Multiple Change Events
Jul 8, 2013
In both instances I want to put a date stamp of the column immediately after the defined columns below.
The first issue is that when it runs the 1st change event, it only puts the date stamp in the top row of the column. The change in the "Inportedshapeall" column would almost always be brought about from range being copied from another column, however, I would still like a date stamp in every cell of the column.
The second issue comes about when I try to run the second change event. It simply seems to get stuck. I have tried Else, Else if, removing End ifs. I am not sure how best to define the events in order to ensure it loops through both.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("IMPORTEDSHAPEALL")) Is Nothing Then
With Target(1, 2)
[Code] ......
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Apr 21, 2009
I am trying to have multiple change events work in one worksheet and can not get it to work at all.
The simple setup is, I have a column for each month of the year.
I have several rows of numbers beneath each monthly column.
What I want to do is if I enter a date in say January (my change field), I want it to "ClearContents" out all of the data in the August column.
This works fine currently.
But say the next month I enter a date in February, I want to "ClearContents" in the September column. And so on for each month.
My various attempts at this does not recognize the second change agent, so nothing occurs.
Should I try to "call" each section, or use "Else If", or some other idea?
I've tried attaching the worksheet in case that helps to see what I am attempting.
There are extra "items" on the side and below the table that will be removed if I get this "change event" working. So this worksheet is a rough draft so far.
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Jan 23, 2010
I realize that it’s not possible to have on one sheet, multiple Worksheet Change Events, so I tried to come up with an alternative method of handling it, but quickly realized that it’s beyond my capabilities at this time.
I would like to set up a worksheet change event on each of a number of identical sheets. Each Change Event will run exactly the same macro. The exception is the “DeptStr” string value that is relevant to the sheet calling the macro .
Each sheet will be a different department.•If the Target in either range has data added, then data will be added to the cell offset one column to it’s right.
•If the Target in either range has data cleared, then data will be cleared in the cell offset one column to it’s right.
•There can only be one sheet active at a time.
•Only one sheet has data entered at a time.
•The two non-contiguous ranges are of equal length. Ex. (C3:C52) and (E3:E52) and are uniquely named in this case,
but they are not a necessary requirement in order to solve this problem if there is a more practical method.
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Dec 13, 2012
I am aware that I can use single changing events in worksheet change events. For instance, if column 1, or A is changed, do something. This is only a single If statement, i.e. either the condition is true, or not. What I am not sure is if I can use two changing events, i.e. two conditions. For e.g. I would like if Column A value is X and Column B is "Active", action it, but only if two conditions are true.
For.e,g. The below syntax does not work. If it is only column A, it does work, but I want both A and B to be true, then copy and paste the target does not anything.
If Target.Column = 1 Then
If Target.Column = 2 Then
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("A2:A" & Rows.Count)) Is Nothing Then
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B2:B" & Rows.Count)) Is Nothing Then
If Target.Value = "X" And Target.Value = "Active" Then
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May 30, 2006
2 Woksheet Change Events? I have a question similar to one that was posted about 2 worksheet change events which I found out is not possible and so I have to merge the codes together and I don't know how. I'm facing a problem in the advanced filter when I remove the last item to be filtered and takes forever to calculate.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Target.Address = "$F$2" Or _
Target.Address = "$F$3" Or _
Target.Address = "$F$4" Or _
Target.Address = "$F$5" Or _
Target.Address = "$F$6" Or _
Target.Address = "$F$7" Or _
Target.Address = "$F$8" Or _
Target.Address = "$F$9" Then
Range("Database").AdvancedFilter _
Action:=xlFilterInPlace, _
CriteriaRange:=Range("Criteria"), Unique:=False
Exit Sub
End If
If Target.Column = 3 Then
If Target.Value = "YES" Then........................
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Feb 12, 2007
If a cell in some parts of the worksheet (SSMa,SSDi,SSWo,SSDo,SSVr,SSZa,SSZo in the code) are selected the input (4 digits) should be converted into time (00:00).
Cells in some other parts (Util,Assis) require 6 digits and should be converted into time (00:00:00).
I had the code working in seperate worksheets but combined (as is shown in code bellow) only part of it works.
Only the input entered into the 4 digit part (SSMa,SSDi,SSWo,SSDo,SSVr,SSZa,SSZo) is converted correctly.
The input in the other parts (Util,Assis) is not converted (so when 800 is entered I do not get 00:08:00 but I get the hour equivalent of 8 days (19200:00:00) and logically the message from the EndMacro "You did not enter a valid time".
The cell formats are correct [u]:mm and [u]:mm:ss.
To me it looks like it does not jump to the 6 digits part when need but I can't figure why.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim TimeStr As String
On Error GoTo EndMacro
If Application.Intersect(Target, Range("SSMa,SSDi,SSWo,SSDo,SSVr,SSZa,SSZo,Util,Assis")) Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
End If
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then..........................
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Jan 11, 2008
I have a worksheet that I would like to color a range of cell within a row whenever the value of a certain cell in that row changes. For example, if cell A3 have a value of East that row color will be Blue with white fonts, if value is West the row color will be Green with Black fonts, if value is North the row color will be Red with Yellow fonts. This should apply to any row whenever the value is Column A is changed.
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Jan 17, 2008
The codes below allows me to change the color of the cells in Col F & G dependence on the value of Col G. I like to add another condition and that is if Col K the value is cancelled or closed the whole row will be CellColor = 48: FontColor = 2
Sub Risk_Color()
Dim c As Range, myFontCol As Integer, myCol As Integer
For Each c In ActiveSheet.Range("f7:g20000")
myFontCol = xlAutomatic
myCol = xlNone
Select Case c.Value
Case Is = 1, 2, 3
myCol = 34....................................
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Jul 1, 2009
I'm trying to come up with some code that will allow a user to mouse click a cell to cut it, then mouse click another cell to paste it, then it toggles back to mouse click a cell to cut it. It would be a 2 step process for the user - select cut then select paste.
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Jul 3, 2009
I have a previously working _chnage event that I am now trying to nest a similar event in. Neither event works now. What am I doing wrong?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim refrange
If Target.Address(0, 0) "C55,G107" Then Exit Sub
refrange = [MATCH(C55,lst_AgentType,0)]
With Sheets("NewInput").Range("d63:r63")
If refrange = 1 Then
.NumberFormat = "#,##0"
ElseIf refrange = 2 Then
.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
.NumberFormat = "0.00%"
End If
End With
If Target.Address(0, 0) = "G107" Then
refrange = [MATCH(G107,lstCommRev,0)]
With Sheets("NewInput").Range("E107")
If refrange = 1 Then
.NumberFormat = "#,##0.00"
.NumberFormat = "0.00%"
End If
End With
End If
End Sub
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Jul 27, 2013
I have set up a selection change routine which works if the cell has previously been used or if you make an entry and then change it again. I have tried to delete the empty cells 1st and then save the document, when opening the document it I enter a value in a previosly unused cell the change function does not appear to be called. There is an auto open routine that runs as well, there is more code in use but it fails at the start point.
Sub Auto_Open()
' Auto_Open Macro
Application.EnableEvents = True
[Code] ......
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Nov 21, 2009
I have had a TREMENDOUS amount of assistance from a true gentleman, Jaslake; aka John. In an attempt to quite monopolizing his time I wanted to throw this at the board. I have a number of sub sheets with exact ranges of (B4,d4:b44, D44) update an individual cell (H6:H86) in the” summary” page. My attachment explains it in detail but currently I will show you the formula that resides in (H6) of "Summary". (H6) = Sheet "1". This formula only covers (B4,D4:B10,D10) for example purposes but I need it to run all the way through (B4,d4:b44, D44) for all 80 sheets.
=('1'!B4) & "-" & ('1'!D4) & " | " & ('1'!B5) & "-" & ('1'!D5) & "|" & ('1'!B6) & " - " & ('1'!D6) & "|" & ('1'!B7) & "-" & ('1'!D7) & " | " & ('1'!B8) & "-" & ('1'!D8) & "|" & ('1'!B9) & " - " & ('1'!D9) & "|" & ('1'!B10) & " - " & ('1'!D10).
Results look like this:
March 01, 2009-Today looks good | March 02, 2009-Today looks bad|March 03, 2009 - Today we had issues in Boston|March 04, 2009-Issues in Dallas | March 05, 2009-Issues In New York|March 06, 2009 - New York is complete|March 07, 2009 - Dallas is Complete
NOW, with this said what I really would like to happen, if it is possible, is to have the "Summary" (H6) only have the last range that has been updated showing. So if currently B4,D4 is showing in (H6) once the user types into B5,D5 then it replaces B4:D4. I would like this action to repeat itself until the user has completed their event. The reason I can not stick with a formula in (H6:H86) is because I have a macro running a copy.paste, then clear.contents once a selection is made in Column 4. The information must remain on the sub-sheets but it can be replaced in “Summary “. “Summary” is only a quick view of the current status while the sub sheets are a log of all the work done. So, the following
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Jan 4, 2009
I have a workbook with several worksheets. One sheet ('Forecast') contains 12 ComboBoxes, which, on a Change event, run a series of macros to show the users certain information and provide certain options: protected 'Budget' or 'Actual' data from a hidden datasheet, or unprotected 'Forecast' cells that respond to user changes. In other words, I can't simply use a series of 'If' statements or VLookups with conditional formatting to get around the ComboBoxes.
OK - So in ordinary use, the ComboBoxes and macros are working as intended.
But there is one situation that causes problems:
When a SaveAs command is used to save the model under a different name, all 12 ComboBox Change Events are somehow being triggered.
So what is it about a SaveAs command that triggers ComboBox Change events?!
And whatever it is, can I turn it off?
(This happens in Excel versions 2000, 2003 and 2007.)
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Jul 6, 2009
I receive real time data ( Last Trade Price ) of soybean commodity futures through DDE in to excel ( cell A1 ). During market hours A1 will keep updating every milliseconds or seconds.
My cell B1 ( =A1 ) will have same value as A1 and will update at the same time.
What I'm looking for - A macro code so Whenever value in B1 is between 9.5000 and 9.5050, I want run a subroutine ( similar to calling a macro ). Since B1 would change dynamically so everytime B1 comes between range 9.5000 and 9.5050 a subroutine is fired.
I'm planning to CALL following subroutine -
Sub BuyBeanst()
ActiveCell.Value = "Y"
ActiveCell.Value = "Y"
ActiveCell.Value = "Y"
End Sub
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Oct 20, 2012
I have a UserForm with a Text Box, I populate that Text Box with a number (say 5) and then the following code runs:
Private Sub tbOverrideMokWh_Change()
Application.EnableEvents = False: Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With tbOverrideMokWh
After the Sub is run 1 time, it runs again. Why? I've disabled Events?
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Dec 20, 2007
I have code the following code that is working great:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("C2:C" & Rows.Count)) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
If IsDate(Target) Then
Target.Offset(0, -1).Value = Month(Target)
ElseIf IsEmpty(Target) Then
Target.Offset(0, -1).ClearContents
End If
Application.EnableEvents = True
End If
End Sub
But I also need to create the same type of code that will copy the cell entry from column E and paste that data into column A along the data from column B that was created from the above code. This data is a sort of key for a vlookup formula on another worksheet. How do I "nest" this second bit of code into the original code?
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Oct 14, 2009
I use VBA's WorkSheet_Calculate event to detect when a cell of particular interest calculates to a specified value. It works well as long as there is only one worksheet (tab). However, when I duplicate that tab (and the final app could have up to 10 copies) to run a different set of data concurrently, I get bad results. The data is online, real time trading data, with each selected stock being tracked in a different tab.
Apparently both (or all) tabs in the workbook react to the same event, whereas I would assume that the event routine in each tab would react only to a calculation in that tab. If this is in fact the case, is there a way to a) make the event routine in each tab respond only to a calculation in that tab, or b) upon a calc event anywhere, determine which tab it occurred in?
Here is the present event code; right now it reads exactly the same in every tab. As long as nothing is happening in any other tab, it does its job correctly.
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Jul 14, 2006
If I have a button on each of numerous sheets, how do I get all of the buttons to refer to the same bit of code, without having to copy it to the click event of each?
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Oct 9, 2008
I have 2 codes that I'd like to run on the same worksheet, but i don't know how to paste them in together. This may happen many times in the future, so I'd like to know what rules to follow or how to configure 2 codes such as this to get them to work. For example, here's 2 codes I need ran on the same worksheet and I tried pasting one after the other and it won't let me do both.
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Feb 2, 2012
I would like to create a calendar within excel that would be linked to a series of recurring events. Those events are happening every 15 days, and expected to occur for a period of up to 15 months (so 30 times in a row). We have about 1000 events, each named with an ID code (a01,a02,a03...) We have a database that contains the id code, the date of first manipulation and the recurring dates after that, this file is updated daily, as some schedule might have been moved 1 day as it is meant to be flexible. The difficulty being that a single day may have up to 50 events, hence 50 ID code.
The database (Sheet DB) is organized as follows first row for the headings, data starting from row 2 till row 1205.
Column A is blank
Column B is for the Department ID (Drop Down Menu).
Column C is for the ID code
Column D for the first date (encoded by coordinator).
Column E and forth (AF) for the due dates (formula based on column B).
Now for some instance we have events up to column CC (schedule is flexible and prone to change).
Due dates are linked and will update themselves automatically if any previous date is modified.
For the result (Sheet Cd), the Coordinator needs to see for a specific date all ID codes due for manipulation.
Cd is arranged as follows:
Column A is blank
Column B is the date range that is from 7 days prior today() (row 2) till today()+30 days (row 39).
Column C to BN is supposed to allow the coordinator to see a whole month schedule, due events of manipulation, and monitor past week schedule (in case of delayed manipulation as I stated a possibility of schedule being moved). If this would work, the coordinator would need not update the summary but merely update the database.
A conditional formatting with the formula $A2=TODAY() as condition in order to highlight the present day (faster to spot) is used.
The formula used in C2 is as follows:
=IFERROR(INDEX(DB!$B$2:$B$459, SMALL(IF(Cd!$B2=DB!D$2:D$459, ROW(DB!D$2:D$459)-MIN(ROW(DB!D$2:D$459))+1, ""), ROW($A$1))),"")
I stopped at row 459 here, but eventually it should go to row1205. Above formula being an array is entered as "command+ return" (using a mac, excel v14.1.4).
I was hoping to have each corresponding ID code returned for a specific date regardless of their position in the table DB. DB is sorted per ID code.
Right now the formula is working, as long as we have NO duplicated in Sheet Cd Column D. Also the results are scattered along the rows, and will require scrolling.
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Jun 12, 2007
In cell A1, I have the month number (eg, 1, 2, 3,). The month number reflects current month and will automatically change with every month. For example, right now it’s 6, next month it will automatically change to 7. Each two columns in Range A10:X20 represents the data from January to December. I want to use a worksheet event to change the background of the current month two columns in the range to yellow color and the two columns in the range will be visible when I activate this sheet.
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Oct 10, 2008
I have a large spreadsheet that contains and employee number and then up to 5 entries of Dependants (each has its own column). What I need to do is have 1 for each of the dependant information instead of 5 and have multiple rows for the employee if they have more than one dependant.
At the moment I am sorting the data by dep 1 name, pasting the data into a new sheet, deleting all the dep 1 stuff, sorting by dep name 2 and pasting that.........etc.
It doesn’t take too long to do but I just wondered if there might be a quicker way as this will be something I will need to do more often.
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Jun 20, 2006
some times i choice (Initialize , active, open, click
and so on
tell me as the differences and usage of these strings in order to improve our(my) programming skills.
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Oct 21, 2008
I am trying to write a code where user has to respond to input box option depending on yes or no selection. There are two types of responses to different questions. One needs to respond between 1 and 100 (if yes) and for some other questions needs between 1 and 4 (if yes). A "no" will enter zeo value. But it is not working. I am using two named ranges "VALIDCELLS" (for 1 to 100) and "FREQVALIDCELLSS" (for 1 to 4). Here is the code;
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Jan 30, 2009
I have early made a macro that will change some of the cells before printing and then changing back again to initional state after the print out.
But now I have to do let people also print a copy a regular way, without the macro I made before. But if they go through the regular way iof printing I would like to insert at header in red color, to notify them that this is just a preview and not the way to print. And here we come to the problem ....
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Nov 14, 2013
why am I unable to create events on my worksheets? They were usually available to me when I selected "Worksheet" on the dropdown in vba.
When I open Excel, only "General" comes up in the drop down menu. What am I missing?
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May 23, 2006
I've created an addin to reformat spreadsheets that I receive in a particular format. What I would like to do is enable events so that whenever a spreadsheet is opened the reformatting procedure is run (this also validates whether the spreadsheet is of the correct format).
I have created a class module with the following code (exactly as the Excel help):
Public WithEvents App As Application
Dim X As New EventClassModule
Sub InitializeApp()
Set X.App = Application
End Sub
Private Sub App_WorkbookOpen(ByVal Wb As Workbook)
SortE1Output 'This is my procedure that determines whether the
'spreadsheet is of the correct format and then reformats it
End Sub
"After you run the InitializeApp procedure, the App object in the class module points to the Microsoft Excel Application object, and the event procedures in the class module will run when the events occur."
When I try to make a call to the InitializeApp procedure in the auto_open procedure (in a different non-class module) I get a "compile error: sub or function not defined".
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Apr 29, 2007
I have a spreadsheet,3 columns are shown in the attached.The first column gives the date of the event,the second column the time and the third a rating.I want to put the average rating for each event in each cell in column 4.
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Mar 2, 2014
I am trying to add the total time of 643 events. I have the start time subtracted from the end time to give me each individual events total time, at the bottom I am trying to put a total time for all events but it keeps displaying 14 hours and 13 minutes even though it should be somewhere around 500 hours.
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Jan 9, 2009
I'm trying to trap the events of a user form in a class of mine. At the top of my class I have the standard:
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