Macro: Plot Graph/Chart By Series Of Rows
Jun 30, 2008
I've been trying to work out a code for a while now to plot some series in rows on a graph. The wonderful Mr Pope helped me with one before but for series in columns but i just don't seem to understand it enough to use it for this problem. the graph already has 2 series plotted (called the envelope) so i have to use seperate series to plot the data.
Basically the name of series is down column A
but the range is from E1 to Y1
and the data to be plotted on the graph which already has two series plotted in it is E2 to Y2, E3 to Y3 etc. iv been trying to use this code but failing miserably
Sub adddatatopsd(Name As Range, XData As Range, YData As Range)
With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart
With .SeriesCollection.NewSeries
.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
.XValues = XData
.Values = YData
.Name = Name
.ChartType = xlXYScatterSmooth
End With
End With
End Sub...........................
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Aug 18, 2006
how can i plot multiple series of values in one graph after checking some check boxes, which i have previously done, randomly?
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Apr 14, 2014
I would like to create a chart in vba which contains 2 sets of data, both using the same x axis. The first must be a line graph, the second a staggered bar chart. This must be represented on one chart with data labels. Also, how do I change the colour of the plots?
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Oct 20, 2006
one of my excel reports, i am using a dsum formula and plotting a chart against it. i do not want to show the zeros on the graph, is there anyway i can do that, i could not find anything in the tools -> options.
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Jan 16, 2007
im having problem formatting my graph.
chart type = line.
I have 1 series of data, which is N values vs. Time.
Time however, is specified by specific dates. The graph is not putting a plot point accorrding to the date corresponding to the N value.
Example values:
date:____1/1/05 _______ 5/7/05 _____ 8/13/05
n value: __55 ___________ 22 _________ 11
I want the chart to reflect the time between the dates and put a plot point (n value) under each date listed and connect with a line.
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Aug 1, 2008
I have the following list of values which I want to plot as a zigzag. But when i create a line chart from them, the lines connect the zeros and the non-zero points - while I want the lines to connect only the non-zero points - so that there is a zigzag-like pattern shown.
the Data:
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May 16, 2008
I need to plot multiple series in a scatterplot. The problem is that the number of series is user-defined. And also, the number of data poitns in each series is different. I've looked it up already, but a lot of the examples i've seen don't account for the fact that I need to run through a loop and add series into my graph.
In other words, i need a way to select a certain range each time it runs through the loop, and add the data as a series into the chart. Also, the user enters how many series there are, so I use that as a counter
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May 9, 2008
I have several worksheets with thousands rows (independent variables) and hundreds columns (all dependent variables). Each line basically gives me hundreds values for each independent variable - see below:
C9 39.65 653.95 5.28 163.56 99.56 14.49 ... ...
E9 7535.92 21500.56 2835.88 3122.98 7225.34 5371.25 ... ...
G9 111568 298021 12940 31645 181797 36996 ... ....
I need to know how the values in each row are distributed, and I ideally plot a 2D column graph of the distribution. Is there a way to do that and create/program a macro (with relative button on the workboook) that does it automatically once clicked?
Very often there are outlying values (bigger or smaller by a factor of 1000 or even more), mistakes, which I would like to identify and fix possibly.
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Jan 31, 2009
What I want to achieve is a script that would create a new scatter plot of multiple series from a selected block of cell. I found a thread that was similar but what is different from my data is that my x values are different for each series.
The format of the data is in the following format, the first series will the first x,y pair, the 2nd series would be the second x,y pair. I don't know if it'll be an issue but one thing is that the date might be different lengths. For instance, the 3rd series, only has 4 data points, whereas the other series contains 6 data points?
So essentially, is there a way I can have the script say, select your range, and then graph the selected range as a scatter plot?
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May 15, 2008
I have a scatter graph that has over 100 curves that im need on one graph that at the moment i putting each x and y and name in by hand in series. I have been doing it for hours and have looked round the site to see if anything similar answer on ozgrid would help but im baffled
i was just wondering if there is an easier way of doing this
i havent really used macros but iv been reading up on it can i used it to do this?
I have added the table and graph and this is how i would like all the columns to look like
its the table called graph that makes the curves that i would like to be able to add in quickly
the rest im not too fussed about.
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Apr 23, 2008
Looking for code that returns the cell address of a series in a pre-existing graph. I have a graph that already has Source Data manually assigned to it. Is there a way to find just the cell values or location of a single Series in a SeriesCollection object? I know that in order to assign a series of data to a Series object, you do something like this:
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = Worksheets("My Worksheet").Range("A1:F1")
The issue I am tackling with is a graph that already has preexisting data in the Series object, and I just need a quick and easy way to find the address of this data set.
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May 30, 2008
i have created a xlColumnStacked chart using VBA in excel 2000. i would like to place a line in the center of one of the Points(). How can i locate a specific point, for example Points(1), so what i can then "draw" a line in the center
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Apr 15, 2014
I want to add a user-form on a chart, which will have check-boxes that will allow me to select series(lines) that I want see and compare in a chart. Currently my line chart has 24 series (Lines) which makes the chart very difficult to view and looks very busy. How do I add list of check-boxes that will allow me to select one or multiple lines that I want to see at a time?
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Jul 11, 2007
I have 2 columns og data, for example
I want to plot them via a chart. But here is the problem..
My code.....................
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Oct 26, 2008
I want to delete all series which are in graphs. is there any way so that i can pull total number of series in VB from graph, and then just do all the series one by one.
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Feb 6, 2007
I would like to click on my chart, which then gets resized automatically depending on its current size.
My main macro creates various charts, all of them I connect to the macro "chartMakro". After the main macro has finished successfully, I can click on such a chart and the macro "chartMakro" is launched, supposedly resizing the chart. unfortunately i do NOT know how to tell the macro which is the active sheet, therefore my macro fails to work.
When a click on a chart launches a macro, how can I tell the macro which chart called it?
'appending a macro to a chart
ActiveWindow.Visible = False
Selection.OnAction = "chartMakro"............
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May 16, 2008
This seems so simple but i looked everywhere and i cannot find the vba script to add a 3 point solid black line border around the chart and plot area of my graphs. The record macro option does not record this.
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Nov 24, 2009
I am trying to create a line graph and I have 17 rows of data for 17 different employees. There are 18 rows when including the header row.
My data is as follows
Column A - Employee Name
Column B - Month 1 data
Column C - Month 2 data
Column D - Month 3 data
Column E - Month 4 data
Column F - Month 5 data
When I highlight the data and go to the chart wizard, I select "Series in Rows".
However, on the series tab it only brings in the data for 6 employees.
Is there a way to automatically bring in all the data without having to do it manually, or is this a limitation of Excel?
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Mar 13, 2013
I have a chart in a workbook that works fine by looking at the following data series:
In the data series above...where the numbers are 2 and 35 I have named ranges "CHART_Start_Row" and "CHART_End_Row" which will change dynamically as appropriate and can replace these static numbers - but how do I incorporate these named ranges into the data series reference?
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Jun 9, 2014
How to plot a step graph?
I have attached a drawing by illustrating the graph that I wish to plot.
Attached Image : jpg Capture.JPG
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Jun 3, 2014
I have a pareto for a manufacturing facility that has a list of nonconformists and their occurrences in columns K and L. My issue is since it is a running total for the year at certain times the values are 0 for the number of occurrences. This calculates fine, but the graph is very large and the failures are all located on one side instead of being evenly distributed. I am trying to get it to only plot for what has occurred and not have a bunch of blank values. To make it a little more complex I'm trying to avoid macros.. I can get them to show up blank just can't get the bar graph to resize itself to fill the chart.
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Mar 27, 2014
I'm stuck at a point in a graph that I am creating. Attached is as far as I have gone and now i'm having a gap on how to take the 2006, 2007 which is already in graph and add in how these years compare to guidelines visually in the same graph?
for instance ratings 1-9 are grouped in guidelines 1-4, 5-7 etc. How do i add in the 3 guides against each point? I have thought about adding a secondary axis but not how best to demonstrate the range of 1-4 to appear behind or above those points?
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Oct 4, 2013
I have two ranges of cells containing names of chemicals, call the first one "Product" and the second one "Byproduct".
Also, there are two other ranges of cells, called "Productvalue" and "Byproductvalue". These cells contain the numerical values of products and byproducts. How can I plot both the products and byproducts in the same graph using xlBarClustered in different colors?
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Nov 20, 2013
Given 100 samples, to calculate: numbers of hours spent on study is dependent on numbers of hours spent on social networking site.
x (social networking site)
y (study)
[Code] .......
Regression Statistics
Regression Statistics
Multiple R
[Code] ....
So, I've got the coefficient of correlation equals to 0.57, how can I plot my scatter graph?
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Jul 26, 2007
I need to know, can I plot a graph (ongoing plotting each value) from just ONE single cell which constantly updates it's value? (I have a third party datafeed hooked up to one single cell in Excel 2000 [yes, the old one ] and it updates quickly in realtime automatically throughout the day). But I need to trace the history of the values, plot a graph of all the values which ever show up in that single, in other words.
Also, I need to date and time stamp each new plot on the X axis of the graph (only when a new figure appears in the cell). So, for example, my one and only "datacell" (say, A1!) which is linked to an external datafeed is showing "145.87541" at 12:30:45 on 27/04/05. I need that time and date on the X axis which the number as the plot. Then that cell changes value 2 seconds later to "145.87587" at 12:30:47 on 27/04/05. Now I need that second plot on the graph at the correct time/date stamp so I am constantly plotting the history of the value onwards (potentially forever!) using just that one, automatically updating, cell.
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Jun 5, 2008
Im working on a graph that uses the code below to plot the series
Sub AddDataToMyChart( Name As Range, XData As Range, YData As Range)
With ActiveChart
With .SeriesCollection.NewSeries
.XValues = XData
.Values = YData
.Name = Name
End With
End With
End Sub
Sub Test()
Dim lngTopRow As Long
Dim lngBottomrow As Long
Dim lngCol As Long
lngTopRow = 3
lngBottomrow = 8
With ActiveSheet
For lngCol = Range("D2").Column To Range("h2").Column Step 2
AddDataToMyChart .Cells(2, lngCol), .Range(.Cells(lngTopRow, lngCol), .Cells(lngBottomrow, lngCol)), _
.Range(.Cells(lngTopRow, lngCol + 1), .Cells(lngBottomrow, lngCol + 1))
End With
End Sub
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Mar 6, 2007
I am trying to figure out how to activate a macro from each item in a drop down list. I also need the macro to recognize which item is chosen and to use that items data (say cells C3:C11) to create its graph. I know how to create an individual macro that will create a graph for the item but not a general macro that can be used to graph all items just discerning the difference in where the data is (which item to graph). Is this possible????if so please include code (amatuer programmer).
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May 27, 2008
I have a spreadsheet (see attached) in which there are many series and i want to be able to delete most of the series except the first 4.
(The 0%, 5% 10% air voids and the 95% comp line)
iv got this code, which is attacted to a command button, which works fine to delete all the series but makes the graph a blank white box. id prefer it so it delete just the series not the graph "picture?" ...
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Jul 1, 2008
I have about 50 lincharts that I wont to update with VBA but they have different number of series. Some have two series, some three and others four. Is there a way to count how many series a chart has? Otherwise could I get tips on how to approach this problem.
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Oct 24, 2008
I have attached 2 files. One of them is called Macca.xls. This is the file that was created for me by shg on an excelforum. The other isOreDep_updated.xls - this file is the updated list that I want to convert into the Macca file or make it look like the Macca file.
I awas trying to make a couple of plots, but they were not llooking like some examples I have.
In the OreDep-updated file attachment is my data I needed to use. I needed to make 2 plots:
Plot 1: Resource Grade (log scale) against the proportion of deposits (linear scale)
Plot 2:Tonnage (log scale) against proportion of deposits (linear scale)
This was done with my old data that is shown in the Macca.xls attachment.
They are meant to cumulative proportion plots. As a line or scattergram. An example of what they are meant to look like is at: on Page 4 and 5.
shg managed to make them look like I wanted with the log normal smooth line too.
My problem now is that I want to change the data under Name, Resource Tonnes and Resource Grade (basically replace the old data in Macca.xls with the new OreDep_update.xls, to come up with same type of plots). But whenever I try to copy and paste the data into the Macca file it messes up everything. I looked at the formula that was created and I really havent a clue how to change it, without affecting everything else like the plots.
I also need to add 2 new columns for date and for reference, and it wont let me do that.
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