I've got 3 columns of formulas that end up doing what I need, but I'm thinking it could probably be done easier with VBA.
I have 1 book with a sheet I'll call Log & another book with a sheet I'll call Source. On the Log, column E has the first 9 characters of vendor names & /vendor number (ex: EDMUND FI/00250), along with other data out through column P. On Source, the vendor names are in C & a short code for their name is in A.
I need to compare the first 9 characters in Log col E with the first 9 characters in Source col C. When a match is found, I need to return the short code from Source col A. BUT - if there's a duplicate in either Source col C or A, instead I need to return the word VERIFY, preferably with the cell highlighted in red.
Right now, I have, on Source col L:
Code: =MID(C2,1,9) and in source M:
Code: =IF(OR(A2=A1,A2=A3,L2=L1,L2=L3),"VERIFY",A2) This gives me the first 9 characters of the vendor name in L & the short code OR VERIFY in M
Then, in Log col R, I have an array formula:
Code: =VLOOKUP(MID(E4,1,9),'[PRETICKET P ADDRESSES working.xls]Paddress'!$L:$M,2,FALSE)
This gives me either the short code or VERIFY from Source M. Also, sometimes it doesn't find a match & it returns #N/A. Then I have to do Conditional Formatting to make the VERIFY cells red & I thought I'd make the error cells be yellow (although I haven't figured out the CF for that yet)
Is there a better way to do this with VBA? I'm working with Excel 2010; just got it & still figuring it out.
I have to construct a financial model for Senior Executives to show year to date spent amounts. I have my worksheet as follows:-
Cell A2,A3,A4.. to A100 has - Account Numbers (Ex. A/c. 4100..) Cell B1, C1, D1.....has Jan2011,Feb2011,Mar2011.......and so on till Dec2011. Cell B2 onwards, down and to right, all spent amounts by month
What I need is a formula to get year to date number, which will change to Executives requirement.
The situation is that I have 3 interest income from 3 different companies. Column B acts as a helper column to determine if a partner receives just one interest income or receives multiple interest income. If they receive multiple interest income, I want column B to display a 1 and if not make it blank. If you notice partners 5, 9, and 16 contain two or more interest incomes (Columns C - E). All the cells are have either an amount (positive or negative) or a zero. There are no blank cells. Columns (F - H) contains the interest income amount if only that partner receives just one interest income. So for those partners they should not display any of their amounts. The reason is because I am using a word template and currently have to use multiple templates ( 3 in total) to display correctly for each partner. I got this to work with a word macro that will collapse all non blank columns in a particular table. This might be on a ongoing project for me as I do have more logic to solve.
I am trying to create a chart that would show all of the Amount values for each Size value that is in the example data below. The Size column has fixed values. In my example the values are: .5, 1, 2, 5, 8, 13 and 21. The Amount column data is variable. Any of the static Size values can be associated with many Amount values. I was attempting to have the static Size values on the X (horizontal) axis and the Amount values on the Y (vertical) axis. I would like to have all of the Amount values for each Size value be shown directly above the corresponding size value, in one vertical line. See example below.
I an creating this type of chart in Excel 2010.
Note, I am still new to this forum and don't know how to post pictures or Excel data into my posts. I am also using dots (periods) to provide separation in my examples.
1 . Now i need amount to be written in sheet 1 from taking value from sheet2 based on the code. The code & description column has the same value. but it will be placed in different order
the amount should get filled up only for the status yes & no . others it should return null.
I'm using Excel 2010. One spreadsheet I'm using has 1048576 lines and is a XLSX file. The other file has 65536 lines and is also a XLSX file. When I try to do a VLOOKUP, I'm given an error stating "invalid reference. This file version cannot contain formulas that reference cells beyond 256 columns or 65536 lines.
If both are XLSX files how do I expand the amount of columns in the one spreadsheet with 65536 lines? I thought all XLSX files had a million lines.
I have the following code below for a timer in a userform. Right now it is configured to start when a button is clicked. I would like to have it automatically start the timer after the workbook is open for more than 5 minutes but so far have been unable to get it to do so. I have tried putting the code in the workbook module but it still won't run. It also has a button to reset the timer if they need more time in the workbook and also a button for them to save and close the workbook if they are finished. I'm running Excel 2007.
VB: Private Sub CBReset_Click() Dim T, E, M As Double, S As Double T = Timer Do E = CDbl(Time) * 24 * 60 * 60 - T 'elapsed time in secs M = AllowedTime - 1 - Int(E / 60) S = 59 - Round((E / 60 - Int(E / 60)) * 60, 0)
I have a macro to collate data from multiple workbooks to a single sheet. The folder path to the source files can be chosen thorugh the macro. It runs perfectly in my system running on Windows XP. But it doesnt run on Wondows 7 system. Both are using MS Excel 2010. In Windows 7 system, while choosing the folder path where source files are located, it says "No items match your search" (screenshot attached). I would want the macro modified so that it runs on any platform. The macros that I'm using is given below:
I have a 'dashboard' worksheet in 2010 and want to be able to click on a cell in this sheet and have it take me to the assigned worksheet. They are all in the same workbook. e.g if i click on Leadership i want it to take me to the Leadership tab, Skills to take me to the Skills tab etc The 'dashboard' will be the only viewable sheet in the workbook until one of the items on the page has been clicked.
I have a very basic understanding of macros and I'm not sure if this would work or if i should use a formula instead?
I developed a tool in Excel 2010 using macros and launched it to a group of dozens of users. Turns out one of them uses a mac and says it is incompatible. I have never used Excel for Mac or tested my tool in it. Next I plan to test it on a mac but how to make this work?
How/ where to save macros. If I save a macro "normally" ("in this workbook") then it only applies to that one file, right? And I can't use it in any new files.
So what do I do if I want a macro I can use in "all" my Excel files?
And can I email a file containing a macro to a colleague, so he can work on the file, using the macro too?
I ask, because I've had trouble with this in the past (tho in MS Word) where I couldn't get the macro to be emailed along with the file...
Also - how can I get an .xls file with a macro to work in newer versions of Excel? And can I use Excel 2010 to save a file with a macro in an .xls format, so it can be opened in older Excel versions too?
I have inherited support for a suite of Excel 2003 spreadsheets with complicated macros which run fine on XP. Having been tasked to test them on Windows 7 with Office 2010, I have not converted them as they are run by several sites globally who may not upgrade to Office 2010 at the same time. Hence they run in compatibility mode which in general is fine.
However, certain macros are veeeery slow and to the user would look like the app has hung. In debug I have found that the macro takes 10 minutes plus whenever it hits any of the following code:
Code: With Application .Calculation = xlAutomatic .MaxChange = 0.001 End With
ActiveWorkBook.PrecisionAsDisplayed = False It goes slow on each of the three 'lines' so it seems that it is actually doing an auto calc each time!
Is there some configuration I can do to prevent this? Setting auto calc to Manual didn't work and anyway I loose things, like data validation, when I save it in Excel 2010.
I have a macro-based employee leave system that works by couting the number of days shaded with a certain colour and thus calculating leave days taken, remaining and entitled... I have a single workbook with multiple sheets for different employees.
However, when I update by using ctrl alt f9, it updates all the other worksheets (ignoring their shading) with the values of the active worksheet! So if I update Peter, who has taken 14 days so far, it will update Liam's sheet too, with 14 days, ignoring Liam's actual shaded days...
How can I update each sheet individually, without compromising the other sheets?
I'm using excel 2010 and have inherited an old workbook that has seen many version updates over the years. The "view macros" list displays approx 25 macros and I know that not all are currently being used or necessary.
The main tab contains macro control buttons. Any macro not assigned to one of these controls is not necessary (it's probably old and was just never removed).
How can I determine which macros are "unassigned" to a control or otherwise invalid?
I have a workbook with numerous macros in it and they are assigned to buttons in the different worksheets. I am trying to record a new macro and when I start recording and click on one of the other macros nothing happens. This wasn't a problem in excel 2003.
I currently have an excel workbook (2010) in which I created a custom ribbon and assigned several different macros to the buttons.
Long story short, I will be saving several variations of this workbook every so often when I get new data.
The problem is that if I change the name of the file (Save as or Rename), the custom ribbon buttons no longer work. When I assigned the macros to the ribbon buttons, the macros were absolutely assigned.
Is it possible to assign relative macros to custom ribbons?
From research I have done, it appears that custom ribbons cannot be created using VBA. Is this still true?
I've created a spreadsheet at work that has two summary tabs which contain hyperlinks to around 30 separate sheet tabs.
On each sheet tab there is a list of unique values in column A (and other information relating to each value in columns B to D which are repeated for more than one unique value). In column E, users enter a test script name against each unique value they wish to 'reserve', and the macro picks out the unique test script names and via the COUNTIF formula counts the frequency of each test script name for each of the different values in column B.
My problem is that the macro seems to work fine if the workbook is not shared, but errors if the workbook is saved as shared. The error is 'Run time error 1004 - Unable to select the MergeCells property of the Range class'.
Here is the macro code:
Sub Get_Policies_Per_Script(updCol As Long, ShtName As String) Dim rowctr As Long Dim tgtrow As Long
Const ppsformula As String = "=COUNTIFS($A$3:$A$65000,I$24,$E$3:$E$65000,$G"
If updCol = 5 Then 'test name column has been modified
There are some excel documents in a hidden folder that contain sensitive information. Shortcuts to these documents will be provided to users to open them and add data. These documents contain all kinds of macros as well. Once macro disables the 'Save As' feature so that the workbook can not be saved outside of the hidden folder, preventing to some degree a user from saving as a different name and emailing the document with the sensitive data.
This all works fine with Macros enabled. As soon as macros are disabled the 'Save As' prevention is bypassed and the workbook can be saved anywhere.
Is there a way for an administrator to lock out the Trust Center options for disabling all macros?
I have created a simple spreadsheet to keep track of work hours. I simply enter in each days hours and then I get a total. I have each cell formatted for time (hh:mm). However it is annoying to have to type in the colon for each days time.
Is there a way I can just type in the three digits '9,3,0' into the cell and have it come out as '9:30'?
I have a couple shreadsheets I have created, one is for Purchase order's and has 4 different sheets. with one sheet holding addresses linked a drop down menu in the first sheet, all in the same workbook. Also there is a macro within this sheet to print to a specific printer, and a specific number of copies when CTRL p is pressed. The total file size is approx 9 mb. Opening this file takes approx 30 to 45 seconds. There are no links to any outside files, only links within the workbook itself.
The second File I have recently started having problems with (Our Quotation log) is A workbook containing 3 sheets, 2 sheets independant and one sheet linked to the second that Summarizes the first and also has cels to enter information on the person the quotation has come from. I have this sheet formatted as a table so I can sort by name etc when doing followups.
This workbook also takes approx 30 to 45 seconds to open, and on occasion longer. All workbooks are stored on my computer. The PO workbook has had the problem since I created it, although the Quotation log workbook has only had the issue this week.
I'm using the excel built in function to sort columns with my macro. However since my columns have 64,000 entries it takes a while for the computer to sort it.
I have imports with several values listed as :00. I am unable to adjust the import or export to make these values 0:00 as they should for calculating. How can I convert the :00 values to 0:00? Its literally just like I need to add a 0 zero in front of the colon ":". This is the case with anything imported that is less than 1:00 minute. I have :55 that should be 0:55 and so on. I have tried re-formatting for different time values, tried various formulas that were listed in the forums.
I am having a little trouble with a spreadsheet I am creating, the formulas and cell formatting I should be using to enable this to work.
Here goes:
in cell E3 I have a time started (e.g 12:45 pm), In F3 i have time finished (e.g 2:30 pm)
So, what i'm wanting is the time taken in G3 and also, i have the amount of units that is entered manually in H3. I would like I3 to show the time taken per unit.
I designed a spreadsheet which uses a lot of VLOOKUPs and it takes a very long time to recalculate. I don't know if there is another way I could do this, but this just seemed to make sense and it works just the way we want it but it just takes too long. Here is what the spreadsheet is designed to do:
We have data that is pasted into excel from another source. The data is broken up into account number, date, check number, and amount. Multiple payments from the same account can occur in one month so the data must be totaled. There is a custom function called concatif which works just like sum if but concatenates text. There are VLOOKUPs performed on the account number and the corresponding date, check number, and amount are inserted in the table.
i always receive 200 mb file. which i has, around 10 sheets , with pivot tables and formulas.
i have to open this file update refresh and save as this file, which i am doing via vba.
however the challenge for me here is though i set xl calculation to manual at the begining and xl calculation to automatic at the end. Though i used this code, its taking close to 5 mins to complete this via Vba.
My challenge is discovering the difference in time between two rows of data that is imported with milliseconds in the time slot. In my example below I would like to see how I can subtract the time listed in line 4 from line 3 (11:18:59.566 - 11:18:59.550). When I try now I get either 1.85185E-07 or 00:00.0 or 0.000000 depending how the cell is formatted.