Matching Various Conditions In Two Lists

Sep 17, 2009

I have attached a spreadsheet as an example.

I have two lists, List 1 and List 2.

I am trying to figure out with a compare between ID's if the individual from List 2 exists in List 1, if so, I want to figure out if the amounts paid are a perfect match AND if the amounts paid are from identical groups.

There are members who don't exist in both Lists.

I am unsure if this is a VLOOKUP Formula.

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Matching Up 2 Lists Of Data

Oct 8, 2009

I have a list of data in cells A through C, and also have the same data in G through I.
A:C is 2009 data, G:I is 2008 data.

Some of my data is a line off, what i want to do is match numbers based on A and G and then match up there data.

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Matching Up Two Lists Of Email Addresses

Jan 29, 2013

I'm starting up my own business and need to add my e-shot signup list to my new CRM - my list has been fully cleaned and validated!

I have two lists of email addresses - one with 37,000 records on it (List A) and the other with 7,000 or so (List B).

Most of the email addresses in List B are also contained in List A (but not all). All of the records in List B also have contact numbers. All of the records in List A have a lot more segmentation information that is very useful to me.

I would like to cross-reference the two lists, so that the contact numbers from the duplicate records in List B are transferred to the corresponding records in List A, meaning that the records in List A keep the segmentation information but also have the contact numbers. I would then like the duplicate records from List B removed entirely.

I would also like the non-duplicate records in List B to be transferred to List A as brand new records.

I understand how to use conditional formatting to highlight duplicates but I just don't have the time to go through 7,000 highlighted records manually, copying the contact number over then removing the record. I also know how to remove duplicates using excel, but I really need the contact numbers to be transferred across before I do this.

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Matching Two Pairs Of Cells Between Two Lists

Sep 13, 2013

I have a long master list of registered members, column C has last name, column D has join date.

Now I have a short list of last names with join dates.

I want to compare the short list with the master list to find names that are already there, by comparing the last name and join date.

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How To Find Matching Records That Appear On Two Lists

Oct 14, 2011

I have two worksheets each of which includes a left column of unique email addresses (at least, unique within each lsheet)

The data on each sheet is structured identically. What I want is to generate a list of records that appear on both sheets.

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Compare Two Email Lists And Output Non-matching

Nov 20, 2008

I am a newbie and need your expert help please.

I have two email lists. For example they are:

List 1:

List 2:

In list 1 the non-matching address is namely it is not common to both lists. I want to automatically go through the lists and output firstly a new list of the non-matches from column 1 and also a new list of the non-common items from list two.

So in this case the result would be that somewhere there is a new list from list 1 that has "" and secondly there is a new list from list 2 that has ""

Obvioulsy the real list is more complicated and longer but the principle will be the same.

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Detect Matching Values In Very Large Lists

Dec 9, 2009

I'm trying match values (and set a Yes / No result) from values in two very large lists.

List 1 (approx 170,000 rows) contains the 'Find What' values
List 2 (approx 980,000 rows) contains the 'In What' values

Values in list 1 will be unique in list 2, but not all values in list 1 will appear in list 2. The values in each list are all 16 character stings. This is a one-off otherwise I'd probably import into a AccessDB.

Using formulas is taking an absolute age to calculate using MATCH function, so I'm wondering if coding is the better angle.

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Count Rows Matching Multiple Conditions

Nov 17, 2009

I want to count all instances if the following conditions are true. In quotations, are the names that I am using for column ranges. Here are my conditions, I want to count the rows that have the following conditions.

When "dates" or J2:J25 is less than or equal to today's date
"HTeam" or W2:W25 is equal to Civil
"Percent" or K2:K25 is equal to 100

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Highlight Non Matching Rows Based On Conditions

Aug 7, 2007

I am having a problem finding or creating a macro for what i am needing to do. I have a workbook with 2 worksheets (2 months july and august) to figure out a billing process.

I need to be able to First of all search each value in Column A on sheet 2 (august) to Column A on sheet1 (July).

My sheet is set up like this where ID is a buyer and Products 1,2,3...are if they have purchased that product from us

1 ID Product_1 Product_2 Product_3
2 100 0 0 1
3 200 1 1 0
4 300 1 0 0
5 400 0 1 0

Better Picture representation attached

Both worksheets are very similar but August may have some changes from July such as new ID's and changed prduct purchases. What I need to do is have each ID in Column A be compared to Column A in the July sheet, but it may not always be the same cell (because of new ID's added they are moved around) it need to search for the same ID first then compare. Once it finds the ID, I then need it to compare the rest of the row (the product info) for that ID to see if any products were added or changed to determine billing. And for any changes that are found in the comparison, I need them to be highlighted.

Now in the case that a new ID was wont be in the July sheet, so the whole row would need to be highlighted to notify of a new ID and new billing needs to be added.

This way the billing person can look at the sheet, see the highlited changes and see what is new or needs to be added to a previous ID's billing. Currnelty they are looking at it manually to see if there are changes.

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SUMIF Or An Array Formula - Matching Multiple Conditions

Jan 14, 2009

I would like to have a formula in one cell that finds records on another sheet that meet certain criteria, and produces a sum of the total quantities associated with that record. The attached workbook has more details as to what I am trying to do.

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Conditional Sum & Count: Count Request Matching The Crateria Of Date And Other Conditions

Nov 17, 2007

see my attached sheet cotaining the following questions. in a day report sheet how should i count request matching the crateria of date and other conditions. in a monthly report a heavy conditional sum calculation which make slower sheets how can i make it faster.

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Add Or Remove Info To Two Lists In Sheet1 And Sheet2 And Difference Between Two Lists

Mar 29, 2014

My problem in the given excel file

1. Sheet1; how to Add "B000" in the List A or "B00" if the digits and 5 in the list
2. Sheet2; how to remove "B000" or "B00" from the list
3. Sheet3; how to highlight difference or find out the difference between to lists


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Lists, How To Make Drop-down Lists Optional

May 13, 2009

Is there a way to make a drop-down list optional? When I create drop-down lists the user has to make a choice from that list.

Example: a list of doctors. I need the user to be able to select from that list if the patient saw one of those physicians, but if the patient saw another doctor not on the list, I need the user to be able to enter the name of that other doctor. Currently the user has to select from the list or not enter a doctor. I am using Excel 2003.

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Test X Conditions In Conditional Formatting: Highlight Cells Is Two Conditions Are Met

Oct 17, 2007

I would like to highlight cells is two conditions are met:Cell = 0Offset(0,-1)>0I tried the conditional format wizard and entered a formula: =IF(AND($J2=0,$I2>0)) But I keep receiving formual errors, which I understand, because it appears to be incomplete formula. But I am not sure what else I need to add to the formula in the conditional format wizard

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Compiling Partially Matching Data Into Matching Rows With Macro

Jan 20, 2013

My task is to combine two large databases into one spreadsheet by extending the number of columns. The data from each database is 90% matching based on an identification number, however occasionally there are additional rows or unmatched identification numbers that need to be kept for analysis.

When this happens, there needs to be a blank row inserted to represent the missing data in the rest of the corresponding row.

I am having trouble finding a quick way to do this because I have approximately 12,000 rows (and columns up to DV when combined).

for example:


[Code] .....

needs to become:


[Code] .....

I am guessing I will need a macro of sorts, So far I have made one column that tell me if the ID's are matching or not (1 or 0) and if they are not matching (0) I manually insert the rest of the row that is missing or make space for the duplicate data (which needs to remain).

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Bank Reconciliation - Many To One Matching And Partial Cell Matching

Nov 19, 2009

programming 2 macros in a bank reconciliation sheet I am trying to create.

Basically the data consists of two sets: the ledger side and bank side. Both sides consists of multiple columns that include date, description and amount.

The following two situations can occur and which need to be covered with a macro.

Many to one matching
When we make payments to say 100 different suppliers at once, the ledger side will show 100 lines with the different amounts. However on the bank side it will only show one line with a total amount for the transaction. As the description on the ledger side is the same for all transactions done at the same time, it should be possible to have a macro add these lines and compare the total with entries on the bank side. Once a matching amount has been found, the macro should place an ‘x’ next to all entries on the ledger and bank side, in order to show that these transactions have been reconciled.

Partial cell matching
In this case we are only dealing with one line on both the ledger and bank side. The issue is that the description does not always perfectly match with one another. The ledger side might say ‘Brown Corp.’ and the bank side might say ‘Brown Corporation’. I want to come up with a macro that can recognize this partial match and still reconcile the lines by placing a ‘x’ to both the ledger and bank entry. The match however should be done with a combination of description, date and amount as several different bookings might be done for the same supplier in the same month.

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Matching Two Tables - Copying Data For Matching Value?

Feb 27, 2014

I have two tables, Table1 one has only customer codes in it, and I have Table2 with plenty of customer codes and those customer name, surname, age, location...

And I want to match and copy each of those customer codes in Table 1 all the information which is on Table2

Table 1:

Table 2: Considering that name, age and location is each in separate cell

50025JohnSecond25Location 1
60085EmilyThird 20Location 2
45454Wilhelm Fourth35Location 3
10000RoseFifth 60Location 4
50086JohnySixth 45Location 5
65501JacobSeventh18Location 6
50026Jackie Eighth22Location 7

And the outcame should be that it finds the value from Table1 in Table2 and copy's information in Table 1 like this:

50025 JohnSecond25Location 1
50026 Jackie Eighth22Location 7
50086 Johny Sixth 45Location 5

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Copy Matching And Non Matching Data Into New Worksheet

Feb 20, 2014

I have two worksheet "ABX" and "ACX" from which I want to find the matching data for specific columns B, D and E only.

Matching data will be in sheet "Match" and vice versa.

Data are present dynamically.

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Align Matching Row Values Column And Remove Non-matching Row Values?

Jan 27, 2014

see attachment below for easier comprehension of what I need to be done. Note that I have around 20 subjects (2 in example) and about 15000 values per subject (5 per subject shown) Basically, I want matching rows to be aligned (see grey) and non-matching rows to be deleted, throughout the 20 or so subjects.


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Matching Cell Formats Based On Matching Cell Values

Jan 28, 2010

I have a cell (A1) that contains text.
That text will match a single value in a reference list (i.e. range of cells e.g. Z1:Z26).
When the match occurs (e.g. A1 = Z16), I want the format of the reference cell (fill color, text color) to apply to the cell of interest (A1).
The reference cells are manually formatted.

I know that I could create a long list of conditional format formulas instead of using the reference, but it seems that there must be some way to tell excel: if the cell value contents are equivalent, the formatting should be as well.

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Populating Lists

Feb 8, 2007

I have 16 seperate titles and a different figure for each title.

However, these 16 titles are repeated hundreds of times, in different orders, down a column. I need to populate the list with the numbers that belong to each title.

I don't have v look up on my computer. I am useless at excel.

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Compare Two Lists

Jun 9, 2009

I have two separate lists, one in Column A and the other in Column B. Both lists are roughly 2,000 rows long. For the most part, the two lists are identical, but not quite.

I'm trying to determine what data is present in Column A that is absent from Column B, and vice versa. That's easy enough to do with COUNTIF (at least that's what I've tried), but to complicate matters, duplicate entries appear in both column A and column B.

For example, in column A, the word "Electric" appears 13 times...but in column B, it only appears 8. I need to know these differences in a quick and easily readable way (remember, the spreadsheet is roughly 2,000 rows).

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Lists And Printing

Dec 7, 2009

I've made a 40 page list on Excel, On the very top of this list is my titles of whats is in the collums. How do I repeat this through out, so it appears on the top of every page.

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Making Lists...

Feb 6, 2010

I have four columns containing about 200 addresses.

A Names
B Streets
C Cities
D Phone no.

If I write a name in D1 I want to get the corresponding street, city and phone no. in E1, F1 and G1.

I also want to copy the formula downwards let's say ten times so I can make a list.

If I for example just want to make a list of three names (D1-D3) I want the rest of the fields to stay blank.

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Validation Lists Using Vba

Mar 30, 2007

I need to find a solution that will prevent users from pasting values into cells that do not match values in a named range or validation list.

I think the best method would be to have it trigger with a SheetChange event. I would like it to check to see if the enteredpasted value(s) in a range of cells is equal to one of the following:


If it does not, I want the cell cleared and a message box shown.

I am sure this is simple, stock code for someone, but I am teaching myself vba and am fairly green. Does anyone have this handy in thier code library?

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Comparing The Lists

Jun 9, 2009

I have two Excel lists. One master list (list A) contains all our email addresses from our customers. The other list (list B) contains a list of people who do NOT want to recieve emails. How do I take the emails from list B (there are 1,200 of them) and compare them automatically to list A? Basically if any email address from list B appears in list A, I want it to delete in list A.

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Dependent Lists

Jun 27, 2005

I've created a dependent list in Excel using Data validation. The first list is independent and the second list depends on the first list. I'm facing one problem in this. After selecting a element in first list and corresponding element in second list, if I want to change the first list again, I can go and change the value. But the value in the second list remains the same. I want the second list to be empty when I' selecting the first list again. How can I do this?

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Different Lists For Different Answers

Dec 3, 2008

Cell C7 is a drop down list with 3 possibles (Consumer,Commercial, Public). Depending on which is chosen, I want Cell C10 to provide a different list of possibles (Consumer Products, Commercial Products, Public Products).

I have tried to create a custom IF statement with the list choice & sometimes it refuses & sometimes it gives me the list, but with the formula string as the drop down options.

Is this forumula possible or is it beyond excel's capability?

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Comparing Two Lists?

Apr 3, 2012

I have two lists of data and am trying to write a formula that will return a "1" if the second list firstly contains one or more entries that are not in the first list and secondly the fourth cell on the same row of one or more of the entries not in the first list contains an "F".

The first list is in a sheet called "Select" cells J2:J7 and the second list is in a sheet called "Model" cells A2:A50. The second list will occasionally contain blank cells.

I have tried to use a combination of COUNTIF and VLOOKUP but am struggling to make any progress.

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Comparing Two Lists ..

Oct 1, 2007

I have two lists in the same sheet. List one spread over 3 columns contains all the possible postcodes available to my job, the second list once again over 3 columns contains all the postcodes my job is currently using.

How can I find out the Postcodes that I am not currently using from the available list. I am sure it is a simple Lookup command, but cant for the life of me figure it out.

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