Modified Transpose Function OR Macro?
Oct 14, 2009
I am trying to perform the following, but am unsure if a macro is needed, or if there is a way to do it by possibly modifying the transpose function. Here are the steps required:
1 - copy a selected range of cells from a single row in one worksheet (i.e. D3:AE3).
2 - paste the data from those cells into a selected range of cells from a single column (i.e. A1:A14) in a separate worksheet BUT skip the cells from D3:AE3 that were blank instead of having them create blank cells in the column of the target worksheet
3 - Need to maintain a reference back to the original row of cells so that if their values change (i.e. D3 from source), the corresponding values in the new column (i.e. A1 in target) are auto updated.
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Sep 25, 2009
What im trying to do below is transpose the data under each name in column A across the corresponding row the name is on. Is there a way, without copy and paste specialing, to make excel recognize the cell being a name (perhaps from the list of all names on sheet 3 (Data Range = "Names") and transpose the data under it so it ends up light the highlighted text in the image below? Im thinking a macro?
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Jul 6, 2014
I need to create a macro in excel that will take data for a particular year in vertical rows and transpose it to horizontal rows.
What the data originally looks like:
[Code] ........
What I want the transposed data to look like:
38020419844.726.345.663.713.863.5113.69 3.611.362.812.522.25
I have never written a macro before and have tons of records (over 40,000) so using this will save me a lot of time.
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Dec 22, 2008
I don't really know VBA more than just piecing together other people's work (so please dumb down your responses as much as possible).
So I would like to have a function that displays a filename within a cell. The filename I need to display will start with "cost" and have a date at the end (not always the same number of characters). I need to search a folder for all files that contain that text and return the last modified one.
I found this VBA code that returns the last modified file, but only filters based on the extension (which I would like to keep in the code as well).
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Feb 14, 2012
What I wanted was to a function, say, "=LastModifiedDateOf(CELL)", where CELL, is a parameter that indicates the cell I want to monitor. If the value of such cell ever gets changed, the cell containing the function has its value updated to the current date.
A1 = "AA"
A2 = "=LastModifiedDateOf(A1)" -> "10/03/2011 10:30:32"
-- Make an update:
A1 = "BB"
A2 = "=LastModifiedDateOf(A1)" -> "14/02/2012 12:15:11"
I'm not quite a super user in Excel, but this function would be very very useful for me.
ps. I'm using Office 2010
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Feb 3, 2014
I'm building a work effort tracker for employees to record what they do throughout the day and submit it via email, and I've got everything but the "Undo" button working. Right now I have 13 buttons that add +1 to cells C9:C21, and a submit button that copies those cells into an email. What I'm trying to find a solution for is if someone clicks the wrong button, say clicks Inbound Call instead of Outbound Call, which would +1 to C9 instead of C10.
I've read that coding an undo macro button is pretty much impossible, but is there a way to locate the last cell modified by a macro and subtract 1 from it? Or possibly identify the cell contained in the last macro run and -1 from it that way?
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Jul 3, 2014
Below Macro which I am using to extract .PDF files. Now, I also want to see the Date moified while extracting the .PDF files. Hence, adding date modified to this macro.
Sub get_pdf_name()
Dim FR As Long, sh As String, FPath As String, FName As String
sh = Sheets("Sheet2").Name
FR = Sheets(sh).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
[Code] .....
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Nov 2, 2008
i have one problem here regarding the transpose function..
this is my original worksheet.
now, i want to transpose or switch the value in the worksheet above to become like this
i tried to use the transpose function from the "Paste Special" button but the result came out like this.
i also tried the transpose with array formula but it wont allow me to edit the values in the cells.
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Jun 21, 2006
I have an excel sheet which has 5 columns & 5 rows.I would like to transpose values in 3rd column to 5th column .But after running my code I am not being able to get the deired output. rectify the error for me?
xlApp = CType(CreateObject("Excel.Application"), Excel.Application)
xlBook = CType(xlApp.Workbooks.Add, Excel.Workbook)
xlSheet = CType(xlBook.Worksheets(1), Excel.Worksheet)
xlSheet. Cells(1, 1) = "NAME"
xlSheet.Cells(1, 2) = "CITY"
xlSheet.Cells(1, 3) = "STATE
xlSheet.Cells(1, 4) = "ADDRESS"
xlSheet.Cells(1, 5) = "PINCODE"
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Nov 18, 2008
I currently have a Tab named "Rent by Month 3-08-5-29" containing the monthly rent amount for 700 locations for March 2008 - May of 2029 with the layout seen below.
Shop# 3/1/2008 4/1/2008 5/1/2008 6/1/2008 ETC..
2 $5000 $5000 $5000 $5000
3 $3000 $3000 $3000 $3000
4 $7000 $7000 $7000 $7000
18 $4000 $4000 $4000 $4000
ETC... continuing down 700 rows and over 251 columns
What I need to do is convert this worksheet so it contains the same information but resembles the following layout.
Shop# Month Rent Amount
2 3/1/2008 $5000
2 4/1/2008 $5000
2 5/1/2008 $5000
2 6/1/2008 $5000
3 3/1/2008 $3000
3 4/1/2008 $3000
3 5/1/2008 $3000
3 6/1/2008 $3000
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Dec 23, 2009
should i use pivot table or transpose function ...
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Feb 3, 2014
I am working on a =transpose function. Pretty simple right? Well now I am trying to have it SKIP/SELECT certain columns.
I have =transpose("date!B1:T1"), but now I want to "Select A,B,D,E,F"
=TRANSPOSE(INDIRECT("date!B1:T1"),"select A,B,D,E,F,G,H,P,Q,R,S,T")
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Apr 10, 2009
I just recently switched to Excel 2007 and am not that familiar with the program.
I have a question that has 3 components.
I have alot of data in Column A that has many blank cells.
I performed several searches and have still not been able to remove them.
This particular method worked if I was selecting a small amount of data
Yet when I use with the entire list I get the error "selection is too large".
What I basically want to do is take the data that I have gathered and transpose it so I can save as a csv file and import in to my contact manager.
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Jul 10, 2012
I need a formula to transpose rows to columns of a large table. The transpose array formula is not working for me. I know there is a column and row function formula to do this, but I can't remember it.
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Jun 7, 2014
I need macro to transpose the raw data I have extracted from a Biometrics file into the format I need to compute for work hours.
Sheet 1(raw data)
Sheet 2 ( format i want the data to look like)
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Dec 19, 2008
I am desperately seeking a better way of transposing a large amount of data. By the looks of other posts, my objective is possible with a bit of VBA. Sadly, I am VBA illiterate.
My data looks like this (simplified) [ data is separated by columns "|".
A | May 1 | Jun 25 | Aug 9 | Dec 12
B | Apr 1 | Oct 25
C | Jan 6 | July 7 | Nov 11
I want to make it look like this:
A | May 1
A | June 25
A | Aug 9
A | Dec 12
B | Apr 1
B | Oct 25
C | Jan 6
C | Jul 7
C | Nov 11
I have accomplished this in the past, but it involved importing the table into access, then creating a query for each of the "date" columns, then copying and pasting the results into one table. It was a painful experience considering there are over 2,000 lines on the original table (resulting in 25,00 lines in the combined query).
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Feb 9, 2009
I have data that gets dumped from a program into a nasty horizontal format that I need to get transposed into a verticle format. As it stands now, the info is reported with hourly data spread accross rows. I need the hourly data in one column. See attached sheet for an example of what I need done with the data. I'm looking for a macro to take my "original" sheet and create my "new" sheet. Note: a macro that can do this would save me days of time.
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Jul 31, 2012
I am receiving the results of a Web-based test via e-mail. I am able to paste the e-mail's contents into an Excel spreadsheet and use it to manipulate the data as necessary, with one exception, namely an answer that requires the test taker to write a multi-paragraph e-mail response. I am able to identify which cells in Column A this answer occupies, for sake of argument, A60 to A70.
I want to have the contents of these cells appear in a single cell, B60, with linefeeds.
I'm able to do this with the following macro:
Sub paste()
Range("indirect(i5)").Value = vbCR & Join(Application.Transpose(Range("indirect(e1):indirect(e2)")), vbCR)
End Sub
where the indirect functions refer to cells where I've identified the beginning and ending rows of the range of cells I want to combine. I've also concatenated an additional vbCR to insert a leading carriage return, desirable for cosmetic reasons.
With an interactive button on the spreadsheet to activate the macro with a single click, it's pretty nifty.
Now, I have run into a problem when indirect(e1) and indirect(e2) have the same value. In that case, the macro fails. How do I recode or work around this?
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Oct 15, 2012
Full Document (2)
48 rue Saint Honor
75001 PARIS
I have many data in above format. I need to put it in columns. Also there is NO uniformity in rows. The data consists of Company name, Address, Tel no. Fax no., email and contact names and in some cases website also.
So when the data is transposed into columns, due to non uniformity the data gets jumbled. PColumn headings as Company name, Address, Tel no. Fax no., email, website and contact name.
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Oct 14, 2013
I want to transpose my data. Please see excel file. The original data is of 5 persons (in column) and working hours are recorded over the 35 days (day 1 to day 35 in rows). There are 35 entries for each persons.
I want to do a longitudinal analysis. So I want to transpose data in such a way that each person is repeated 35 time one column, with day in next column (1-35), and working hours are give in front;
For detail see attached excel sheet.
Original table
[Code] ...........
Want to make below table
[Code] .......
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Jan 29, 2014
Have been stuck on an interesting issue I currently have data as set out in the table below.
course 1
course 2
course 3
course 4
I need the course list to be restructured such as this below. I have tried using a vlookup with extra bits and a pivot table but cannot achieve what i am after, was thinking maybe a macro that could transpose each row as it drops down but not sure where to begin on that one.
course 1
course 2
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Nov 5, 2008
I have excel file that have the following columns: Sample ID, Analyte Name, Concentration, RSD. These columns are filled down.
I would like the analyte names should be the column headings. Then the rows with the sample ID, Concentration, and RSD - these rows are filled in with elemental concentrations, and rsds associated with those concentrations.
It is not quite a simple transpose, the rows should start over every time the sample name changes. I will be very grateful for any help with this and would gladly send a file to anyone who would help me. Sometimes the number of analytes I sample changes, so if anyone has any ideas on how to write a macro that can do this by recognizing when the analyte name repeats itself (to know when to start a new set of rows).
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Apr 7, 2009
I am sent an email that contains multiple blocks of information.
They're broken down like this:
There are about 100 of these blocks of text in the email, and some of them are duplicates. What I'd like to do is copy them into Excel, and run a macro which separates them into the appropriate column and removes the duplicates. The problem that I'm running into is some of the blocks have a value (highlighted in red above) and others don't have anything at all. I'm looking for a solution that will be able to evaluate the text and if the cell after Status isn't value, I'd like it to insert a blank cell, a cell that says ignore, or something that will keep the format correct.
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May 4, 2007
Is it possible to write a macro that does the following:
(1) Select range of cells to be fixed horizontally.
(2) Select range of cells to be transposed vertically (as attached).
(3) Duplicate each row selected in (1) based on the number of cells that has been transposed in (2)
Sample Data B.xls
The result is as attached:
New Format B.xls
As seen above, each row selected in (1) has been duplicated based on the number of cells that has been selected to be transposed in (2).
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May 15, 2014
see the attached file below. I have monthly precipitation data for yrs 1950-1999. I need to have the data formatted such that the precipitation data is copy/pasted into one single column, going all the way from jan 1950 to feb 1950 (next row) to mar 1950 (next row).....dec 1999 (last row). On occasion, I will also have data for shorter/longer time periods. the macro code I'd need to take this data and line it all up into one single column?
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Feb 18, 2014
I got to transpose the data from sheet "Data" into new sheet "Actual". Now One row has been added on the top (R1) to categorize the whole data in terms of Major and minor.
modify the macro which add one column (K) with header as "Error type" in sheet "Actual" and then display the above two parameters.
I want exact type of data in sheet "Actual" from raw data sheet "Data"
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Jul 25, 2012
I have a spreadsheet which contains many rows (>3000) and a few columns.
I would like to make a macro that will copy specific cells depending on the number from another cell (from the first column) and then transpose the corresponding values. My current problem is that the values I'd like to copy (countries) are on a row (horizontal) and I need it on a column (below "Countries") next to the car models (in black: the current sheet, in red: my target):
Number of Countries
[Code] .......
Is it be possible to create a macro that transposes automatically the countries from the right into the third column (like 90 degrees against the clockwise direction)?
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Mar 21, 2014
I have the below VBA but am getting a 1004 error and when I step into each line I do not see the macro populating the cells as designed. The purpose of the macro is to take a list from the "EmployeeBillableHours" worksheet select the entire list s.tarting from row 2, then goto to "Client" worksheet, then starting at cell J6 paste each item on the list and then move 4 cells to the right and paste the next item on the list to the end.
Sub ClientListtoClientTab()
Dim lr As Long: lr = Worksheets("EmployeeBillableHours").Range("H" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
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Jun 23, 2007
Need macro that will transpose data from rows to columns
next entry
There are blank rows in between the address, and 1 blank row between new entry.
Furthermore, the blank rows between the address are not consistent
I am wondering if there is a code that could execute a macro to transpose such data automatically instead of me transposing it one by one
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Jan 28, 2008
I have a spreadsheet, with over 9000 line items. And to give you guys an idea, these items are products that we carry at our stores (convinience stores). Most of our items are sold to the customer by eaches or unit, but we do carry beverage items which can be sold several ways (single can, 6pk, 12pk, 24pk etc). Anyway, on the spreadsheet, these sell units(single, 6pk, 12pk etc) have their own line, per each sell unit. I want them to be all in one line. Heres what it looks like:
I want columns F, and G's values be transposed to the first line, after the RET column. Like this:
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