Macro To Search Workbooks In A Folder For A Specified Column And Paste In Another Workbook
Apr 8, 2014
Would like a macro that will do the following:
- Go into a specified folder (ie. C:data) which contains multiple workbooks
- search each workbook for a column titled SCIN
- copy the cell labelled SCIN and 60 cells below it to a new workbook (summary workbook)
- repeat the process in all the workbooks until all of the SCIN columns have been located and copied into the summary workbook
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Jun 5, 2009
i am trying to open a get a code working that will enable me to enter a file name in a cell of the current workbook open, then search through a root directory and subfolders, find the file and open it. the code below i giving me grief. i am using 2007 excel.
With Application.FindFile
.LookIn = "J:IsolationDataBaseIsolationProcedures"
.SearchSubFolders = True
.Filename = Range("N2").Value
.MatchTextExactly = True
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Apr 21, 2014
I have up to 50 workbooks in one folder with data in a specific range. I also have one workbook which includes additional data, including conditional formatting and dropdowns. I need to copy the desired range from the first workbook in the source folder to the second workbook, then save the latter to my destination folder, using the same name as the first. I need to repeat this process for all workbooks in the source folder.
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Nov 24, 2012
Copy over data from different workbooks and using paste special values to paste it into a new workbook using a macro. Here is what I have and what I am looking for:
My file path is
C:Documents and SettingsMy DocumentsProjectCostsDecember12
In this folder I have workbooks called:
In each workbook I have 4 worksheets
I also have a workbook called DecMonthlyTotal in the same folder with the same named worksheets.
I am looking for a macro to be placed in the DecMonthlyTotal that will pull the data from the Cashable12-13 worksheets from Function1, Function2 and Function3 and paste special the values into workbook DecMonthlyTotal, worksheet name Cashable12-13, it will also pull the data from the NonCashable12-13 worksheets from Function1, Function2 and Function3 and paste special the values into workbook DecMonthlyTotal, worksheet name NonCashable12-13
Both the Cashable12-13 and the NonCashable12-13 have Columns A - G The row that the macro should start the copying from is Row 3 for each of the workbooks; however I don't have an end row for the workbooks as this will vary.
I am using Excel version 2003.
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Nov 8, 2013
I would like to copy all data from all workbooks stored in one particular folder and paste them into a masterlist. The masterlist and all other workbooks in that folder have the same table header. How do I write VBA codes do the following tasks?
Options (1 and 2 are mutually exclusive):
1. VBA will go to that folder, open all workbooks one by one, if the data is filtered, then deactivate filtermode, and copy all the data but not the header, and paste it into masterlist and loop to the next workbook.
2. Create an inputbox in masterlist that allows user to key in Week Number. Then VBA will take the value, go to the folder and open all the workbooks one by one, apply filtering using the InputBox value, and copy the related data excluding the header into masterlist and loop to the next workbook. (*If the workbook in the folder is filtered, deactivate filter and then only filter using the InputBox value).
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Jun 29, 2006
I want to search for some text in a file. If found, I want to copy that file into another folder. I'm using the code below to do half the job.
Sub test()
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "C:Documents and SettingscDesktop1"
.SearchSubFolders = True
.Filename = "*.htm"
.TextOrProperty = "Status Rekod"
.MatchAllWordForms = True
.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
If .Execute() > 0 Then
For I = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
'I want to use the FileCopy function here to copy the found files to
'C:Documents and SettingscDesktop est. How do I do this?
Next I
MsgBox "There were no files found."
End If
End With
End Sub
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Feb 27, 2007
1. I have a large number of Test Suites that are large documents with 1 (visible) sheet w/ test cases, and 1 (hidden) sheet w/ validations. Test Suite is saved with a unique name (that follows a naming convention we've set up on this project: <Project>_<Test Suite Category>_<Location in Software>_< date>.xls
2. I need to create a master document in which i can run a macro that will copy each "test suite" sheet from each of these documents, insert it into the master doc, and sort the sheets by name. then it needs to present the data from all of the sheets on the main page of the doc, and break down the results by Test Suite Category, and Location.
Is this possible?
Can I create a macro that will import sheets from (potentially) hundreds of different workbooks, and then sort them appropriately?
I've been looking all over the place, and while i've seen macros that can import specific data, rows, or columns, i havn't quite seen what i'm looking for.
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Jul 13, 2014
Copy paste specific column with specific heading using macros. Roll No
I Want the Macro to find the column with heading "Name"
Copy the list from Name till the last Cell that is B1048576
Paste in Sheet2 Cell A1(Please see result in Sheet2)
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Jun 30, 2012
I want a Macro to take a sheet (same named sheet) from several workbooks in one folder into a new workbook and paste each in one sheet in this new workbook. i want to rename the sheets in the new workbook based on the value in cell D2 ( i can manage that
How can i manage that by simple opening the folder or do i need to open all those workbook manually for that to be done.
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Feb 13, 2008
I would like to write a mocro which open the search files in a folder window. The window will get parametrs through the macro and should show the results.
I tried to record it from file menu, but it didn't work.
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Aug 13, 2013
I have a folder set up on a network drive which contains a workbook for each member of staff (approx 40) to track queries that they receive on a weekly basis Each one of these is called "Query database - Joe" for example. The queries are stored on a worksheet called "Query data" within this workbook and they need to be collated on a weekly basis on a Monday morning and cut and pasted into a master database worksheet again called "Query data" to then carry out analysis on these.
What I am looking to do is have a macro set up that will automatically cut and paste the data that has been input onto each individual worksheet into the master spreadsheet, starting from the next blank line. Each option I have found seems to be set to copy a specific range, or paste to the start of a worksheet each time, rather than finding all of the 'new' data that is there for that week and then adding it to the bottom of the master sheet.
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Oct 11, 2011
Im am trying to create a search marco button that allows me to search in multiple worksheets in one work book. I came across this CODE the first part of it works. It pops open user input box and ask for the word that i would like to search but the this error message pops up Runtime error1004 Method 'range" of object'_Global'failed and i dont know what to do
Private Sub SearchButton_Click()
SearchString = InputBox("Enter Search String", "Search")
If SearchString = "" Then Exit Sub
For Each c In Range(myRange)
If InStr(LCase(CStr(c)), LCase(SearchString)) Then
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May 25, 2014
I have around 200 excel spreadsheets/workbooks with identical ranges but each with different data. There is a total of 5 columns and 225 rows in each spreadsheet/workbook. Looks something like this:
Workbook 1:
Title 1
Title 2
Title 3
Title 4
Title 5
[Code] ....
The Cells I need to copy are in BOLD. I am trying to paste them onto another workbook as follows
Main Workbook:
Workbook #
File 2
File 3
File 4
Title 5
Title 5
[Code] ....
As you can see, each workbook has identical A2 and Title 5 columns, so they only need to be copied once onto the Main workbook where data from the B and E columns are different for each Workbook. So not only I need to copy and paste from a Workbook onto the Main Workbook, but the code has be able to paste it onto a new row in the Main Workbook (where each row in the Main Workbook will correspond to the data copied from Workbooks 1-200.
I am new to VBA but I tried a code where I would copy and paste one cell at a time onto the same workbook and not onto the Main Workbook, and then how to copy and paste from one workbook to another, but as you can imagine that would take a long time:
Sub dAmacro()
Range("G1") = "Workbook #"
Range("H1") = "File 2"
Range("I1") = "File 3"
[Code] .....
It seems like I need some kind of loop, where it would copy and paste a set of cells and repeat the entire process until it reaches the end of the Workbook 1 while making sure when doing same thing for workbook 2, that the data pastes onto a new row onto the Main Workbook. I feel I have the logic down, but its in the syntax where I am failing.
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May 25, 2009
I had to copy data from child woekbooks (*.xls) and paste it to the master workbook with same page to page every time when a macro is executed i had done the copy and paste part
But I'm Facing the problem in which i had to deal with
Validations as on both master and child sheet validation (column based combo box is activated )
one is worktype
2ns is time type
i jst had to copy data to the master macro works perfectly fine but the problem is that a msg box appears which signifies that i had to change the name (version ) for both types when i click yes 2 times it pastes the data
I'm attaching my macro as well as pic of that msg box with this attachment
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Sep 20, 2012
how to loop through workbooks in a certain directory and copy the rows in sheet1 where column B contains numbers greater than zero, and then pasting them into a new master workbook. The sheets will be named differently each week but will always be in the same directory.
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Apr 29, 2014
I get 'x' number of workbooks(with one sheet only) everyweek from which I need to copy data and paste to a master worksheet. (SCREEN CAPTURE BELOW)
I am unable to write the code myself as I have never worked on VBA and am only a beginner.
Part I:
The data I need to copy starts from the 19th row (A19:H19). The end point is determined by the row just before the row that has the words "Calibration Request" in it.
Part II:
Just below the data that was pasted from Part I, the data from 2 rows below the words "Calibration Request" needs to be pasted. The end point for this would be a blank row encounter.
Also some of the rows and columns are merged.
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Feb 22, 2010
I need a code that will search column A over multiple sheets for a user specified value through an input box. I then need this code to copy and paste the entire row to a new workbook titled "Batch Report" Anyone have any ideas? I have a code that will copy and paste only a few rows but no where near all of them, and I cant figure out why.
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Jan 31, 2007
I have created a workbook with vb code that include 4 modules, 1 userform. These all work in the original workbook. When I copy and paste the workbook onto another laptop, none of the scripts work? Both laptops run the same os plus office 2003.
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Aug 4, 2009
I'm trying to figure out how to run the following macro on every workbook in a folder.
Sub SumsSheets()
Dim ws As Worksheet, LR As Long, i As Integer
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
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Sep 14, 2009
I am trying to use a code to run a loop and search in column B for a certain name and if it finds it I want it to then look at column P and if it finds that the result in column B is less than $1000 then I want it to cut the entire row and paste the row in another sheet. Here is the code.
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Jul 25, 2014
I have 2 worksheets, one called "Consolidated" and one called "Converted".
I have a spreadsheet where I press the update button and a macro runs that searches for the word "Converted" in column E on the Consolidated spreadsheet (the original). When it finds it, the entire row will be cut and pasted onto the "Converted" worksheet.
I have managed to do this with my current code. However when you press the update button again, all the newly pasted rows on the Converted worksheet are deleted. (I would like when i press the update button it to NOT affect the Converted worksheet, just add any new data found on the Consolidated sheet to the Converted sheet.) I assume this is because my current code her below is NOT telling the spreadsheet to paste to the NEXT AVAILABLE EMPTY ROW. Current code:
So the problem is this line:
[Code] .....
I have attempted to replace this line with:
[Code] .....
But there is something wrong as the code keeps breaking on that line!
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Jul 10, 2009
I am trying to write a macro that is able to take a "Part ID" from a column on Sheet "Temp", search sheet "Parts" for that "Part ID" in Column A, copy the corresponding description (listed in next column B) and paste that description into a third sheet "Sheet1" Column D. I would then need to repeat for all lines in sheet "temp"
I could most likely use an IF statement to do the search, but I was hoping to use excel's search function to make it quicker as there are over 1000 parts. For example:
Dim partID = String
Selection.Find(What:= partID, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
What I am getting stuck on is once the search finds my text in Column A of Parts, how to copy the Description in Column B into Column D of "Sheet 1". A sample file is attached. The output in Column D of "Sheet 1" should say in this example:
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Jan 24, 2014
I'd like to create a macro that will take 10 workbooks and add them to a new work book, but have each workbook as a separate sheet.
So every month from work I get a report file labeled as the current month (JAN_14). Then there about 19 folders in that folders labeled with product names; then in those folders are two excel files (they're all named MSTASCH_QUICKLOOK_1 and MSTASCH_QUICKLOOK). I figure if I can see the macro to combine 10 workbooks I can change it to do less or more workbooks. I had tried a macro that takes the workbooks from one file and puts them into two seperate sheets (although I would love to have the order changed of how they're put into the workbook).
Sub MergeSheets()
Dim wbDst As Workbook
Dim wbSrc As Workbook
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Dec 20, 2007
I have a macro that is designed to paste a row of formulas into each Subtotal line on a 30,000+ line spreadsheet. I have specified the formulas that I want to paste in the named range "formulas". The macro below worked fine for about 3000 lines, then threw the error Run-Time Error 1004: Paste Method of Worksheet Class Failed on teh line ActiveSheet.Paste. I thought it had just bogged down my computer, so I added teh ScreenUpdating and Calculation lines, but they made no difference. I also tried reducing the range to just a couple thousand lines, which also made no difference. I also have found some suggestions on this forum and others for this error.
In addition to it working fine for 3000 lines, then failing, there are a couple other weird things. One is that on the line in the spreadsheet that threw the error, the formulas were pasted in up to column AX, leaving columns AY through CR blank. The second odd thing is that this exact same macro still works on my sample data spreadsheet (which only has around 50 records).
Sub FormatTotalRows()
Dim rCell As Range
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
For Each rCell In Range("A3040:A5000")
If Len(rCell) > 0 Then
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Select
End If
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Apr 1, 2014
I have a report that runs, and it shows users that are in different groups. Within each group are primary users, and sometimes secondary users. Attached is a spreadsheet showing an example of the report in "A7:A52"
What I want to do is have a macro scan column A, and if a group is found, create what I have made in the rest of the spreadsheet (CD6 and below). I manually filled in the data for group 1, and would like it to continue off to the right in the same format.
There are some areas that dont have groups, such as there might be group 1, group 2, and then nothing till group 10 (as shown in the example)
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Jul 7, 2009
I have a large workbook with many worksheets which are all grouped into pairs - i.e. Sheet1 & Sheet2 go together, Sheet3 & Sheet4 go together; Sheet5 & Sheet6 go together, etc. etc.
I need a macro to divide this workbook into separate workbooks where each group of worksheets has a separate file of its own and I want to name the new workbooks after the second sheet in each group:
i.e. A new workbook for Sheet1 & Sheet2 called Sheet2.xls; a new workbook for Sheet3 & Sheet4 called Sheet4.xls; a new workbook for Sheet5 & Sheet6 called Sheet6.xls; etc. etc. etc.
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Jan 10, 2014
I am trying to implement the idea of creating an application with two workbooks: a hidden code workbook (CodeWb) that holds all of the forms and macros, and a separate visible data workbook (DataWb) that uses the macros in CodeWb. The DataWb houses a little bit of VBA code to open the CodeWb, which then supplies the programming power to handle click events, etc., performed by the user in the DataWb.
I have advanced to the point of being able to open CodeWb from DataWb and trigger execution of a macro named "DataFileOpen" in CodeWb. This macro initializes things in DataWb and creates buttons there on a particular sheet, using the line:
Application.Run "CodeWb.xlsm!DataFileOpen"
So far so good. This works fine. My problem is that nothing happens when I click on the buttons created in DataWb, with their event handling code residing in CodeWb. Obviously, I'm missing something that maintains a connection between the two workbooks.
How can I use the code in CodeWb to handle all events occurring in DataWb?
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Apr 19, 2006
I have several individual excel workbooks all in one folder that I need to do some analysis on, but in order to that i need to have them all in one workbook. all of the files are saved in the same folder on my shared drive. each record from each of the files needs to be transfered over into this blank template that i have. I used the Blank template to create all of the individual files, Now i just need to get them all into one file that is easier to work with
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Jun 7, 2014
I have 3 workbooks open. 1 is my working file and I name it as "Final[date].xlsm". The other 2 files are my source files which are also open are named as source1.xlsx and source2.xlsx. Both the source files has only one tab/sheet as "Sheet1". My objective is to bring the contents of the source file to my working file in 2 different sheets. all the contents in Sheet1 of "Source1.xlsx" should be paste.values only to the "Final[date].xlsm" with a sheet name "BankDetails". This will enable the user also to replace the old data in "BankDetails" tab. The "source2.xlsx" sheet1 has a different situation. I need to copy only the cells with values, not the entire cells, because it has to be pasted (values only) to range C2:L. I have formulas in the other columns before C and after L.
Take note that my working file name is changing every based on the date while my source file has always same file name.
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Nov 6, 2012
I have Book1 (reference workbook) and Book2 (where i copy values from Book1)
Now I have macro to fetch the datas and paste the values in the format below.
But I can only doing this for one reference workbooks. But i need to add more reference workbooks in a file and paste to Book2. (etc: Book1, Book3, Book4, ....... to Book2)
Book2 looks like:
A1 B1 C1 D1
Name Adress Age Sex
Ozan xxxxxx 27 M
Here' s the Code.
Option Explicit
Sub TransferData()
Dim wkb As Workbook, wks As Worksheet, LastRow As Long
Dim FilePath As String, FileName As String
Dim ws As Worksheet, blnOpened As Boolean
'Change these variables as desired...
[Code] ........
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