Macro To Copy And Fill In Cells?

May 6, 2014

I'm using 3 sheets within one Excel file. 1st sheet (target) is called Offer, the 2nd one (source) is called Stock and there's a 3rd one that only contains a button to which i'll assign the final macro. Now, back to it.

I need to copy from Stock to Offer contents of the entire column (basically there are a few more in Offer, so i need to copy each one and place it in a different part). I need to copy from ROW 2 and paste in ROW 6. The length of the document varies, as it's connected to the database (now i can have 3800 rows, in the next hour 3765). Previously i just added an X to row 4500 ( i don't expect to EVER have more than 4000 lines) and just copied from 2 to 4499

Second issue is, on the Offer sheet i have to fill a column with a certain value. Again, it needs to start from Row 6, and needs to be as long as the adjacent column. To get a better idea, i have for example 3800 price lines, so i need the column next to it to be filled with 3800 rows saying GBP (this will be a fixed value).

Also, none of the codes above should exclude blank cells in the middle of the string. Last thing, seems some of the barcodes i have only have 12 digits, so i'll need to add a 0 in front of all shorter numbers to go up to 13 digits.

[Code] ......

I should be able to figure the rest by recording bits and pieces. The Save part is done already, i'm using

[Code] ....

I needed it in XLSX format, not XLSM so that suits just fine. I might need to add hour and minute as well but i can sort it out (as i said, i can do some stuff on my own but this one got me to the bottom).

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Copy Cells Without Background Fill In VB

Jul 14, 2009

I currently have some code that copies a single cell from multiple worksheets. Unfortunately those cells all have a yellow fill and i don't want that fill showing up in my summary sheet. How can i alter this code to copy the cells without the fill.

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Copy Cells Within Row Containing Green Fill

Dec 18, 2009

Look within sheet "highlowperf" column K and copy the row containing cells that are filled green in column K into sheet "overallperfomers" starting from row 9 within the "overallperformers" sheet until completed. It needs to be from row 9 as i have other data above this which i need to keep intact.

Further to this i do not require all information from the row that is found to contain a green fill. I wish to copy columns A B C D E F G K.

If this second part is not possible I can settle to just copy the whole row over and i will try and work around.

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Copy Cells Based On Fill Color

Sep 9, 2006

i have some problem in display the highlight cell to another worksheet. Below is in module, i would like to display the highlighter cell to another worksheet.

Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
' Macro recorded 9/2/2006 by user

ActiveWindow.SmallScroll Down:=-12
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1

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Copy/Fill Down Formula Macro Code

Jun 5, 2008

I have created a macro with the below formula in it:

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=LEN(RC[-1])"
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("L2:L234")

I am using column K and it looks up the length of this cell. When I created the formula I was using info that only went to line 234 which was fine. Once I clear the info in column K and input new info it can go further than line 234. How do I get the macro to look up the whole of column k without having to create a new macro each time?

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Macro - Type In Value, Fill Other Cells W/same Value If

Jul 25, 2007

Col D has list of order #'s, starting in row 9. Col M is for COMMENTS about each order. Order #'s can appear in Col D more than once.

What I am looking for is a macro that will automatically detect if I have entered a new COMMENT in Col M, recognise the order # in adjacent Col D, and put my new comment in other cells in Col M if the SAME ORDER # is referenced in adjacent Col D.


worksheet starts with:
Col D Col M
1234 x
123 xyz
1234 zyx
4321 zyx
321 y
1234 yz

If I type the letter "Q" into Col M in a row adjacent to order # 1234, the result should be:
Col D Col M
1234 Q
123 xyz
1234 Q
4321 zyx
321 y
1234 Q

I think I would need to put this macro into a Worksheet Change event but beyond that I do not know what I need. UDF? Macro?

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Macro To Fill Blank Cells

Nov 29, 2006

I wonder if soeone could change the following macro so that the bottomcell
is set to be as far down as there is content in Column "A". As it stands if I fill in blank cells in Column "C" and the last cell with data is say C10 it does just this. But if the actual last row with data in column "A" is A14 then cells C11, C12, C13, and C14 are ignored. C11, C12, C13, and C14 should be the same as C10 above them.

Sub FillBlankCells()
Dim topcell As Range, bottomcell As Range
Set topcell = Cells(1, ActiveCell.Column)
Set bottomcell = Cells(16384, ActiveCell.Column)
If IsEmpty(topcell) Then Set topcell = topcell.End(xlDown)
If IsEmpty(bottomcell) Then Set bottomcell = bottomcell.End(xlUp).Offset
Range(topcell, bottomcell).Select
Selection.FormulaR1C1 = "=R[-1]C"
End Sub

Other macros recognize the actual last row.... but have issues with columns formatted as Text. The macro above doesn't create problems with columns formatted as "Text".

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Auto Fill Value In Different Cells In A Row Using Macro Button

Jul 30, 2012

how to auto fill of same value in different cells in a row?

For Example:

A1 D1 E1 G1 K1
10 10 10 10 10

like that when i hit a macro button the values in the A1 D1 E1 G1 K1 must fill with A2 D2 E2 G2 K2

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Macro To Fill Cells Until It Reaches Reference?

Sep 20, 2012

I have some information in a column where I have different types of references in each cell with some blank cells in between. I am trying to write a macro that will go down the column until it gets to a cell containing the reference "THIS PAYMENTS" and then copy that cell reference down until it reaches a cell containing "Y-T-D AMOUNTS".But I want the loop to carry on until it reaches another cell containing THIS PAYMENTS.I want this to repeat for about 3000 rows See here before and after result.



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Fill Alternate Cells Macro, All Sheets

Dec 22, 2005

Would like a script that will go to each sheet in the workbook, and fill in light grey background, each alternate row that contains data, EXCLUDING the 1st row (header row).

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Macro To Fill Cells Of Rows Based On Two Other Columns

May 28, 2014

Data file with few columns. There are groups of similar ID numbers in Column J. For a group of similar ID numbers in consecutive rows there is only one row that has a number greater than 0 in its Column L cell and the rest of the cells of Column L for that set of similar IDs is filled with 0s.

First for that unique ID group I need to find out which row is it that has a value greater than zero in its Column L cell.

Then I need to use that value to fill the rest of the 0s in Column L corresponding to that set of Unique IDs.

The process continues with identifying similar IDs in Column J and this time doing the same thing for their Column M. I have attached a sample file that shows the data and how the results need to look like.

See here Fill Cells.xlsx

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Macro To Fill Cells For Number Of Times With Value Divided

Jun 3, 2014

I need a macro to do the following

Assume A1 has 100 & B1 has 20

The macro should divide 100 by 20 & then fill 20 for number of times I get as the answer starting from B3 9 in this case its 5 times

E.g.: B3 , B4 , B5 , B6 , B7 should be filled with 20

If A1 has 200 & B1 has 50

B3, B4 , B5, B6 should be filled with 50

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Macro To Fill Blank Cells With Data In Above Cell

Dec 10, 2013

I have a small challenge, where I am trying to fill blank cells with the data from the last populated cell above.

However, I need it to be able to automatically recognise when a manual entry has beed actioned down the column and recalculate for below that cell with the new data.

The data in the cell is selected from a drop down. I want it to populate all the cells below, until the next drop down is selected. And automatically repopulate them all when it is selected.

E.g. Cell C8 has the value "DATA" selected, and everything below is autofilled with "DATA", but when I select cell C12 with different drop down list value "VALUE", all the cells below stay as "DATA" because they are obviously no longer blank.

What I need if C9 - C11 to remain filled with 'DATA" and from C13 to auto fill with the newly selected value "VALUE".

Need this to happen for as many rows and data selections from the drop down as needed (endless).

I have used:

Sub FillEmpty() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Application.Calculation = xlManual Dim cell As Range For Each cell In Intersect(Selection, _ ActiveSheet.UsedRange) If Trim(cell) = "" And cell.Row > 1 Then cell.NumberFormat = cell.Offset(-1, 0).NumberFormat cell.Value = cell.Offset(-1, 0).Value End If Next cell Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic 'xlCalculationAutomatic Application.ScreenUpdating = False End Sub

which does the auto fill, but won't change the cells below once one of them has been updated.


Drop down list has 31 possible selections at the moment

Starts at Cell C8

Needs to be flexible enough to add an indeterminate number of rows, and additional items to the drop down selection.

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Excel 2003 :: Run Macro And Fill Out Cells When Country Is Selected?

Jun 8, 2014

I have a dropdownmanu in sheet1 with different countries taken from Column A in Sheet3. I need a macro to run when i select a country example Denmark. It will fill out transmittal code and also country code in named cells for it in sheet1. Info taken from Sheet3

Transmittal code is in below testsheet in Sheet1 cell E12.

Country code is in Sheet1 cell.

But this have to be possible to change. Also the range for the country have to be possible to change.

This vba code i need to run as soon as i select a country in the dropdown manu.

But one thing i would like to solve also is. When i select a country it will create a dropdownlist in I13 taken from the info in column, i have in Sheet3 column F. So if i select example Denmark, it will show a dropdown menu in sheet1 I13, with the ledger codes 10 and 6x. I have tried to make this work but cant make it work good.

I use excel 2003. Please have a look and upload the testsheet back.

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Can I Fill Non-adjacent Cells With The Fill Feature? (example Listed)

Nov 7, 2008

how to enter data in non-adjacent cells using a fill command.

Here is what I am trying to do:
in the column, I am holding ctrl button to select every 10th cell down the sheet. I need to enter a date in every selected cell that is exactly 7 days apart, i.e., 11/7/08 then 11/14/08 then 11/21/08, etc.... but no other dates or data.

I have tried to figure out a way to do this other than manually, but am confounded.

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How To Make Macro To Lock Certain Cells Connected To Another Cells Value Then Copy Daily

Mar 29, 2014

am making Excel for private use, i need the following makro to be active, here is the idea because i didnt yet work with makros at all:

If A1 = False
then Range B1:D1 will be locked cells

If A1 = True
then Range B1:D1 will be unlocked cells

Those rules apply to 1 day in the year.

the range A1:D1 will be copied about 400 so the makro should be active to each day separatly.

Check the picture attached for example of one day

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Asymmetric Fill (fill Out Column B Referencing Column A, But Only Incrementing By 1 Row In A Every 2 Cells In B)

Feb 1, 2010

Is there some easy way to fill out column B referencing column A, but only incrementing by 1 row in A every 2 cells in B?


Column A:
A1 = 1
A2 = 2
A3 = 3

Column B (I would like to fill this, referencing column A):
B1 = A1
B2 empty
B3 = A2
B4 empty
B5 = A3

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Copy All Used Cells Macro

Jun 23, 2007

Sub GetDataFromClosedWorkbook()
Dim wb As Workbook
Application. ScreenUpdating = False ' turn off the screen updating
Set wb = Workbooks.Open( ActiveWorkbook.Path & "Social Club.xls")
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Final Results")
.Range("B7", "E36").Formula = wb.Worksheets("RESULTS").Range("B7", "E36").Formula
End With
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
' read data from the source workbook
'the range to copy to in this workbook-name of sheet to copy FROM-range in closed workbook to copy
.Range("B7", "E36").Formula = wb.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B7", "E36").Formula
End With
wb.Close False ' close the source workbook without saving any changes
Set wb = Nothing ' free memory
Application.ScreenUpdating = True ' turn on the screen updating
End Sub

How would I go about changing the range values in parenthesis so that the entire sheet was included in the copy function?

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A Macro To Copy Certain Cells To Another Sheet

Oct 28, 2009

Hi all! I'm hoping someone can help me as I'm trying to complete this for work ASAP. Here's the story. I want to automatically fill out the Monthly Log sheet using the information provided on the "Full Staff" sheet. If E9:E227 in the Staff sheet is listed as "CO", I want to copy the corresponding cells over to the corresponding cells in the Monthly Log Sheet. Also, I want it to automatically paste the information in the next available row (say rows 1-15 are being utilized, I want it to post in 16). Can anyone help?

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Macro To Copy Only Filled Cells

Mar 25, 2014

I want to copy only the filled cells of a column from Range N20 to N1000 and have the following code but this code copy even the blank cells. All the cells Range N20 to N1010 have formula and dependent on the value of another cell and if another cell is blank than cell in Column N is also blank.

Please suggest the changes in the following code so that only filled cells are copied.

Dim LstRw As Long, sSaveAsFilePath As String, ws As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With Sheets("Sheet1")
LstRw = .Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlValues).Row
.Range("N20:N" & LstRw).Copy
End With

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Macro To Copy Value To Consecutive Cells At Different Row No

Jun 27, 2007

I have an Excel worksheet (ver.2003) containing data more than 5000 rows. I need to run a macro everyday to do copy a value for that cell each day from another cell in different respective rows :

Using # as a marker in a specific col (say col X2, X14, X27, X43 and so on ) I want to copy value from another cell (AE2, AE14, AE27, AE43 and so on) containing a forumla and paste as a value to a cell say B4 in a row of fixed range (say B4:V4, B16:V16 and so on), which is two rows below the marker. The value to be copied is located in the 7th cell (say AE2) to the right of the marker cell (X2). If first cell is blank (say B4) then I copy data into the first cell. Every time I run the macro the value should be copied to next blank cell in that row (C4, D4 and so on).

I need to run the macro everyday for a specified no. of days say 21 working days in a month, which is the length of the range) copy the value for each in different rows as explained above. What is the VB Excel macro for this? ...

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Copy Many Cells Into One - (each Sheet) - Macro

Apr 24, 2008

I am trying to write a macro to copy an entire sheet's content into cell A1 for each sheet in a workbook.

I am running into the problem of not being able to copy many cells into one.

Please assist me in figuring out a macro to copy a column or entire sheet to a single cell (preferably iterating through each worksheet in the workbook).

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Macro: Copy Certain Cells From All Worksheets

Dec 18, 2006

I have been at this for days and i can't quite get it right.

I have multiple worksheets of clients all formatted the same.

I need a Macro/VBA that will take from Each sheet onto a master sheet the Name of the Client(Cell I1 from the sheet)

Under the name I need the text Authorization #: then the data(C3)
Under that I need the text Dates of Service Expiration: then the data (D5)
Then the text 90801 Balance: then the data from (C30)
Then the text 90806 Balance: then the data from (F30)
Then the text 90847 Balance: then the data from (I30)
Then the text 90853 Balance: then the data from (L30)

Then a couple Spaces then the same exact data from the next sheet...till all the work sheets are done.....

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Create Worksheet And Copy Cells Using Macro

Oct 15, 2012

Iam looking for macro to copy rows based on partial cell content of a column. I have an excel spreadsheet called "arc.xlsx" from which I would like to copy data to other few new excel files when certain criteria are met. The excel file contained location is C:Documents and SettingsxxxxDesktopCompany.

Below is a sample of arc.xlsx

I1 999999 1 SMITH 0 8 9
I1 999999 ab SMITH 4 8 9
I1 999999 cd SMITH 4 10 9
I1 999999 1 SMITH 4 1 10


I would like the macro to copy rows that have 'ab' in the column c (with title BR)and save it in a new excel file with name ab.xlsx in the same location folder.And the same for 'cd', '01' and '02' by saving the data in files with name cd.xlsx, 01.xlsx so on.

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Macro To Copy And Paste Cells If TRUE

Dec 4, 2009

I need a macro to copy and paste cells from one worksheet to another, if there is the word true in the column L of that row.

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Macro To Copy Range Of Cells To Next Column

Oct 16, 2011

I have trying to develop the following macro (see below) which bases adds a column on another worksheet based on a cell value, this part works. I then want to copy the formulas from the column to the left of the inserted column, and this where I am struggling.

I found a question posed by 'TBW MK' and tried to adapt that. I can't work out how to express which needs to be copied - currently shown as Range(), given that it is a variable

Sub New_World5()
Dim ColNo As Integer
ColNo = Worksheets("Input").Range("H2").Value
With Sheets("Process")

[Code] .......

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Macro To Copy Certain Cells And Paste To Another Worksheet

Nov 27, 2013

I am using the following macro which copy and paste certain info from one sheet to another. The macro I am using is

Sub test()
With Sheets("Invoice")
Sheets("Transactions").Range("b" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Offset(1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End With
End Sub

Is it possible to copy the value of B2 in the sheet (Invoice) as well and paste it for as many entries there are in the rows 4:17 in the sheet "Transactions". For example say i have items in row 4:10 when it copies the info to the sheet Transactions then it must copy the entry that is in B2 on sheet Invoice also in column a 4:10.

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Macro To Copy Cells Of Data From Many Pages Into One

Dec 19, 2013

Macro that can copy cells of data from about twenty five tabbed sheets in the workbook (subject to change) and compile them into one long worksheet (the first tab).

The cells to be copied will be fixed number of columns but variable number of rows. I only need copying of cells in one direction (from the tabbed pages to the compiled list), and I would like to keep the list automatically up to date or have a "refresh" button.

Here's an image to visually describe this:

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Macro To Copy Cells To A Random Worksheet

Jul 2, 2008

i have a workbook that has several worksheets. i may create new worksheets at any time. i want to create a macro that will select a certain field of cells and copy it to a random spreadsheet of my choosing. i know how to make a macro that copies cells and pastes them to a different worksheet, i just want the macro to ask me which worksheet i want it to copy to.

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Macro: Copy Non-Contiguous Range Of Cells

Aug 24, 2008

I want to be able to copy cell D4, I4, G10, G12 etc from one spreadsheet and paste into another spreadsheet in the same locations as the source.
Is there a macro that will do this?

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