Macro To Send Multiple Emails To Multiple Recipients With Standard Message As Per Spreadsheet Table

Feb 18, 2014

get the code for sending multiple emails as per the spreadsheet list. Assume the spreadsheet has 100 line items and each columns specifies the name of the person, value, recipient email address ("To" and "CC") and sender name.

And the Body of text is :

Hi "Name of the person" Please find the value of "Value" to be paid for the moth of xxx and kindly let me know for further clarification.

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Send Workbook Via Email To Multiple Recipients

Nov 23, 2008

I am using the following code to try and send a workbook via attachment to multiple email recipients however it will not work. If I only include one recipient then the code runs fine however it crashes when there is more than one.

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Extracting Email Addresses To Send As Multiple Recipients

Jan 6, 2009

My vb code works well for sending worksheets to multiple recipients (about 400 rows) IF I have only one email address in a cell, however, I have some rows that have more than one email address (eg., I've spent hours researching a clean way to do this and I think I need to be able to extract each of them and assign them to a variable to use in an array???

I'm using Lotus Notes 6.5 and Excel 2003.

'Here is where I get the email address to put in the mailAddress variable
Workbooks("GSA Mileage Report.xls").Activate
mailAddress = ""
On Error Resume Next
mailAddress = Application.WorksheetFunction. _
VLookup(EmailAddrSheet.Cells(RowNum, 1).Value, _
Worksheets("MailInfo").Range("A1:B" & _
Worksheets("MailInfo").Rows.Count), 2, False)
On Error GoTo 0

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Generating Multiple Email With Message Body / Subject And Emails Automatically

May 9, 2013

My task here is to generate email automatically. When i enter x to run the sub findvalue macro.

Any cells on the column D that has the value of 10 should generate email with the message body, subject and email address automatically.

Example if there are 3 task that are 10 days to deadline, 3 email will be generated after entering "x"

I have edited the Sendmail sub to locate the email's body, subject line and email from the excel.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Target = "x" Then
If Not Intersect(Target, Target.Worksheet.Range("G2")) Is Nothing Then
Call Findvalue
End If
End If
End Sub

Sub Findvalue()
Dim Rng1 As Range
Dim foundemail As Range
Dim a As Variant
Set Rng1 = Range("D2:D10")
For Each a In Rng1
If a.Value = 10 Then

Set foundemail = Sheets("Email").Range("A:A").Find(What:=Cells(Target.Row, 1), _

[Code] .......

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Multiple CC Recipients In Excel Email Macro?

Jun 4, 2014

My Macro sends a PDF to a "To:" recipient and a "CC:" recipient. Both email addresses are referenced from cells. Here are the first four lines of the code:

With OutMail
.SentOnBehalfOfName = ""
.to = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("N8").Value
.CC = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("T8").Value

The code works great right now. However.......

I've added another email address to Sheet1. The address is in U8. I need it to be the SECOND CC. I could BCC it easily, but that is not an option.

Code I would add behind .CC = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("T8").Value to make it also CC the email address in U8?

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Macro To Send Mail Via Lotus Notes Diff Recipients With Range?

May 22, 2013

Am trying for a code which will send mail to recipients mentioned in column A [to] Coulmn B [CC] & formatted range should be pasted as body of email lets say C:F. Each time formatted header should remain same is it will contain column heading. I have a code which sends mail to specified recipients mentioned in code .


Sub Send_Formatted_Range_Data() Dim oWorkSpace As Object, oUIDoc As Object Dim rnBody As Range Dim lnRetVal As Long Dim WB6 As Workbook Set WB6 = Application.Workbooks.Open("C:TESTDaily_BKG.XLS") Const stTo As String =


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Convert Macro To Send Emails Automatically?

Feb 3, 2013

I have attached a sample workbook. The workbook already has a macro that can send an email after working out if the date is overdue. I have put a button on the screen, but I would like to remove the button and automate it, I got the initial macro from,( whoever initially put it together) but I have since made some changes to it regarding how the message displays etc. i, 15 or i, 16 in the macro means, There isn't anything in column i and I can't work out the relevance of it.

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Excel Macro That Will Send Emails From Outlook

Feb 13, 2014

I got this VBA code from a colleague which he uses when sending multiple emails from Outlook. This code sends email based from the last cell. What I would like to do is send emails to all the recipients listed in column C. Column A will be the sender and column B will be email subject. Attached is the sample file.

[Code] .....

Send email.xlsm‎

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Email Multiple Worksheets To Multiple Recipients In One File Per Recipient?

Mar 27, 2014

I'm trying to email multiple worksheets from a list to multiple recipients in a list, but in one file per person. In a sheet called "Email list", for example, I have a list of 50 worksheet names (e.g. one for each cost centre) in column A (with a heading in cell A1, if that's OK, so the list starts in A2) and in columns B-F up to 5 recipients for each worksheet (e.g. 3 recipients might be 2 supervisors and their manager).

Also, each manager and supervisor might also receive several sheets.

Although columns B-F are presently free-format (they can be anyone's email address, regardless of whether they're a supervisor or manager), it might be easier to split these columns so B,C,D are supervisors emails and E,F are managers, if that makes it any easier creating the collated file of worksheets..?

Unfortunately the recipients might change occasionally so they can not be hard keyed into the macro itself (which would be much easier), but need to be in a table so it's easier for the user to update and maintain - in the past, I've managed to hard key the requirement into a macro which I've maintained (by recording and editing the macro), but I don't know the VB to figure this new request.

Ideally, I am trying to create a macro that can collate the various worksheets each person will receive and send the selected sheets in one file to that recipient, rather than multiple files within one email and/or multiple emails.

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Macro That Will Create & Send Standard Email

Feb 13, 2009

I would like a macro that recognises the cell colour in column F if it is yellow i would like a standard email to be created & sent to the corresponding customer email address in column D. is this even possible??

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Send Email To Many Recipients

May 4, 2009

I feel like I almost have the Excel button I need (thanks to an exhaustive forum search), but I have 2 problems that I need help to correct. First, the code works fine if I have one email address in my Email column, but If I add a second or third email in my column, the code sends the mail, but bounces back because of an Invalid Internet address specified error. The response looks to me like it is taking the first address and appending to the second email recipient. An example would be <,example> Here is the code I am using:

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Send Email With TO And CC Recipients?

Apr 15, 2013

I have a macro currently using the activeworkbook.sendmail command to send out an email using LOTUS NOTES with the workbook as an attachment. Unfortunately, the code appears to only support putting recipients in the TO field. I need to be able to also add additional recipients under the CC field.

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Email Multiple Recipients

Dec 11, 2009

I'm not sure if this is a macro problem or an Outlook problem. I'm using the routine below to email a group of recipients through Outlook (not Outlook Express). The routine works fine for one recipient, but doesn't seem to work for multiples. I searched online, and found a solution of putting the email addresses like this:

That didn't work, so I tried it below with AND, which also doesn't work. What happens in both examples is that Outlook tells me something else is sending a message, and do I want to allow it (same as message when I send to a single recipient). I say "yes", it appears to go through, but nothing is sent from my outbox. Here's the

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Multiple Email Recipients

Jan 23, 2010

I have obtained the following code which works great apart from the fact that I want to just send one email to all addressees instead of multiple emails.

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VBA Emailing To Multiple Recipients?

Feb 2, 2012

I am trying to set my cod up so I can email my excel sheet to multiple people. I tried using a ";" to separate the email addresses (as shown below) but that doesn't seem to work.

With ActiveWorkbook    .SendMail Recipients:=";", Subject:=s    .Message = m    .Close SaveChanges:=False    End With

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Macro To Generate Outlook Emails With Data / Information From Multiple Rows Of Data?

Apr 30, 2014

I am attempting to create a macro to generate emails based on data in a sheet. The goal is to run the Macro, and have it generate emails to send to contractors letting them know what they are going to be paid. For instance:

Name in Column J
Email in Column L
Memo in Column N
Balance in Column T
Due Date in Column P
Week Ending Date in Column H

Now what I would like to happen, is to tie a macro into a button that will create the email as follows:

To Field: Email address from Column L
Subject: "Company Payment Remittance Payment Date *Date from Column P*"
Body: Hello *Name from Column J*,
For *WE Date in Column H* you will be paid *Balance from Column T* for the time worked of *Memo in Column N*

Now the tricky part is that I want the email to contain all line items for each email address. So instead of sending one email per line, have the macro automatically put all of the information that needs to be sent to one email address into the message. I don't know if that is possible, but it sure would make my life easier if it was.

I have attached a sample workbook of the data that will be used

Example Workbook for Email Macro.xlsx

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Send Multiple Files Based On Criteria To Multiple Email Addresses?

Jun 29, 2014

I have a directory which contains many files, they are all names based on their locations. eg. Burwood-File1.xls,Burwood-File2.xls,Burwood-File3.xls etc

I have a master that which will contain the branch in the first column.

I have defined the directory location in a separate sheet as well as email template.

When I click on the Send Email button I want ti to attach the files that match the Branch name.

The Branch list will constantly grow.

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Convert Different Excel Sheet To PDF And Send To Different Recipients

May 30, 2014

I need a code to convert different excel files into pdf and send to different recipients.

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Excel 2007 :: Macro To Send File As PDF From Outlook To Multiple Users?

May 13, 2013

I currently have a spreadsheet setup on a Macro to send & distribute a message from an 2007 Excel file to multiple users through Microsoft Outlook 2007. It is currently setup to send as an attachment. I need to find a way to have this file be sent as a PDF file. I know you can save Excel as PDF's so there must be a way to send them & attach them to as a PDF.

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Email To Multiple Recipients (already Have Emailing Code)

Oct 17, 2011

Here is my code below for a program that opens a user interface, lists all the names of tabs in the spreadsheet in a list box. By selecting an item (or sheet name) in the list box then clicking "email" a specific area of that selected sheet is sent to an email address located on the sheet.

What I would like to have happen is with the click of a button email each sheet to the specified email address. So if there were 100 sheets rather than clicking on each name then clicking email, have one button to email the each individual sheet to the associated email address. I am guessing something like a "For" loop would be required but am not quite sure how to implement.

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()


End Sub

Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
'this will set the label caption depending on which sheet is selected in the list box

Label1.Caption = Sheets(ListBox1.Value).Range("b2").Value

[Code] ..........

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Email Multiple Recipients From Range Using Lotus Notes

May 3, 2009

I have searched high and low on the forum and can not seem to find a solution to my problem. Here is my problem (besides being new to Lotus Notes): I need a button on my excel worksheet that gets information from Column H in the attached spreadsheet and puts all the emails in the To: (could be >than 100 email addresses) Field in Lotus Notes. I would like to have the subject read "New Email from Your Basin Coordinator" and have the CC list come from a second worksheet (CC).

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Send Email (box That Pops Up To Allow Emails To Be Sent)

Feb 3, 2009

I was wondering if there is a way to get rid of this? There are about 300 emails that are going to be sent out and this comes up every time.

Or if there is a way to only do it once no matter how many emails get sent.

Here is part of the code..

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Excel 2010 :: Emailing Multiple Recipients Based Off Cell Value

Nov 21, 2011

My excel sheet keeps a list of Email addresses on column B (with duplicate email addresses), and their particulars from column C (Item price, purchase date, etc) onwards.

I need the vba to email multiple recipients (those with the "notification" field marked as yes) with their purchasing details in it. It should also prevent multiple emails to the same email address.

PS.Using Excel/Outlook 2010

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Find Totals And Send Emails To Different People

Jul 3, 2009

to create a macro to send emails.

1. Attached is an excel spreadsheet. In column A, each time the word total is seen, i want an email to be sent to to someone with the total in colum E.

UAFEQ1 TOTAL xxxx xxxxxxxx xxx R 15 000
ALPROP TOTAL xxxx xxxxxxxxx xxx -R 20 000

For UAFEQ1 TOTAL I would like a mail to be sent to
For ALRPOP TOTAL I want like a mail to be sent to

If the total in column E is positive i want the mail to say:
Please see deposit of R 15 000

If the total in colum E is negative i want the mail to say:
Please see withdrawal of -R 20 000

The currency is Rands (South Africa)

Sometimes, i need to send 20 or more e-mails. And these can repeat themselves so, there may be two totals for UAFEQ1 TOTAL and a mail must be sent each time. See attached as an example.

The macro can stop when Grand Total is reached. No email needs to be sent for the grand total.

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VBA - Send Emails To A List Based On Matrix

Apr 30, 2012

Here is how my spreadsheet is set-up. This is unfortunately not something I can change :

- I have a list of products A to Z, starting in A2

- I have email addresses in row 1, starting in B1 up to Z99

- I have a matrix with 4 possible values in B2 to Z99. The values are either "L", "C", "I" or blank.

Here is what I am trying to do :

I would like to have a macro created for each product (column A) to send emails to those indicated in the matrix.

When the email is identified with "L" in the matrix for particular product, this email should be in the To:, when "C" or "I" it should go to CC:

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Automatically Send Emails Using Excel Data

Sep 19, 2008

I have a spreadsheet showing MOT details of vehicles. The details include 'Customer', Vehicle Reg', 'MOT due date', 'email address'.

Basically.. I want a method that will check whether or not the MOT due date is in 28 days time (so exactly 28 days from now).. and if it is.. then I want to use the email address that is on the same row to send the person a standard notification.. and if possible.. include details of the Vehicle Reg.

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Excel 2007 :: Send Automatic Emails To Outlook?

Jun 16, 2014

I am working on a spreadsheet that keeps track of upcoming contract and service renewals. Within the spreadsheet there is a column named "Status"; using a formula based on the renewal and engagement dates this column will automatically state one of the following -

"Contract Status OK"
"Up for Renewal"
"Renewal Due"

When I open the the file I would like excel to email 2 specific email addresses. The email should only contain data from the rows that state "up for renewal"; this email will act as trigger for my team to engage with the suppliers in question.

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Sending Message Through Excel VBA To Recipients In A Loop?

Jun 12, 2014

I have this code below to send a workbook as an attachment to different recipients.

The macro finds the recipents by going through a list. The problem I am having is when it moves through the second loop and enters the line which is starred in the coding below.

Run-time error '-2147221238(8004010a)':

The Item has been moved or deleted.

Sub Mail_Workbook_1()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(0)
On Error Resume Next


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Multiple Emails From Single Sheet Based On Data

May 3, 2007

I have an excel file having different columns. The test data is as under

Email HQ City Product Value XYZ BAC abc 10 XYZ CAD bcd 20 XYZ BAC abc 10 XYZ CAD bcd 20 XYZ BAC abc 10 XYZ CAD bcd 20 XYZ BAC abc 10 XYZ CAD bcd 20

The above is sample data and the rows will change depending on data.
Based on email id the range should be picked up and the email should be send as a attchment.

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Combining Multiple Cells In Multiple Worksheets In Multiple Workbooks Into One Table

Jan 6, 2009

I'm currently doing a survey using an excel workbook that contains multiple questions across multiple worksheets using radio buttons linked to certain cells.

I have around 400 workbooks coming back to me, so what i want to do is take specific values from across many worksheets within each workbook and combine them into a large master table in a seperate workbook.

I've tried using VBA, but not being very proficient at it i've hit a brick wall with that, so i'm hoping that there is an easier way to do it than what i'm currently pursuing.

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