Macros To Save Worksheet Based On Cell Reference

Feb 12, 2009

I have a macros ( code inserted ) as you can see in my code the macros save the workbook in any file name you chose just by changing the any filename option.

I would like this to be changed so that it saves based on a cell reference, say i has a name in lets say B10 i would like it to save as the name in B10.

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim bk1 As Workbook
Dim bk As Workbook
Dim myfilename As String

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Save File As Pdf Based On Cell Reference A4?

Mar 6, 2014

I want to save my file as a pdf based on cell reference A4.

This is what i have

[Code] ....

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Save Worksheet Final Draft But Not Macros

Sep 29, 2009

I have a complex sorting macro with userforms & Modules. Works great! Now I need to save the final Worksheet without the macros. The final step to my project is a Application SaveAs. Can I add a delete-all-macros step when the user clicks the Save As button which would create a new workbook with the finished worksheet and NO macros?

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VBA Save One Worksheet To Directory Based On Cell Value?

Jan 21, 2012

how, via VBA, to save a worksheet ("ForExport") from my workbook into a new file (type CSV). To provide additional difficulty (not by my choice), the users will all have their own directories on the network to save their files into. These directories will NOT be mapped drives (e.g., "C:") but rather will be UNC paths (\parentusername)

So, obviously the filename and location are both rather dynamic, depending who is using the excel template.

The workbook has three sheets:Base Form (sheet 1)ValidationResources (sheet 2, provides data for menus/validation)ForExport (sheet 3, contains data written to it from the Base Form)

The workbook has fields to capture UserName, FileName (without an extension), and FilePath.UserName = captured by VBA code from the users login informationFileName = concatenated field based on some other fieldsFilePath = concatenated field of a set parent path (\parent) plus the UserName (so, \parentusername)What I want to do is have a macro that takes the ForExport sheet, saves it as a CSV file (with the file name from the field holding that info) into the directory I've specified in the FilePath field.

Is what I'm trying to do even possible? I have a sample workbook I can provide if you need something to work with. Not sure if I can attach it here.

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Highlight Cells Based On Cell Reference On Another Worksheet

May 27, 2014

I am trying to find a way to automatically highlight all the cells specified by the cell references in a column on another worksheet (which will constantly have new values added).

On the attached sample, the 'Data Before' tab shows the base data before any highlighting. As cell references are added to the 'References' tab in 'column A' I want the respective cell to be highlighted on the 'Data Before' tab resulting in the 'Data After' tab and each time a new cell reference is added to the 'References' tab, the respective cell is then highlighted on the 'Data Before' tab.

I would like to have control over the highlight colour so that a different highlight colour can be specified for each date change, i.e. all cell references that are shown on the same date are the same colour but where the date changes a different highlight colour can be specified.

Highlight by Cell Reference.xlsx‎

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Save File By Cell Entry And Keep Macros

Apr 2, 2009

would like to save a spreadsheet with the contents of a cell as the name. My problem is that I have several macros in the workbook and if I change the name of the file when I save, it won't run the macros when I reopen because the filename has changed. It presents me with an error saying it can't find the macro.

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Save Each Worksheet As PDF File And Name Each File Based On Cell Value In Each Sheet

Jul 10, 2014

I have a Workbook that already has a macro in it that will generate multiple sheets based on certain criteria.

For each of these newly generated sheets (numbered 1-6 in the attached example), I need to be able save each of them to a PDF file based on a unique name contained in a certain cell (in this case, each named is referenced in cell Q1 of each sheet). As such, I should end up with 6 pdfs based on the attached sample files.

The PDFs would ideally need to be landscaped and should be just 1 page per sheet.

In my attached sample workbook, you'll notice that I have a "PracticePrint" macro that doesn't quite get the job done. One other criteria involves not printing any sheet with the characters "1010" in it (my PracticePrint macro is setup to do that, but it fails to do much else).

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Convert Cell Reference To Worksheet Reference

Jul 20, 2014

I have a workbook with 1000+ worksheets, all of which have 3-letter names. On a master sheet, I would like to make a query of how many non-empty cells there are on a subsidiary worksheet. This works:

What I'd like to do from time to time is input in column A a varying set of 3-letter worksheet names, say


And have a formula in column B that converts this to


I've learned that simply substituting the cell references A1, A2, A3 for AAB, ABC and CDE doesn't work. What do I need to do to achieve this?

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Save A File Dependant On Cell Reference

May 21, 2007

i have a order form that is customer dependant. the cust name on the form is manually entered by the user within a msg box. i have specific cusotmer folders on a shared machines C drive where i would like to save these excel docs to.

i understand that the cust name must match the name of the file and there needs to be a way to save those that do not have specific folder matching what was entered as the customer name.

the overall goal is to have the file name saved as CustomerNameDeliveryDateInvoiceNumber.xls where CustName is from cell "M3", delivery date is "Q7" and InvoiceNumber is "Q1".

Sub OrderFormSave()

Dim strCustFileName As String

savefile = "\SrSharedDocsCSPSharedFILESCustomerOrderForms & strCustFileName & "

ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs savefile

End Sub

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Way To Save A Logo In A Cell In Order To Reference It From Other Sheets

Nov 25, 2009

I have a multi-sheet workbook with a some raw data that I import into Excel from another system. I then perform calculations & summaries in one of 10 other sheets. In order to make it more readable, I world like put the company logo on the top of each sheet.

Is there a way to create a Input type of sheet that I put the logo in and then on each of reporting sheets do an ='Input'!location_of_logo_cell type of formula, in a similar way that I would pull data from that same sheet, like ='input'A1?. It becomes very labor intensive if I want to make changes to the logo and then copy it to every sheet.

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VBA Code To Save File With Date As Reference To A Cell

Jun 19, 2014

I'm trying to make a vba that would save the file with the end date that will reference to a certain cell that user selects it. Working Sheet is a name of a File, and Current Sheet is a name of the panel where user will select the date.

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= WorkingSheet("Control Sheet").Range("D3").Value & Format(Date, "yyyymm") & ".xlsm", FileFormat:=51

But here i seem to missing the location

And I tried this one:

ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="X:Work2014WorkingSheet& Format(Date,"yyyymm"). & ".xlsm" _, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled, CreateBackup:=False

but it keeps popping up as 'expected end of statement' for yyymm?

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Save File / Workbook As Cell Reference Filepath & Name

Feb 8, 2008

I'm trying to get Mac OS X Excel VBA to understand this code however the ChDir reference and the filepath seem to be causing problems. I would like to specify in the code where the file should be stored but I did try removing the filepath section altogether but to no avail.

Option Explicit
Sub SvMe()
'Saves filename as value of A1 plus the current date
Dim newFile As String, fName As String
' Don't use "/" in date, invalid syntax
fName = Range("A1").Value
'Change the date format to whatever you'd like, but make sure it's in quotes
newFile = fName & " " & Format$(Date, "mm-dd-yyyy")
' Change directory to suit your PC, including USER NAME
ChDir _
"C:Documents and Settings USER NAME Desktop"
ActiveWorkbook. SaveAs Filename:=newFile
End Sub

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Change Formula Cell Reference Based On Another Cell Reference

Jan 8, 2012

How do I change a formula cell reference based on another cell's reference? I'm building a schedule that looks to a task's trigger and adds days based on that relationship. All entries in column "A" will be text and all cells in "B" will be the simple formula "=A2" or "=A3". Due date is calculated by adding the value in "C" to the preceding date in column "D". In the spreadsheet below, the trigger for "Budget set" is "Specs written" with 3 days added to the previous due date.

1 Task___________Trigger_____________Days_____Due Date
2 Design begins__Proj OK______________10____10-Jan
3 Specs written__Design begins (A2)____5____15-Jan (D2+C3)
4 Budget set_____Specs written (A3)____3____18-Jan (D3+C4)

If the trigger for A4, "Budget set", changed from A3 to A2, is there a way that the formula that determines the due date in D4 could read the trigger cell reference in B4 so that the value in the corresponding row in column "C" is added in the date column?

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Encourage Enabling Of Macros: Disable Macros When Opening Then The Worksheet Menu Bar And Other Command Bars Are Still Available

Aug 26, 2009

I have an Excel 2003 program that contains macros. One of the macros hides certain command bars and disables the worksheet menu bar. On close the opposite is true. The problem is, if a user uses the disable macros when opening then the worksheet menu bar and other command bars are still available. I would like to hide all of the data sheets and display another sheet that would normally be hidden displaying a message that the macros have to be enabled for the program to work correctly if disable macros is chosen. When the enable macros are used I would like the Error page to be hidden.

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ActiveX Combobox - Linked Cell Reference Lost After Save / Close And Re-open Workbook

Feb 11, 2013

Using the developer tab I inserted an Active X combo box. Under properties I referenced a 'linked cell' that I want the data to appear in. This box works great as long as I keep the sheet open. Once I save and close the workbook and re-open, that reference is lost. It shows #REF! in that field. Why does it lose the reference? I have tried to reference a cell on the same sheet as well as a cell in a different sheet and it keeps the sheet name but not the individual cell.

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Run Macros Based Cell Value

Dec 12, 2007

I am trying to create a macro based on value in a cell. For example if J2 is greater than 1 then run macro A. The code I have is:

If j2 > 1 then
Call MacroA

The file imported as a text tab deliminated file and I believe that even though J2 might be 10.05, it does show up in the formula bar as just 10.05 not =10.05. I don't if this makes a difference. The J2 cell could either bland or values ranging from 1 to 100. If it is blank I want to run a different macro.

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Using Cell Value To Reference Worksheet Name?

Aug 5, 2014

I have a worksheet with additional worksheet name listed in Column G, starting in G3.

I want to run this formula on each sheet, using the value in Column G as the WORKSHEETNAME.


Faulty example of what I'm trying to do:

I've tried INDIRECT, but I cant seem to make it work.

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Macro To Save Worksheet As Cell Value

Jul 12, 2013

I need a macro that I will be using for a workbook that has many workseets. I need to save a worksheet "Test1" and save to a path found on worksheet "Test2" cell A1 and make the file name the value of "Test2" cell A2.

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Use A Worksheet Reference Cell In A Formula?

Apr 10, 2014

I have a formula to extract the worksheet name and add the "!" to it so it can be used in a copied formula... I'm just having trouble writing the formula to reference the text in the cell with the worksheet name. If it's easier, I also have the list of worksheets without the "!" - e.g., Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, etc...

I want the formula to calculate, in my example, the sum of 2 cells on a different worksheet.

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Reference Cell On One Worksheet In Right Footer Of Another?

Jan 7, 2014

Been having some trouble with this using VBA. I can't seem to get the code to run properly.

Actually, if there is a way to get a right footer on one worksheet to be referenced in a cell on another, that would be even better but I haven't been able to find anything like that.

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VBA Code For Using Cell Value To Reference Worksheet Name

Jul 15, 2014

I need a VBA code to reference the cell value to activate a particular worksheet name. In the sheet "Ini", Range ("B4"), there is a text of "Rawdata" This text is used to reference to the specific Sheet name and activate it.

However, I am unable to get my code to work. Thus, I changed it with a ' with green highlights for the following lines:

'Worksheets.Open Filename:=DataRawSheet

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Reference Cell From Another Excel Worksheet?

Dec 6, 2013

I've done this loads of times before but doing it this morning seems to not be working at all.

Previously I'd be in Sheet 1, I put the equals sign, I click into Sheet 2 in the cell I want, hit enter, and hey presto the external cell is referenced in Sheet 1.

However, what I'm trying to do here is not reference individual sheets within an excel document, but reference a totally separate Excel document. Can I do this or not?

If so how? Because when I select the second worksheet after I've entered the = sign, it just takes me to the second sheet - it doesn't seem to 'remember' that I'm in the middle of a formula.

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Reference Worksheet Cell In Workbook

Aug 12, 2006

I have recently learned a little about Excel. Enough to be able to do our payroll for my company on it. My question is: On the 1st page of my workbook, is my quarterly report which shows all taxes, social security, and medicare we hold out each payday for each employee. The rest of the worksheets are for each employee. How do I have each employees withholdings automatically go to my quarterly report page?

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Sumif - Reference To Cell On Another Worksheet

Feb 27, 2007

I'm trying to reference a cell on another worksheet in my criteria and the formula doesn't seem to be working. All I get is a value of 0.

= SUMIF(G3:G76, ">='City Wide'!B6",I3:I76)

If I replace 'City Wide'!B6 with an actual number the formula works. This does not help as 'City Wide'!B6 is a value that can change.

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Save Worksheet As PDF And As Specific Cell Range?

Mar 26, 2014

I have a macro assigned to a button that saves the worksheet as a PDF in a certain folder, but what I cant do is make the Macro look at a certain cell to save the file as a specific batch number.

This is the macro I have so far, I want the macro to do as below but to also look at cell L3 in the same worksheet and save it as the number what is in that cell.

[Code] ......

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Copy Cell Contents To Different Worksheet On Save

Oct 28, 2008

I have an Excel invoice set up and working well. It does a bunch of things with macros - e.g. on save it increments the invoice number well as creates a jpeg screenshot for the invoice archives. I have added an additional worksheet (titled 'VAT') to the workbook. The new 'VAT' worksheet has five simple columns; Invoice no, Subtotal, VAT, M.O.T. and Total.

What I need:-
On saving the workbook I would like to add a macro function that copys the final contents of the Invoice no (H2), Subtotal (C37), VAT (C38), M.O.T. (F38) and Total (I38) cells from the 'Sales Invoice' worksheet to the newly created 'VAT' worksheet in the respective columns. I would like this to be cumulative, i.e. continue to add the contents of the afore mentioned cells to the appropriate columns in the 'VAT' worksheet every time the invoice is saved. I would also like to have the Subtotal, VAT, MOT and Total columns summed and outputted in a cell of their own - but hopefully I can handle that.

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Open A Workbook And Run 1 Of 4 Macros Based On 3 Cell Values

Jul 30, 2009

I'd like to automatically run 1 of 4 macros depending on some criteria. Every workbook created has, unfortunately, the same worksheet name, so that leaves the only differences between the 4 possible loaded workbooks in the cells area and even those can be similiar in many ways. But....I found some criteria to separate all 4 workbooks...Here they are...

run macro 1 if this

1. Worksheet name says "Screen"
2. Cell H1 has the word "Lead"

run macro 2 if this

1. Worksheet name says "Screen"
2. Cell B1 has the word "records" somewhere in the cell
3. Cell H1 has the word "Lead"

run macro 3 if this

1. Worksheet name says "Screen"
2. Cell B1 has the word "records" somewhere in the cell
3. Cell N2 has the word "Delivered"

run macro 4 if this

1. Worksheet name says "Screen"
2. Cell B1 has the word "records" somewhere in the cell
3. Cell N2 has the word "Bevel"

I don't know if this can be done, but if so, that would be fantastic! I'm thinking that the macro would have to be "global" and in the user's personal workbook?

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Setting Macros - Possible To Put Image In Comment Based On Value In Cell

Nov 12, 2012

Is it possible to put image in comment base on the value in cell ?

For example

c1 c2 c3
R1 A
R2 B
R3 C

I can put A.jpg to C1R1"A", B.jpg to C2R2 "B", and C.jpg to C3R3

Or irregular arrangement ??

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Save Worksbook Without Macros

Nov 22, 2006

Is there a way to save my spreadsheet without saving all the code along with it?

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Excel 2010 :: Save Open Worksheet To File And Include Date Of Save?

Mar 11, 2014

am using Excel 2010 and having issues trying to save a worksheet to a specified file location with the save date....

I have tried several posts form this forum and elsewhere and can't seem to get the macro to do what I want.....

I want to save a 'worksheet' from an open workbook that I use for updating information to the same file path as the workbook with the date the file saved...

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