Matching Two Tables - Copying Data For Matching Value?

Feb 27, 2014

I have two tables, Table1 one has only customer codes in it, and I have Table2 with plenty of customer codes and those customer name, surname, age, location...

And I want to match and copy each of those customer codes in Table 1 all the information which is on Table2

Table 1:

Table 2: Considering that name, age and location is each in separate cell

50025JohnSecond25Location 1
60085EmilyThird 20Location 2
45454Wilhelm Fourth35Location 3
10000RoseFifth 60Location 4
50086JohnySixth 45Location 5
65501JacobSeventh18Location 6
50026Jackie Eighth22Location 7

And the outcame should be that it finds the value from Table1 in Table2 and copy's information in Table 1 like this:

50025 JohnSecond25Location 1
50026 Jackie Eighth22Location 7
50086 Johny Sixth 45Location 5

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Compiling Partially Matching Data Into Matching Rows With Macro

Jan 20, 2013

My task is to combine two large databases into one spreadsheet by extending the number of columns. The data from each database is 90% matching based on an identification number, however occasionally there are additional rows or unmatched identification numbers that need to be kept for analysis.

When this happens, there needs to be a blank row inserted to represent the missing data in the rest of the corresponding row.

I am having trouble finding a quick way to do this because I have approximately 12,000 rows (and columns up to DV when combined).

for example:


[Code] .....

needs to become:


[Code] .....

I am guessing I will need a macro of sorts, So far I have made one column that tell me if the ID's are matching or not (1 or 0) and if they are not matching (0) I manually insert the rest of the row that is missing or make space for the duplicate data (which needs to remain).

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Matching Data On Two Separate Sheets And Copying From One To Another

Jul 16, 2009

If the name in Column F of "Sheet1" is found in "DataPEs" in Column B, then copy the block of 6 cells of data below it in column Q to column D of "Sheet1" in their relative rows. Additionally, if column Q has data then copy it, if not then copy the data only in column M. Finally, the number of matching names will vary in Sheet1 but will stay mostly the same in the DataPEs sheet. I've highlighted one block of data in green as an example.

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Copy Matching And Non Matching Data Into New Worksheet

Feb 20, 2014

I have two worksheet "ABX" and "ACX" from which I want to find the matching data for specific columns B, D and E only.

Matching data will be in sheet "Match" and vice versa.

Data are present dynamically.

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Matching 2 Numbers In Tables Together

Sep 30, 2013

I have two tables. One has long list of numbers, and the other one has lesser. I'd like to match the identical numbers in both tables. By the way the first table has 14600 cells and the short one has 1466 cells.







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Finding Matching Records From Two Tables

Jul 14, 2014

I have two tables, both contain a column of ID numbers and a column of addresses.

I would like a method to match the IDs from table1 to those of table2 - if no matches are found, search for matching addresses, if a match is found then output the ID in table1, the address, and the corresponding ID in table2.

If still no matches are found, output the ID and address from table1 and indicate that it didn't match.

Then I want to check table2 records - i.e. search for matching address between the records and output the table 1 ID, address and table2 ID were partial or no matches are found, as above.

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Matching Values Form Different Tables

Jul 18, 2014

I have two tables with information I need to combine.

Table 1 has the cost for each of the visits made by patients for each clinic/site:

Clinic/Site Number
Visit 1 Cost
Visit 2 Cost
Visit 3 Cost
Visit 4 Cost


[Code] ........

Table 2 shows the dates each visits happened, for each patient of each clinic/site :

Visit 1
Visit 2
Visit 3
Visit 4

Aug 2013
Oct 2013
Nov 2013
Dec 2013

[Code] .........

Table 2 will be updated on a monthly basis with new patients and new visits. Table could also be updated if new clinics are added. The tables are from two different sources.

I need to combine the two tables so I can then pivot and have a sub-total per month, per site and grand total per month. I tried match, Vlookup, combining the two but I am getting lost.

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Combine Rows From Matching Certain Criteria In Two Tables

Jun 9, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that contains two input tables: Parallel and Perpendicular. Next, the user can select a group which a certain entry belongs to. Now what I want is a "summary" of these entries in a table that has no blank rows and combines both Parallel and Perpendicular entries by the Group. Please note that there is no fixed number of inputs for any one group i-e the solution has to be dynamic.The groups are numbered from 1 to 6 and number of groups is fixed i-e 6.

A sample file illustrating the inputs and required output is attached.

I also posted this on: [URL] ....


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Combine Rows From Two Tables In Certain Order And Matching Certain Criteria

Jun 9, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that contains two input tables: Parallel and Perpendicular. Next, the user can select a group (from a drop down) which a certain entry belongs to. Now what I want is a "summary" of these entries in a table that has no blank rows and combines both Parallel and Perpendicular entries by the Group. There is no fixed number of inputs for any one group i-e the solution has to be dynamic.

Attached is a file illustrating the inputs and the required output. I would prefer a formula based approach but not against VBA based suggestions either.


Also posted at: [URL] ....

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Bank Reconciliation - Many To One Matching And Partial Cell Matching

Nov 19, 2009

programming 2 macros in a bank reconciliation sheet I am trying to create.

Basically the data consists of two sets: the ledger side and bank side. Both sides consists of multiple columns that include date, description and amount.

The following two situations can occur and which need to be covered with a macro.

Many to one matching
When we make payments to say 100 different suppliers at once, the ledger side will show 100 lines with the different amounts. However on the bank side it will only show one line with a total amount for the transaction. As the description on the ledger side is the same for all transactions done at the same time, it should be possible to have a macro add these lines and compare the total with entries on the bank side. Once a matching amount has been found, the macro should place an ‘x’ next to all entries on the ledger and bank side, in order to show that these transactions have been reconciled.

Partial cell matching
In this case we are only dealing with one line on both the ledger and bank side. The issue is that the description does not always perfectly match with one another. The ledger side might say ‘Brown Corp.’ and the bank side might say ‘Brown Corporation’. I want to come up with a macro that can recognize this partial match and still reconcile the lines by placing a ‘x’ to both the ledger and bank entry. The match however should be done with a combination of description, date and amount as several different bookings might be done for the same supplier in the same month.

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Matching Values And Copying To A New Sheet

Sep 29, 2008

I have been searching through the forums for examples and haven't been able to find exactly what I am looking for.

Ok here is my issue. I need to compare the Conf # and line number on both sheet 1 and 2. So basically if the Conf # and the Line number match between page 1 and 2 then it copies the Conf #, Item Number(Sheet 1), and Detail(Sheet 2) to sheet 3 in a row. This needs to continue till the end of the Sheet 1. I have a pseudo report created with no code because I don't have a clue as to where to start.

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Copying A Row Based On Matching Unique Values

Jan 26, 2009

I have the following code which takes a unique value from 'sheet 1', and searches for the value in 'sheet 2'. If there is a matching value in sheet 2 it will copy the full row into sheet three.

I need to extend the code so that all values from 'sheet 1' are copied to 'sheet 3' even if there is no matching value in 'sheet 2'. If there is a matching value in 'sheet 2' however I need the entire row to be copied to 'sheet 3'

Sub moving()
Dim c As Range, d As Range
For Each d In Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A500")
For Each c In Range("A1:A15")
If d = c Then
c.Resize(1, 70).Copy
Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
Exit For
End If
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

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Matching Ranges In Different Sheets And Then Copying Certain Cell Value

Apr 25, 2009

There are two sheets: Sheet1 and Sheet2

Columns in Sheet 1 are the following:
company PERMNO number, dates, market capitalization (no data in this one)

Columns in Sheet 2 are the following:

company PERMNO number, ticker, dates, market capitalization

In Sheet2, there is a whole range of dates (between 1990 and 2004) for every single company, whereas in Sheet2 there is one or 3-4 dates for a every single company.

I would like to match the exact date/dates in Sheet1 in the range of dates in Sheet2 and then if they match, copy the corresponding cell value from the market capitalization column in Sheet2 to the empty market capitalization column in Sheet1. I also want that the company PERNO numbers match.

In short: if PERMNO numbers match, match the date/dates in Sheet1 within the range of dates for the same company in Sheet 2 and copy the market capitalization value to Sheet1.


2. 13123 199803
3. 13123 199904
4. 65456 200005
5. 44550 200104
6. 44550 200211......

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Matching 2 Fields In 2 Columns And Copying A 3rd Field Into The 3rd Column

Oct 8, 2009

I need a formula. Probably Vlookup. I'm having a LOT of trouble trying to figure out how to "phrase" the formula so let me explain what it is I'm trying to do. If a cell in Sheet 1 Column AS and a cell in Sheet 2 Column B match exactly, I want the cell in Sheet 2 Column C that is in the same row as the matched cell in Sheet 2 Column B to be copied into Sheet 1 Column BB in the same row as the matched cell in Sheet 1 Column AS.

For example, if cells in S1 Column AS and S2 Column B both have the name "LOS ANGELES" then "KLAX" will be copied from cell in S2 Column C (in same row as "LOS ANGELES") to S1 Column BB (in same row as "LOS ANGELES").

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Align Matching Row Values Column And Remove Non-matching Row Values?

Jan 27, 2014

see attachment below for easier comprehension of what I need to be done. Note that I have around 20 subjects (2 in example) and about 15000 values per subject (5 per subject shown) Basically, I want matching rows to be aligned (see grey) and non-matching rows to be deleted, throughout the 20 or so subjects.


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Matching Cell Formats Based On Matching Cell Values

Jan 28, 2010

I have a cell (A1) that contains text.
That text will match a single value in a reference list (i.e. range of cells e.g. Z1:Z26).
When the match occurs (e.g. A1 = Z16), I want the format of the reference cell (fill color, text color) to apply to the cell of interest (A1).
The reference cells are manually formatted.

I know that I could create a long list of conditional format formulas instead of using the reference, but it seems that there must be some way to tell excel: if the cell value contents are equivalent, the formatting should be as well.

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Matching Data

Feb 15, 2010

I have a report that shows "users" in column A, "time of call" in column B and "Call direction" in column C as below

Usertime of callCall DirectionUser 112/02/2010 09:00:59InboundUser 112/02/2010 09:10:15InboundUser 112/02/2010 09:26:03InboundUser 112/02/2010 09:41:40OutboundUser 112/02/2010 09:52:11OutboundUser 112/02/2010 10:25:28InboundUser 112/02/2010 10:25:32Outbound

On a second sheet I have another report that shows the "user" in A, the "time" in B, the "Status" in C and the "Duration in status" in D. As follows

UsertimeStatusDurationUser 109:28:57Follow Up:00:08User 109:29:05Available, No ACD:04:17User 109:33:22Outbound Working01:08:37User 110:41:59On Break:02:55User 110:44:54Outbound Working:41:59

I am trying to write a formula that will show me if a user is making an outbound call and also showing on the Outbound working status, but unfortunatley these times will not match because one shows the time call was made and the other shows duration in status.

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Matching Sets Of Data?

Jul 10, 2014

I created a macro that extracts two columns of numbers from one workbook and need to match them to another set of numbers in another workbook. For instance i have numbers like...

18314 907
18272 64
11005 907
11005 324

..Now i need to match these numbers up with the others to find the hyperlink associated with them.

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Matching Pairs Of Data

Dec 30, 2008

I'm not sure if it's possible to do this, but I have three lists of data. One is a complete list (for example, the numbers 1-25).
The next list is a subset of the complete list (e.g., 1,3,5,7,9). Attached to these (the subset list) is another list (let's say letters, so A goes with 1, B goes with 3, etc). I want to physically move the paired entries from Lists 2 & 3 so that List 2 matches up with List

1. Let's see if I can represent this visually:

I have:


I want:


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Matching Customer Data

Apr 16, 2009

I have 2 sheets in a workbook.Sheet1 is a master sheet with Customer code and there Sale.And Sheet2 is the sheet which has only Customer code.

Note: Its just a Example i have total 1924 data.

Now in Sheet 1 there are some Customer code which is Repeated some times 2 and 3 or even 4 times. In Sheet 2 Same as sheet 1 there are some data which is also Repeated. Now i how can i know which Customer Code in sheet 2 Missing from Sheet1
I have Colored Some Data in sheet 2 which is not match with Sheet1

For Example.
In Sheet 1 221000000232 is repeated 2 times but in Sheet2 has only 1 times.

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Matching Cases And Data?

Oct 14, 2013

I have data collected at 2 time points. Participants have a unique alphanumeric ID that is the same at both times. I need to merge the data into one sheet where each case has all of the information from time 1 and time 2. There are many more cases at Time 1 (nearly 2000) than at time 2 (around 340).

I have prepared an example of what I need (see below), but have lots (around 300 at each time point) more variables than what has been put in the sheet.


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Matching Data From One Sheet To Another?

Dec 20, 2013

I have created two sheets: "Roles to Courses" and "Datasheet". I have attached the zip db for review - its only 314k. I need to search the Datasheet in columns N, P for values from the Roles to Courses sheet (Business Role - SAP ECC) column A and find a match in the Datasheet. When a match is found, I need the B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K columns that contains the values of the classes from the Roles to Courses sht, to be added to the field called "Training Courses" in the Datasheet.

I started a macro but wasn't sure enough to complete the commands.

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Matching Data Using Two Different Datasheets?

Mar 4, 2014

I am trying to match certain types of data from one datasheet to another. I want to match the address from the VOA worksheet to the local occupier. telephone number and local contact which are located on the raw data worksheet.

I have used the INDEXMATCH function but it doesn't correctly match the data properly as it fills certain fields that don't exist in the raw data.

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Matching Data With Specified Criteria

Jun 30, 2007

I need to match data with specific criteria. Details of the problem are as follows:

I have 2 sheets: "Main" and "Sub"

In "Main" there are 3 Important Columns: Col "C", "I" and "AF"
In "Sub" there are 2 Important Columns: Col "I' and "N".

Value in column "C" of "Main" is same as value in column "I" of "Sub", but not in same order.

Now the specific criteria:

If value in Column "I" of "Main" is not equal to "Zero", then the macro should pick up the value from the corresponding column "C" of "Main" and search for the same in column "I" of "Sub". After matching the same, it should find corresponding value in column "N" of "Sub". Then the macro should pick up the value from column "N" of "Sub" and put the value in the column "AF" of "Main".

This is basic requirement.

I am unable to retrieve the right value for the same.

Fine tuining will be:

If the value in column "N" of "Sub" is "Fully Automated" then it should only write "Automated" in column "AF" of "Main". And If the value is "Manual + ...." then it should write "Manual" in column "AF" of "Main".

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Loop Matching Data Between Ws

Aug 26, 2007

I'm trying to get data from one ws to another with corresponding keys, and wondering what the best and most efficient way would be to accomplish this.

Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell)...ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select...Loop?

Here's the setup:2 worksheets: source and target
source ws has 2 relevant col: A and K which are key/val pairs
target ws has x number of col
val from source ws are to be written in 1st avail blank col on target ws
some of the keys will exist in both ws, some only in one
if a key from source ws is not present in target ws, it will need to be added along with its val

The # of the first avail col is targetCol:
targetCol = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column + 1

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Matching Data - Loop

Sep 5, 2008

What I am trying to do is pretty simple (this is what I imagine)

I have a 4 columns
- the columns 1 and 2 contain a number of days and an associated number
- the columns 3 and 4 contain a number of days and an associated number

My formula should do this:
- if the number of days (col 1 and 3) are the same, then multiply the number in col 3 and 4 together.

- more specifically, for each number in col 1, the formula looks all matching values in col 3 and makes a simple calculation
- result displayed in column 5

- col 1 has more data than col 3
- the data in both column are not sorted

Dim x As Integer

For x = 1 To 10 Step 1
If Cells(x, 1) = Cells(x, 3).Value Then
Cells(x, 5).Value = Cells(x, 3) * Cells(x, 4)
End If
Next x

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Looping And Matching Data

Jan 20, 2009

I need add a new worksheet that outputs sheet name and box 7 data for each sheet onto a master spreadsheet. I have been playing around some code but adding a third loop is a bit of nightmare and not ideal so I've just output to msgbox for testing per. Would application.match be better to use than the 'is like'?

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If Statement To Get Matching Data

Jun 1, 2009

How do I write an if statement where if the value from a cell (mtunit!A1) exists in a row from another worksheet (sqllist!A:A) then return the value of the of the next cell(sqllist!B2) from the row where it exists, else leave it blank.

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Moving Matching Data Into The Same Row From Different Ones

Jul 21, 2009

what im basically trying to do here is to move XYZ from column B and 123 from column C to match up with XYZ in column A ....

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Comparing And Matching Data ...

Jul 29, 2009

I am trying to compare a list of product codes on sheet 1 column A, with a larger list of product codes on sheet 2 column B.

My aim: when i click to button on sheet one the part numbers that are in both lists (sheet 1 and 2) Should be moved into sheet 3 columns B and be rearranged so that they match horzontally with the full sheet two pricelist which will have now moved to column A sheet 3. This should leave gaps in column B where there was no matching part number.

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