Lookup Drop Down List Value & Return Corresponding Match
Nov 16, 2007
I am trying to create a quotation spreadsheet and want the drop down list to contain the materials but once a selection is made in the drop down list, i want other cells to be accordingly populated with data stored on another worksheet within the workbook.
The source of the drop down list is material and i need other cells to be populated with the adjacent data.
Here is a small list i have at present, which will be much larger when completed.
MATERIAL 20mm 30mm
Absolute Black £62.15£83.30
Absolute Black Premium£71.65£96.10
African Red £58.20£78.00
So if the selection in the drop down list is African Red then it should accordingly populate other cells with the values £58.20 and £78.00. Please help as i have tried many sources elsewhere but without any luck and this would be very benficial.
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Jul 17, 2009
I have a worksheet containing a list of states in column A and a list of companies in column B (along additional data in columns C-L). I want create a lookup formula on a separate worksheet where users can select the state from a dropdown menu and it will return the information from columns B-L for that state.
For example:
Alabama ABC Company Active Expires December 2009
Alabama 123 Company Expired Expired April 2008
Alabama XYZ Company Active Expires August 2009
Alabama Larry Company Expired Expired May 2006
How can I do this without losing my mind? I've tried various Index, Small and Match formulas and none of them work.
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Feb 20, 2008
I am working on a worksheet. I have the first tab at the bottom and that sheet contains all my data, and the additional tabs moving on the bottom are portions of that data for clarity. What i have on the primary sheet is 5 columns ( Name(A), Total(B), Tax(C), Amount(D), Date(E)) and being the master lists everything. I can add a filter to choose the name i want and naturally that only shows the relevant data for that name. What i want to do on the second tab along the bottom which is only relevant for the name i have chosen, their own sheet if you like is to be able to extract the data from the master sheet on a periodical basis. For example I have the same data that i need to show (including some additional stuff that manually include) and i will need to include Total, Tax, Amount and Date columns. What i want is to be able to have a drop down list in the cells below the Date column so that when i select the date it automatically completes the Total, Tax, Amount information that is shown on the primary sheet. So Total will be A column through to Date in D column and changing the date in column D will populate A to C with the data automatically.
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Nov 20, 2008
I am having is that I know that other people will be adding more and more suppliers/brands and types as time goes on.
This presents two problems:
1) I am not in a position to keep making new rules every time a new entry is added to each of these categories.
2) I am trying to add functionality that will allow me to sort them alphabetically - so that the drop down lists continue to make sense. However if this were to happen then the calculations created next to the lists would go out of whack whenever I did an alphabetical sort.
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Nov 12, 2009
I am making a spreadsheet for food and calories, On sheet one i have a meal tracker, I want to have a drop down list in colum 1 that references the food list on sheet 2, column A=food, column B=Protien, column C=Carbs, column D=fat. The values from Sheet 2 columns B-D would then be inserted into Sheet A in the respective slots. I have fiddled with vlookup and tried numerous things but I can't seem to figure this out.
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Apr 25, 2008
I'm trying to categorise a load of expenses against their appropriate budget and sub-budgets. I've got all the budget subcategories in separate dynamic named lists each headed by the main budget name. I want to be able to select the main budget name e.g. marketing or sales etc and then see, in the next column over, only the appropriate subcategories to select from e.g pick the appropriate dynamic list (I've used dynamic lists so I have some flexibility to add new categories at a leter date).
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Nov 14, 2009
I have exported an income statement report from the ERP system to Excel. Only items that are not equal to zero are populated. So if there has been no expense in the Central division for Consulting fees, it does not show up on the report. Here is the formula:use control shift and enter
small(if(row(A1:A100)-ROW(A1)+1>MATCH("Central Division",A1:A100,0),if(A1:A100)="Consulting Fees",ROW(A1:A100)-ROW(A1)+1)),1)(
Excel Jeanie HTMLSheet2
A 2 East Division 3 Sales 4 Cost of Sales 5 Payroll 6 Lights 7 Consulting Fees 8 Net Profit 9 10 Central Division 11 Sales 12 Cost of Sales 13 Payroll 14 Lights 15 Net Profit 16 17 West Division 18 Sales 19 Cost of Sales 20 Payroll 21 Lights 22 Consulting Fees 23 Net Profit
Excel tables to the web >> Excel Jeanie HTML 4
So this formula picks up the first Consulting Fees after the Central Division. The problem is it is going to pick it up under the West Division. So, how would I modify the formula so that if the row number is also less than Central Division Net Profit (A15), it is zero. (no offset or indirect)
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Oct 3, 2009
I'm making a spreadsheet where I want the user to select an item in A1 from a List made using Data Validation. When the person makes the selection in A1 I want the next 5 columns to automatically display specific attributes that belong to A1. However, I'd like the user to then be able to change each of these items (in B1-F1) from their own individual Validation Lists. I'm using this to mix and match mythical monsters. So in A1 I have well known monsters like Jaws, Godzilla and the Lochness Monster. When you select one of these creatures, that creature's specific attributes show up in the next 5 columns -- things like Appearance, Motive, MO, Hideout, and Special Features. I then want to be able to change Appearance, Motive, MO, Hideout, and Special Features individually from their own Validation List. I basically just want to mix and match between the various creatures.
I've gotten it only partially working by doing the following: At the bottom of the page (for simplicity, I have everything in 1 sheet but I intend to move the "data" table for the Lists to their own sheet) I have a table where in the row for each creature I have the different attributes. A1 (my "creature name") was made using Data Validation from the A column. For the next column I made a Data Validation List for the items. Once that pulldown was made, I then went to the B1 cell and used VLOOKUP to autofill the cell when the person makes their "A1" selection. I repeated this for cells C1-F1. This works ok the first time you make a selection. But whenever you change the "default" value for B2 using the validation drop down list, the Vlookup formula is replaced by the actual text value. This results in the cell not changing when the person next changes the A1 value.
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Jun 20, 2007
I am trying to create an if function that returns a drop down list (which i have already created in another cell) to the cell if a certain condition is met. When i try, the if function only returns the option that has been selected in the drop down lists cell, instead of the entire drop down list. Is there a way to get the If function to return a working drop down box?
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Mar 17, 2009
I am trying to modify this formula to do one more thing, but I can't quite figure out how to do it. I have part 1 and 2, but part 3 is giving me a very hard time. The formula is not working correctly. It is supposed to do several things.
Do an HLookup for a row and return the last value in the row.If there is no value (blank), the value should be "Incomplete."If HLookup finds a value of "Fail," it should look to see if there is a value of "Pass" BEFORE (to the left of) "Fail." If this exists, then it should return a value of "OK."
Here is what I have so far....
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Jun 3, 2014
I have created a drop down list of various material sizes what I am needing to do is to select a material size from the drop down list and a corresponding value is input into the cell. So on say sheet two (Data Sheet) I have Cell A1 25x25 with Cell B1 100, Cell A2 30x30 with Cell B2 120 and so on. On sheet 1 Cell A1 has my drop down list being the material size ie 25x25, so what I need to happen is if I select 25x25 then Cell B1 is 100 or if I select 30x30 then cell B1 is 120.
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Jan 11, 2006
If lookup doesn't find a match in the first column, can I get it to return an
"ERR" or "0", something that would let me know there was no match? Right now
it returns the value in the second column of the closest value.
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Sep 3, 2009
I would imagine that the title of this thread made little sense, so let me try to explain:
Sheet A has columns A-C populated with data. Column D needs to search Sheet B columns A-C for a match. (ie, see if the data on sheet A is also on sheet B) if this is true, then it needs to return the value of the LAST column of the matched row in Sheet B.
So, if Sheet A R1 A-C is 1,2,3. Sheet A R1 D needs to search Sheet B for 1,2,3. and when it finds it, (for example on row 9) return the value of the last column of Sheet B row 9. The issue is, the last value could be in column R or S or AA, there is just no way of knowing.
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Dec 10, 2007
Working on an export from an e-commerce application that lists the item purchased, unfortunately not by item #, but rather a lengthy description. I'm trying to construct an item number based on that description which contains several constants.
Each item ordered appears in a single row, comprised of ORDERID, QTY, PRODUCT DESCRIPTION
I have several tables to pick out PRODUCT TYPE, COLOR, SIZE, etc. I need a formula to search to see which of the unique values appears in each in the cell and return the shortcut of that value.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION example "Sweater - Blue - Large - Wool"
Sweater SWTR
T-Shirt TSHT
Blue BL
Green GN
Purple PL
Black BK
I would have separate tables for each part of the description.
The formula I'm seeking would search the PRODUCT DESCRIPTION cell for the range of values for each 'part'. So it would search to see which of Sweater, T-Shirt, or Jeans was in the cell and then return the one that was - SWTR in this example. I would modify this formula for each 'part', in its own cell, and then use an =cell#&"-"&cell#&etc... to combine these returned values.
I know I can write a large if- chain using ISERROR & FIND, though some of these lists will get lengthy.
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May 28, 2008
I need to create a macro that will loop through a list of names on Sheet 1 / Column A, and if that name is listed on Sheet 2 / Column A, then it will set Sheet 1 Column B (for that one name) to "1".
The problem I've run in to is that both the lists change in length each time I have to run this (so no set range).
I've been able to get this to work with two ( nested) loops, where the first loop goes through the Sheet 1 list and the nested Loop looks for the name on Sheet2, but it is extremely slow.
Is there any simple VBA code or formula that I'm missing that could do this? I've tried to do something with the " Find" VBA command, but I can't see how it would apply to this if the list changes in size.
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Jul 2, 2014
I need VBA code to do the following:
When cell H2 = "Weekly", I need cell I2 to return "50".
When cell H2 = "Bi-weekly", I need cell I2 to return "25".
The value in Column I should change as soon as the value in Column H changes.
NOTE: The value in Column H is chosen from a Data Validation List.
I'm assuming offset is the best option?
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Jan 15, 2014
The logic of the formula like this....
TAB X, Column A contains a data set, each row is a unique value. In column B of TAB X, I want to input a formula that performs the following logic: Search TAB Z, Column C, for an exact match of data contained in TAB X, Column A....and if found, look in TAB Z, Column D...if a blank cell is contained there, then in TAB X, Column A, say "Unsettled" ; however, if there does exist any character (not-blank) in TAB Z Column D, then in TAB X, COlumn A, say "Settled".....but, if the data ID listed in TAB X, column A is not found whatsoever in TAB Z, Column C, then say "NOT FOUND". So for example, within TAB X, Column A there is a unique ID in one of the rows "ABC123", then searches "ABC123" in TAB Z, Column C. If found, it looks in TAB Z, Column D and that cell is blank, so TAB X, Column B, same row that contains ABC123, the result is "Unsettled".
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Mar 18, 2014
I am trying to create individualized worksheets based off a master worksheet. I have different committee names that I want to appear on the individualized sheets, based on whether the person is apart of that committee or not. On my master sheet, I choose the persons name under the committee and I want that committee name to show on the individualized sheet. For example, I want A1 on Master to show on Name 1, B3 and A10 on Master to show on Name 1, C3. Can I write a formula to achieve this or or am I asking too much? In my actual file, I will have about 10 names and 5 committees with one person being on up to all 5 of the committees.
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Jul 1, 2008
I have two excel sheets. The first sheet has a column with codes and another column with dates. There are more than one date for the same code. The second sheet has just one unique code. I would like to match the code on the second sheet with the code on the first sheet and return ALL the dates associated with that code to the second sheet - horizontally.
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Mar 19, 2009
I'm trying to create a drop down list which returns values based on what has been selected in the previous drop down list in the adjacent cell, e.g. if 'Apples' is selected in the previous cell then you should only be able to select from 'Gala, Granny Smith', or if 'Oranges' is selected you should only be able to select 'Seville, Blood Orange'. Is there a formula which would do this, or can I use a pivot table somehow? I'm totally stumped.
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Jun 17, 2009
I need some assistance on creating a formula that will Match "W1 Sheet" Team number look this number under Schedule Sheet then list names under "W1 Sheet". I have added a simple sheet.
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Jun 25, 2014
I'm struggling with match, index and lookup functions. I have a formula in column D that calculates the percentage of answers against the total score for that category. The way it calculates enables me to delete rows if they are not needed and still provide a total count and a percentage score.
Now the percentage is returned from a dynamic data set, I want to plot the percentages on a spider/radar chart. Instead of manually creating the chart or using a pivot, I wanted to lookup the percentages (column D) against the category (Column A) in question and plot so the chart updates as the user changes the answers.
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Oct 26, 2009
I need to have a drop down list which displays a different set of values depending upon the value selected by a previous drop down list. ie. (drop down box 1)= x, y, z. (drop down box 2)= either x1, x2, x3, or y1, y2, y3, or z1, z2, z3. I can produce a single drop down box thats not a problem but linking several drop down boxes is beyond me .
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Apr 14, 2014
How to write formula of following condition:
Input date on left column and the cell on right will automatically look up this date from the list located in other spreadsheet and return multiple corresponding in sequence order? Once another date is entered on left column, it will do the same function again on right column?
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Jul 11, 2012
I have encountered a situation where I need to essentially accomplish a reverse Vlookup (using index match) and return multiple values.
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Aug 13, 2008
(1) I've created a list in A2, which looks up F1:F27. I'd like to place an IF or Vlookup function in B2, that returns the corresponding cell from range G1:G27 based on selection in A2.
(2) Also, is it possible to include the fill coulour based on selections in A2 and B2?
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Dec 11, 2009
I want to do a lookup and return to a new list just the unique entries, such as this:
I have it working now using a pivot table to get me the unique items, but there must a be a more efficient function to do this.
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Aug 26, 2009
I have a list of data that I want to average the number in column B when there is a match in column A
alpha | 100
beta | 200
gamma | 300
alpha | 400
beta | 500
What I'm looking to do is return the MEAN of values in column B where column A = alpha. Though, I would settle for returning a list of the values that match the criteria. Index/Match combinations don't seem to be helping me because they only return the first match, I'd like to return all matches.
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Mar 17, 2008
I need to lookup data based on a cells content. The answer has to output to a table as a sequential list. I have attached a sample workbook (there will be 100+ sheets in the final version!). The Register sheet lists competencies against page# and title. For each Evidence Sheet I need to populate the Competency grid (C4:D10) in a sequential manner i.e. no blank lines,and the Title (B13) based on the Page # (D2). I have looked at a great number of postings, but cannot see a solution that fits.
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Feb 6, 2008
I currently have a drop down menu in one of my worksheets, in which I have several different text values entered. What I would like to do is link each of those text values to a numerical value, which would be entered in to another cell. So if I select "Option A" from my drop down list, and Option A is equal to 200, I want "200" to show up in another cell. If I select "Option B" from my drop down list, and Option B is equal to 400, I want "400 to show up in that same other cell.
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