I need to limit the number of Characters that can be inputted to the popup InputBox to just 31. How do I set MaxLength? Code I am using is listed below.
Sub NewRecipeSheet()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Set ws1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("1. Recipe Master Sheet")
ws1.Copy ThisWorkbook.Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Application.Goto Reference:=Sheets("1. Recipe Master Sheet").Range("A1")
Range("A1").Value = InputBox("Menu Item Name?")
End Sub
I want to force my user to input a date in a userform. I have a normal Textbox and assumed i'd be able to set the properties to mean that imput had to be an integer and the format had to be "00/00/00" but I can't see how to do this.
I work for a localizer of text heavy software. Our developers normally use a converter to pull text out of a file and insert it into the program. This text is normally input into an Excel file since it has to correspond with files/locations in the program.
Since the space on the screen of the program is limited, we often face character limits when inputting text into Excel. Now, one cell might hold up to 255 characters, and I could restrict that with data validation, but within one cell I need to restrict each line (with a hard return) to 30 characters to fit on the screen.
So for example I have a row of cells that look like: ....
I'm creating a spreadsheet (Excel 2003) in which a user enters data in several cells, each of which will permit different numbers of characters (to include spaces). For example, in the first cell, the user will be limited to 50 characters, in the second cell, the limit is 30 characters, and so on.
I found the data validation error alert feature, but want to give the user a cue that the entry is too long so they know to stop typing before moving to the next cell. If they only are alerted when they finish making the entry, they might not take the time to properly reconstruct the entry to meet the size limitation. I'm trying to make this more user-friendly.
Is there a way to set up the worksheet so the user knows that the entry is approaching the character limit? For example, each character filling an individual cell or having a display appear with a count-down for the number of characters remaining in the limit, or something similar.
Here's my problem. In column B, i wish to allow users to choose 15 items for which i have created a list using validation. Each cell in the range B1 to B15 will contain one item. I have managed to allow them to select only 15 items by locking the other cells and allowing only the range B1 to B15.
However, i need prevent users from entering more than 5 identical items from the list. They can only choose a same item up to a maximum of 5 times.
Would you guys have an idea of how i can get around this problem? I really need to prevent them from entering the same item from the list more than 5 times and not only warn them.
Im building a booking/diary system for work.My system runs 9am till 5pm, 10 min slots. The team is 4 people. So I have 4 columns, one per team member, and each row is 10 mins. 9am, 9.10, 9.20 and so on.
I want to limit it so that if say 2 people already have something in at a time it wont let another person type in that slot. I would prefer a none VBA sollution if possible due to the ancient computers in running it on, but not too fussed if thats the route I go down (as I suspect I will)
The sollution I was considering was having a COUNTA for each range, and if it is 2 or over, not let people type into the other slots. This would also let me add exceptions by using a COUNTIF to minus other characters if needed, but im not sure if I can make excel "block out" a time slot. My other sollution would be similar, but have them to autopopulate the empty cells with an "X" if they are 2 or over as thats what I use to block out slots (breaks, lunches etc)
My other problem is that if they then type into the cell, it will obviously type over the formula, which makes me think it will have to be VBA.
Is their a maximum as to how many characters/words can be fit into one cell on excel 2000? if so what is the limit? and is their anyway to increase this limit?
I received a request from a coworker regarding custom formatting some numbers in his spreadsheet. Those numbers are serial numbers of 20 characters long. Sometimes in my files I use this custom number formatting ###0 and its enough for the data I handle. But when I tried to use it in his spreadsheet, the following shows:
The cell must look like this: 08456891070060510302
The reason to have it like this is due to a Delivery Program requirement to deliver Set-top Units for repair. The Delivery Program do not recognize other format than the above. My coworker takes the data from a spreadsheet, and the spreadsheet needs a custom number format to display the correct number.
find a custom number format to be able to display as my coworker need it??
I want to create an input box that will allow you to input the column number it should start in... so instead of it being fixed at A, you can choose column B, C, D all the way to the end if you like.
Sub SplitSheetsNoDelete1() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.DisplayAlerts = False Dim Lmainsheet As String Dim Lrow As Integer Dim lcontinue As Boolean
Dim LColamaster As String Dim lcolatest As String
'Retrieve name of sheet that contains the data Lmainsheet = ActiveSheet.Name
I'm trying to determine if the last character of a cell is a number or not a number. So in a cell I may have a string like:
If the last character is not a number I want the letter returned. So I thought I could use a formula like: =IF(NOT(ISNUMBER(RIGHT(D88,1))), RIGHT(D88,1),""). However for the string ZXC123 it still returns '3' so anyone have any ideas how I can do this?
I have a spreadsheet which I automatically generate using VBA. One of the columns lists account numbers. After the macro is complete, the account numbers are non-numeric and left justified. However if I select one of the account numbers by clicking on its cell, and then edit the account number in the formula window, it changes the cells property to numeric and right-justifies the cell.
In column N I would like a formula to add 3 columns,e.g. C and D and F. The problem is I want the symbol ~ replaced by 1.0 for calculation purposes.I need a solution in 1 column,if possible. I have made a few efforts,but just not getting there. See attached section of sheet.
I'm trying to test whether the third last character (3 and B) is a text or not.
As you can see, the reslts are both TRUE, but I'm expecting to see that the first one should be FALSE, as '3' is a number right?
Likewise, if I replace the formula with ISNUMBER instead of ISTEXT, the results are both FALSE, but shouldn't the first one be TRUE, again, because the '3' is a number?
Have I missed something in the formula, or is there a better way of expressing this formula?
I have a number and i wanted to convert it to a number or character.
if i have value of 7, should be converted to a character of "*", the output will be 7 times of "*" (*******) if value is 10, so it will be 10 times "*". (**********)
I have a cell range that is passed as a String to a function, and within that function I need to extract only the Column letter. If it was just 1 letter it would be simple, but it may be 2, so does anybody know of a way of testing to see if the second character is a letter or a number?
They have a list of data numbers which are yy/#####/@@@@@ (2digit year/casenumber/alphanumeric code). Where some people have typed in the code wrong (6 or more digits in case number) we want to know is there a way of doing this.
Ideally I want something that says "If 9th character is a slash then yes, if not no" or "if 9th character is a number then yes, if not, no".
Example of data is (where we want third option highlighted as erroneous (6 not 5 numbers in middle)
I have part numbers in a column that look like the numbers listed below. All numbers begin with A, so the default sort begins with the first number. I would like to sort the list using the middle three numbers denoted by the red x's in the first example. Is this possible?
A 385 XXX 0055 A 385 466 0060 A 385 466 0160 A 385 584 7024 A 387 284 0185 A 388 017 0160 A 389 260 1485 A 389 262 0293 A 389 262 4935 A 389 262 9134 A 389 267 2819 A 389 267 3319 A 393 328 0065 A 398 267 3319 A 403 990 0210 A 403 997 0620 A 404 260 0074
I have an Excel file that quiries Google for driving distance (someone helped me with this.) It returns the correct miles but has some 'extra' characters. Example: 31.1&nb or 886&nbs
So the answer always has &nbs after the mileage. I tried the following function which works when there is a decimal but fails when there is not. =REPLACE(MID(E2,1,SEARCH("&",E2,1)-1),SEARCH(".",E2,1),1,","). Can this be done with a function or must it be VB script? Which is fine if it is.
Pretty sure this has been asked but have searched the forum to no avail, but I need to extract the numbers from a value which has a letter on the end.
eg. 1000x I need to get out the 1000 or 2p I need the 2
I have sooooo many values ranging in numbers of digits, so just basic left(A1,2) won't work, I'm sure I've seen a search or find function but don't know how to use them!
I need to make a list of Part Numbers in quotation marks. If a number of digits of a P/N is less than 13 a number of space characters has to be added to make the string 13 characters long.
We have example P/N: 1234567890123 12345678 123456
should become: "1234567890123(no extra space characters should be filled-13chars)" "12345678(5 extra space characters here)" "123456(7 extra space characters)"
Is there a function that inputs a cerain number of a specific character ("space" in this example)?
I have a requirement where I have to count number of "-" character in particular row
I am using a excel database for promotion records of my team....The data base works as follows. I am using countif function to calculate number of associates in specific grade for specific month. One associate is getting promoted to next level, I will add one more row with the same employee name with change in designation and diff start and end date. I want to generate report for monthly promotions, The report should depict number of promotions in each month. ie in Jul there is one promotion from trainee to Engg for EMP1. There are hundreds of employees, eligible for promotion in each month.
A B C D E F G H I J K L Emp Name Desig From Date To Date Apr-13 May-13 Jun-13 Jul-13 Aug-13 Spt 13 Oct-13 Nov-13 EMP 1 trainee 4-1-13 6-30-13 trainee trainee trainee - - - - - EMP 1 Engg 7-1-13 11-30-13 - - - Engg Engg Engg Engg Engg
I need a formula which can pick out the names from string of text, each name follows "-->", the number of names in each cell differs and is undefined. The result needs to be posted into each column following these cells.
An example of a cell is below:
Loss -->--> Tom Aaron -- -- -- -- Strikeforce - Hen... U. DEC 3 5:00
-->--> Matt Ricehouse -- -- -- -- Dec. 4, 2010
Win -->--> Tom Aaron -- -- -- -- Strikeforce - Hea... SUB 1 0:56
I have tried using text to columns but everything after the first line is not recognised (when I click finish anything after "TIME" is simply not there).
I've tried and tried and I con not get it right. In A1 I have a validation, it onlu allows to enter a 6-digit number between 100000-899999 or the same numbers with the letter I in front, that is I100000-I899999. Now I need a macro to check that cell F2 is not empty if the value in Cell A1 is above 299999. And this should also apply if there is an I in front. The function for the validation is:
If Range("A" & i).Value > "299999" Then If Range("F" & i).Value = "" Then MsgBox "Indicator missing on row " & i Application.Goto .Range("F" & i) Exit Sub End If End If
It works wor the nubers without the I but it demands a vlaue in F on all I numbers and I only want it for >I299999.