How To Plot Comparison Of Only 3 Points Against 9 In Graph
Mar 27, 2014
I'm stuck at a point in a graph that I am creating. Attached is as far as I have gone and now i'm having a gap on how to take the 2006, 2007 which is already in graph and add in how these years compare to guidelines visually in the same graph?
for instance ratings 1-9 are grouped in guidelines 1-4, 5-7 etc. How do i add in the 3 guides against each point? I have thought about adding a secondary axis but not how best to demonstrate the range of 1-4 to appear behind or above those points?
This may sound like a dumb question, but hang with me. I have two series in an xy plot. One is a line (withOUT markers) and one series is just markers (no line).
The line without markers is created in a way such that it forms a box and whiskers plot. The other series, are trial values that go into the box and whiskers.
I have desperately tried to get the second series (just points) to plot BEHIND the first series (line, no markers). Changing the series order does not work unless both series have lines. I have tried this in a variety of ways (including writing a macro which draws the markers first, and then the lines), but that doesn't work either!
I am attaching the Excel File along with this mail. In chart there is data points have been mentioned in scatter plot like (38,15 etc) Instead of these points I want the names that I have mentioned in column A2:A9. I used to make lots of charts related to this and it is very diffilcult for me to manually punch all these names and most importantly the thing is that I cant download the software available on due to some issues can you give me the VBA code for this which will automatically paste these names only I have to change is the data range and its very urgent................ASAP
What I'm aiming to be able to do is have a scatter plot that displays date labels for each point as well as distinguish the points by year by using different colors. I found a VBA code for scatter plot date labels and I also realize that (for me at least), the easiest way to distinguish the years by color would be to separate them with a logical statement and let the chart do the rest of the work by categorizing them as separate data ranges. However, I tried to do this with the VBA code that I found and it expectedly did not work. I'm not sure if it's an easy fix to just add more "xvalues" columns in the code or if what I want to do here is even possible.
Format and Code for the Date Labels: Date Time Rainfall (mm) 24 hr RDII Volume (L/ha/day)
I have a couple of points, and when i do a scatter plot with connected by smooth line plot, it seems like excel does a bezier splines interpolation. I am wondering am i able to extract the data plots from the data chart?
for example if i have
X - Y 0 - 5 180 - 0 360 - 5
I would like to have all datas of Y from X (0 - 360 degree every degree).
I have a bar graph (horizontal) for the values say Jan 1.25 Feb 2.63 Mar -1.5. This works fine; now I would like to insert static comparison lines for the values 2 and -2, i.e. a straight valued at 2 that goes Jan to Mar and another straight line at -2 from Jan to Mar..
I have a pareto for a manufacturing facility that has a list of nonconformists and their occurrences in columns K and L. My issue is since it is a running total for the year at certain times the values are 0 for the number of occurrences. This calculates fine, but the graph is very large and the failures are all located on one side instead of being evenly distributed. I am trying to get it to only plot for what has occurred and not have a bunch of blank values. To make it a little more complex I'm trying to avoid macros.. I can get them to show up blank just can't get the bar graph to resize itself to fill the chart.
I would like to create a chart in vba which contains 2 sets of data, both using the same x axis. The first must be a line graph, the second a staggered bar chart. This must be represented on one chart with data labels. Also, how do I change the colour of the plots?
I have two ranges of cells containing names of chemicals, call the first one "Product" and the second one "Byproduct".
Also, there are two other ranges of cells, called "Productvalue" and "Byproductvalue". These cells contain the numerical values of products and byproducts. How can I plot both the products and byproducts in the same graph using xlBarClustered in different colors?
I need to know, can I plot a graph (ongoing plotting each value) from just ONE single cell which constantly updates it's value? (I have a third party datafeed hooked up to one single cell in Excel 2000 [yes, the old one ] and it updates quickly in realtime automatically throughout the day). But I need to trace the history of the values, plot a graph of all the values which ever show up in that single, in other words.
Also, I need to date and time stamp each new plot on the X axis of the graph (only when a new figure appears in the cell). So, for example, my one and only "datacell" (say, A1!) which is linked to an external datafeed is showing "145.87541" at 12:30:45 on 27/04/05. I need that time and date on the X axis which the number as the plot. Then that cell changes value 2 seconds later to "145.87587" at 12:30:47 on 27/04/05. Now I need that second plot on the graph at the correct time/date stamp so I am constantly plotting the history of the value onwards (potentially forever!) using just that one, automatically updating, cell.
one of my excel reports, i am using a dsum formula and plotting a chart against it. i do not want to show the zeros on the graph, is there anyway i can do that, i could not find anything in the tools -> options.
With ActiveSheet For lngCol = Range("D2").Column To Range("h2").Column Step 2 AddDataToMyChart .Cells(2, lngCol), .Range(.Cells(lngTopRow, lngCol), .Cells(lngBottomrow, lngCol)), _ .Range(.Cells(lngTopRow, lngCol + 1), .Cells(lngBottomrow, lngCol + 1)) Next End With
I have the following list of values which I want to plot as a zigzag. But when i create a line chart from them, the lines connect the zeros and the non-zero points - while I want the lines to connect only the non-zero points - so that there is a zigzag-like pattern shown.
I have attached 2 files. One of them is called Macca.xls. This is the file that was created for me by shg on an excelforum. The other isOreDep_updated.xls - this file is the updated list that I want to convert into the Macca file or make it look like the Macca file.
I awas trying to make a couple of plots, but they were not llooking like some examples I have.
In the OreDep-updated file attachment is my data I needed to use. I needed to make 2 plots:
Plot 1: Resource Grade (log scale) against the proportion of deposits (linear scale)
Plot 2:Tonnage (log scale) against proportion of deposits (linear scale)
This was done with my old data that is shown in the Macca.xls attachment.
They are meant to cumulative proportion plots. As a line or scattergram. An example of what they are meant to look like is at: on Page 4 and 5.
shg managed to make them look like I wanted with the log normal smooth line too.
My problem now is that I want to change the data under Name, Resource Tonnes and Resource Grade (basically replace the old data in Macca.xls with the new OreDep_update.xls, to come up with same type of plots). But whenever I try to copy and paste the data into the Macca file it messes up everything. I looked at the formula that was created and I really havent a clue how to change it, without affecting everything else like the plots.
I also need to add 2 new columns for date and for reference, and it wont let me do that.
I have several worksheets with thousands rows (independent variables) and hundreds columns (all dependent variables). Each line basically gives me hundreds values for each independent variable - see below: ... C9 39.65 653.95 5.28 163.56 99.56 14.49 ... ... E9 7535.92 21500.56 2835.88 3122.98 7225.34 5371.25 ... ... G9 111568 298021 12940 31645 181797 36996 ... .... ...
I need to know how the values in each row are distributed, and I ideally plot a 2D column graph of the distribution. Is there a way to do that and create/program a macro (with relative button on the workboook) that does it automatically once clicked?
Very often there are outlying values (bigger or smaller by a factor of 1000 or even more), mistakes, which I would like to identify and fix possibly.
I've been trying to work out a code for a while now to plot some series in rows on a graph. The wonderful Mr Pope helped me with one before but for series in columns but i just don't seem to understand it enough to use it for this problem. the graph already has 2 series plotted (called the envelope) so i have to use seperate series to plot the data.
Basically the name of series is down column A but the range is from E1 to Y1 and the data to be plotted on the graph which already has two series plotted in it is E2 to Y2, E3 to Y3 etc. iv been trying to use this code but failing miserably
Sub adddatatopsd(Name As Range, XData As Range, YData As Range) With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart With .SeriesCollection.NewSeries .ChartType = xlColumnClustered .XValues = XData .Values = YData .Name = Name .ChartType = xlXYScatterSmooth End With End With End Sub...........................
I have a data and it has been plotted into a graph. Here's what i have: I have 2 points, point A and point B with caps, 1.00 and 2.00 respectively. So now i need to draw 3 parallel lines, i.e from the caps and the main point itself. How do i do that? Manually will be of course selecting a line from the shapes. Any suggestions?
I need to map the names of the companies on the x axis (ANF, AEO, ARO, PSUN) and 5% to 30% on the y axis. Plotted for each company should be the min and max. So two points for each company. How can I plot this data. Underlying data as follows:
I have a set of data. I know how to do linear regression over the whole set of data. How do I have another linear regression over the first 5 points in the set of data on the same graph ?? I am using Excel 2007
how to get a line in a graph to become a curved line between 2 data points in 10 point chart. I the pictuer attached I am trying to get the line to curve at the second data point 5(ms) and the third data point at 80(ms). The aftr 80 the line become staright again.[IMG][/IMG]
I would like to make a scatter graph that will graph the attached. The score would be on the Y axis and the birth date would be on the X axis. This is simple to do by itself but what I would like to do in addition to this is to have the top 25% of the scores a single color, the middle 50% of the scores a second color and then the bottom 25% of the scores to be a third color. And if it is possible to have the ID visible when you move your cursor over a given dot in the graph. Currently when I make a scatter graph the X,Y coordinates show when I hoover the cursor over a dot.
How can i make a graph that will graph against time? lets say i have a bank balance like this:
1/2/2000 $500 1/3/2000 $600 3/12/2000 $400
there may be more than one entry on any one given day, or there may not be an entry for 2 weeks. How can i graph the running balance in a way that it will show the timeline just as a calendar year(or however long i selected) and the points are plotting according to their date, not just equally spaced out.
I have two rows of data, each row also have similar data. I need to find the number of matches that the two lines For example :
7,7,K,A,8,7 K,6,7,7,A,9
To reach the conclusion I need to build six such functions: =1*(COUNTIF($A$65:$F$65,A66)>=COUNTIF($A66:A66,A66)) =1*(COUNTIF($A$65:$F$65,B66)>=COUNTIF($A66:B66,B66)) =1*(COUNTIF($A$65:$F$65,C66)>=COUNTIF($A66:C66,C66)) =1*(COUNTIF($A$65:$F$65,D66)>=COUNTIF($A66:D66,D66)) =1*(COUNTIF($A$65:$F$65,E66)>=COUNTIF($A66:E66,E66)) =1*(COUNTIF($A$65:$F$65,F66)>=COUNTIF($A66:F66,F66))
The result is 4
Is there a single formula that will give the result ?
Another question, is there a formula that I can compare to the principle of one line against the 20 lines ?