I have the code below. That code call some InputBoxes in sequence, that be filled with correctly information like name, cell phone, date of purchase, etc. (sheet is in Portuguese)
But I want to give a function for 'Cancel' Button, because actually if we click on cancel Button, the macro skip to the next inputbox.
I want to click in Cancel Button, and Exit Sub, I used this Tip for example
[Code] ....
But if we do not fill the Text field, the Macro Exit Sub Too
Some fields are optional, so for this i search for a solution
I have this macro code that can protect and unprotect, It will show the input box and ask for a password. my problem is when I choose cancel, it still protect the file, the same thing with my unprotect code. here is my code below
I am facing a problem while validating an Inputbox actually the issue is that when user press Cancel button on Input box it returns a empty string and also when user does not enters anything in Input box and pressess ok than too a Empty string is returned . Than how we will apply the following conditions :
1) If user does not enter anyting in InputBox and pressess OK than a msgBox should appear saying that "Uhav entered empty string and than looping back to inputbox"
2) If user pressess Cancel procedure should End
Sub try()
Dim Path Path = InputBox("Specify Path" , "Report Path")
If Path = "" Then
' Issue comes here becuse anyways code reahes here if user either lefts the Inputbox empty and presses ok OR user pressess cancel as i need to show different actions for 'different conditions
I have the inputbox so i can set a string value, When the inputbox Cancle button is pressed i want to exit sub, If the inputbox value is nothink and ok button, I want the msgbox displayed then goto newname. If the inputbox has a value do >>>>>>That>>>>>
I created with code to copy a template, hide that template, and pop up a box to rename the copy, I noticed she clicked "Cancel" on the InputBox. When she did, she received an error (400). What I would like to do is when the "Cancel" button is clicked, the newly created copy would be deleted. Is this possible?
Here is the code for my full "Create New Project" sheet procedure:
Sub CreateNewProject() 'This code will copy the Project Data sheet, hide it and then 'rename the new copy to the MSA number. Code also prompts user for 'MSA Number and fills that in on the form. Dim RenameSheet As String Dim oSheet As Worksheet With Sheets("Project Data") .Visible = -1 .Copy After:=Sheets("FHWA Quarterly Report") End With...............
Msg = "Enter a number" BOXTITLE = "Number" ANS = InputBox(Msg, BOXTITLE)
This generates 2 buttons. If i click the cancel button how would i direct the code to go to a certain line in my code. EG if cancel button clicked then goto 10
I would like some help on disabling the Esc key in a macro and to disable the Cancel button and X on message and input boxes.
My macro is to insert rows in a protected worksheet and another to run a spellcheck, if my users hit any of the above keys during the macro my worksheet is left unprotected and formulas could be deleted in error. I have pasted a copy of my code below,
Sub InsertRowAboveCopyFormulas() ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("password") Dim Rng, n As Long, k As Long Application.ScreenUpdating = False Rng = InputBox("Enter number of rows required.") If Rng = "" Then Exit Sub On Error Resume Next ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select Selection.Resize(rowsize:=Rng).Rows(1).EntireRow. _ Resize(rowsize:=Rng).Insert Shift:=xlUp Selection.Offset(Rng).AutoFill Selection.Resize( _ rowsize:=Rng + 1), xlFill Selection.Resize(Rng).EntireRow. _ SpecialCells(xlConstants).ClearContents ActiveSheet.Protect ("password") End Sub
I have a userform with two buttons : O.K. and Cancel When I use the O.K. Button, all is correct, but when I use the Cancel Button, it doesn't work. What line I have to add, to leave that userform ? (Cancel : CommandButton2_Click()
Sub CommandButton1_Click() Me.Hide End Sub Public Function userChosen() Me.Show userChosen = Format(DateSerial(cmbJaar, cmbMaand, cmbDag), "dd.mm.yyyy") Unload Me End Function
Why is the below code not valid? I am using a userform with a cancel button and i cant it to copy and paste some lines on sheet Chart_Data as it unloads. But i just get the error
"Runtime Error '1004': Method 'Select' of object '_Worksheet' Failed"
I would choose to select the delete button. I've created a new worksheet within a workbook, insert text and formatting, and copied to a specific place in the active worksheet. Everything works well except 1. there is a LOT of coding because I recorded the macro and 2. the delete message pops up for every files the macro manipulates. I have to click "delete" about 60 times throughout this macro and would love to be able to let it click its own delete button!
I worte a procedure to protect the worksheet. When we clik on command button it asks the password but if I click on cancel button procedure is exiting.
I have the following code that allows a user to type in an email address into an inputbox, and email a spreadsheet to the recipient in the input box. However, as 99% of the time this is going to be the same email address every time, can I populate the inputbox automatically with a given email address? for eg email@email.com
vaRecipients = Application.InputBox("Please enter recipient's email address. Please ensure Lotus Notes is open before sending.", "Email Literature Request")
Sub AddRows() Dim r As Long For r = Cells(Rows.Count, 6).End(xlUp).Row To 2 Step -1 If Cells(r, 6) <> Cells(r - 1, 6) Then Rows(r).Insert Shift:=xlDown Next r End Sub
but find it somewhat unflexible. I don't always use the same column reference to determine where to add the rows. I was hoping someone would be able to integrate the inputbox usage that is in this delete rows code I got here
'Get the relative column number where the criteria should be found lCol = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Type in the relative number of the column where " _ & "the criteria can be found.", Title:="CONDITIONAL ROW DELETION COLUMN NUMBER", Type:=1)
I am wanting to run an insert row macro and it prompt me asking what column I want to reference. Whenever there is a change in that column, insert a row.
I wanted a macro to insert (the number of rows from Input box) below the active cell. Searching the forums, I found the following code.
Sub InsertRows() Dim Rng Rng = InputBox("Enter number of rows required.") Range(ActiveCell.Offset(1 0), ActiveCell.Offset(Rng, 0)).Select Selection.EntireRow.Insert End Sub
If I enter a number it works fine, but if you click on the cancel button or the X to close the Input box, I get a Run-time error (13: Type mismatch). If you enter zero, it inserts 2 rows above the active cell.
I tried to modify another macro, I found on the site, that inserts rows and copies the row above, but always get the Message Box "You didn't specify a range!"
Sub InsertNumRows() ' Dim Rng As Range
Application.DisplayAlerts = False On Error Resume Next Rng = InputBox("Enter number of rows required.") On Error Goto 0 Application.DisplayAlerts = True.............................
once the command button on sheet 1 is clicked, a input box appears which asks "has this number been entered" and has a place to enter a number within the input box.
Once the info is entered in the input box, it searches through sheet 2 for the number. If the number is found, I would like for a box to pop up with the number found and the name that is next to the number from sheet 2.
If the number is not found, I would like for a box to pop up and say "number not found"
I'm using the following code to create an Inputbox but I want to either disable the OK button until an entry is made or not allow a blank entry. Forcing the user to have to make an entry.
If NameTextBoxnew.Value = "" Then NameTextBoxnew.Value = Application.InputBox("You must input a name/nickname to identify person", "Name") End If If SexTextBoxnew.Value = "" Then SexTextBoxnew.Value = Application.InputBox("You must select a sex(m/f)", "Sex") End If If DOBTextBoxnew.Value = "" And AgeTextBoxnew.Value = "" Then AgeTextBoxnew.Value = Application.InputBox("Please insert a rough age in years", " Date of RSIT") End If
I want to be able to specify inside the message the word that is in cell F6. So it would say "You Must Give A Reason For The Amount Of Mgr Voids For Shawn"... shawn being the name in cell F6.
If Range("F9").Value > 50 Then MyInput = Application.InputBox("You Must Give A Reason For The Amount Of Mgr Voids For This Employee") If MyInput = "" Then End If MyInput = False Then End ActiveSheet. Unprotect ("13792468") ActiveSheet.Range("F9").AddComment Range("F9").Comment.Visible = False Range("F9").Comment.Text Text:="" & Chr(10) & (MyInput) & Chr(10) & "" ActiveSheet.Protect ("13792468") End If
I want my worksheet to require validation of entry data before printing, so I decided to use the "Workbook_BeforePrint" event, and display a simple dialog box with an "ok" or a "cancel" button as input options.
The problem is that, as coded, "cancel" button does not cancel the print.
I have a button on a cell that is attached to a macro that inserts a row above it. I have to manually select the cell that the button is on, or any cell on that row, first to get this to work. I could use some help in getting the macro to select whatever cell, or row, that the button is on so this will work correctly.
i am having a problem with an insert button, with some help i have been able to put down codes so that when i click on button a row get inserted but i am facing following problems
1. row is getting inserted anywhere whereas what i want is below
to have a reference cell say 12 and then when i click the insert button row should get inserted below row 12 only and next click should insert the row below row 13 and so on. Further i have an if formula in cells below which i want row to be inserted now formula if something like this =if(d2="true", "x","y") now when a new row is inserted d2 becomes whereas i want formulae to have d2 only.
A most of time I'm using VLOOKUP function. I want to call specially this function by pressing custom button (w/o pressing "Insert Function" and choosing VLOOKUP)
I want to insert a command button and assign a macro, I have the developers toolbar available with the controls section and on all other spreadsheets i can then select insert and choose the required button, however on the particular workbook i want to use the insert button is greyed out and not available.
i already use macros in this workbook and they work fine from keyboard shortcuts but i would like to make one of them run from a command button
Is there a simple setting somewhere which i may have turned off inadvertently previously or could the problem have anything to do with the macros themselves?