Match Values Then Add Corresponding Values

Jan 31, 2007

I need to match one cell to another cell on a spreadsheet and then add values on the right of the each matching cell. The values in matching cells vary from text/number format or some combination of both. I've been trying few things and can't seem to find a way to do this.

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Compare Cell Value With Range Of Values And Match Row Values With Header

Jun 5, 2012

I have .csv file from which the data is importing to master schedule. i have a column in .csv file which is spitted into multiple columns. and my need is i have to compare this each individual cell value with the range of header values in master schedule and if match found i have to place that cell in the row.

I am adding 2 attachments one is .csv and other is master schedule.

I couldn't able to find where i have to attach my files.

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Match 2 Cell Values And Extract Required Values

Jul 19, 2012

Column C5:C9999 & D5:D9999 contains alphanumerical values.

In E5:E9999 i want the result=Column C provided it matches Column D else null.

C5=Peter ShowROOM D5=RooM E5=Peter ShowROOM
C6=Peter ShowROOM D6=r sh E6=Peter ShowROOM
C7=PeterShowROOM D7=r sh E7="" (null)
C8=PeterShowROOM D8=P E8=Peter ShowROOM

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Seach Values (Sheet 1) And Match Values (Sheet 2) And Copy And Paste?

Apr 11, 2014

I am trying find a match from multple "text" values.

The values I'm using are flight numbers from sheet "Indiv case" in column (range H2:H51). The flight number could occur multiple time in the column.

The associated flight number sheet "Code & categories" in column (range H2:H257) are associated with the last port of embarkation (range I2:I257) in "Code & categories" sheet.

I need to copy & past the name of the Last port of embarkation from sheet "Code & categories" into sheet "Indiv case" adjcent to the flight numbers in column (I2:I51).

Example: Sheet "Indiv case" from Column (H2:H51) Fligh number Data: UA863, VA4148, EK432, BA15, BA15, VA98, QF8, AC33 etc Using these value from "Indiv case" from Column (H2:H51) search and match valuse in "Code & categories" in column (range H2:H257)

If match found copy valuse from sheet "Code & categories in column (i2:I257) in to sheet "Indiv case" into column (I2:I51) Last port of embarkation".

H2;H257, I2:I257
Flight, Last Post
3k111, Singapore
3k131, Singapore
AC33, Vancouver

Copy and Past "Last Port" into sheet "Indiv case (I2:I51) adjcent to matching flight code.

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Match Multiple Values With Multiple Values From Another Table - Return Single Value

May 12, 2014

I am trying to look & match key values from 2 areas of one table with two areas of another table; in turn, it'd return one value based on the lookup table...

Attached worksheet : Test booklet.xlsx‎

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VLOOKUP / INDEX And MATCH To Return All Values That Match

Feb 4, 2014

I have two sheets of data , sheet A and Sheet B.

Sheet B contains a column called "Name" and for each name, and for each name there are corresponding numbers. In sheet A, I have a "list of interest" in column A. What i want to do look through the data in sheetB to find a match from the list of interest and return the corresponding letters, located in column A.

I have filled out the first two rows of results that should be returned as an example.

One idea i had was to put a vlookup formula in each column result 1 to result 6 so i can catch all 6 "Serves" columns from column B, but there may be duplicates in the serve columns and vlookup only reports the first match.

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Using Index / Match Function For Two Column Match Values

Aug 28, 2012

Basically where the columns say 2011 or 2012 AND 1, 2, 3. I want to be able to have it index the number below based on the GL number on the left and both the year and period on the top. I think that you can do with using the sumproduct function with the binary, but the computer is a little dated and it takes a while to run those calculations.



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INDEX / MATCH Multiple Ocurence Match Values

Jul 11, 2008

INDEX/MATCH multiple ocurence match values needed

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Match Cell Value Then Copy And Paste Values Cell Values Into The Same Row?

Jun 27, 2014

write a script to match a cell value then copy and paste the matching row across two worksheets - "Master List" and "Demographics".

These two worksheets have the same cell values in Column A, the key difference is the Column A cell order in the second worksheet "Demographics". This Column A cell order is set arbitrarily by another system and will vary over time.

I would like to match the rows, then paste the three columns from the second worksheet into the first worksheet.

For example:

"Demographics" Worksheet Cell A2 = "Master List" Worksheet A45 - then copy cells A2, B2 and C2 and paste into A45, B45, C45 respectively.

"Demographics" Worksheet Cell A49 = "Master List" Worksheet A12 - then copy cells A49, B49 and C49 and paste into A12, B12, C12 respectively.

I have created a sample spreadsheet here; - List Schema.xlsx

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Match Values In One Column To Values In Another With A 3rd Column Included

Nov 26, 2009

I have about 360 records in Column 1 and less columns in Column 2 (333 in this case). All the values in Column 2 are in Column 1. I need to be able to match those two columns up while keeping the data in Column 3 intact with it's corresponding value in Column 2. FYI I searched and found this thread: ttp://

But my problem is that I have to tie in the values with column 3 to their corresponding values in column 2. In order to illustrate, I have attached an excel file in which I did the operation manually. (note: all values in column 2 are indeed in column 1 but not in the example as I have shown for the sake of convenience).

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Sort Values In Column B To Match Values In Column A?

Jul 8, 2013

I have two DB extracts for 2012 and 2013 with customer id's that no not repeat across the year - columns A and B. I need to arrange this from:










So the major idea is that the customers that are extinct in 2013 would appear as 0 in the Column B; customers that are the same would be aligned vs the previous year and new id's would appear on the separate row.

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Match Values And Sum

Feb 18, 2014

I know there are multiple ways to do this but I'm looking for the most efficient function/formula.

The attached file is a simplified example.

There are multiple account codes that make up a category on my condensed income statement. I need the appropriate account codes summed for each category. The appropriate codes are listed to the right in the corresponding row.

I would like the values of each code in range C2:I2, C3:I3, etc. located and then summed in B2, B3, B4.


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Match IF Between 2 Values?

Mar 11, 2014

I have a total miles column and a mile rate in another column. On another sheet I have the pricing for the mile rate.

If the mileage is less the 30 (between 0 and 30) then it's £24 and if its between 31 and 50 miles it's £40 - and so on up to 400 miles...

The 2 sheets I am referencing between are called Internal Prices and Labour Rates. I have tried writing an IF statement, however it requires over 7 IF's so I've tagged on to a helper cell with further IF's to finish the formula.

The formula I have so far is:

Formula 1 =IF(F46<=30,'Labour Rates'!C18,IF(F46<=50,'Labour Rates'!D18,IF(F46<=75,'Labour Rates'!E18,IF(F46<=100,'Labour Rates'!F18,IF(F46<=150,'Labour Rates'!G18,IF(F46<=200,'Labour Rates'!H18,DATA!Q2))))))[code]....

I have returned the end value to an error to fault find. Once I go over 200 (from formula 1) It always returns 'ERROR'.

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Looking Up All Values That Match Given Date?

Jun 11, 2014

Here is what I have - Column A has dates that correspond to a given "event", Column B has the hour at which such event occurred, and Column c has the duration of the event in hours.

I want to be able to create a giant sheet where column A has all the dates of a given month, Column B has the hours of the day, and Column C has a 1 or 0 trigger indicating whether an event occurred in that hourly period.


As you can tell, some complications are as follows:
1. there can be multiple events that occur in the same date
2. there can be events in the same date that occur basically at the same hourly period
3. there are some events that go beyond a given date into the next day.

What kind of function would I need to create the 1/0 trigger?

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Match Values And Offset

Feb 2, 2009

I have in col J a series of values, these can be negative and positive numbers of any value. In col D I have the time (starting at midnight each day) that the values occured in col J. I am trying to look down col J until a value >= 50 is reached, I then want to look across at the corresponding cell in col D to find out what time this event occured. So, if a value of 50 or more is found in cell J232 for instance, I want to look across at cell D232 and extract the time found in that cell.

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Best Match For Two Values To Return A Third

Aug 15, 2008

I have a list of eastings and northings for specific incidents, then in a seperate sheet I have a list of eastings and northings for postcodes.

What I want to end up with, is which postcode the incidents are in!

So it means getting Excel to find the closest match of two values to two other values and return a corresponding value.

Here's what it looks like!

Incident Easting Northing
01 437302 113607
02 437340 113673
03 437366 113701
04 437366 113701
05 437474 113581

Postcode Easting Northing
SP410TQ 430449 91321
SP410PY 429158 91339
SP410QB 429258 91375
SP410PZ 429288 91407
SP410EA 428940 91444

I want to end up with

Incident Postcode
01 SP7185H

etc etc.

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Match Column Values

May 21, 2008

I have 2 worksheets in a single workbook named :
"DriversAllocation" & "Orders"

In "DriversAllocation" i only have 2 cols :
CustID Driver
Shop_01 Tom
Shop_02 Dick
Shop_03 Harry
Shop_04 Tom
Shop_05 Tom

In "Orders" i have 5 cols :
Date CustID Prod Qty Driver

My objective here is to have the driver col in "orders" filled up with the driver(with the click of a button), that is assigned to the CustID based on the comparison made with "DriverAllocation".

What i have now is :

Do While Worksheets("Orders").Range("B" & i).Value ""

For i = 2 To lastRow1
If (Worksheets("Orders").Range("B" & i).Value) = (Worksheets("DriverAllocation").Range("A" & i).Value) Then

DriverN = Worksheets("DriverAllocation").Range("B" & i).Value
Worksheets("Orders").Range("E" & i).Value = DriverN

End If
intRow = intRow + 1

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Match The Row Values On Condition

Apr 20, 2009

I need a macro to match the row values on condotion.

To match the Q column values with S column values.

If suppose i have data i lke this then,

Q| R |S
1|22 yes 22
2|33 no 38
3|35 no 42
4|38 no 45
5|42 no 50
6|45 no
7|50 no

then the output should be like

Q| R |S
1|22 yes 22
2|33 no
3|35 no
4|38 yes 38
5|42 yes 42
6|45 yes 45
7|50 yes 50

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Match Values In Two Columns.

May 2, 2006

I have one excel file which is kind of a database. Now I need to lookup two columns in that file, currently, they are columns A and G, and then copy the value in column H on that row to another worksheet. Because the "database" file is pretty big, I cannot simply go through each row and compare the values. Is there an easier way for this? I checked other posts in this forum and notice other people suggested "lookup" function, but I don't exactly understand that answer.

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Match 4 Values And Return Fifth

Jun 26, 2007

I'd like to match value in column A and column B of spreadsheet1 with columns A and column B of spreadsheet2 to return column C from spreadsheet2.

Essentially what I need to do is pull value from a following function: if A = B and C = D then Jessica (corresponding value)

I am using Index and Match functions but am running into problems because A of spreadsheet1 has 2 different matches in spreadsheet2.

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Index Match For 3 Lookup Values?

Jun 9, 2014

Here's my table:

2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2013
Jan Feb Mar Jan Feb Mar
A 56 63 100 78 25 44
B 48 12 74 32 65 97
C 45 85 96 42 82 73

How will I use index match function to get the data that correspond to each criteria? For example I am looking for the value of A in Mar 2013.

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Match Formula Returning Values

Jan 27, 2014

I have two tabs (In-Transit) & (AC) column A in both sheet have a "Concatenate" that i copied and pasted and values only and also switch the format to "Text" on both tabs. I do a vlookup

[Code] ......

and it returns the results i want....But then i was thinking due to the volume of data what if the value in column A is found twice on tab "AC".. i wouldn't know with a "Vlookup".

So trying to build a Index/Match formula
[Code] ....

I also returns some good results, but i also get some back as #REF. I also get #NA and both of the formulas and those are valid no matches...

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Look Up And Match Several Values To Include Entry

Feb 9, 2010

I want to be able to look up and match several values in my worksheet to confirm, that an entry is valid. I would like the test to return an OK / NOT_OK value at the end of each entry. In the attached file you will find four different variables. In order to include an entry, it must be matched to find related entries, before it can be included.

For an entry to be OK, it must contain a company that has been listed in the same industry, in four different quarters (not necessarily in the same year). A company can be listed in several industries, but as long as there are not four entries in the same industry in four different quarters, the entries are not yet OK (hence NOT_OK). Therefore the only entries that are valid in the attached file are:

Company A Q1 2009 Administration OK
Company A Q2 2009 Administration OK
Company A Q3 2009 Administration OK
Company A Q4 2009 Administration OK

I work in XL 2007, but have converted the attachment to 2003 for maximum compatibility.

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Search And Match Several Values Which Are In Different Order

Oct 14, 2009

Lets say these are the values in sheet 1, ROW 1:
B1: David
C1: 44673
F1: Mika
G1 77463

And these are the Lets say these are the values in sheet 2 ROW 155:
B1: 77463
C1: 44673
I1: David
J1 44673

As you can see, there are the same 9 values in both rows in both sheets ( (no value is important as well).
However, they are not located in the same row number (1 and 155) and the order in which they are written is different.

What I would like to do is to search all the rows in sheet 2,(columns B-J only) and if there is a match for all values in a specific row to a row in sheet 1 (again, order is not important), than the Value in column A from the specific row in sheet 1 will be copied to Column A in sheet 2 for that maching row.

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Using Match & Large To Rank Values.

Mar 24, 2009

I'm using a Large function embedded in a Match function to a ranking.

The issue I'm having is that if there are 2 of the same values in the Top 5, it counts the first one twice rather than each one once.

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Index And Match Dates And Values

Jan 8, 2010

See my attached spreadsheet. I am trying to get start dates and end dates based upon rates. The first start date is really simple, I just use A2. In F2 should return the last date from A2:A27 where the rate is I2. In E3 The I would like to return the first date in A2:A27 where the rate is G3. and so on. If the rate is 0 then the date can be blank or 1/1/1900.

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Match Value To A Non-Contiguous List Of Values

Jan 18, 2010

I have a list of values and value ranges (11 total) that I'm trying to match to values in Column A, but my formula has too many nested "IF" functions to work. My formula is fairly simple, so I'm hoping it will do a better job of describing my problem than I.

=IF(4>A2>0,"1",if(37>A2>24,"2",if(A2=39,"3",if(45>A2>41,"4",if(A2=48,"5",if(A2=62,"6",if(73>A2>64,"7 ",if(A2=75,"8",if(A2=80,"9",if(107>A2>102,"10",if(A2=141,"11",""))))))))))))

There should be a positive result if the cell value matches any one of the following:


In the formula I have numbered the results from 1 to 11, strictly for illustrative purposes. A return of X, 1, YES, etc.

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Fill In Value If Two Cell Values Match

Jan 21, 2010

The first two columns in my document coincide with their respective values. Column A (File Number) is coded for Participant Description (Column B) and the values in each row are associated with one another...

However, I have a 3rd column (Article Number) whose values mean the same as the File Number column, but the the rows don't match up.

What I need is a fourth column. In this column I'd like the value from the Participant Description column to be imputed if the Article Number and File Number column are the same.

An example from the attached spread sheet.

A2 = 7, B2 = 6, C2 = 7 - I need D2 to equal B2
That is easy enough, but this is where I get lost...
A2 = 7, B2 = 6, C3 = 7 - I need D2 to equal B2

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Index Match For Unique Values

Dec 22, 2011

i have over 1000 line invoice # with multiple listings....however they have different dollar values for each item

702-0195660 = $10
702-0195660 = $12
702-0195660 = $15

i have an index match in my "missing worksheet" **see attached**

but that is looking up only the first value

702-0195660 = $10
702-0195660 = $10 (should be $12)
702-0195660 = $10 (should be $15)

i have attached the sheet..ive been on the past day!

attached file link below [URL]...

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Duplicate Values From Index / Match

Dec 23, 2011

I'm running a College Football Bowl Game pool. NO money just fun! I've just about got this down except that my Standings area for this years members is not working like I want. There are 24 members and I want them ranked 1-24. This works however, when 2 or more members have the same score....only the first name in the column with that score appears.

Vea, Ray WA955
Braham, LukeHI916
Braham, LukeHI917
Bowers, LarryGA908

This cell comes back with 3 different dupes:

H1:CB1 are the Names
H83:CB83 are the points for each name
D87 comes this cell : =LARGE(H$83:CB$83,E87)

How can I tell Excel to show all 24 names including the dupes?

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