VBA Macro - Selective Copy And Transpose

Jul 25, 2012

I have a spreadsheet which contains many rows (>3000) and a few columns.

I would like to make a macro that will copy specific cells depending on the number from another cell (from the first column) and then transpose the corresponding values. My current problem is that the values I'd like to copy (countries) are on a row (horizontal) and I need it on a column (below "Countries") next to the car models (in black: the current sheet, in red: my target):

Number of Countries



[Code] .......

Is it be possible to create a macro that transposes automatically the countries from the right into the third column (like 90 degrees against the clockwise direction)?

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Selective Transpose Multiple Rows Of Data To Columns

Jul 21, 2013

How to selectively transpose a row of dates to columns. I'm not sure exactly how to explain this, so below is an example of what the data look like entered into the spreadsheet:

study ID
visit 1
visit 2
visit 3
visit 4
visit 5


I'd like to extract the data into a new table on another worksheet that looks like this:

study id
visit #
Test Name


This is just a quick example, but basically it would continue through all possible visit dates for the first study ID, then move to the next row of data (i.e. the next study ID) and extract the data from the row and transpose it in the appropriate columns moving down...

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Macro For Copy / Paste As Transpose?

May 15, 2014

see the attached file below. I have monthly precipitation data for yrs 1950-1999. I need to have the data formatted such that the precipitation data is copy/pasted into one single column, going all the way from jan 1950 to feb 1950 (next row) to mar 1950 (next row).....dec 1999 (last row). On occasion, I will also have data for shorter/longer time periods. the macro code I'd need to take this data and line it all up into one single column?

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MACRO To Copy And Transpose Data In A Column

Oct 5, 2011

Im trying to create a Macro which can do the following: Go to the selected cell when Macro is run, keep going down cell by cell until it finds a blank cell, select the values, copy them and paste them by transposing into the cell next to where it started from in a row, carry on doing this procedure and pasting the transposed values next to the first non blank value until it gets to the end of this column.

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Copy & Transpose Range Macro Code

Apr 17, 2008

I have a long header I am pasting to a column "A" on a new Sheet. When the header pastes it is repeating itself but with long blank spaces in between each repeat. The first time goes from A1 to A152, which is all I want. But it shows up again starting at A180225, and again at A212993, and again and again. I only want a single instance of the header in Column A. Here is the macro I am using:

Sub Sort_Cells()
Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
True, Transpose:=True
End Sub

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Macro To Copy / Transpose And Paste Columns To Rows

May 1, 2013

I'm trying to get a macro together that will take a set of workbooks that I've merged (using Ron de Bruin's RDBMerge add-in) and transpose all columns from B to HB into rows. Now, I know that each spreadsheet is 210 columns and 244 rows large and they are concatenated on one another. Attached is a brief example of what I am trying to go from and what I am trying to get to.

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Copy Selective Data From One Worksheet To Another

Dec 9, 2011

I am trying to copy selective data from one worksheet to another. My intent is to copy data in column F below to another worksheet in Column H. I only need to copy numeric data in Column F. Below is the screen shot of my data set. There are 244 Batches and each batch contain 4 members. In another words, I want to copy data for 4 rows (F2 to F5) then skip three rows (F6 to F8), Then again copy 4 rows (F9 to F12) the skip 3 rows and so on.

Here is the sample data -

6Next lines of Data contain expenditure for batch 2

[Code] ..........

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How To Copy Selective Characters From Cell And Use As Sheet Name

Feb 11, 2013

I need the 9th to the 15th character in my cell to be my Sheet name.

This is what I have got but it is coming up an error. It will always be Cell A4 and will always be characters 9 to 15 (These are Numerical the rest of the cell is Letters)

ActiveSheet.Name = Mid(A4, 9, 6)

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Copy Data From Selective Rows From Different Files To A Single File?

Jun 8, 2014

I would need only the first row data to be copied into a master file in column A (row A from each file to column A, column B.... etc - basically transpose value into master file)

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Macro To Retrieve Selective Files

May 21, 2008

I am trying to wite a macro that will allow me to pull up specific files. All files will be located in the same folder. For example, I want to type the workbook name "sawn" into a cell and hit the macro button. The macro will then look in a "pool" folder for the workbook named "sawn" and open it. Is this even possible?

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Macro For Selective Data Validation - Which Does Not Work

Jan 17, 2013

lately I have promised to program a little macro which looked easy for me to do but on which I have now spend a considerable amount of time without finding the problem why it is not running. I am working under Windows XP with Excel 2010, here is what i was trying to do:

In a worksheet there are two columns G and H. In both columns it shall be possible to select a number of possible entries from a list. For column G this is done via data validation, no problem. Now, the choices which are there in column H shall depend on the entries made in the appropriate row of column G. Column G thus functions as an overarching category. If I choose "Tree" in G, H would give me branches, leaves, apples. If I choose "car" the choices would be wheel, engine, gasoline etc. This shall be done by a Macro:


Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim cat1 As Range
Dim cat2 As Range
Dim x As Integer
Set cat1 = Range("G:G") 'Task Group
Set cat2 = Range("H:H") 'Task Category


When running, it gives me Run time error 1004: Method "Range" of object '_Worksheet' failed. Debug highlights the row


With Range(Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 8))

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Excel Macro To Copy Data From Array And Paste To Separate Sheet Paste Special Transpose

Jan 29, 2014

I would like to implement specific cell ranges from two specific worksheets each within 33 workbooks (which all have several tabs) into a summary page in a separate workbook.

The cell ranges are going across my spreadsheet in rows and I would like for them to transpose into a columns depending on the data which I have separated by catergory on the summary page. They are all on the same location in each workbook which is separated by country. The cell ranges are E26:P37 and I would like to transpose them and have them put below eachother without overwriting for my format on the summary page, how I can put this together in a macro?

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Search List Then Write Selective Items To Another Sheet

Dec 12, 2013

The sheet shown, Complaints, lists on each row information on a single complaint. This information extends from Col A to Col Y (though not that way here, the data actually begins in row 3). I want to highlight a Customer cell, say H227 for Customer A, then activate a macro that (1) recognizes the active customer (here A), searches the list, identifies each row where A is the customer and then writes each row into sheet "Event" beginning in row 4. I should then see the same A to Y cells of information, beginning in row 4, filled in sheet Event for the six customer A complaints. Note, the actual data in sheet Complaints involves 300 rows of data, and over 100 customers can be on the list, some up to 15 times. I know that I could do this by filtering the data, copying and pasting, but a simple macro would be quicker for the group of individuals involved. Note, I then use this information to populate a chart.



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Copy And Transpose Data Using VBA

Dec 10, 2003

I have a set range of 21 rows, and the data in column A.

how can i tell the vba to look at cell A1:A21, copy the data, and past special transpose it onto Sheet2 starting with A1:U1

then for cells A22:A42, copy and paste special transpose onto Sheet2 A2:U2 and follow this procesure down the length of the entire sheet.

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Transpose Copy With Labels

Aug 5, 2013

I have a transpose copy macro working correctly, which takes selected cells in a row and copies/pastes them into vertical format for word or notepad.

I would like to however improve it by added "labels" in front of certain cells of the row being copied. These labels are found in the header row of each column, but inserting the static labels as part of the past function would work better as only certain cells will require a label.

Any clue on how to do that?

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VBA Code To Copy And Transpose Array?

Sep 5, 2012

Below, I interpret "vArray" as a vertical array, but the output is horizontal when I run a VBA procedure with this line

Sheet5.Cells(1,1).Resize(1, 100).Value = vArray ( The horizontal values copied are correct! )

If I change this "Resize(1, 100)" to "Resize(100,1)" the output is now vertical but the cell values copied are all exactly the same to vArray(1)

How can this line to be modified to be horizontal and its values the right ones?

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Copy,Paste,Transpose In Loop

Dec 30, 2009

I m new to macro and I need to copy the data from 49 cells value which are

present in Two Rows to be converted into TWO columns and 48 rows

I have run a macro for this and I got

Sub Macro4()
' Macro4 Macro

Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=True
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A1:B48"), Type:=xlFillDefault
End Sub

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Copy Range & Transpose To Another Workbook

Oct 17, 2007

Copy a specific row of column summations (row to be copied varies by # of entries for the month) from each sheet in the workbook into sequential columns on the 1st Sheet. For example, copy Sheet2Row103 columns A thru O and transpose to Sheet1 column “A” rows 1 thru 15, Sheet 2Row56 column A thru O and transpose to Sheet 1 column “B” rows 1 thru 15, etc.). Excel fails to identify the Sheet Number/ Name if you use copy, transpose and paste, it only works if the transpose is performed on the same Sheet!

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Copy And Paste Special Transpose Add Comma

Apr 8, 2014

I need to copy and paste transpose, some over 100 values, but I want to add a comma after each value, so they can be put into JD Edwards for running a report.

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Copy / Paste / Transpose Loop Between Sheets

Jun 16, 2014

I have a long column of data in column D (D2 to D8761) and I would like to sequentially select 24 cells at a time (D2:D25, D26:D49, D50:D73...D8738:D8761) copy them and paste them to another sheet as separate rows.

For instance, the selected data from Sheet 1, D2:D25, would be pasted/transposed to Sheet 2 B9:Y9. I would like the macro to loop so it would then select D26:D49 and paste/transpose to B10:Y10 and so on until it finishes transposing the final data group of D8738:D8761.

I'll add the macro that I recorded using the brute force method so perhaps you can have a better understanding of what I am trying to accomplish.

Sub Macro5()
'' Macro5 Macro
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _


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Copy Filtered Results & Transpose In Many Workbooks

Aug 20, 2006

I have a folder with 250 files. Each of the file has only one column. I need to search the rows starting with "Party Name" and copy them in any one row. I want a macro either to copy the filtered results in the same file or a fresh workbook.

Column A
row 1 ABCDE
row 2 FGHI
row 3 Party Name:Abcd
row 4 JKLM
row 5 nopq
row 6 STUV
row 7 Party Name:ryz
row 8 Party Name:mno
row 9 XYZ

I want the results as below:

Column A Column B Column C Column D
row 1 ABCDE Party Name:Abcd Party Name:ryz Party Name:mno

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Copy Range Groups & Transpose To Another Worksheet

Oct 22, 2007

I have a workbook with data in it that I want to copy and put in another wookbook. The data looks like this.

PEl Azabache
LDining Out
(blank cell)
PAce Hardware
(blank cell)

What I want is a macro to copy that data until it finds a blank cell and paste/transpose that data in another workbook and then get the next set of data until an other blank cell.

It should look like this when done.

D11/22'2005CXT-7.80PEl AzabacheLDining Out
D11/22'2005CXT-9.50PAce HardwareLHousehold

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Copy & Transpose Addresses From Multiple Files Into 1

Jun 29, 2008

I want to write macro for below requirement.

I have 10 file in a folder and in that there is address, pone and other detail of employees in these sheets it will be static from D3 - D13 rows. Which is of below format:

Original format
Sex etc..

I want to the above data to populate from these 10 sheets to one sheet (new workbook) as columns as below format :

Sl.#, Name, Address1, Address2, Phone, Sex etc...

I want to write an macro to achieve this. Please let me know your views to achieve this functionality.

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Shortening VBA Code Of Copy / Paste Values With Transpose

Aug 11, 2014

I think I have a very straight forward problem, I'm copying about 400 values from one workbook to another (from vertical range to horizontal range) and I currently have about 400 lines of code in order to do this. Below I've pasted the code I'm using now but the macro takes an estimated 30 seconds to run. I figure if I can reduce the number of lines the macro will run a lot faster

RowCount = openWb.Sheets("Library Raw Shear Rates").Range("A3").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
With openWb.Sheets("Library Raw Shear Rates").Range("A3")


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Copy & Transpose Table Data Into Database Format

Sep 14, 2009

I have a sheet with products down the side, and dates across the top. Numbers will be entered at an intersection between dates and products to represent quantity. Whenever there is a non-blank value for the quantity, I need to copy the products, dates, and quantity into a traditional database format. I have attached the original data format I get from suppliers on when they will deliver, and then show a separate tab for "Desired Result"

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Copy, Transpose & Consolidate Data From Multiple Sheets

Jan 25, 2010

writing a macro that could save me loads of time. In the attached file there are 2 separate sheets of data ( named "Elements Innovation" and "Dinttap") that I need copied, pasted, transposed and consolidated into one master sheet (named "Desired result"). Note that the fields that relevant cells are highlighted in yellow. In reality I'll have many (~100) of these sheets that I need the data extracted from, and the work looks like it can be automated using VBA to speed things up.

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Copy Column And Transpose To Row - Multiple Worksheets To Summary Sheet

Jul 21, 2014

I have over 200 worksheets - separate participants data. On each sheet there is a summary column of data at the moment. I now want those columns of data copied to a summary sheet but transposed to rows.

I have attached an example with 3 worksheets and the sort of summary sheet I am after.

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Copy Column Data From Multiple Tabs Onto Specified Tab / Transpose / Repeat

Mar 25, 2014

1. The idea is that the macro will start on sheet1, look at column "Jon", copy the values down to the last active cell as well as the dates and paste special values and transpose them onto the "Jon" tab starting in B8 and B9. Each day all of the dates and values on the "Jon" tab should be overwritten with the data on sheets1 and 2, instead of it being cumulative.

2. The macro will then go to sheet2, look at column "Jon", copy the values to the last active as well as the dates and paste special values and transpose them onto the "Jon" tab starting in B18 and B19. Each day all of the dates and values on the "Jon" tab should be overwritten with the data on sheets1 and 2, instead of it being cumulative.

3. The macro would then save the "Jon" tab as a separate pdf in a specified location.

4. The process would then repeat for "Mike" and "Paul". Each day the number of columns can fluctuate, so it may be 3 one day (Jon, Mike, Paul) and 8 the next. The number of rows also may vary from day to day, and column to column.

I have attached a workbook that contains the data for the scenario above as well as the output (Jon, Mike, Paul tabs). Ideally there will not be new tabs that remain for Jon, Mike, Paul, just a default tab (e.g. "output" tab) that would receive the transposed data from the columns for Jon, Mike, Paul. I put all 3 in the workbook so you could see how each of them would output.

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Copy Cells From Grouped Sheets - Paste Special / Transpose

Nov 17, 2008

Twelve months of Data.

Each month in Columns
like so:

The labels are on the left.
The data is in each column to the right.
From column 2 to the end of the sheet at far right.

Family Size
One: 1 3
Two: 2 1
Three: 1 2
Four: 1 1.....................

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List All Sheets Names From Multiple Workbooks & Copy Transpose Certain Columns

Oct 7, 2009

this may or may not be easy for some of you but its driving me nuts. Here's what I need to do.

1.Create a new workbook

2.Cycle through multiple workbooks and all worksheets within each workbook (all in the same folder). All workbooks will have the same structure.

3.Take the worksheet names and put them in rows

4.Take the data from the first column (column A) from the first worksheet of the first workbook and put them across the top (i.e. transpose the data). The first column will be the same in all workbooks so it doesn't matter where I get it from.

5.Copy the data from column E from each worksheet and paste them in rows in the new workbook (again transpose) corresponding to each worksheet.

6. Perform simple mathematical calculations at the end of each row.

I expect to have approximately 26 workbooks with a total of 7000 worksheets. In the target workbook (i.e. the new one), I expect there to be 7000 rows (corresponding to the 7000 worksheets) and about 260 columns.

The only reason I need to transpose stuff is because Excel 2007 doesn't have 7000 columns.

Here's an example of what it would look like.
Example worksheet (Input)-
Worksheet ABC
Col A Col E
1/1/2004 $25
1/8/2004 $30
1/15/2004 $15

Imagine another worksheet called LMN with the same ColA but different values in Col E.

Output workbook
ColA Columns B Column C Column D
Sheet 1/1/2004 1/8/ 2004 1/15/2004
ABC $25 $30 $15
LMN $xxx $yyy $zzz

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