I'm trying to do a line chart showing two teams and their cumulative scores over the period of a game. I've attached a sample with mock data. Is it possible to change the x-series of the charts to display custom time intervals like 0 min 1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min, etc? Currently the x-series only has labels for each specific time there was a change in value. I've tried to change the scale but the options that I want aren't there.
How can I add missing values to the axis in a pivot chart line chart? I have a numerical X-axis with values such as 0,1,5,8,14, etc. I have another set of Y values that correspond to the X values. If this was an XY-scatter plot I'd be able to plot X vs. Y and connect the dots for "gaps" in the X values. Since it's a pivot chart I cannot use an XY-scatter plot, I can only use a line chart. The line chart doesn't give me the ability to add the "missing" values, so it gives the impression that my data is more closely packed than it is. The data source is external to my spreadsheet, so I cannot add the values before creating the pivot table/chart.
I made a chart to show performance above and below average for sales teams.
When team is selected with no salesperson, value should be 0.
Employee selected and will show there week by week trends above or below. Seemed like a good idea.But the zeros (team level) are being displayed as plus or minus bars which isn't right and the labels show "0".
I find the pivot table is actually showing strange values if you click in the cell even though it displays a 0.Notations positive or negative like 3.80647894157197E-16.
The underlying data is an average formula and selecting invidual criteria, I show there are no anomalies.
I am having problems creating a chart off of the following data. Each of the cells which have a numerical value are v-lookuping from another sheet. It needs to remain this way as when I switch brands (through data validation), the numbers will update and the chart should as well. Right now, the chart shows these values as zero. I have done this a million times in excel 2007, but now with 2010, I keep having this problem
I have a column of data that I'd like to visualize in a line chart. The cells in the column contain formulas that calculate numbers added to other sheets every month. The adjacent column has the names of each month. New data appears when the data for the month is added.
I'd like to ask the chart to not display the values that are currently zero, because we haven't arrived at that month yet. So, for instance, the cell in the column for November 2011 has a zero, because the range it sums has no data in it yet.
Is there a way to do this without having to go back to each chart every month and change the range to add-in the new data?
Each cell in Range("A1:A2000") contains a remark, each phrase or remark is Between 5 & 70 characters all written without line feeds (carriage return,i mean Alt Enter) Just spaces between words. What I would like to do in every cell is to force a line feed (Alt Enter) every 10 characters, and if the 10th character happens to be in the middle of a word I want the line feed to be inserted at the end of this word. Note that the phrases are not necessarily multiples of 10.
I want to make a line chart that plots a variable over time (say, monthly) and that shows upper and lower limits as the 2nd and 3rd plot. My table layout, boiled down to the bare essentials:
Col 1 = Measurement date Col 2 = Measurement (pressure, for example) Col 3 = High limit (never varies) Col 4 = Low limit (never varies)
The chart/graph in this case would show at a glance how water pressure varies over time and when it goes over (under) a limit. The table has about 50 variables.
I have a spreadsheet where I track income (positive) and expense (negative) items and compare budget to actual amounts. I want to create a simple bar graph comparing budgeted amounts to actual amounts for each item.
However, when I do this, I see all of my income items above the line (pointing up) and all of the expense items below the line (pointing downward).
Is there an option I can select to just use absolute values for the items so they all appear above the line?
I'm simply trying to graph my data on a line graph in Excel. see the attached.
The issue is that the spacing on the x-axis is all equivalent. I want the space between the initial and 1st month to be very small while the space between 6 month and 12 month be larger.
So at the end of the day, the line will be kind of crunched down from the beginning and goes up at the 6 month data point.
I'm using Excel 2007 and I want to plot data vs dates. Furthermore I want the dates on the dates axis to increment by month not by a certain number of days. So something like this:
1-Jan-09 1-Feb-09 1-Mar-09 ...
There's the Major/Minor Units on the Axis Options screen but I cannot type in a constant number since the number of days for each month is different.
I am trying to do is calculate (sum) results data for time intervals. For example, between 0500-0559hrs then 0600-0659hrs and so on. Data is collected at 1 minute intervals and may have a result of 0 or anywhere up to 30.
Column A has all time data e.g. 0500,0501,0502 etc Column B has sum of instances e.g. 0,1,2,3 etc
I'm the Held desk manager . I'll have my folks logging in every time interval and work for 9hrs. Now I wanted to see at any given point a day the number of folks I have on my desk .
I have created table " A " and I'm looking for a formulae so that I get my data like table " B " .
To give more insight about table '" B " - During 00:00 - 00:30 , I'll have 41 people slowly goes down as people log off..
I need to compare how many incidents are created within a 15 min interval and populate the sum.
I currently have the create time of the incident in the format below, assume each date below is an incident. I have a column with 96 intervals (24hours) ie 8:00,8:15,8:30,8:45,9:00 etc.... Using a formula how can I say "if create time is between *:00 and *15 count 1 and put the number into the cell and do that for each interval?
A B ------|-------------------| Int Incident 0 | 8:00 | 1/28/2008 8:32 AM 0 | 8:15 | 1/28/2008 8:35 AM 3 | 8:30 | 1/28/2008 8:41 AM 1 | 8:45 | 1/28/2008 8:46 AM
The code from this page works perfectly when I am running one macro at a set interval: [url]
However, when I try to run multiple macros at different set intervals the order of execution gets messed up.
For example, I need macro1 to run at 00:00:30, macro2 at 00:00:45, macro3 at 00:01:00, then macro1 at 00:01:30, macro2 at 00:01:45, macro3 at 00:02:00 and so one.
I have over 5000 cells of data. I want to take 4 data points at a time, average them then plot them on a dynamic chart. I know how to do the dynamic chart but how can I take the average of the the first 4 numbers store it in a different cell, then the next 4 and so on...
This is my first post so i may not have done everything correctly. I tried doing google searches to see if anyone else has done something similar but its a tricky thing to search for. I have found pages dealing with manipulating time but none seem to be what I want
I have an Excel sheet with data
A1=date b1=source C1-h1 all contain data (name, location, etc, etc) but I am not interested in those.
A1 (the date cell) is formatted like: m/d/yyyy" "h:mm:ss AM/PM
a2 = 8/1/2006 12:20:23 AM b2 = phone a3 = 8/1/2006 12:21:13 AM b3 = email a4 = 8/1/2006 12:33:03 AM b4 = phone
This is what I am trying to accomplish: I want to break each hour, whether it contains data or not and get a count of the different types of source
my desired output would be:
time Phone email 12:00AM to 2 3 12:30AM
My problem occurs because I am unsure how to break the times down into intervals. In my head, I would create a new column and try to break the time up into an interval. So for a2 (8/1/2006 12:20:23 AM), I think I would need to break the date and time up and then determine which interval would be needed based on the time.
I was going to perform the following: =text(a2, "h" + if("mm:ss">30, 30,00)
Basically, pull the hour from a2 and evaluate the mins/secs.
If the min/sec is bigger than 30, put a 30 in the box. Less than 30, put double zero in the box. So for 8/1/2006 12:20:23 AM, b2 would have 12:00 since it falls in the 12 to 12:30 interval.
Once I have all the intervals, I would also need to preform a count on the source cell but I think I can use a vlookup to get the count for the interval.
I have a spreadsheet set up that has a series of timestamps and values. Please find a copy attached. I need to set up a macro that will allocate the timestamp in column C to an interval of time, e.g between 12:30 - 13:00.
To achieve this I tried to set the following code up in VBA, which would input a letter in a blank cell based on the time interval that the timestampin column C falls into, for example if the timestamp is > 12:30 and < 13:00 then "A"...the plan was to extend this concept to accomodate all of possible the time intervals I have.
Sub time_intervals()
Dim x As Integer Dim lastrow As Long Dim timeA As Date Dim timeB As Date Dim timeC As Date Dim timeD As Date Dim timeE As Date
The idea was that the timemaster value would be the timestamp in column C of my spreadsheet and the timeA,timeB,timeC etc would reference the timeintervals. However this does not seem to work as the value returned by my if statement is always incorrect - for example timemaster in cell C2 is less than timeA but the if statement always returns FALSE as opposed to "A"
I am trying to continually refresh a spreadsheet (it is a countdown timer), and i am looking for a way to do this other than hold "F9". It is excel 97.
I am looking for a creative way to display a pie chart within a data point marker of a line chart.
My database has 3 value columns, Type1, Type2 and the Total (Type1 + Type2) these are recorded per day (Date, in Column A)
I have a line chart that displays the total by date, but I want to find a way to display the percentage split of a particular day by type.
I was thinking to load the chart image into the Data point marker, but i don't think that is the best way as the data is updated daily and I would have to do it each day for a few line charts.
The other way I was thinking about was to have a generic Pie chat in the Line chart (Maybe in a corner) and the pie would update depending on way date series was selected or Mouseover'd)
the way that I am approaching it at the movement (Not the best way and by far not the coolest way. Is to have a list of all the dates in a column next to the Line chart and using some VBA, what ever date is selected in the column the pie chart displays the corresponding data. But eh challenge is that when there is alot of dates, I am going to be scrolling up and down.
I am using Excel 2010, but I cant not use the slicer's as the other users do not have 2010, they have 2007.
I have created a population pyramid and want to add another chart on the secondary axis which I can do. The part which I seem not to be able to complete is getting the line chart secondary axis to read from the primary y axis. It seems to add a new axis, even when I delete this the line chart does not read correctly.
The left contains data input and the right Columns contains certain formula.
How do I set it up so that the worksheet can eg. Calculate 5 rows and rest 1 Second and continue this way until it reached the end of the rows? (Number of rows is not fixed).
I am trying to overlay a line chart on top of a stacked column chart. The stacked column chart is a chart where the x axis is dates and the y axis is amount. The line chart is a projected amount that I will reach in few years; the x axis is the date while the y axis is an amount. I can get a chart that has a line and stacked columns, but ever time, the dates get messed up. The line has an extremely wide date range while the columns only have about a month of data.
Is there a way to display only the current month and the past 11 months in a Line Chart in Excel? So if I was to print Jan 2008 Excel graph, it would only display Feb 2007 - Jan 2008 data charting.
The spreadsheet of the data contains data for Jan 2005 - Jan 2008 so far, but only the current month with the past 11 months should display in the line chart depending on what is the current month.
Currently i have a spreadsheet with realtime data feeds from Bloomberg (or reuters). What i would like to do is:
a. Fill a vector/column of data values every minute until we have 30 observations i.e. from 9.00am till 9.30pm
b. This will then allow me to calculate a moving average of the last 30 (1 minute) observations.
c. At 9.31am, the 9.00am value drops out of the column and is replaced by the observation at 9.31am. This results in a constantly updating column of the last 30 minute observations and will allow me to have a realtime moving average.