Large File Taking Long Time To Close - No Interaction From User

Apr 18, 2012

I have a large file that takes a long time to close.

I would like to display a message that says " SAVING - PLEASE WAIT".

But I do NOT want any interaction from the user to continue so I can not use a MSGBOX.

How can I do this?

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Large File Taking Much Time To Save Or Open?

Mar 29, 2014

i always receive 200 mb file. which i has, around 10 sheets , with pivot tables and formulas.

i have to open this file update refresh and save as this file, which i am doing via vba.

however the challenge for me here is though i set xl calculation to manual at the begining and xl calculation to automatic at the end. Though i used this code, its taking close to 5 mins to complete this via Vba.

how or what is the alternate way to reduce.

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Large File Takes Long Time To Open/Save

May 19, 2008

I have a large Excel 2007 file, around 60.000KB. 54.000KB are due to one of the worksheets where I have 8760rows x 160columns with data. The calculation time is not a problem, it is very fast, it only takes 2/3 seconds. The problem is when I open or save the file, it takes around 2 minutes... it is not too much, but it becomes too long when one has to open and save it several times. It there any trick to decrease the time when openning or saving an excel file??

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Spreadsheet Taking A Long Time To Open

May 28, 2009

I have a couple shreadsheets I have created, one is for Purchase order's and has 4 different sheets. with one sheet holding addresses linked a drop down menu in the first sheet, all in the same workbook. Also there is a macro within this sheet to print to a specific printer, and a specific number of copies when CTRL p is pressed. The total file size is approx 9 mb. Opening this file takes approx 30 to 45 seconds. There are no links to any outside files, only links within the workbook itself.

The second File I have recently started having problems with (Our Quotation log) is A workbook containing 3 sheets, 2 sheets independant and one sheet linked to the second that Summarizes the first and also has cels to enter information on the person the quotation has come from. I have this sheet formatted as a table so I can sort by name etc when doing followups.

This workbook also takes approx 30 to 45 seconds to open, and on occasion longer. All workbooks are stored on my computer. The PO workbook has had the problem since I created it, although the Quotation log workbook has only had the issue this week.

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VLOOKUP Performance Is Taking Very Long Time To Recalculate

Jan 11, 2010

I designed a spreadsheet which uses a lot of VLOOKUPs and it takes a very long time to recalculate. I don't know if there is another way I could do this, but this just seemed to make sense and it works just the way we want it but it just takes too long. Here is what the spreadsheet is designed to do:

We have data that is pasted into excel from another source. The data is broken up into account number, date, check number, and amount. Multiple payments from the same account can occur in one month so the data must be totaled. There is a custom function called concatif which works just like sum if but concatenates text. There are VLOOKUPs performed on the account number and the corresponding date, check number, and amount are inserted in the table.

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Formula Taking Long Time To Get Distinct Word?

Mar 15, 2012

I get distinct word with this formula i have 30,000 rows with below formula taking lot of time with dragging to all cell


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Macro Progress Bar For Macro Taking Long Time

Dec 2, 2008

I have a macro that is taking a long time, so long that I think something is wrong but I dont really have a great way to check. I want to put up a little window showing the progress either by saying "i'm on row XX" or having a progress bar.

Looks like msgbox requires action before the code continues so it is not a good thing to use if you want to get progress. My formula looks for bad values in a data file and fixed them. It takes forever. I would like to have a box there that simply tells me what row it is working on.

Clearly I dont want to hit the OK button for it to continue processing. I want it to update the message box on its own and then take away the message box when it is finished processing.

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User Form Interaction

Jun 22, 2009

I have created a multi utility user form that user can initialize by a shortcut key. The problem if user want to see the content on sheet or want to change the active cell, he has to close the form and then do any action. This form is initialized by a command and default included in excel as a Add-in. Is there is any way to make the form floating i.e. user can manipulate the data and can see the form as well.

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Using MsgBox Without User Interaction

Nov 25, 2009

Is there a way to use MsgBox without any necessary user interaction to continue on with the macro? For example, I want to occasionally display a MsgBox for a few seconds containing relevant data and then have it disappear and the macro continue on without the user having to click the OK button, etc.

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Automatically Close If A User Is Inactive For A Period Of Time.

Nov 13, 2008

We have one shared excel workbook and it is used by many people (more than 20 simultaneously), is there any way to auto save & close the workbook (session) if a user is inactive for specified time.

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Pause VBA Code For User Interaction

Oct 27, 2008

I have a situation where I have an msg box pop up that asks the user to identify whether or not the file they have chosen meets the standards needed to continue running the macro. Specifically, I need them to answer "Yes" if the file has a list of data in the first column, if there are no blanks in that list and if the first row of data begins on Row 4. If they answer yes, the macro continues ahead and does what it needs to. If the person selects "no," another input box pops up that asks the user to make the edits. This msg box asks the user to click "ok" when they have made those edits. I want the macro to pause after the person has selected "no" from the first msg box, so that the person can make those corrections. Then, I want the macro to resume when the user selects "OK" on the second msg box. How might I do this? I have included the piece of my code below.

strresponse2 = MsgBox("Please confirm that the file you have selected meets the following standards:" & vbNewLine & "1. The information in the first column of this file is all of the job titles or job codes associated with this profile." & vbNewLine & "2. From the first job code or title to the last, there are no blank rows in this first column of data." & vbNewLine & "3. The first job title or code appears on Row 4, Column 1." & vbNewLine & "If the file you selected meets these standards, select Yes. If the file you selected does not meet these requirements, select No.", vbYesNo, "Yes/No")
If strresponse = 6 Then
Call getjobtitle
End If
If strresponse = 7 Then
'pause macro
strresponse2 = MsgBox("Please make the necessary edits to this file. When you are done, select OK to continue generating your job profile.", vbOKOnly, "OK")
If strresponse = 0 Then
'resume macro
Call getjobtitle
End If
End If

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For Loop Taking Too Long

Feb 26, 2009

I've got a sheet which I need to analyse and split into several different sheets but the raw data format leaves a lot to be desired as there are blank rows inserted randomly between rows of data. I need the 'good' data to stay in the same order so I've written a macro to sort through the data and delete any blank rows leaving the good stuff behind.

The problem is this takes ages as there can be up to 30000 rows that need to be checked and I need to do this 5-6 times a day. I just wondered weather there was a quicker way to do this? The code I've got is detailed below:

Sub Prep2()
'Delete all blank data rows
Dim Rows As Double
Dim Rownum As Double
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Rows = Selection.SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row

For Rownum = 2 To Rows
If Cells(Rownum, 11) "" Then GoTo NxtRownum Else

Cells(Rownum, 11).EntireRow.Delete shift:=xlUp

Rows = Rows - 1
Next Rownum
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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How To Check For User Interaction Whenever Change Detected

Mar 9, 2013

I was told that the following code would enable my macro to execute every time the user interacts with anything Excel:

' Repeatedly check for user interaction whenever a change is detected
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Call TestMacro
End Sub

It doesn't work...

To put it into context, he is my entire program:

Sub TestMacro()'
' TestMacro Macro
' Create string variable
Dim undoText As String
' Assign the text to string variable

[Code] ......

My being new to VBA doesn't work in the situation as my programming instincts tell me to set up an infinite loop to continually check for interaction something like the following:

while( x == 1 )
x == 0;
} // end while

However, Excel is apparently 'Event Driven' so I'd love to know how to use this to my advantage in keeping my macro running.

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How To Enable User Interaction While Speak Command Is Running

May 22, 2014

I have a cell (B1) in the second Sheet. It contains two sentences of text, which will be spoken when entering that Sheet (by a click in the previous Sheet).

Sub ButStart_Click()
End Sub

When the Speak command is running no other user interaction can be made. As the text is quite long not all the users want to wait until it is finished. So I need the users to be able to click on the "Next" button which takes them to the next Sheet (and start speaking the text there).

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Column Taking Way Too Long To Delete Or Replace?

Jul 21, 2014

I have a data range with just under 100,000 lines by about 60 columns. In one of the final columns I used the formula =IF(COUNTIF($A$2:A2,A2)=1,1,0) in order to set a flag the first time that each unique value in Column A appears. (I know about the remove duplicates function but the data was sorted in a certain order and I needed information specifically from the first row in which each unique value appears.) The formula works - it's not very quick, but it works.

The issue I'm encountering though is that now I want to remove that formula so it doesn't keep recalculating and every technique I use either takes forever or stalls Excel entirely. I've seen the same issue in two different spreadsheets where I used the same technique. Techniques I've tried: selecting and deleting the entire column, copying and pasting values over the formula, Selecting all the cells and pressing delete, copying and pasting an empty cell over them, Selecting and cutting and pasting the cells to another workbook. I've done these while disabling automatic recalculation and even turning off Data Filtering. I just can't understand why a simple delete operation should take so long, it shouldn't matter what is in the cell because all I want to do is delete it.

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Excel File Takes Long Time To Save

Jan 20, 2014


Excel takes about 10 minutes in the saving process. When I say 10 minutes, I mean, the excel screen freezes (says not responding) for about 10 minutes, then it actually saves at the very end in the normal time any other file would take as you watch the progress bar go forward.

I know many of the common answers and have tried. reducing the calculation time (which in turn reduces the saving time).

But in my circumstance, the calculation takes a very reasonable amount of time, and you see the progress % going forward.

- I would say I have about 2000 rows, and 15 columns.
- They have sumifs formulas.
- They link to a different workbook.
- The workbook I am working on saves to the network
- the source of my sumifs are also in the same folder on the network
- the recalculation takes about 10 seconds at most
- i have turned off recalculate before saving, it is all on manual calcs

- when i hit save, there are no calcs being performed
- there are no macros in the workbook
- there are only about 2 names in the name manager
- then it freezes for about 10 minutes.
- then the progress bar starts moving then it saves.

What is it doing in those 10 minutes?

1 more item to note, when I break the links to the workbook and thereby removing the sumifs formulas, its a snap.

Why does the existence of the sumifs extend saving time? I would completely understand if it elongated calculation time, but if calculation is off, then why does it even worry about it when saving?

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Auto Save And Close Workbook After User Defined Length Of Idle Time

Dec 5, 2008

I have a workbook, "A", that while open I need to be able to detect any type of activity within other open Excel workbooks "B...Z" that are simultaneously open.

I understand that I would need to use the Class Module with a Public WithEvents function but I am stuck here.

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Taking Text In A Long Column And Converting It Into Corresponding Text In Another?

Sep 27, 2013

I have two columns that read:


The above list represents 2 columns. The left column is 400 lines long. The right column is partially complete with 2 letter codes that represent the 6 letter codes on the right. I'm trying to convert the column in the XXYZXX format to a 2 letter column and each of those 2 letters corresponds to the 6 letter column on the left. How do I do this using any method or Vlookup? How does one convert a column of text to a corresponding column of text? I don't want to have to manually type in 2 letter codes that match up the left column. What do I do instead?

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Taking End Text From Long String Of Text And Dot

Jun 14, 2013

I have a bunch of these following below which I need extract text from the first "." from the right hand side.

The amount of text and "." can vary as does the number of characters.


Ultimately i want it to display the following:

Vibrating Screen SC409
Scalping Circuit 4
Fines Stacker ST601

I have used LEFT, RIGHT, SEARCH, LEN functions in various combinations but cant get it to reference the last "." from the right.

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Large CSV File: Too Large To Open. Split

Aug 6, 2003

I've got a 80 Mb CSV file and would like to open and work with it. Too many lines (90000 or so).

Is there a way to split ( ) this file so I can open two files instead?

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Macro Close Workbooks - Large Amount Of Data On Clipboard Msg

Mar 8, 2005

I am using the close.workbook command in VBA to close a workbook I opened to copy data from. I am getting a message that says "You have a large amount of data on the clipboard. Do you want it available?" What command do I use in VBA say no to this message?

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Taking Number And Turning It Into Time

Feb 20, 2009

I have created a simple spreadsheet to keep track of work hours. I simply enter in each days hours and then I get a total. I have each cell formatted for time (hh:mm). However it is annoying to have to type in the colon for each days time.

Is there a way I can just type in the three digits '9,3,0' into the cell and have it come out as '9:30'?

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Sorting Macro :: Taking Time To Sort

Apr 11, 2007

I'm using the excel built in function to sort columns with my macro. However since my columns have 64,000 entries it takes a while for the computer to sort it.

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Excel 2010 :: Macros Taking Inordinate Amount Of Time To Run?

Mar 13, 2013

I have a 5K Excel 2010 workbook with VBA code that until yesterday, took about 30 sec. to run.

Today, after installation of WIndows7 Home Edition automatic updates, the running time has increased to about 4 min.

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Remove Close X From User Form

Oct 10, 2008

how you can remove the close 'X' on the title bar of a user form please? I have used this for a password input box but if the user selects the 'X' on the title bar then it closes the password box without them having to enter a password and allows them into the workbook.

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Open Only The User Form ... Or Close Everything

Mar 22, 2006

Assume that the workbook Book1.xls opens a user form named myUserForm.

I'm trying to show only the user form on the desktop when I open Book1.xls, with Book1.xls minimized on the Taskbar.

And , if the Cancel button on the form is clicked, then unload the form and close Book1.xls.

That simple!

In ThisWorkbook, I have the event:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
ActiveWindow.WindowState = xlMinimized
End Sub
On the Form, I have the Cancel button:

Private Sub btnCancel_Click()
Unload Me
ThisWorkbook.Close True
End Sub

The above procedure shows the form, with Microsoft Excel blank window in the background, and produces a small bar at the bottom left of the screen for Book1.xls
Click the Cancel button, and both the Form and Book1.xls close, but the blank Excel window remain open !

I suppose I would not be able to edit this version of Book1.xls, but that is fine for now!

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Text Box To Keep Value After Close Of User Form

May 10, 2007

How do I define the variable in a text box so that it stays in that text box after the close of the dialog box. For example, I enter "Test" in TextBox1 then close UserForm1. I want to be able to open UserForm1 back up and still have the same user defined text in there.

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Create User Input For LARGE Function

May 18, 2009

I want to create a user input for a "LARGE" function so that I can then return the specified # of "large" items. i.e. user wants to get the top X number of users, user then enters number either into a dialog box or cell, code then looks at the number and populates a range of cells based on the input value. The current code that I am using simply refers to an existing table (r9:r30) that I then used the auto fill to copy to cells below it.


I really want to be able to just get a user dialog box going that will automatically populate both the range r9:rx (where X is the user input) and then also copy the above formula into the x number of cells below it.

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Long Calculating Time

Aug 26, 2008

I managed to put together an array formula to calculate the last date that a rep made a sale. It checks two other tabs in the workbook to find the date, and if none is found, it leaves the cell empty.

{=IF(MAXA(IF('Daily Compliance'!A:A=B48,'Daily Compliance'!O:O),IF('Daily Compliance 11-07 to 4-08'!B:B=B48,'Daily Compliance 11-07 to 4-08'!A:A))=0,"",MAXA(IF('Daily Compliance'!A:A=B48,'Daily Compliance'!O:O),IF('Daily Compliance 11-07 to 4-08'!B:B=B48,'Daily Compliance 11-07 to 4-08'!A:A)))}

But it takes sometimes up to 4-5 minutes to make the calculations. Is there possibly a way to simplify it so that it calculates faster, with the same results?

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Save The Values Before Close User Form

Feb 1, 2008

Is there a way for me to save the values inside a userform to public variables when a user closes the form?

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