Lock Empty Cells In Range Based On Other Cells Content

Apr 18, 2008

I am trying to lock the unused cells in 32, 2 column by 7 row named ranges, based on whether or not two cells, above each range are equal or less than each other. In other words while one of the cells is less than or equal to the second cell all cells in the range below should be unlocked, as soon as that condition is no longer true the blank cells need to be locked.

I am trying to use this in the Workbook_Sheetcalculate so that the macro will run automatically.

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Lock Cells Based On Value Of Other Cells - Code Simplification Query

Apr 22, 2009

I'm using the code below to lock certain cells depending on the value of other cells. The code below deals with one line of my spreadsheet only and as the spreadsheet comprises 38 data entry rows I've repeated this code 38 times in the worksheet module with the appropriate changes to row numbers.

It works, but causes much screen flickering and "thinking". I'm new to vba so no doubt I've made this code too extensive or lengthy or whatever (or just plain wrong).

Can anyone assist with suggestions on how to simplify the code and/or help with code to handle all 38 lines without repeating the routine 38 times?

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Select Dynamic Range Based On Non-empty Cells

Aug 7, 2009

I require code to identify the last row in column 'A' that contains data, and then to select every row up to that one, and each column up to 'H'. My data begins on row 3, and the rows with data varies from row 7 through 120. The columns with data is constant so there is no need to test in that direction.

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Excel 2003 :: Cell Result Based On Range Of Filled / Empty Cells

Apr 3, 2014

I'm stuck using Excel 2003 to auto-populate a cell.

I have a range of dates in five consecutive columns called:

Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4 and Phase 5

I enter the date that 'Phase 1' starts under the first header. Once Phase 2 starts I enter a date under 'Phase 2', and so on to Phase 5.

Each phase is consecutive to the next so will always be filled in from 1 to 5.

I want to create an additional column called 'Status' that shows the Column Title of the last phase with a date in it. For example, if Phase 1 to 3 had dates but 4 & 5 were blank, "Phase 3" would be displayed in the 'Status' column.

I've tried nesting some ISBLANK functions without any luck.

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Excel 2007 :: Conditional Formatting Empty Cells Based On Full Cells?

Nov 17, 2011

Working in Excel 2007. I am using excel for a data log (basically) and want it to format all empty cells in a row yellow if there is data in column A

Basically, If i have a value in A2, I want any empty cell between B2-G2 to be filled in yellow (as an idicator to the inputter that the cell needs to be completed).

there is already conditional formatting on these cells, which i want to maintain for the non-empty cells. I also have "0" as a value, so I couldn't use the basic conditional formatting setting it =0, it highlighted cells with $0.00, which i do not want.

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Lock Cells Based On Other Cells

Aug 29, 2007

I have created a spreadsheet which I am trying to set up to allow users to select only 1 cell in a range and lock the rest. Each cell D5 to I5 has an assigned number 0 to 5. What I am trying to achieve is when a user clicks on a cell, the value of that cell is displayed and the remaining cells are locked. e.g. if the user selects G6, 3 is displayed and cells D6,E6,F6 and I6 are locked. The code which I am using is giving strange and unpredictable results.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If [D5] = "0" Then
ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("PASSWORD")
[I5].Locked = True
ActiveSheet.Protect ("PASSWORD")
'Remove locked property if D5's value is anything else or is deleted.
ActiveSheet.Unprotect ("PASSWORD")
[I5].Locked = False
'Optional, reprotect sheet
ActiveSheet.Protect ("PASSWORD")
End If............................

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Color Cells Based On Adjacent Cells Being Empty & Add Text

Apr 2, 2008

Im trying to make my life a bit easier, by adding a few macros and formulas to the spreadsheet (Everything was done completely manually before I got here!!!).
What I would like to do is take two columns, which contain a start and end time for work shifts, and colour them GREEN once I have entered a name in the Worker column (Along side the two with the time), and also to fill a cell with a Yes or a No. Im aware of auto conditioning, and Ive tried to have a play to get this to work, but I just cant work it out.
I have posted a link to an image which shows what I want. I hope I've explained it well enough!


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Filling Empty Cell Value Based On If Else Condition And Delete Row More Than 2 Cells Empty

May 23, 2014

Here find the excel file

My requirement

1) 4 values contains in each row based on the values from those cells the max value will display.

2) if more than 2 cells have empty,NR or NA text means the entire row has to delete.

3) if 2 or more that means 3 cells having values the empty cell,NR or NA cell will place value with the condition of macro that is 75% of other values which is maximum among them.

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Returning The Contents Of A Non-empty Cell In A Range Of Empty Cells

Jan 8, 2008

I have a long range of cells (U3:AX3), all of which are empty save one. Is there a way to search through the range of cells, and return the contents of the one cell that contains text?

I would do this with a series of nested IF statements if there weren't more than 30 of them!

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Lock Cells Based On Dropdown Value

Oct 31, 2006

I had posted a similar question on 10/27 but the thread has mysteriously diappeared. So, I am reposting my question. What I am trying to do is probably easily done using VBA. See attached workbook example.xls to follow along.

I have a dropdown (YES/NO) selection in Column C. I want to do the following when 'YES' is the selection for any row:

1) do a vlookup into the 'data' tab and return corresponding value in Column D
2) Lock the cell after the value is returned into Column D

If the selection is 'NO' then do nothing., ie., leave the cell blank and unlocked.

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Lock Cells Based On Entry In Other Column

Mar 30, 2007

I have a spreadsheet where there are two columns for the user to enter data in, but they can only select one column. I want to lock the second cell if data is entered in the first. I can't find a way from validation to do this. Is there another way via VBA (stupid question, I know... VBA does everything but scratch your butt)

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Lock & Unlock Cells Based On Validation

Jun 8, 2007

I need to lock certain cells on a worksheet when a value is selected from a validation list. For example:

user goes to select an option from a validation list, that cell is now locked.

User decides to change the value with a blank option, available on the same list. the cell becomes unlocked ready for new input from the list.

the cell can only allow input when the value in the list matches that of another cell. if another cell already has different data in, it wont allow you to change the value.

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Lock & Unlock A Cell Based On Another Cells Value

Dec 20, 2007

trying to put together a formula, I am trying enable two cells to change between being 'Locked' and 'Unlocked'. I am doing this by using a CheckBox which is referenced to cell [E16] so that when it is checked, 'TRUE' will be displayed and when Unchecked 'FALSE' is displayed. From this I have tried to devise a formula for the cells [c26:I26] and [K26] that when cell [E16] shows 'TRUE' the cells [c26:I26] and [K26] are Unlocked and when it shows 'FALSE' the cells [c26:I26] and [K26] then become locked.

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Lock Cells In Range Meeting Criteria

Sep 5, 2006

got a problem with a little piece of code witch need to check something and if its true then its has to do 1 and they i need another if... just look at the code :P

Sub Bevestig3()
Dim Msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt, Nadenken, bevestigmsg, MyString
Msg = "Heeft u alles goed ingevuld?" ' Definieert bericht.
Style = vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2 ' Definieert knoppen.
Title = "Doorgaan?" ' Definieert titel.
Help = "DEMO.HLP" ' Definieert Help-bestand.
Ctxt = 1000 ' Definieert onderwerp
Nadenken = "test"
ActiveSheet. Unprotect Password:=Nadenken
bevestigmsg = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title, Help, Ctxt)
If bevestigmsg = vbYes Then...................

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How To Lock / Protect Cells In Different Columns Based On Date

Oct 26, 2013

Trying to incorporate the following in a worksheet:

Lock the cells automatically in the columns that are older than 2 days or more

Lock the cells corresponding to today...

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How To Lock / Protect The Cells In Different Columns Based On Date

Oct 25, 2013

Trying to incorporate the following in a worksheet: Lock the cells automatically in the columns that are older than 2 days or more Lock the cells corresponding to today and yesterday using a command button after entering X Copy the sheet multiple times with the same features

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Lock/unlock Cell Based On Another Cells Input

Feb 25, 2009

I want cell g12 to be locked unless cell h7 is Grass Fire or Timber Fire (H7 is a drop down validated cell)

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Delete Cells Based On Content

Feb 3, 2010

I have this:

Sub CompileData()

'Dim rng1 As Range
'Dim rng2 As Range

'Set rng1 = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A4").End(xlDown)
'Set rng2 = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C4").End(xlDown)
'Set AllRng = Union(Range("rng1"), Range("rng2"))

Now when its pasted it has cells with "Nil" in it. I need to delete them, or just not copy them over.

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Copy Cells Based On Content

Dec 20, 2006

I have a list of Marketing Product descriptions that I have to match to a list of system codes and was wondering if I can do this in excel.

Marketing Bumph (first Tab):
1 Marketing Code Friendly description
2 XYZ1111 Offer 1
3 ABC111 Offer 2

System Info (real codes not marketing)
1 Marketing Code Real Value
2 XYZ1111 GL321
3 ABC111 FF453

So what I want to end up with is:
1 Marketing Code Friendly description Real Value
2 XYZ1111 Offer 1 GL321
3 ABC111 Offer 2 FF453

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Take An Action On Only Cells With Content Within A Range

Jul 16, 2009

I am trying to write a macro that goes down column A, and whereever there is cell content, it will copy the row of the table to another spreadsheet.

The problem I am encounting is that there are gaps in the table, for example:

WKJ9900KBKBusiness Banking: Cheque CollectedWBJ90978JKCommercial Banking Corporate Heritage: Cheque CollectedUHN98920HJCorporate: Cheque CollectedUCC1201DBKCredit Cards: Cheque Collected

WHH8989JKBusiness Banking: Cheque Collected Unidentified / ReconciliationWKU8987GHCommercial Banking Corporate Heritage: Cheque Collected Unidentified / Reconciliation

WKJ9900KBKBusiness Banking: Cheque CollectedWBJ90978JKCommercial Banking Corporate Heritage: Cheque CollectedUHN98920HJCorporate: Cheque CollectedUCC1201DBKCredit Cards: Cheque Collected.

The gaps are of varying length. So far I have been playing with the
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
'do copy action
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
of course, this stops when it reaches a blank cell.

I think the best way to do it is if I set a range, and then get excel to go down the column and copy whereever there is cell content.

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Lock/Unlock Cells Based On Criteria From Validation Lists

Apr 24, 2008

I'm looking for a solution to a problem and from what I've read in the forums so far, this is the place to come. I first want to say that I have tried to solve the problem by using guidance from other similar threads and adapt those answers to my needs, but as my understanding of VBA is non-existent this was somewhat difficult. I don't want to post a repeat question and I hate wasting people's time if unnecessary, but I can't do this on my own.

That being said, here is the problem;

(I have attached a simplified copy of the worksheet I am working on for reference)

I would like to lock a particular cell in my spreadsheet based upon the selections made from two drop down validation lists (Cells C4 & D4)

Essentially, if a correct choice is made in both, then the cell E4 becomes unlocked for editing. If however, the correct selection is made in one list, but not the other, I need the cell E4 to remain locked and a message to appear to prompt the user to correct their mistake.

Furthermore, both the validation lists have a whole range of selections that are very similar but have subtle differences;


"Soft Eye by Talurit"
"Soft Eye by Splice"

Is it possible to write a VBA code that performs a similar function to the =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("**",))) formula, so that if any choice that contains the word "Soft" is selected from either or both lists then the cell E4 becomes unlocked, but if the selection does not contain that word then the cell remains locked?

If anyone could provide a code to make this happen, I would be very grateful! But please explain how to do this, as the word Soft wont be the only parameter and I may need to alter the code so I need to understand the principle behind it; For example, on the spreadsheet, if in the Inboard End list a Soft Eye is selected and on the Outboard End List a Soft Eye is selected then cell E4 is unlocked for editing. If in the Inboard End list a Soft Eye is selected and on the Outboard End List a Fused and Tapered is selected then cell E4 is unlocked for editing, but if in the Inboard End list a Soft Eye is selected and on the Outboard End List a Standard Eye is selected then cell E4 remains locked and an error message appears to alert the user that his/her choices are incorrect. If however, "Soft" is not selected in either list then cell E4 remains locked (it has to be selected in at least one of the two lists to allow editing).

This is a work in progress (not all the formulas that will eventually be used have been entered yet, so please excuse the untidiness of it all) and the choices are likely to change based on input from my colleagues, so I need to understand how the VBA works in order to alter it accordingly, but I dont want to put any more work into this (its still in the early stages) if it isnt possible to achieve these needs.

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Lock Cells To Prevent Predefined Range Macro Copying

Oct 30, 2012

I have a spreadsheet that allows users to paste set data from a PDF Image (using OCR) straight into Excel and then use the MID function to split the data accordingly.

Unfortunately, the OCR isn’t too intuitive and gets it wrong sometimes.

So to counter this, in another sheet (in the same workbook) I have a manual input section, and a simple macro button that pastes this data into the same fields where the OCR text would be, so that the main sheet works exactly the same way as before.

The problem is, and most likely due to the simplicity of the sheet, if a combination of OCR pasting and manual inputting is used, when I hit the paste button, it over rides the OCR data with blank cells

In the link below I have shown what is currently happening (1, 2, 3), and an example of what I would actually like it to do (4, 5, 6).

Example - Online Spreadsheets - EditGrid

So, in the 2nd scenario, I would like “5” to recognise that the respective cells in “4” already contain data and fill them ‘Grey’. This I have already achieved with basic conditional formatting.

However, I need to take it 1 step further and say that if the parent sheets cell (Auto OCR) contains data, as well as filling cells (in sheet Manual) lock these cells off and prevent the end user from adding data and/ or being copied over to the parent sheet.

Is this possible?

The result then being the parent sheet with both OCR text and copied text from the manual input sheet.

Both sheets are protected anyway and only allow for user input in certain areas, so is it even possible to apply further protection once the sheet is locked already?

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Formatting Row Of Cells Based On A Cell Content

Feb 16, 2010

I want to format a range of cells based on the name listed in a cell in column A (starting @A6). I currently do this manually. It is to help me visually see the line I am working with and for what person.

I am almost certain that is going to take a VBA, but I know little to nothing about setting one up.

I have attached a sample. I am using Excel 2003.

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Move Rows Based On Content Of 2 Cells

Oct 24, 2006

At the moment I have 1 spreadsheet with 12 worksheets that I have to enter data into. I would rather enter all the data onto one sheet then have a macro move the data into the correct worksheet based on the contents of columns A and B.

The raw data will be entered into the worksheet "Data". Once complete, I would like the user to press a button and the macro to then identify from column A the suppliers name. If it is not one of the recognised suppliers, then it would move the row into the worksheet "one off". If it does recognise the supplier then it checks column B to see which of the two supplier's two worksheets it needs to copy it to, with the data entered into the correct column based on the column title (ie only the white columns).

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Excel 2010 :: Auto Lock Selected Range Of Cells After Saving?

Jul 17, 2014

I have a log that is used to keep when items are due. I do not want my coworkers to delete items once they have been entered and saved. So the excel sheet I am trying to make has certain cells in a range that I want to autolock after saving. For example: the cell range is G3:J402. I enter Customer Name in Cell G3 and the Date the job was received in H3. Once i enter that information I want it locked once i save it. Then later on, my coworker completes the job and enters the date in I2. And again once she saves this she shouldn't be able to edit this information. Then again another day she comes and enters the date on I3 when the product has been shipped out.

While all of the above activity is going on, new customers are continuously being in added in G4, G5....

Also, if possible the date in the H range should be the date items are entered in G (this would be a nice added feature). I've included the file for review. I'm running Microsoft Excel 2010


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Excel 2010 :: Auto Lock Selected Range Of Cells After Saving

Jul 17, 2014

I have a log that is used to keep when items are due. I do not want my coworkers to delete items once they have been entered and saved. So the excel sheet I am trying to make has certain cells in a range that I want to autolock after saving. For example: the cell range is G3:J402. I enter Customer Name in Cell G3 and the Date the job was received in H3. Once i enter that information I want it locked once i save it. Then later on, my coworker completes the job and enters the date in I2. And again once she saves this she shouldn't be able to edit this information. Then again another day she comes and enters the date on I3 when the product has been shipped out.

While all of the above activity is going on, new customers are continuously being in added in G4, G5....

Also, if possible the date in the H range should be the date items are entered in G (this would be a nice added feature). I've included the file for review. I'm running Microsoft Excel 2010.

I have tried hard to find other solutions with links at the following places but not exactly what I'm desiring:Auto lock cells after data entry when file saved...

Auto lock cells after data entered and SAVED.

Auto Lock Selected Range of Cells After Saving

I should also mention that most solutions either provide for locking/unlocking of all cells but not a selected range. Or they provide for locking/unlocking of a selected range but not for a specific sheet or not after you have saved the workbook.

This is unique in that I'd like it to autolock after i press the save button for a SPECIFIC number of cells. I just wanted to clarify as to not make others think that I haven't used the search function.

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Excel 2010 :: Perform Sum Based On Other Cells Content?

Jan 31, 2013

Exel 2010 cells formatted to Time

need to look at h1 and h2 if no data ignore

other wise add data together if total exceeds 08:45

then deduct 45min from h1

if combined the are less than 8:45 then h3 must equal 8:00 by altering h1 only


h1= 5:00
h2= 2:00
h3= 8:00


h1= 8:00
h2= 2:00
h3= 7:15

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Matching Cell Content Against Selected Cells - Not Range?

May 2, 2013

I'm trying to use the below formula to to return "true" when text in cell (M2) matches text in selected cells on same row (A2, E2, and G2)

However, all formulas I found online that serve this purpose deal with cell range only, not predetermined cells with exclusions.


=IF(ISNUMBER(MATCH(M2,A2:G2,0),TRUE,FALSE) (This will match all cells between A2 and G2 against M2)

reforming this formula to match selected cells only in-between that range (A2, E2 and G2)?

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Excel 2007 :: Lock / Unlock Cells Based On Values Selected In Dropdown List

May 15, 2013

I am looking to write a code to lock/unlock cells based on values selected using a drop down list (see attached Excel) For example if Netherlands is chosen as the Country (Column A), then except for the columns Amsterdam (column B) and Eindhoven (column C), all other columns must be locked. Similarly, if India is chosen as the country from the drop down list, then only the columns New Delhi and Mumbai must be editable for the user, the rest of the columns remain locked.

I tried tweaking some of the lock/unlock codes around, but got lost especially with getting to run the macro - still trying to come to terms with running a "Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange" function in the sheet from "Module"!

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How To Make Macro To Lock Certain Cells Connected To Another Cells Value Then Copy Daily

Mar 29, 2014

am making Excel for private use, i need the following makro to be active, here is the idea because i didnt yet work with makros at all:

If A1 = False
then Range B1:D1 will be locked cells

If A1 = True
then Range B1:D1 will be unlocked cells

Those rules apply to 1 day in the year.

the range A1:D1 will be copied about 400 so the makro should be active to each day separatly.

Check the picture attached for example of one day

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