Inserting Dates With A Macro

Feb 14, 2007

How can i make a macro that inserts todays date, tomorrows date, the next day and the day after that??

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Inserting Dates

Aug 22, 2008

See above spreadsheet (some data has been blanked out for data protection)

I have column L formatted as a validation list with two options 'Open' and 'Closed'. What I want to happen, is when I select closed from the list, the "Date Closed" cell to the right (column m) changes to the date that Closed was entered, and does not change thereafter.

As you can see in the pic, all the close out dates are todays date. . . I need it to store the date it was closed, and not constantly update it.

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Formula For Inserting Weekly Dates?

Mar 7, 2014

I have a simple time sheet that I want to insert weekly dates by the date I have. I don't know the formula for that. I've attached the time sheet. TimeSheet2.xls

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Inserting Dates In Blank Cells

Jun 14, 2007

I have a workfile, containing dates in column C and values in column G.

The data is imported. In most instances there are no dates in line with the second value. I need VBA code that will insert a the same date in line with the first value below the cell where there is a date....

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Copying Rows And Inserting Them Between Correct Dates

Sep 15, 2008

I'm making a budget in excel.

I have generated some dates that appear in column a. I want to make a macro that copies lines from sheet 2 and inserts them between the appropriate dates in column a sheet 1.




the lines will also have 2 other fields for copying (description and amount).
I will also need to copy formulas to the inserted rows in some columns (eg balance) but not all (not the date column).

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Excel 2010 :: Code For Inserting And Removing Dates

Dec 14, 2012

I need a code that when i place a date in a cell D10 (Example:25-January-2013) it will then add 40 days of dates daily to AP10.In D9 can it also add the weeknumber (every 7 days the weeknumber increases by 1) corresponding to the day date in D10 (iso).Can this be attached to a button.Enter the date in D10 then press the button and the dates auto insert across the sheet daily to AP10.

Can the button say ADD DATE or REMOVE DATES.First date in D10.When the button says REMOVE dates all dates deleted when button pressed and cell D10 then says "add date here".If no date is placed in D10 and ADD DATE button is pressed a warning messagebox appears and says NEED TO ADD DATE .Will not work until date entered.When date entered in D10 "Add Date Here" disappears until REMOVE Date button is selected and again "Add Date Here" is displayed....not sure if this is possible but would be good if achieved. Excel 2010

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Inserting Row Using Macro

Mar 16, 2009

I'm wanting to add a button on the last row of a worksheet to "add rows" above the buttion (entire row). I have some cells (6 total) that have a formula that needs to carry over to the newly created rows. Some cells remain blank but some cells need to have the formulas fill down to the new rows (i.e.: =sum(a2+1), =sum(a3+1)...

Is it possible to give option of choosing how many rows someone wants to insert?

Help in creating the button, option to choose # of rows and the macro to insert those rows.

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Inserting Code Via Macro

Mar 5, 2012

Is it possible to insert for example Private sub Workbook_open() into This workbook by executing macro?

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Macro That Allow For Inserting New Columns?

Oct 17, 2012

I have recorded a basic macro that allows me to copy a formulas in cells CF11 to CH11, and it pastes it into cells in columns CJ to CL. Copy of code is below if you need it.

The issue I have is that I need to insert new coumns into the worksheet, and I need to copy the formulas from columns CF to CH, and they will now need to pasted to columns CN to CP. Note that this is a monthly report where we keep the prior months, so each month will need to add new columns. There are 8 tabs in the workbook, and they all use the same macro, just over different rows (columns all line up).

Is there a way that I can get the macro to paste into the correct column without me having to adjust the macro each time?

Copy of code is as follows:

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas, Operation:=xlNone, _
SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas, Operation:=xlNone, _


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Inserting Column Macro

Dec 22, 2006

simple little procedure to insert columns on two sheets and call each by the same name. Macro runs off a command button and inserts a column at E:E and gives the user an input box with which to name the inserted columns.

Code: ...

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Macro For Inserting Rows, After Every Nth Row

Aug 8, 2006

I need to insert a new row, in a spreadsheet, after every ninth row that now exists. How is this easiest done?

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Macro - Inserting Multiple Rows

Feb 23, 2009

see the attachment. You will see that I have recorded two macros:

1) To insert a new row for new people.
2) To insert a row for new animals.

With regards to 1), I would like to create a macro that copies the contents of the row with the penultimate name in the people section, and for a new row to be inserted beneath the copied cell. Similarly, with regards to 2) I would like to create a macro that copies the contents of the row with the penultimate name in the animal section, and for a new row to be inserted beneath the copied cell.

The issue that I have is that the macros do not copy the penultimate cell in each section, but copy a particular row, say row 11 each time I want to insert a new animal. So if I had inserted numerous new rows for the people section, and subsequently wanted to insert a new row for the animal section, I press “crtl+sht+a” which copies the contents of row 11 and which is not the contents of the penultimate row for the animal section.

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Macro - Not Inserting Cells As Desired

Feb 24, 2009

I have two sections to this spreadsheet: 1) the entity section; 2) the order section.

I have created a macro to insert rows in both these sections. The macro appears to work fine for the first section but not for the second section. The problem I cannot solve is in respect of cells D9:D10. The macro is as follows:

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Inserting Mulitple Rows Using Macro

Mar 18, 2009

I'm trying to write a macro that inserts multiple rows by giving user a MsgBox to enter the # of desired rows. Meanwhile, I need to make sure that the formulas in certain cells are filled down (not just copied from cell directly above). I put something together but it's only adding a single row. Attached is my sample workbook.

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Macro Inserting Comma & Space

Sep 30, 2009

I am trying to create a macro that will create a comma and space between every 5th character within a cell. that would be preference #1. What I decided to go with for now, instead, is to try (using the macro recorder) text to columns, fixed width, and do this after every 5th character, and selecting each cell to be formatted as text.

What I am having difficulties with is trying to tell the macro which cells to touch and which ones not to. I do not want the macro to do text to columns and fixed width on simple text. I only want it to do the macro when it is a string of numbers that, during transfer from PDF to excel, have been concatenated into one cell. I also want the macro to do this for infinite number of rows. I have excel 2007.

I am attaching a small excel file with examples of data I am working with. I have saved this excel file as a 97-2003 version for those who do not have 2007. As I stated, if anybody can help me figure out how to do a simple insert comma space every 5th character where information has been concatenated, that would be preference. Also, I am not trying to change anything within column A. Only column B. On the sample file please note B3 - B6. Rows 5 & 6 are fine as they are. Other problem rows include B11 - B13

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Macro - Inserting Page Break

Oct 19, 2009

I would like to create a macro that will automatically insert a page break based on the contents of the cell.

A1:A4 = has value
A6:A14 = has value
and so on....

I would like to put a page break in A5 and A15....and for those cells that are blanks.

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Inserting + Renaming Tabs Via A Macro

Mar 21, 2008

Just a quick on i hope. Im trying to create a macro that adds a worksheet/tab and Rename it to the month after the tab already showing.


if i already have two tabs one dated january and the other named february i require the macro to say march then the next run would be april if you get my drift.

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Inserting Code Into Sheet1 Using Macro

Jun 18, 2008

I have a bit of code which performs correctly but it ONLY works if it is pasted into the worksheet using VBA. I currently have to manually copy/paste it before it will work and I am needing a macro to handle inserting this for me.

how to get a macro to copy/paste into Sheet1 under the VBAProjects heading?

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VBA Macro Not Inserting Columns Properly

Jul 3, 2008

I have a VBA macro I recorded that won't insert and copy columns into the proper areas. When I run this, It inserts every column all grouped together.

For example: I want to insert a column before column D, and give certain cells formulas. Instead, it inserts it before column C. The whole macro seems to, when ran, insert EVERYTHING before the range of data I am trying to split up.

Here is the
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro recorded 6/30/2008 by kmayfield
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Jan-2008"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Feb-2008"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Mar-2008"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Apr-2008"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "May-2008"

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2007 Macro : Inserting Pictures

Nov 24, 2008

I had a macro that worked perfectly by inserting pictures into named ranges throughout the sheet depending on user input. However when I switched to Microsoft Excel 2007, the pictures all go into one cell.

My code looks like this:

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim picnme As String
Dim rng As Range
Dim ArrImg
Set rng = Range("B5")
picnme = Range("B5")

picnme = Range("B5")
ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert( _
"C:ArchivePictures" & picnme & ".jpg").Select
Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleWidth 1.1, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft
Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleHeight 1.1, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft
Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementTop 1.5
Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleWidth 0.84, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft
Selection.ShapeRange.ScaleHeight 0.95, msoFalse, msoScaleFromTopLeft

I only copied in a section of it bit it gets rather repetitive. There are over 50 pictures that get inserted into the spreadsheet and it worked fine in the prior version of excel.

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Inserting Time Delays In A Macro

Jun 22, 2007

in a certain macro, I generate graphs in different windows. At the end of the macro, I want to activate these windows one after the other putting a time delay in between. How can I do this? (I have found a "delay property" in the VBA help, but it only applies to forms...).

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Macro For Copying Formulas + Inserting Rows

Apr 25, 2009

I was tired of making my list smaller to upload it here, so I uploaded the complete thing on megaupload :P Here is the link:

On the bottom of the list is a button; "Add New Anime". When you click on that you get a UserForm where you can enter; Title, Type, Total Episodes, D/L Eps and Watched Episodes. When you press ''Add Anime" the entered values are entered at the bottom of the list, underneath the corresponding list names on the top.

Now there are 4 list names left (Left, Status, Status 2, and Progress (%)) I still have to make a option to enter Status 2 as well in the UserForm.

Now the question:

In columns F (Left), H (Status) and I (Progress (%)) are formulas. How can I copy those formulas automatically when I add something new with the UserForm? And can it automatically insert a new row, since I have to move the buttons down with every new title.

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Inserting A Muliple IF Statement In My Recorded Macro

Sep 21, 2009

I recorded a macro (which worked), then tried to get more out of it by adding code to add a further function (which didn't work). The code is as follows:-

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Disable Macro When Inserting/deleting Rows

Oct 29, 2009

Is there a way for a macro to be not active when trying to insert a row or a way to have the macro understand that it's just a row shift? I'm trying to have a time stamp that anyone changes the value in a column. The following code generates an error 1004: application or object defined error when I insert or delete a row.

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Macro - Inserting Formula On Multiple Worksheets

Aug 16, 2013

I have an Excel file that contains several worksheets. I would like to add a forumla to the next available cell. For example, if coulmn F contains the set of numbers to be sum the formula should be placed beneath the last number in column F. Each worksheet has a different length, the worksheet name will vary, and the number of worksheets will vary.

I know how to accomplish this task using the code below when the sheet name is known. Since it is not known I am unsure of the code.

NxtRw = Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row + 1
With Cells(NxtRw, "C")
.Formula = "=SUM(C1:C" & NxtRw - 1 & ")"
.Font.Name = "Arial"
.Font.Size = 8
.Font.Bold = True
.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Borders(xlEdgeTop).Weight = xlThin
.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle = xlDouble
.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlThick

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Macro Inserting Semi Dynamic Formula?

Feb 9, 2014

My VBA is limited so I'm drawing a blank,

I am trying to create a macro that inserts a formula based on data in column A (looking up in same row) and the header (Stored in Row 2 of the column - This is a fixed cell)

Formula I can currently copy and paste in there is

=VLOOKUP($A1,'Current IW15'!$A$1:$L$1962,MATCH(Workpack!J$2,'Current IW15'!$A$1:$L$1,0),FALSE)

(I know it's bad form to match in the vlooukup, however it works in this form...)

So far I have

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=VLOOKUP(RC1,'Current IW15'!$A$1:$L$1962,MATCH(Workpack!R2C,'Current IW15'!A$1:$L$1,0),FALSE)"
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Range("A1").Select
End Sub

But it doesn't work

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Macro For Embedding Images Versus Inserting

Apr 7, 2014

I am trying to make a macro that will embed images into a worksheet for my company. I researched online and put one together from stuff I've seen posted but when I email the file, the receiver can not see the image. I believe it is because "inserting" a picture only inserts a link to the picture but not the actual picture. Is there a way to embed the picture using the same macro without the sender having to send the picture and the worksheet?

Sub photo1()
' photo1 Macro
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'varible Picture1 is inserted down below - ***change both***
Picture1 = Application.GetOpenFilename("Picture,*.JPG,Picture,*.JPEG,Picture,*.GIF,Picture,*.BMP")
'edit "("Picture,*.*")" section to add or chanve visible file types

[Code] .........

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Macro For Inserting/overwriting Values From One Table To Another

Mar 30, 2007

I have a problem with a certain tool that i've been trying to develop.

I have two sheets in my workbook. In the first one i choose a value from a list (in cell A2). After the value in the list is chosen, certain integers for that value appear in the right columns. (with blanks between them)

Next, I will press a button called "calculate" which works like this: If A2 can be found in Sheet 2 Column "Value" then the macro overwrites the integers found at the right of the A2 from those found in Sheet1.

If Sheet1(A2) is not found in the Column "value" then a new line is inserted at the end of the table like this.

A 1 3 6

Pls help me with this, I have a very close deadline and I don't think I can pull this off by myself in such little time.

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Macro For Inserting Rows After Every Nth Row And Adding Text To Inserted Row?

May 26, 2014

I have the macro to insert rows every nth row, but need to be able to insert text into that nth row.

I have a list of addresses and every 10 addresses i need to insert a 'seed' which will be have the same details everytime. This is what i have so far...

Sub InsertRowsMod10()
Dim r As Long
r = 10
Do Until Len(Cells(r, 1)) = 0
Rows(r).Insert Shift:=xlDown
r = r + 10
End Sub

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Macro Generating Email But Not Inserting Signature Line

Jul 17, 2014

I have a the following macro that looks through a range of cells and generates emails based on the date. The macro generates the email but does not insert my signature line.

[Code] .....

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