I have a pull down menu (i.e. Cell 3, A) listing all of the choices in the hidden Parts column. I want to automatically populate Cell 3, B with the corresponding Description when a Part is chosen from the pull down menu, and the same in another column for the Cost.
I am using Excel X for Mac, in OS 10.5.2
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Nov 14, 2006
I have created a cascading data validation list, and I would like to have an adjacent cell auto populate according to the dropdown selection.
Data Eg:
Oranges 1100
Apples 1101
Pears 1102
Grapes 1103
If the user selects "Pears" from the dropdown list, I would like the adjacent cell to populate with the numerical code for "pears", in this case 1102. I am designing a new expense report form at the office, and I am at a standstill with this problem.
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Sep 3, 2007
I'm looking for a method, vba macro or Excel code, to preform the following task:
In the C column the user chooses one of several options from a menu, let's call these options 1 - 10 (this part is already done). Depending on the choise, different things are supposed to happen:
For 1-9, the formulas for cell A - Q on the current row should be copied to the next row (but with +1 in row number in formulas of course).
For 10, 3 blank rows should be created (well they already are blank..), on the forth row down, A3 - Q3 should be copied exactly. On the fifth row, the same formulas thing that was created for choise 1-9 should be created.
Since the real xls-file is too big already and it contains some sensitive information, I can't attach it here, but I made a small and similar xls-file, that better explain what I want to do.
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Sep 22, 2009
In all the cells in column F I have a validation list with several predefined choices, but at the bottom of this list I want an "Other..." option, which when chosen, enables the user to enter a new string in that cell if none of the predefined did not match.
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Aug 12, 2007
I'm trying to continue on this post: Populate Cells After Choice From Drop-Down
I'm trying to expand on CNL's idea. What I need to do is create a spreadsheet that autopopulates two blocks based on the dropdown box that preceedes it. I've got it to partially work, but can't figure out the next step. The differnce between my sheet and CNL's sheet is my drop-down is an indirect data validation.
The easiest would be to have my data in one long list, but my goal is to make it easier on the user to find the specific procedure (I'm trying to build a budgeting spreadsheet for a medical office). So in box A15 there is a list of the different service area, which gives a list of choices in C15 based on the choice selected in A15. My goal is to have G15 and G16 list the cost and charge respectively.
M1 - O3 is the data for Radiology
Q1 - S4 is the data for Labs
U1 - W4 is the data for Office
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Feb 16, 2012
In cell I2 I have a data validation list. If the selection is "2" then I want to copy and paste a value from another cell to another sheet.
I did a recorded macro but the code does not recognize the selection from the data validation celll, I2.
Is there some code I can add to get the macro to recognize what the user selected?
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Jul 31, 2014
I need to know how i can select an option from a dropdown list and have it drew data from a table and place it in a certain cell based on my choice.
i have attached a sample form.
in the sample form i have two dropdown lists.
Countries and POD
What I need is when i select an option from the POD list the data on the Rate table will appear on the left side in order of course.
Attached File: test1.xlsx‎
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May 16, 2013
I'm revamping a key inventory for my company and would like to be able to track the history of each key (name of person who it was issued to, date issued, date returned). I figure the best way to do this for the 90 keys I currently have in circulation is to create drop down lists for each key that has been used by more than one person in its history and upon selecting a given person from the drop down list of keys used more than once, the adjacent cells would populate with the corresponding data of date issued and date returned. Some keys have not been used more than once so not every key will have a drop down. Here is what my key inventory spreadsheet looks right now.
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Nov 27, 2006
If I've Listbox1 in "ABC.xls" which contain selected headers of workbook "XYZ.xls".
How can I select entire columns in workbook"XYZ.xls" when press enter at Listbox ?
Do I've to put the code here ?
With Me.ListBox1
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .Selected(i) Then
? ? ?
End If
Next i
End With
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May 9, 2009
I'm working on making a spreadsheet that allows me to select an item type from a dropdown list (through validation) and then would copy in a range of values from another worksheet based on my dropdown selection.
The set-up: I am primarily concerned with two sheets in my workbook, BiS and Weights. I have a database of items and their associated values listed in Weights. I have already managed to get dropdown lists of my specific item types using named lists and have put that in the BiS worksheet.
What I would like to do is have the values in the Weights worksheet copied over in the same order and number of cells based on what item I select from the dropdown list.
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Aug 22, 2007
I am trying to create a simple user interface type thing so that someone is able to select from drop down lists someones information, such as whether they are male or female, aged between 19-35 or 35-67, whether they are studying in a business area, legal or construction etc (there are 6 variables in total), This will then give the probability of success of the person passing this course based on probabilities which I have already worked out. I have worked out how to do the first stage of creating a drop down list showing alternative choices with Sex, Age etc in the data validation options, however:
There are 517 possible combinations, as in Male aged 19 to 35 studying Business (with other variables) or Male aged 19 to 35 studying Law (+ other variables) etc etc etc each with their own probability of success. Due to the long nature of writing out Male1935BusinessNorthWestWhiteBritishCollegeBrown I have rewritten it so it appears in the excel file as M1935BNWWBCB, which obviously wouldn't make any sense to someone if they had to select M 1935 B NW WB CB from drop down lists.
Along side the M1935BNWWBCB there is the probability of success specific to that type of person. So for example I could would have:
M 60%
M1935 64%
M1935B 35%....
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Feb 6, 2008
I currently have a drop down menu in one of my worksheets, in which I have several different text values entered. What I would like to do is link each of those text values to a numerical value, which would be entered in to another cell. So if I select "Option A" from my drop down list, and Option A is equal to 200, I want "200" to show up in another cell. If I select "Option B" from my drop down list, and Option B is equal to 400, I want "400 to show up in that same other cell.
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Oct 18, 2006
is there a way to force so that a cell value can be only of what a validation droplist offers, hence users can not enter their own values and have to use the droplist for cell content selection.
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Feb 19, 2010
I am trying to set the below table up as a validation list. I am having issues with putting it in as list as it creates a new line every time a “,” (comma) occurs. I know I can use the custom and pull the list from a table, but I can’t use this option (the reason I can’t use the table, if interested, is because the single sheet with the validation contains about ~35,000 line items that are being split up into ~200 different sheets. Each sheet is then sent as a separate email…the problem with using the table is that it would on a different spreadsheet to begin with. The email only sends one sheet. As such, it would no longer be able to reference the table).
A - Less than $25,000
B - Between $25,000 and $49,999
C - Between $50,000 and $99,999
D - Between $100,000 and $249,999
E - Between $250,000 and $499,999
F - Between $500,000 and $999,999
G - Over $1,000,000
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Feb 12, 2008
My Main data in my workbook is copied from another workbook. From there it is sorted into separate worksheets for each customer via a macro. I want to be able to set something up so that I can list the customers and then list job descriptions, products and pricing from the correct sheet and return the selected data back to its original form in sheet1.
I am also trying to run the macro that sorts the data in this workbook from another workbook.
I have attached the file so you can see what i am trying to explain.
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Nov 17, 2006
See the attached:
1/ Need to be able to populate a table with the following data (or as illustrated in ' Sheet 1'.
Company Name, Year, Manufacturing, Non-Manufacturing
This data will need to come from the lists for each of the variables as opposed to from the table, as this will be hidden from the user. Also, more company details will be added over time.
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May 28, 2011
Charting Data Based On Drop Down List Choice
I am trying to build a report where I can chart data base on a dropdown selection.I did build the dropdown lists, however I don't have any expertise on execel functions in order to make it work.I am attaching my draft report.
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Oct 4, 2006
I'm trying to do is build a form that will allow me to select from a list of options, that links back to a catologue of data so that when i click on the generate button it will pull the data associated to the item selected from the list into a text box in excel. I have attached the form that I have created.
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Jun 6, 2014
Any way to construct a formula in excel that will look at a reference in one column and find the latest date from the data in an adjacent column for that specific reference?
Below is an exctract from a much larger sheet of the columns in question.
The result in the last column should be 21/05/2014 for anything with D.O.001 in the second column and 15/05/2014 for anything with D.O.002.
Date Decision agreed
Disposal Order
Latest Decision date for D.O.
[Code] ........
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Feb 2, 2013
I have a list of values (say a, b, c, d, e) and creating a drop down menu with these values in say A1. Say I chose 'c'. Now in cell A2 I want to be able to choose from the same list without being able to choose 'c' again. In cell A3 I want to be able to choose from the same list without being able to choose the values lalready chosen in A1 and A2. and so on.
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Jan 13, 2008
I am trying to get an average from one column based upon criteria from an adjacent column. The number of days to close a case for race columns Black and White are listed in B5:C16 and E5:F16 and H5:I16. I need a formula to calculate the average days taken to close cases for Males and then the same for Females. Sample below: ...
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Mar 24, 2014
when i choose material from my combobox Options (cboTM), i wanted, only the textboxes regarding to the sheet material unlocked, and the others locked with the color of the form, and the same for the other options like worklabor and equipments. i could blocked for material with this code :
[Code] .....
The prob is, worklabor and equipments will be blocked too, and i dont know how to put correct info on the textboxes.
Attached File :
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Jun 20, 2008
I have a spreadsheet with a list of account numbers and values(sheet1) and on a seperate sheet (sheet2) a list of all unique account numbers that appear in the transaction data sheet.
What I am trying to do is get a total sum for the values of each account number. What I am getting well I'm not quite sure what I'm getting. The problem appears to be when the xSubtotal variable is reset to 0 at the end of calculating all the values for the account number.
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Sep 15, 2006
I have limited ability with Excel, and I'm trying to create a database using the Data/Form menu choices. My problem is I only want specific data in two of the 20 or so fields. When I use Data/ Validation and direct data entry, I get exactly what I want, EXCEPT that the choices don't come up when I use the Data/Form. Users can enter anything they want, which defeats the purpose. I tried to build a user form to use for data entry, but I don't know how to get it to add items to a database or lookup items like the data/form process does. I also want to add a few macro buttons to the form to do other things.
I am pretty sure of a few things: 1) This should be pretty simple. Anyone knowing VBA would probably know how to do this in minutes. I found some code that did a simliar function, but couldn't interpret it to fit my needs, which brings me to 2) I'll never use VBA or complicated macros again. I don't have the need for them. This is just an isolated incident. Therefore, signing up for a class would be useless to me. I tried to locate some advanced Excel/VBA classes, hoping to find an instructor or even a student who would welcome a simple challenge, but there are none available.
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