Macro For Conditional Formatting Using Isna, Match And Indirect In The Formula
Apr 2, 2009
I have configured conditional formatting to check valid entries in a dependant list. I used the solution provided by SHG at:
Now I need to use a macro to activate and deactivate the conditional formatting due to performance issues.
When the formula for data validation includes the indirect funtion I got a compile error and the macro won't run.
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Jan 26, 2009
I have 2 spreadsheets. Both have a list of part numbers on. Beside each part number i want a formula that tells me if the part number is present in both spreadsheets so its says TRUE. If its not present then FALSE. I've tried using this command but it doesn't seem to work properly =ISNA(MATCH(B2,A:A,TRUE))
I've attached the 2 spreadsheets. Spreadsheet1 is where i need the forumula placed beside the part numbers so if its present in Spreadsheet2 as well it displays TRUE beside the part number in Spreadsheet1.
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Oct 22, 2007
I'm trying to conditionally format a cell based on the cells around it. There might be a better way to do this but this is what I have done. I'll just show some trials of formatting conditions I've done.
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Jan 10, 2012
I'm trying to do conditional formatting that applies to an entire column (that way there are fewer conditional rules), but it only applies to a certain range of cells within that column. So what I did was setup the rule such as:
Applies To:
Formula I want to use:
If I copy the entire formula into a cell on the spreadsheet itself, it works just fine returning TRUE and FALSE depending on what row I'm on.
However, the above formatting rule does NOT format ANY row. But if I remove the AND function and the first condition (the one that limits which rows it's actually going to apply to) then it will work...OR if I do NOT use the INDIRECT function then it seems to work, it's some weird combonation of using the two together that is causing it to not evaluate to true.
Oh, and I thought of trying to get the formatting to work with the INDIRECT...then I put in the AND function but the only parameter was the original INDIRECT function (see below) stops formatting!
Office 2010 on Windows 7 64bit
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Apr 11, 2014
I'm running into a problem when trying to use INDIRECT in combination with Conditional Formatting Data Bars.
Basically I want to show a Data Bar in a certain cell based on the value from another cell.
It would be easy if I could simply copy the value from the other cell across into the cell in which I want to show the data Bar. Unfortunately I cannot do this as the values in the cells where I want to show the Data Bars can change.
As a solution when using Conditional Formatting Data Bars I figured out I can simply do the following:
> Under 'Minimum' use 'Type': Number with 'Value': Zero.
> Under 'Maximum' use 'Type': Formula with 'Value': =INDIRECT("B'&ROW())
This will pick up the value up from column B in the same row.
> In column B i then have this formula: =A1/C1. In C1 i have the percentage that the Data Bar should be using. By dividing the value in A1 with this percentage B1 will return a value that is used for the "Maximum" setting which will then ensure the Data Bar will display correctly.
For example: If A1 value is 4 and C1 value is 25%. Then the formula in B1 will return value 16. The scale used for the Data Bar is then 0 to 16. Seeing the value in A1 is 4 the Data Bar will correctly show 25%. If I then change the value in A1 to say 2 the scale used will change to 0 to 8 and the Data Bar will still be showing 25%, which is exactly what I'm after. So effectively this means a value from another cell is used to work out the Data Bar.
So all is fine up until this point. The problem arises when I want to apply this same logic to the rest of the column.
If I change the 'Applies To' to the range I want it applied to all the "Maximum" will only be based on the top row value. I'd expect cause I'm using the INDIRECT reference with ROW() it would have picked up the values from each individual row. I could create a new CF rule for every row, but that's not practical as there are way too many rows.
Why does the INDIRECT function with ROW() not work in this case? How to make the CF rule copy down properly?
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Feb 15, 2010
Am trying to figure out the best way to combine into 1 cell an ISNA(Match... and a Lookup array that will run if the ISNA(match ... returns a false value.
Right now it's running in 2 separate cells ISNA(Match ... and then an if statement that if the ISNA(Match returns false, that the look-up runs, if it doesn't return false, then the value is 0)
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Mar 21, 2014
Attached is the example : Example.xlsx
Basically, would like to have the following conditional formatting:
There is a fruit listed and the are person 1 and person 2. If the fruit under Person 1 or Person 2 matches the fruit under Fruit, the cell under either person 1 or person 2 highlights green; if it does not match, it highlights red. If the fruit has not been listed under fruit, such as in cell A3, cells B3 and C3 are not highlighted.
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Mar 6, 2012
I have an "actual build" worksheet, which allows the user to select which materials were used, material properties (e.g. material grade etc.), including its corresponding length. The user can enter all these in manually, or select the material name from a pre-defined list (Reference worksheet contains this information), and then the associated properties are automatic lookups from the Reference worksheet.
So all this is fine / completed, and the LOOKUP returns its theoretical length from the reference table. However, its actual material lengths will almost never match the theoretical length, so what I want to happen is for a conditional format to highlight the cell, to notify the user that they need to enter a manual value. The auto-looked up length is still useful a proposed build on the worksheet, but having it highlighted to ensure it is manually entered later is the objective.
The other thing is it can't just check if it's a formula, it has to check if it is a formula with a MATCH/LOOKUP function. E.g. it needs to be unhighlighted if someone has a basic formula, ie = 2*0.42 if there two of the item etc..
Hence, I was thinking of having a conditional formula that "format only cells that contain" and then format only cells with "specific text" and "containing" and "MATCH(" text function, however this doesn't seem to work.
Length cell formula:
=OFFSET('Reference- Materials'!$N$5, MATCH($BO32, Materials_Item_Number, 0), 0) * $AH32
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Sep 5, 2013
My Goal: If the value of G8 (which is the result of a count formula) matches the value of G10, then apply formatting to G10 through H11.
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Sep 13, 2006
I would like to have excel check if eight of ten of cells in a row are above a certain criteria, then if they are format the tenth cell to be excel checks the ten cells above and if eight of them are above a certain number then that cell shades red.
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Mar 4, 2008
The Problem: There is data in a step chart from left to right. On a separate step chart, Conditional formatting is set to lookup values from the first step chart and highlight non empty cells in the row. The formatting should only format the first non empty cell from left to right in the row. After formatting the first non zero value in the time line the formatting should cease. Note: the conditional formatting value and the value of the cell being formatted are not the same in either value or time but are related. The formatting is to illustrate the relation
Current Formatting formula:
Syntax for Vlookup(Lookup_Value,Table_array,Column_index_num,Range_Lookup)
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May 11, 2014
In a column in which there are repeating numbers is there a formula I can enter into conditional formatting that will highlight a cell when the number doesn't match the value from the value above it?
So in this example the values with an * would be highlighted.
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Apr 16, 2009
I know there are many posts concerning this, but after scouring, I couldn't find one that fit my situation. I have a total of six worksheets, I am only concerned with two worksheets.
Worksheet (functions!)
This one has a list of numbers formatted as general. (Column G)
Is actually a formula/macro that outputs a number... (didn't know if this mattered?)
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Oct 28, 2008
I've almost got what I need for a mind bending series of sorts that go from worksheet to worksheet. I need to add ISNA along with the ISBLANK above.
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Oct 2, 2013
I want to highlight a cell if the text displayed from an IF formula is equal to the cell content.
CELLS BK10:BN10 are merged and have entered into them the following text "SELL"
Cells BJ20:BP20 are merged and contain the following formula which currently results in the cell displaying "SELL"
=IF(BM22<=-0.08,"SELL", IF(AND(BM22>-0.08,BM22 < -0.03),"NO INDICATION", IF(BM22>=-0.03,"HOLD")))
Cell BM22 is a percentage calculation of the differences between two different days of volume for this stock and that formula is: =(BH22/BH25)-1 Cell BM22 currently is calculating the result to be -65.65%
When I set up a CLASSIC Conditional Formatting using a formula (="If($BJ$20=""SELL""") to check the if the text in cells BK10 match the text displayed in cell BJ20 - I get no error messages and no formatting?
I am using Mac Office Excel 2011. I feel like I have tried everything including changing the Number selection type of the cells to TEXT. Nothing seems to works.
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Oct 26, 2006
I need to create a formula for a series of ranges that have a variable sheet name (which is located on sheet Backend!E15) and when it creates the formula will reference the exact same cell on the variable sheet.
this is what i have so far...
Option Explicit
Sub formulaset()
Dim Cell As Range
Dim target As String
For Each Cell In Range("b4:al132")
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
target = Cell.Address
Cell.FormulaR1C1 = "=INDIRECT(CONCATENATE(BackEnd!E15,""!"",target))"
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Next Cell
End Sub
but this is the answer I am getting in the first cell of the range...
=INDIRECT(CONCATENATE(BackEnd! 'E15',"!",target))
as you can see I am having trouble getting the target address to lock in. To make things worse, its needs to be in " " so the concatenate creates the corect address link.
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Mar 5, 2014
How to combine ISNA and ISBLANK in the below formula such that it returns empty cell if vlookup cell is blank.
HTML Code:
=IF(ISBLANK(VLOOKUP(B4,'C:UsersArulDesktop[Common Spares 1.xlsx]Sheet1'!$B$1:$L$77,2,0)),"",VLOOKUP(B4,'C:UsersArulDesktop[Common Spares 1.xlsx]Sheet1'!$B$1:$L$77,2,0))
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Nov 4, 2008
It then places all the data on a new sheet. My problem is that some of the formula that the macro places on the new sheet come back with the result #N/A - which is fine, as they are the result of a lookup.
What I want to try and do, is at the end of the macro, get it to delete the row if the activecell is showing as #N/A
I've tried to write a small bit of code for it...
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Apr 7, 2014
Excel 2002
I have a simple spreadsheet and am trying to get some Conditional Formatting to work.
Cell1 = Name
Cell2 = 1
Cell3 = 2
Cell4 = 3
If cells 2, 3, and 4 all match I want the background in cell 1 to change to green.
I've tried (Formula Is =B1=C1=D1 green) with no luck.
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Nov 6, 2012
I'm trying to use this formula but I get the error "too many arguments". How can I do the same as the formula without an error:
I added in the VLOOKUP(B12,VALVESFILTERS!A12:E2000,3,FALSE) - when I used it without that it worked. But I have 3 sheets I need the the VLOOKUP to look over and this formula that I copied off another thread only had 2 tabs.
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Sep 27, 2009
What i want to do is to look up of the value of home and away games seperatly. if there is no match for the lookup i get the "N/A" and if there is no value i get "0". If i get 0 the formula will calculate as a lost game.
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May 21, 2013
I have been using an IF,ISNA,VLOOKUP formula as follows which I am sure you are all familiar with :
This formula works correctly, displaying the lookup value for K7. My query is between the"" I can place text to display when K7 is blank and this works correctly too. However I would like to place a formula in here. The formula is VLOOKUP(I7,Orig!A7:B35,COLUMNS(B7:B35)+1,0 i.e. the lookup value is now I7 and not K7 when K7 is blank.
I have tried the following and variations based on what I know but they return errors.
=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(K7,Orig!A7:B35,COLUMNS(B7:B35)+1,0)),(""& VLOOKUP(K7,Orig!A7:B35,COLUMNS(B7:B35)+1,0),VLOOKUP(K7,Orig!A7:B35,COLUMNS(B7:B35)+1,0))
Any better way of using I7 as the lookup value when K7 is blank.
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Aug 23, 2008
I have the following vlookup working exactly as I want it to in excel: =IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(LEFT(C2,10)& "*", NAME,2,FALSE)),"",(VLOOKUP(LEFT(C2,10)& "*",NAME,2,FALSE))) -NAME is a defined section on another worksheet
The problem I have is when I come to use this within a vba macro I'm writing the wildcard section automatically gets spaces added so it goes from "*" to " * " and excel doesn't like it! The code I'm using to write it into the cell is simply:
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _
"=IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP(LEFT(c2,10)& " * ",NAME,2,FALSE)),"",(VLOOKUP(LEFT(c2,10)& " * ",NAME,2,FALSE)))"
how to stop the spaces being added?
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Mar 9, 2009
Have 2 conditional formattings going on in a database query and need to apply two more conditions but only have 1 conditional formatting left. I am trying to highlight everything in a row that contains either "HCAT" or "HCAL" in column D. So far I have this,
but its not highlighting anything, any clues?
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Jul 18, 2012
I simply need to have column A be red if value is < Column B value and green if it is >. The problem is that if the value in column A is .00000004 and column B is .00000005, it turns red. Example is the first three numbers below the headers....they each are 0%, yet the value on the left turns red because it is .0000005 more than the value on the right. I just want the colors to reflect the numbers which show up as below. Is there a way to do this?
2011 % of PDD
2011 % of Total $
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Feb 1, 2008
1. I have a range of random numbers within a column, i.e. A1:A9
2. A specific number will appear in a cell at the end of that column, i.e. A11
3. I need to see via conditional formatting which of the above cells add up to that number.
I am aware that given the numbers in A1:A9, it is possible to have more than one combination of numbers that add up to A11. I would need to see those combinations as well identified using Conditional formatting.
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Mar 20, 2007
I am referencing a cell in order to change the background color of a row of cells if the number in column B is = to the number in a specific cell. The formula used in the conditional formatting is =$B73=$B$10. The reference cell $B$10 contains the following formula =INT(MAX('Assumptions & Inputs'! F8:F9))
The conditional formatting worked fine when I used that formula. I had to change the formula in cell $B$10 so that it would meet a new criteria. When I did that the conditional formatting would not change the color of the row. The new formula that I put in the reference cell $B$10 is
='Assumptions & Inputs'!$D$8+MAX('Assumptions & Inputs'!$F$8-'Assumptions & Inputs'!$D$8,'Assumptions & Inputs'!$F$9-'Assumptions & Inputs'!$D$9)
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Jun 21, 2014
I have a challenge with conditional formatting. I have products A-K with sales current year and last year and want to have year on year growth. I want to have one column where the cell formatting changes based on data validation.
Let's say product A sold 60 items CY and 50 LY meaning YoY variance is +10 items or +20%. Hence, if the relevant cell says "%" then the YoY figure should say "+20%" (formatted as a percentage) and if "VALUES" then YoY should be 10 (formatted as numbers/absolute values).
Remember also that YoY growth can be +100% (or more), 0% and -100%.
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Mar 16, 2014
I have a list that, how do i create a border that data contains formula (formula not display/blank)...
i want to create dynamic border with condition if data display/showing must be border shown too...
for this, i want to line "TOTAL" in column AD expands up, based on data display/showing...
note : in cell AF2 as parameter/controller to show data by month (type 2 instead February or 3 --March etc...)
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Nov 6, 2008
I am trying to use conditional formatting for a cell; It is a cell using Validation; you can choose "Yes" or "No" from a list If the value is "Yes" the cell should be green, regardless of everything else But if the value is "No" it should turn red, but only if a choice in another cell is equal to "X". Otherwise it should be left without special formatting.
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