Match Cell Value Then Copy And Paste Values Cell Values Into The Same Row?

Jun 27, 2014

write a script to match a cell value then copy and paste the matching row across two worksheets - "Master List" and "Demographics".

These two worksheets have the same cell values in Column A, the key difference is the Column A cell order in the second worksheet "Demographics". This Column A cell order is set arbitrarily by another system and will vary over time.

I would like to match the rows, then paste the three columns from the second worksheet into the first worksheet.

For example:

"Demographics" Worksheet Cell A2 = "Master List" Worksheet A45 - then copy cells A2, B2 and C2 and paste into A45, B45, C45 respectively.

"Demographics" Worksheet Cell A49 = "Master List" Worksheet A12 - then copy cells A49, B49 and C49 and paste into A12, B12, C12 respectively.

I have created a sample spreadsheet here; - List Schema.xlsx

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Macro To Paste Values If Cell Value If Match Text String?

Jan 6, 2014

In Sheet1, column Y looks into Sheet2 and returns the status of that specific order - the result displayed in column Y will be either blank or a variety of text strings (eg. received, pending etc).

I need to make a macro that looks into all the cells of column Y in Sheet 1 and copy/pastes as value into that same cell only if the formula in that cell returns text string "Received". It should not affect the other cells where the formula is returning either blank or a different text string.

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Seach Values (Sheet 1) And Match Values (Sheet 2) And Copy And Paste?

Apr 11, 2014

I am trying find a match from multple "text" values.

The values I'm using are flight numbers from sheet "Indiv case" in column (range H2:H51). The flight number could occur multiple time in the column.

The associated flight number sheet "Code & categories" in column (range H2:H257) are associated with the last port of embarkation (range I2:I257) in "Code & categories" sheet.

I need to copy & past the name of the Last port of embarkation from sheet "Code & categories" into sheet "Indiv case" adjcent to the flight numbers in column (I2:I51).

Example: Sheet "Indiv case" from Column (H2:H51) Fligh number Data: UA863, VA4148, EK432, BA15, BA15, VA98, QF8, AC33 etc Using these value from "Indiv case" from Column (H2:H51) search and match valuse in "Code & categories" in column (range H2:H257)

If match found copy valuse from sheet "Code & categories in column (i2:I257) in to sheet "Indiv case" into column (I2:I51) Last port of embarkation".

H2;H257, I2:I257
Flight, Last Post
3k111, Singapore
3k131, Singapore
AC33, Vancouver

Copy and Past "Last Port" into sheet "Indiv case (I2:I51) adjcent to matching flight code.

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Copy & Paste One Or More Cell Values To

Oct 25, 2008

Tried all day to find a way of selecting text ( from several cells) on one sheet and then having it pasted into the textbox on another sheet. I did originally paste the text to a cell but it makes the row's vary in size depending on the copied text and gets a bit annoying. Seems to be This is the paste to Cell code

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Copy Paste Cell Values Only

Sep 21, 2007

I need to copy the cell values from one worksheet to another. the code works, just that it copies the formatting as well What should be changed in order to copy the values only?

For outerLoopNum = 2 To Application.WorksheetFunction. CountA(wksNew.Columns("A:A"))
For innerLoopNum = 2 To Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(wksUpdate.Columns("A:A"))
If wksNew.Range("A" & outerLoopNum) = wksUpdate.Range("B" & innerLoopNum) Then
wksNew.Range("AG" & outerLoopNum & ":AJ" & outerLoopNum).copy
wksUpdate.Range("AP" & innerLoopNum).Select

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Copy & Paste Values In Adjacent Cell

Dec 5, 2009

i had data in html format.i want the data to be splitted into columns in excel.

Employee name
Emp id

johnabraham wesley peter neiljohn and so on....... 254800 254801 254802 254803

i tried copying the data from html to excel. Then applied text to columns but i m getting incomplete names from this step.

My problem is how would i get the full name in one Column(Column B) & the emp id in the next Column (COLUMN C).Column A will have the data copied from html page. The length of the employee name differs. The only saving tip is that the employee name will suffix with sno like

Johnabraham -1

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Paste Values From Another Worksheet (paste Special, Values) In A Cell Which Is Lookup Value I Get #N/A

Jun 28, 2009

I have a little bit of problem with lookup function. When i paste values from another worksheet (paste special, values) in a cell which is lookup value i get #N/A. These values are numbers. When i put '7 for example i get the values i want from lookup table. I have a lot of these cells and its tedious job to put ' in front of every value. Is there a quicker solution?

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Copy And Paste Values From List To Cell A1 Of Each Worksheet

Apr 4, 2014

Someone created a macro for me that creates and names worksheets based off of a list on my first worksheet "Summary". I would love to be able to then have the list of titles on Summary sheet be in cell A1 on each of the worksheets that I had created.

Here is the macro for creating all of the worksheets w/ names -

[Code] .....

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Too Much Data Per Cell, Search/copy/paste Specific Values?

May 31, 2007

From mySQL database, i am getting a ton of data that is all being inputted into a single excel cell. Within this cell, there are certain data points that i wish to obtain (Bank #, SSN #, Routing #). There are multiple difficulties in obtaining this information.

1. these cells contain the same fields, but different number of total characters (differing in names, addresses, etc.)

2. some of the data points (like SSN) are inputted incorrectly, so even though a SSN is only 9 digits/characters, I may have to output all 11 that the SQL database placed within the cell.

Can I get some help? I'm thinking of a search function/macro within excel, because all of the fields show up correctly.

something like (i know this doesn't work)

= or("cellA1" contains/finds/function SSN,return the 9 characters after "SSN ")

um...yeah. difficult to explain, i'm sorry!

edit: not sure what is wrong the file. I have attached a new one.

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Copy Paste Special As Values Based On Validation Cell Contents

Jan 27, 2007

Need VBA macro that will copy & paste (Special > AS VALUES) from one of two (Data A & B) sheets based on the contents of a validation cell ($D$4) in a third (Report) sheet? The destination starting cell would be $F$11. ALSO - I'd like to have the Named Ranges "DataAExtract" & "DataBExtract" used in the code (for the COPY region) so I can see an example of how to reflect my actual named ranges in my working file.

The reason for doing this is that the "c.Characters...." lines in my conditional formatting macros (attached) are not working on cells containing formula output (in my working file the Report page is all populated by VLOOKUP results), but the macros run fine on hard-coded values. In my attached workbook, I'd like to have the "NEW" macro for the copy & paste step fire first in the sequence of macros running after the FORM button-click (control located in cell $D$5 of the Report sheet), whether that's by writing a new macro and calling mine before the new one ends, OR by consolidating all of my macros plus the new one into one smooth progression.

With this low-tech approach I can get updated VALUES into the report area once the user selects a data source and a customer on the report sheet. The COPY ranges in my working spreadsheet will update based on the selections made in the report page. I tried recording a macro and then modifying the recorded code to add the "If > Then" functionality I'm looking for, but I'm pretty green when it comes to VBA code and syntax.

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Open Multiple Workbooks Based On Cell Values And Copy And Paste Information?

Apr 22, 2014

I tried all failed.We have about 160 different workbooks (one for each business unit) stored online. Staff enters information about their weekly revenue and expenses and here at head office I collect that information and consolidate them.What I am trying to do is that;1.) Create a master Workbook with ~160 worksheets (One worksheet for each unit) named exactly the same with other workbooks2.) And macro can pull the information from related files stored in a certain folderIt is very much like another members problem but I am not sure why I cant get that code working for me? [URL]

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Copy And Paste Range Of Cells Based On Number Of Cell Values In Column A

Mar 17, 2014

Please see attached sample worksheet. Column A will be generated by the user manually.

I'm looking for a way in VBA to have A1:D20 in Sheet2 copied and pasted in the "Bank Reconciliation" Sheet based on how many "Markets" there are in Column A. Then, once that's complete to have A22:D30 (the smaller box in Sheet2) copied and pasted directly below those results.

I have what the macro would hopefully generate to the right in "Bank Reconciliation" (B6:E54) as an example. So if there's a market in A1, copy and paste the box to B6. If there's a market in A2, copy and paste the box directly below the first (B26) etc. etc. until it's done, then paste the smaller box directly below whatever the macro generates.


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Open Workbook Where Named Cell Contain Name & Path, Copy Range And Paste Values

May 19, 2009

I am successfully opening a .csv file using a variable value stored in a named range in my Main file (the variable includes the directory and path).
I copy data from the .csv file to the Main file then I need to close the .csv file without saving but I want to do that by using the


command where "xxxx" is the namedrange in my Main file which stores the .csv filename (without the directory and path prefix).

I can use the


command but if I have another workbook open, this one closes instead of the .csv file I opened from the macro.

I realise this is probably very basic and I've searched the forums but can't find any identical postings.

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Compare Cell Value With Range Of Values And Match Row Values With Header

Jun 5, 2012

I have .csv file from which the data is importing to master schedule. i have a column in .csv file which is spitted into multiple columns. and my need is i have to compare this each individual cell value with the range of header values in master schedule and if match found i have to place that cell in the row.

I am adding 2 attachments one is .csv and other is master schedule.

I couldn't able to find where i have to attach my files.

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Match 2 Cell Values And Extract Required Values

Jul 19, 2012

Column C5:C9999 & D5:D9999 contains alphanumerical values.

In E5:E9999 i want the result=Column C provided it matches Column D else null.

C5=Peter ShowROOM D5=RooM E5=Peter ShowROOM
C6=Peter ShowROOM D6=r sh E6=Peter ShowROOM
C7=PeterShowROOM D7=r sh E7="" (null)
C8=PeterShowROOM D8=P E8=Peter ShowROOM

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Excel 2013 :: Copy Entire Row If Cell Contains Specific Text And Paste Values Into Another Worksheet

Jun 23, 2014

I am using the code below in Excel 2013.

Sub Test()
For Each Cell In Sheets(1).Range("J:J")
If Cell.Value = "131125" Then


This works great except that it pastes formulas. I would like to paste values only. I've tried
" PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _ :=False, Transpose:=False" and it gives me an error.

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Copy/paste Values (copy Values Of Cells From B4 Till B-empty To C Column)

Jun 26, 2009

Sheet linked from external file, new data coming daily. How to copy Values of cells from B4 till B-empty to C column? The attached file has a properly displayed data.

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VBA - Copy Range With Multiple Same Values Based On Other Cell Values

Aug 31, 2012

I want to build a database where the user can select a specific time period. I have a static file with the time periods and the related values. For instance I have in column A1:A15 the time periods from January 2011 to Dezember 2011, but I have some dates multiple times as there are more values attached to it. For instance I have in the first 4 rows January 2011...what I want is when someone puts in the value January 2011 in cell B1 and Dezember 2011 in cell B2 that the whole static file gets copied to another location (including the multiple dates) displaying the chosen time period. Similarly if someone puts in the value March 2011 to November 2011, I want only those values to be copied.

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Paste Unique Values (paste In Active Cell Copied Range)

Jun 4, 2009

i try to paste in active cell copied range.

I mean that i do follow:
- i select range of cell - mostly range of column f.e. A2:A500
- i click/select on any free cell (f.e. B1)
- then i run macro

i expected it paste unique values (text or number)

this dont work

i dont know how defined the range

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Paste Special Values Of A Formula To A Cell But NOT From A Defined Source Cell

Jul 6, 2008

my destination cells will have formulas like:

='E:My WorkTestData[CCC.xlsx]Input'!$S$31

Everything works fine. But I don't want the destination cells to display the full formula, but the actual Value only

I thought of a way to build a script that first builds the formula to one cell then Copy Paste Special value of that Cell to my desired Cell.

But when the code runs The cursor moves back and forth all the time...

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Fill In Value If Two Cell Values Match

Jan 21, 2010

The first two columns in my document coincide with their respective values. Column A (File Number) is coded for Participant Description (Column B) and the values in each row are associated with one another...

However, I have a 3rd column (Article Number) whose values mean the same as the File Number column, but the the rows don't match up.

What I need is a fourth column. In this column I'd like the value from the Participant Description column to be imputed if the Article Number and File Number column are the same.

An example from the attached spread sheet.

A2 = 7, B2 = 6, C2 = 7 - I need D2 to equal B2
That is easy enough, but this is where I get lost...
A2 = 7, B2 = 6, C3 = 7 - I need D2 to equal B2

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Match Cell Values From 2 Different Spreadsheet And Return The Value?

Oct 9, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with 2 different sheets (DB and Workings). What i am trying to do is using VBA code is, need to match the state name CT from workings sheets (cell C3) with DB sheet of column B4 to B9 and return the Team values from column A4 to A9 in the row 4 (C4 to E4) of the Workings tabs (highlighted in Red) and similarly for the state name LA i want this process to get repeated.

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Match Cell Values And Transfer To Different Sheets

May 23, 2014

I have Information found on Sheet 1. I need the program to take the value found in Column B and try to find matches found on Sheet 2 in Column B. Here's the thing it is only going to take the first 3 characters found in the Cell on Sheet 1. But in sheet 2 it will need to pull all information that matches those 3 characters. I included a sheet on what the finished product should look like for two of the sheets. If the program finds a match it will transfer the original and the copied match to a sheet Named "Name". The correct format can be found on "Finished Sheet Name". If no matches are found it will place the original information from Sheet 1 onto a sheet called "New".


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Format Color Of Certain Cell If Two Values Match?

Nov 18, 2013

I'm trying to format the color of a certain cell, if two values match.


I want to format B1 to color RED, if A1=any number, and B1="Choose".

B1 contains list-data where you can chose from different values.

So if A1 contains a value, and B1 has not been set a different value than "Choose", format B1 to RED. Which would indicate that you have to set a value for the rest of the worksheet to work.

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Simple Copy Sheet Paste In Other Book But Paste Values?

Jun 20, 2013

Attached is my code, pay attention to the bold part. I want the sourceSheet to be copied as a sheet and pasted in the targetSheet (the Sheet2 of "NewBook") but I want it pasted asvalues. Here is the specific part which needs to be looked at...and below is the full code.

Set sourceBook = Application.Workbooks.Open(sourceFilename)
Set sourceSheet = sourceBook.Sheets("Current")
Set targetSheet = NewBook.Sheets("Sheet2")


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Highlight Rows Where Only Specific Cell Values Match?

Jul 22, 2014

I'm finding it hard to explain what I am trying to do (which may be why I can't find a solution through Google), so I have an example. I am using a much larger spreadsheet than this sample(18,000 rows)



I want to highlight rows if there are multiple instances of ID and # values - I included a column at the end showing which rows in this data set would be highlighted.

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Find & Return One Of Many Values In Cell & Lookup Corresponding Match

Dec 10, 2007

Working on an export from an e-commerce application that lists the item purchased, unfortunately not by item #, but rather a lengthy description. I'm trying to construct an item number based on that description which contains several constants.

Each item ordered appears in a single row, comprised of ORDERID, QTY, PRODUCT DESCRIPTION

I have several tables to pick out PRODUCT TYPE, COLOR, SIZE, etc. I need a formula to search to see which of the unique values appears in each in the cell and return the shortcut of that value.

PRODUCT DESCRIPTION example "Sweater - Blue - Large - Wool"

Sweater SWTR
T-Shirt TSHT

Blue BL
Green GN
Purple PL
Black BK

I would have separate tables for each part of the description.

The formula I'm seeking would search the PRODUCT DESCRIPTION cell for the range of values for each 'part'. So it would search to see which of Sweater, T-Shirt, or Jeans was in the cell and then return the one that was - SWTR in this example. I would modify this formula for each 'part', in its own cell, and then use an =cell#&"-"&cell#&etc... to combine these returned values.

I know I can write a large if- chain using ISERROR & FIND, though some of these lists will get lengthy.

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Copy Cell Values In One Cell Based On Value Of Adjacent Cells

Feb 20, 2014

What I want to achieve: those cells have number 1 ( in column E) , adjacent cell values ( In Column D) are copied to G12 in the following format:: Mark,Lark ( i.e. cell value , cell value, etc)

is it possible ( with a command button) Sample attached

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Paste Values From Cell With Formula That Will Update With Changes?

Jun 26, 2014

I have a cell with a fairly long formula for concatenating a large number of other cells. Let's call it cell "A". Due to the formatting and end use of the data in cell "A", I have to copy and only paste the values of that cell into another cell, which I'll call cell "B". What I need to know is whether there is a way for the values in cell "B" to automatically update in the same way they do in cell "A" when data changes in any of the cells that are being concatentated.

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VBA Code To Find A Value - Cut And Paste Values Into Different Cell

Sep 27, 2012

I am looking to create some vba code that looks for a specific value in column 'm' (Z-AUD) for example and where it occurs within my data range copies and pastes the values in columns O,P and Q in to columns K,L and M.

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