Microsoft Word Hangs With Excel Launch Code

Apr 29, 2012

Consider this procedure to execute a MS Word mailmerge from within Excel:

Option Explicit
Dim objword As Object
Dim odoc As Object
Dim odoc2 As Object
Dim wdsendtonewdocument As Object
Dim mypath As String

Sub merge()

[Code] ........

The application hangs on the line in red. The file name (worksheets("Frontpage").Range("B15")) exists. It hangs with periodic dialogues "Microsoft Office is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action."

I end up having to go into task manager to close the word application before I can regain Excel control again.

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Excel 2010 :: Launch Word Docx Embedded Within Spreadsheet

Sep 6, 2013

I have a word docx embedded within my spreadsheet .

Both are on Office 2010 versions and I have named the embedded word doc

docx = CCPBlank (named range)
sheet = Support Data

I want to open the word doc from within the spreadsheet from a user form I already have created for other module calls.

Any simple VBA code to open the embedded docx?

I have looked a previous posts and not sure they are suitable. I have embedded the docx as I want to ensure only that empty version is opened each time. It also means I only have to send one file (xlsm).

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Macro To Copy Data From Excel Worksheet To Microsoft Word Document

Jan 28, 2011

I have a macro set up in Excel that formats and deletes rows matching a citeria. Once the macro runs I then manually copy the data across into Word. I would like to automate this.

I would like the macro to copy over any cells containing data iinto a new word document. I also have standard text that I would like to include at the beginning and end of the word document. With the excel data being placed in the centre.

I have searched the web and tried a couple of macros with no luck. All the macros state "' requires a reference to the Word Object library: ' in the VBE select Tools, References and check the Microsoft Word X.X object library"

I am unsure how to reference this - but I have checked and found that the object library ticked is Microsoft Word 11.0 Object Library.

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Excel 2007 :: Generate Microsoft Word Document From Data Encoded In Spreadsheet?

Jun 18, 2012

I need to generate a microsoft word document from the data encoded in my excel spreadsheet. I am currently using MS office 2007.

in the Excel Spreadsheet from columns C to F "a) b) c) d)" was not typed but in the word document it automatically appears before the choices encoded in excel. Another thing is that some of the choices typed in the excel spreadsheet are in bold font and I want it to be generated in word document with the bold font as well.

By the way I am planning to use this technique to create a 100 item multiple choice exam for my students as I find using EXCEL to generate the document a lot easier than creating the test manually in WORD.

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RTF- How To Convert A Microsoft Word

Sep 14, 2002

Does anyone know how to convert a Microsoft Word .RTF file into a Microsoft Excel file? I have tried everything I know and I have no success other than getting everything crammed into column A in excel.

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To Convert Microsoft Word Data Into

Nov 12, 2008

I am currently working on a project, and basically I want to convert Microsoft word data into excel. Is there a way excel can read specific fields of data from word?

For example, search for a field called a particular name and a corresponding value amongst several data held within Microsoft word pages?

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Macro Code Hangs/Freezes Adding Rows

Sep 15, 2006

I've managed to use some code I found to add a new row below the selected row, and duplicate all the forumlas of the source row. It worked fine dozens of times yesterday, but today it's decided not to work. It gets as far as creating the new row(s), but then just hangs & excel crashes before duplicating the formulas. I've even tried reverting to an earlier version, which also worked fine, but this crashes also!

Sub Add_New_Row()
' Unlock Worksheet
Worksheets("Sheet1").Unprotect Password:="*****"
Dim x As Long
ActiveCell.EntireRow.Select 'So you do not have to preselect entire row
If vRows = 0 Then
vRows = Application.InputBox(prompt:= _
"How many rows do you want to add?", Title:="Add Rows", _
Default:=1, Type:=1) 'Default for 1 row, type 1 is number
If vRows = False Then Exit Sub
End If
'if you just want to add cells and not entire rows
'then delete ".EntireRow" in the following line
Dim sht As Worksheet, shts() As String, i As Integer
Redim shts(1 To Worksheets.Application. ActiveWorkbook. _

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OpenText Function In Macro Hangs Unless Stepping Through Code In Debug

Oct 29, 2009

We have had a macro running for a few years (Excel 2007 now, but started in 2003) that imports about 35 text files into separate sheets, creates a calculated SUM field for each sheet and copies that value to a title (or summary) sheet. We use this 2 to 4 times per year at inventory time, copying to a new file and deleting the old data before running the macro. The imported files initially create new workbooks, but the data is copied to the initial workbook into a distinct sheets for each file.

Recently (well, last August) this macro started hanging after importing (Workbooks.OpenText) a number of files, and not necessarily the same file every time (on repeated runs.) While trying to figure out the problem, I have now managed to get it to hang every time on the first file! However, if I am stepping through in the debugger it continues past the OpenText command and on F5:Run/Continue will then continue processing the rest of the files normally. If I delete the first file before running the macro, it then hangs on the second file instead.

Without debugging, the first file will import, display on-screen, and there it stops. If I put a break-point on the very next instruction after the import, that break-point is never reached. THINGS I'VE TRIED:.......

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Launch Notepad Using VB Code

Dec 6, 2006

I looking for the VBcode of how to:

1) Launch the Windows Notepad using an Excel VB button
2) Copy the Excel sheet data (valiable range) into the Notepad
3) Get the Notepad "Save As" dialog window to save the Text file

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Nested Loop Hangs Excel?

Jul 4, 2014

I have a problem with a nested loop in my macro as Excel hangs every time i run my script. I suspect it is because my sheets have too many elements.

I am doing a software localization, and I need to translate records in column A (english) to column X (slovenian) in the same row. With each new version of the software, the number of rows changes.

I already manually did one translation (44000 rows), and now i need to do a new version translation, so I want to use my old translation (because many if not most of the elements are the same) and insert values into the new excel file.

In the new file in sheet1 I have a full column A with english words and an empty C column with slovenian words that I need to fill.

Into sheet2 I copied the old english in column A and slovenian translation in column B.

On sheet 3 i created a button that when clicked, goes though each row in sheet1.columnA, compares it to sheet2.colimnA, and if there is a match, copies the value from sheet2.columnB into sheet1.columnC. So, this should fill most of the translations I need to do, and the rest I will do manually

I am quite new to VBA so this is what I came up with:


The number of rows is around 44000 in each sheet. How I could optimize or even completely avoid the nested loop, because each time i click the button I need to wait for almost an hour and then Excel hangs.

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Excel 2010 :: Freezes Or Hangs In The Middle Of Work?

May 24, 2013

I have an issue with the excel freeze in our organisation.

Our organisation works on Citrix and the office applications have been upgraded to 2010 very recently.We have both 2003 excel users and 2010 excel users.There is a user who has a problem working on excel 2010 the excel freezes.Excel 2010 works fine for some time and all at a sudden hangs,once its hung it freezes all the other applications.

The same file runs properly on the other 2010 systems.The Excel file which hangs are also not of huge in size.

I am unable to get to the rootcause of the issue why the excel freezes or hangs in the middle of the work getting to the root cause of the issue and an answer for the excel hanging.

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Excel Hangs And Freezes After Writing Simple If Statement

Nov 3, 2012

Background: The user makes a selection from a drop down box on the main sheet (sheet5, G12). The drop-down box is linked to *Sheet31.Pax_Nav*. If the drop-down box's linked cell value is less than 5, then do nothing (manual input required). If it is greater than 5, then the vlookup matches that number to a person in the database and returns their weight. The code will pull the required person's weight but then Excel will hang and freeze.

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
On Error Resume Next
If Sheet31.Range("Pax_Nav") > 5 Then
Sheet5.Range("G12").Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(Sheet31.Range("Pax_Nav").Value, Sheet31.Range("H17:L48"), 5, False)
End If
End Sub

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Excel VBA To Launch Notepad And Save

Oct 14, 2011

I want to know if it is possible to launch a blank notepad from an existing excel spreadsheet and then type relevant "history notes" into notepad and save.

I am creating a manual spreadsheet for the company I am working for which is being used for Maintenance Planning / Scheduling and creating of work orders. Once the work order has been raised and the job has been completed it then needs to be closed out on the spreadsheet and any relevant notes entered in. I am hoping to be able to have a link that opens notepad by the click of a button within the spreadsheet and it allows the user to record any notes against that work order and save. These notes can then viewed by future users.

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Macro - Dialog Box On Excel File Launch?

Jul 8, 2013

I'm looking to create a macro that launches a dialog box upon file launch. Based on the input, I want excel to only show the tab which corresponds to the dialog box entry.

For example, if it asks "What is your name?" on file launch and I respond "Alex"; i want the tab labeled "Alex" to only be shown for the user.

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Code To Copy Excel Data To A Word Document

Apr 8, 2009

If possible could someone please tell me why the below code is not calling the normal.doc macro "testy" and any solutions.

The code opens a new document, pastes the text from the clipboard and then fails to run the wanted macro.

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Copy And Paste Table From Word To Excel Code

Oct 29, 2008

i need a code to open a specific word document, copy table from word into excel with a link so when the word document is changed so is the excel doc

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How To Enter Information In Excel And Use VBA Code To Transfer To Word Document

Jul 17, 2014

I'm trying to get certain Excel cells (varies by column and row) to populate different areas in a Word document. I've tried using both Word bookmarks and form fields and have defined the Excel names with the Word bookmark names as well as using Word's generic terms (Field1, Field2, etc.) with no luck. The VBA code I'm using now is for word forms and will open the Word document but seems to delete the form fields. I don't know if I'm not coding the cells correctly or what.

Sub CreateProposal()
Dim wdApp As Word.Application
Dim wdDoc As Word.Document

Set wdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
' Open word document

[Code] ........

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Launch Link In Order To Copy String From Site Back To Excel

Nov 17, 2013

I have a list of web address in column A. All of the web address belong to the same site and are different products at the store. I want to be able to some how launch the sites and have Excel copy the text string which follows the word "PRICE:" on the site back into Excel into the corresponding cell of column B.

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How To Remove Microsoft Excel In Title Bar?

Dec 30, 2009

i don't like the "- Microsoft Excel" typed on the Title Bar. how would i be able to remove it?

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Excel 2013 :: Delete Using Microsoft Query?

Apr 8, 2014

Using Excel 2013. Is it possible to delete some records from Sheet1 if the records exist on Sheet2?

I tried several SQL variations in MSQuery but all come back with error messages.

I tried:


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Returning Data From Microsoft Query To Excel?

Jun 23, 2013

I am trying to use queries I have been running in MS SQL Server Management Studio, to return data in Excel where it would display as pivot. Some queries I was able to use through Excel but few others are not returning anything.

I am doubting it has something to do with the query itself - but they are displaying results properly in MS Query, they are just not returning any data to Excel.

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Changing Date Format In Microsoft Excel?

Oct 27, 2013

in the date fields excel only recognises some of them as date, so when I try to change the format of dates (mm/dd/yyyy to dd/mm/yyyy) it only changes some of them so I end up with some wrong I can make excel read them all as date?

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Microsoft Excel Stopped Working Error

May 15, 2014

I have a Macro button in my Excel Spreadsheet, every time I close the spreadsheet it gives me this error "Microsoft Excel Stopped Working" .

I have attached Spreadsheet to show example : Inventory List.xlsm‎

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Insert Microsoft Calculator Into Excel Sheet?

Oct 10, 2011

Can I insert the microsoft calculator into any excel sheet? I have it attached to my ribbon. But would find it much handier embedded into the sheet.

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No Data Returned To Excel From Microsoft Query?

Sep 25, 2013

Im using a query to connect to a SQL server and return data into Excel. I can query and return the data in Microsoft Query editor but when I attempt to return the data to Excel in a table, it just says the name of the connection in cell A1. If I attempt to return it into a pivot table a get and "Problems obtaining data" notification.

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Excel 2013 :: Creating Two Tables That Can Reference With Microsoft-query

Jun 28, 2013

I don't have Excel 2013 so unfortunately I can't easily create relational data in Excel 2010. I'm looking for a solution to a design problem. I'd like to have 2 tables which I can join with Microsoft Query and run pivot table reports.

My department processes payments, both for internal clients and external clients. My Payments table looks like:

Date | Type (internal/external) | Operation (what type of payment) | Method (internet, mail, etc) | Quantity

Additionally, I have a table for Mail Opening, which looks like:

Date | Employee | Operation | Quantity

My overlapping fields are Date and Operation. Using each table individually, I can get nice pivot table reports. What I'd like to do though is be able to not just see what operations and methods were run each day with what quantities, but also to compare that to how much mail was opened. Employee and Operation is a multi-multi relationship, so when I join by date, I end up getting incorrect numbers because of problems with the data layout. I'm open to changing my data structure, as I know the way it's set up right now isn't great, but I'm having a mental block on how to redesign it. I attached a sample workbook.

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IPad APP Which Can Open Macro-Enabled Microsoft Excel Files

Jun 20, 2012

I am looking for an IPad App which can open Macro-Enabled Microsoft Excel Files.

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Errors - Microsoft Excel Has Stopped Working - Crash In Pivot Table

Jun 10, 2013

I have created several reports containing pivot charts with slicers, pivot tables and data sets. Total file size is around 5MB. Need to do an update in my pivot table Like adding an additional grouping on one of my dimensions. As soon as I start doing so the Microsoft Excel stopped working error message pops up and my file crashes! Removing existing groupings seems for some reason to be impossible as well: nothing happens when I do this. Ahow to solve this without having to rebuild all my reports?

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Excel 2003 :: Count How Many Times A Word Is In A Range / Word Can Be In Cell More Than Once

Feb 16, 2012

I need to count how many times the word Test is in the range B4:H9 with

Range N2 = Test the formula below works if Test is only in the cell once.

=COUNTIF($B$4:$H$9,"*" & N2 & "*")

But I have data in cells like below, this is all in one cell, so how would I have it count all the times test is in the range when some cells have test 2 or more times in a single cell?


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Excel 2010 :: 32bit - Microsoft Date And Time Picker Control 6.0 Missing

Nov 7, 2013

I am trying to add a calendar picker to Excel 2010. Everything I read online says that it is possible, you just need to use the ActiveX control "Microsoft Date and Time Picker Control 6.0", and that it should be listed under Developer Tab -> Insert -> More Controls ->... But it's not listed.

I also tried downloading the Microsoft Windows Common Controls-2 6.0, but when I tried to add it to Excel using "Register Custom...", it says "Cannot register this control".

Why this control is missing? and I can't add it?

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