Macro To Generate Outlook Emails With Data / Information From Multiple Rows Of Data?
Apr 30, 2014
I am attempting to create a macro to generate emails based on data in a sheet. The goal is to run the Macro, and have it generate emails to send to contractors letting them know what they are going to be paid. For instance:
Name in Column J
Email in Column L
Memo in Column N
Balance in Column T
Due Date in Column P
Week Ending Date in Column H
Now what I would like to happen, is to tie a macro into a button that will create the email as follows:
To Field: Email address from Column L
Subject: "Company Payment Remittance Payment Date *Date from Column P*"
Body: Hello *Name from Column J*,
For *WE Date in Column H* you will be paid *Balance from Column T* for the time worked of *Memo in Column N*
Now the tricky part is that I want the email to contain all line items for each email address. So instead of sending one email per line, have the macro automatically put all of the information that needs to be sent to one email address into the message. I don't know if that is possible, but it sure would make my life easier if it was.
I have attached a sample workbook of the data that will be used
Example Workbook for Email Macro.xlsx
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Feb 13, 2014
I got this VBA code from a colleague which he uses when sending multiple emails from Outlook. This code sends email based from the last cell. What I would like to do is send emails to all the recipients listed in column C. Column A will be the sender and column B will be email subject. Attached is the sample file.
[Code] .....
Send email.xlsm
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May 3, 2007
I have an excel file having different columns. The test data is as under
Email HQ City Product Value XYZ BAC abc 10 XYZ CAD bcd 20 XYZ BAC abc 10 XYZ CAD bcd 20 XYZ BAC abc 10 XYZ CAD bcd 20 XYZ BAC abc 10 XYZ CAD bcd 20
The above is sample data and the rows will change depending on data.
Based on email id the range should be picked up and the email should be send as a attchment.
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Jul 21, 2014
I have successfully adapted some code to create e-mails in outlook, insert text, add an attachment and specific who to send - all from within excel.
However, all of the recipients are contacts in our internal address book and what I would like to do is use the "shortened" version of their contact to send the e-mail.
e.g. Simon Jones e-mail address might be - but if I simply type in Simon Jones; and then tab to the next line, outlook works out who this is all on it's own.
The problem is, if I specify in my code to send to Simon Jones; it does not convert it / work out who it is.
Is there a way of doing it via VBA?
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Dec 14, 2007
If there is mailbox in outlook called "MIS". What VB should I use to count emails in Mailbox.
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Mar 6, 2014
I have the need to convert regular emails to a excel sheet,
The emails are always sent from the same email address, and will have the same format ( however can contain small or large amounts of data eg 1 part number or 50 ).
sample email below
" PowerForce v4.00
Report : INR3050 v4.5
For : ch3inl
Date : 05-Mar-14 06:06
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Jul 3, 2014
code they have in use for saving emails and attachments to hard drive using VBA. I have found the attached- which is close although it only [URL]downloads attachments. I would like to go through the inbox and download files received on a specific date, from the inbox subfolders to sub folders on the harddrive
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Jun 16, 2014
I am working on a spreadsheet that keeps track of upcoming contract and service renewals. Within the spreadsheet there is a column named "Status"; using a formula based on the renewal and engagement dates this column will automatically state one of the following -
"Contract Status OK"
"Up for Renewal"
"Renewal Due"
When I open the the file I would like excel to email 2 specific email addresses. The email should only contain data from the rows that state "up for renewal"; this email will act as trigger for my team to engage with the suppliers in question.
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Feb 18, 2014
get the code for sending multiple emails as per the spreadsheet list. Assume the spreadsheet has 100 line items and each columns specifies the name of the person, value, recipient email address ("To" and "CC") and sender name.
And the Body of text is :
Hi "Name of the person" Please find the value of "Value" to be paid for the moth of xxx and kindly let me know for further clarification.
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Sep 14, 2012
way for my engineers to save a field ticket with a certain name based on data from a couple of cells in the worksheet. Re: Auto generate "Save As" filename from text and tried to use some code posted in the thread, but I an still not having any luck.
What I want to do is create an active X button when clicked on, would save the workbook to a certain folder. I want the name to look like this:
This is what I have so far:
Private Sub SaveMe()
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:usersdefaultdesktop" & Range("SO1!M3").Value & Format(Range("SO1!M3").Value, "text") & ".xls"
End Sub
Would I click "general" or "workbook" in VBA when I enter this code?
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Sep 16, 2008
I have a report that I drop down into Excel that is a transaction report for securities. The data for each security is in two rows. I would like to write a macro that would sort each two-line group by a certain cell in the group. If I could make the macro request the number of rows and columns in each range and the cell address of the cell to sort by, I would be able to use this macro for many different reports. Also, there has to be some way of telling the macro where to begin and where to end. I have some experience with macros although generally I "Frankenstein".
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Oct 24, 2012
Currently I have been tasked with trying to develop a link between an excel spreadsheet and outlook. What they want is for a button to pickup new entries into the sheet and then create outlook events based on several criteria. The first been that is put on several shared calendars, second that the category of the event is call "BID" and gold in color. The last part is where specific information from the spreadsheet fits into the event areas (ie. subject, location, start time, body). I did find code that is a possible solution but manipulating it to what i need. Here is the code.
Option Explicit
Sub AddToOutlook()
Dim OL As Outlook.Application
As you can see for the most part I have been able to fill in most of the program with what i needed. I have column B on the sheet that has r's on it. If there is an r in that column then the macro creates information from that row, else it skips to the next one. so i need a loop. Also like stated above, how do you make it an event and not a meeting, how do you set the category and lastly for the boy how do i set it so it copies the entire row (column A, Column C to Column L)?
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Jan 17, 2012
I am looking for macro where it can generate multiple workbooks with a single worksheet data source. I have this worksheet with data which is look like this:
This data will be places in 1 workbook for each of line with given file name as page number above those workbooks generated will have same information for each line but at different cell position such as: take this example at line 3
Microsoft Excel 2007
Window 7Pro 64bit
This line could be up to 50 lines of data. I try google search but found most about consolidate multiple workbooks to single worksheet. I do have VBA reference that I refer to from [URL] ......
How to put the information from the worksheet into specific position in the workbooks.
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Apr 14, 2009
I am looking to save a range of data from an input sheet, to a data sheet.
I know how to save indivdual cells to a worksheet in the form of a data
what i am looking to do is save A6 - J6 down A19 - J19, but only saving the data which is entered
A6 - J6
A7 - J7
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May 13, 2014
I have 500 rows of data with 6 columns. Columns A,B,C,D,E are text, and column F is values.
I'm looking for a formula where I can say for any of these rows where the data in columns A through E match each other in those rows, combine them into one row of said text, with column E values totaled. I thought I could use SUMIFS for this, but I only know how to define SUMIFS with the criteria being a specific cell/text/value for which it should search on. In my example, the data in the cells can be anything, I just need rows to be "collapsed" to one row for like data.
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Apr 25, 2014
Creating a Macro which compare the Customer ID's present in Column H of Sample1 file with Column B of both Sample1 and Sample2 files.
The Count of Sample1 file should come in Column I and the count of Sample2 file should come in Column J of Sample1 file.
After above steps macro should automatically pick the lowest value (value should be greater than 0, if value is 0 than macro should consider it as blank) from Column I and J and paste it to Column K.
In Sample1 file I had also shown that how the data should look after running the Macro.
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Aug 22, 2014
I'm having an issue transposing vertical data to horizontal rows. I know how to do the first set, but I would like to continue down the file for about 40,000 names....
Name: Steve
Address: 415 East Falls Ave
Zip: 19258
School 1: USC
School 2: None
Relocate? Yes
Name: Phillis
Address: 584 Fourth Ave
Zip: 19555
School 1: UCLA
School 2: NYU
Relocate? Yes
I would like it to look like this:
Name Address Zip School 1 School 2 Relocate?
Steve 415 East Falls 19258 USC None Yes
Phillis 584 Fourth Ave 19555 UCLA NYU Yes
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Dec 23, 2008
I have a multiple rows of data, but one column which is K has data like:
What i want my macro to do, is whenever that number in column K changes to copy all the data in row A thru K to a new sheet.
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Nov 30, 2009
need to create a macro that inserts 3 rows below each existing row of data and simply copies and pastes that data into each of the empty rows before moving on to the next unique row and doing the same thing again.
This is what I have so far, but I can't seem to get the loop right.
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown, CopyOrigin:=xlFormatFromLeftOrAbove
activecell.Offset(-1, 0).Select
Range(activecell, activecell.Offset(0, 5)).Copy
activecell.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
activecell.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
activecell.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial
Selection.Offset(1, 0).EntireRow.Select
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Dec 4, 2012
- The macro should then try to find this data on the worksheet "Sheet2" in the same workbook. This data on Sheet2 is essentially a table with four columns "Number" (Col A), "Country" (Col B), "Consol" (Col C) and "Bypass" (Col D) but can have around 70k rows
- It should look for Number first, and if its not found, the macro should insert the message "Update OK" in cell A8 on Sheet1
- If it finds at least 1 row for the Number but the Country is the same for all the rows and it matches the value input for Country on Sheet1, then it insert the message "Multiple Records - Update OK" in cell A8 on Sheet1
- If it finds at least 1 row for the Number but the Country is the same for all the rows and it does not match the value input for Country on Sheet1, and if all Bypass fields in Sheet2 have "Y" but the Bypass field input on Sheet1 has "N", then put "Multiple Records - Update OK" in cell A8 on Sheet1
- If it finds at least 1 row for the Number but the Country is the same for all the rows and it does not match the value input for Country on Sheet1, and if all Bypass fields in Sheet2 have "N" but the Bypass field input on Sheet1 has "Y", then put "Multiple Records - Bypass - Do Not Update" in cell A8 on Sheet1
- If it finds at least 1 row for the Number but the Country is the same for all the rows that have a Bypass value of "N" and it does match the value input for Country on Sheet1 then put "Multiple Records - No Need to Update" in cell A8 on Sheet1
- If it finds at least 1 row for the Number but the Country is different for all the rows that have a Bypass value of "N", then put "Multiple Records - Refer" in cell A8 on Sheet1
[URL] ....
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Jun 11, 2014
I am working on a project that I feel should be relatively simple but I seem to be stuck. My Goal: To add information to specific rows of data in the worksheet. I want to use a user form, and eliminate as much typing for the user as possible. I have already designed my user form, and written the code to identify the row in which I want to edit. Nonetheless, I do not know how to code the insertion of the new data. The data I want to add will be in empty cells at the end(right) of the data table.
I have attached a portion of my data set.InsertQuote.jpg
Here is where I am. The words in red are just colloquial words that I cannot seem to put into code.
Private Sub CmdInsert_Click()
Dim Company As String
Dim PartNumber As Variant
Dim Condition As String
[Code] .....
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Sep 16, 2013
We have an Office issues spreadsheet where our staff post questions/issues they have. These items are then allocated to a member of staff to look into and resolve. Each issue is entered on a seperate row on the spreadsheet, with the issue in column C, the allocated persons initials in column H, their e-mail address in column I (pulled in from a look-up table based on their initials), and the response required date in J.
I would like the spreadsheet to automatically send an e-mail when the issue is allocated to a person, or is re-allocated to someone else, ie when the 'allocated to' cell changes.
The e-mail message would only need to inform them that an issue on "column C text" in "filename" has been allocated to them and that a response is required by "column J date". We use Excel and Outlook 2003.
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Sep 19, 2008
I have a spreadsheet showing MOT details of vehicles. The details include 'Customer', Vehicle Reg', 'MOT due date', 'email address'.
Basically.. I want a method that will check whether or not the MOT due date is in 28 days time (so exactly 28 days from now).. and if it is.. then I want to use the email address that is on the same row to send the person a standard notification.. and if possible.. include details of the Vehicle Reg.
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Sep 8, 2009
reformat a table in which data for each named person is presented in one row with mutiple columns into a table in which each named person has multiple rows and one column of data. The solution to to this has eluded me so far.
The attached example shows before and after.
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Jul 1, 2014
I have created an excel file that generate outlook emails ( using Ron de Bruin VB codes)
I have a one more task to do with that.
I have list of contents in a combo box... those contents are short form of the main contents that i want to be in the mail.
if i select an content from the combo box and click mail macro it should open an mail with brief contents corresponding to the short content i selected in combo box.
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Feb 25, 2014
I have Sheet1 "MASTER" and Sheet2 "Area1" and Sheet3 "Area2" etc...
My MASTER sheet has a list of employee names and the areas they work in. I have employees working in different areas, and I want to pull a list of employee names from the MASTER working in Area1 (sorted on the MASTER sheet) to column A on Sheet2, then pull a list of employee names working in Area2 to column A on Sheet3, etc...
I want it to do this in such a way that if I add an employee to Area1 on the MASTER data, it will populate that employee in the Area1 Sheet.
So basically, I'm looking at one column on the MASTER sheet to see if the area matches. Then looking at another column on the MASTER sheet to get the name. Then taking that name and transposing it to a new sheet corresponding to the area they work in.
I've attached a sample sheet. I want Column A in the Area1 sheet to reflect all names that show up on the Area1 LIST on the MASTER sheet, and nothing else. I'm using VLOOKUP to pull the rest of the data from the MASTER table.
There is a new sample workbook up now. Couldn't update it sooner due to site outage. I've removed irrelevant data to improve readability and focus on what I'm trying to achieve. Again, the main issue is scraping column E from the Master, and populating a list of all employees who match certain values in Column E on the Master in Column A of the other tabs.
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Mar 10, 2009
Need in displaying data by user input criteria, mulitple rows of display also need to display to blank out when no criteria is input. In example spreadsheet the criteria cell is B6 in "Results" page and needs to pull in data from the "Database" page.
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May 5, 2014
You can download the excel from the above link.
This excel includes some text data, in each cell there is an email address along with additional text. I only want to get the email addresses from the entire data.
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Feb 20, 2009
I am trying to send emails using a table in Xl2002 via outlook2002.
The code below is from Walkenbach's VBA Bible for Excel 2003 and I am getting "Uesr-type not defined" error with the 1st Dim statement.
Do I need a different statement such as set OutObj = blahblah or similar?? I have searche dthe net hi & lo for a solution to this problem & I do have JW's excel VBA bible.
Sub SendEmail()
'Uses early binding
'Requires a reference to the Outlook Object Library
Dim OutlookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim MItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim cell As Range
Dim Subj As String
Dim EmailAddr As String
Dim Recipient As String
Dim Bonus As String
Dim Msg As String
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Jan 15, 2010
I have created a spreadsheet to show some reports and I wanted to serch for some datas which overloops themeselves. If you can have a look at a test file I attached you will see the full picture. I have 2 tables, where the 2nd one is on the right side of the 1st one. 1st table:..............
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