Multiple Returns
Dec 29, 2006
Im working on a dashboard for my department and its going pretty well. Im stuck on the Project tracker.
On the front page (dashboard tab) I want to see all overdue projects from the Project Tab. I have the Overdue status working on the project tracker so I need some kind of multiple return vlookup for all of the OVERDUE tagged rows. This can be a macro or auto fill formula.. if someone has seen something similar, i would love a link so i can edit it accordingly.
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Aug 25, 2008
I am trying to write a formula that will give more than 1 return for a vlookup statement.
The info i am looking up is sku code (col a) and expiry date (col b).
There are more than one entry for some skus , but I am only getting returned the first expiry date.
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Dec 3, 2008
I have a raw data page which contians peoples name and where they charged thier time. My problem is that I only want thier name to appear once. What type of formula do i need to use to make this happen.
Employee name Project No. WBS Code Hours
John Smith 123456 1 4
Jane Doe 123456 1 2
John Smith 123456 2 2
Jane Doe 123456 2 1
John Smith 123456 3 2
Jane Doe 123456 3 5
At the end I want to do a count to let me know how many people I have charging the job but I don't know what formula I need to exclude duplicate entries.
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Mar 31, 2009
I need to lookup a Order Number and return all associated Item Numbers. My spreadsheet has about 10,000 lines and these Order Numbers could have as little as 1 or as many as 15 Item Numbers associated. I would like to have a drop down on each Order Number that shows the Item Numbers.
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Mar 1, 2008
In this sample below, I need to extract all matches for my look up value. Where I extract the data to is not important because it will be used as informational data in user forms. Basically, I have 670 rows that make up this table...this table is static (never changes). Each row represents a unique combination for achieving the value on the left.
To take it a step further, I would like the ability to deviate from the lookup other words, force the return to be one row down, or one row up (this would satisfy my first requirement as well). I tried offset with vlookup, but I cannot make that do anything useful. I used match to get the row number of the return, but I don't know what to do with that row value now that I have it sitting in a cell in order to accomplish this. I was thinking I could use an offset formula with the cell's value to get this done, but I could not figure out how without doing it in VBA.
In the end, I will present this data on a userform...first will be the actual vlookup returns, then the user will have an option to select the next row down if they want (same look up value if one exists) or up (next higher value).
If possible, I would like the data lookups to be accomplished without VBA.
This is an extremely large working application, (about 17MB so far), lots of VBA coding and logic applied. This problem is a result of a request from the users of this application.
Here is a sample of what I am looking at.....
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Oct 14, 2009
I've never quite mastered the idea of passing arguments between subs and functions. I have a project right now where I am writing this same bit of code over and over, for different parts of the macro:
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Feb 12, 2013
Let's say I have a standard Vlookup formula entered in cell C2
For that formula there may be 100 matches found in Sheet2, each with a different return option and obviously the above formula only returns data from the first found match.
Is there some way to drastically change that simple formula in VBA script to ...
1. Auto fill formula down 100 rows & return all possible return options upon match and not just the first return given upon the first found match
2. Make the lookup value be the A cell in the active row
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Nov 5, 2007
I've noticed recently that a sumif formula will only ever add up 1 column's worth of data. Is it possible to get it to do multiple columns?
For eg, I have a spreadsheet that looks like:
Using the formula shown, I can easily add up values for 'A' codes for one of the 3 columns, but short of adding together multiple sumif's, there must be a more intelligent way of doing it?
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Jun 9, 2009
I'm trying to do the next level of a v-lookup. I have a group of data with a text "flag" on certain rows. On my summary worksheet, I'm trying to do a lookup or a nested index function retrun all of the values with the text flag next to it.
I've been playing around with nested formulas and this is where I'm stuck. Here's what I came up with:
This only works for one row and not for the other rows. Maybe I'm going down the wrong path?
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Jun 16, 2009
Entering a code in a cell, I'd like the cell next to it to return a list of possibles which the user can then select:
Line Code Material
123456 Apple
By entering the line code the user get the 3 Materials that has this Line code and they coose the one they want.
The list I was using to look up looks thus:
Line Code Material
123456 Apple
123456 Orange
123456 Strawberry
I've read a bit about combo boxes and lost myself complete, so please use small words for me.
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Jan 12, 2008
I'm getting cross-eyed from trying to find the source of the error and not having any success. I've successfully used this approach many times, but for some reason I'm getting an error I can't pin down.
The problem: INDEX-MATCH lookup formula returns # NAME error. Formula: =INDEX(Data,MATCH(H8,Date,0),MATCH($I$7,Line,0),MATCH("FPY",Hdngs,0)). I've done my best to verify the named ranges and cell references are correct and have stepped through the help file on the "potential source of the error", including going to Tools >Options and making sure "Accept Labels in Formulas" is checked, as well as having read a number of other posts.
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Oct 11, 2011
I'm attempting something new, a dropdown menu using vlookup to find data . If i use the simple example below, using data from B-D on 1 worksheet, where i want to find people by county:
Search by County Name County Town
John Sussex Brighton
Eric Yorkshire York
Jim Cheshire Manchester
Liz Sussex Hove
Sarah Avon Bristol
I've created a dropdown menu on a second worksheet,A2, by county search, to return a persons name,county and town. The problem is if i select Sussex i will get 2 names who live in different towns within Sussex. I've created a simple vlookup which works fine, but because of Sussex having 2 results, i created a second vlookup for the second result to appear in the cell underneath.
The problem is that for the results that only have 1 result, the second vlookup returns a the same result as the first result, which i dont want.
Is there a way where multiple results will be shown if they exist, but for one result to appear if only one result exists?
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Jan 9, 2014
I am trying to return several values >10K, >5K, >3K, >1K,
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Aug 24, 2009
I have created a query in an Access database which returns multiple results. I need to be able to run this query within Excel, but only showing the total of the results in a single cell.
I also need to run it multiple times on the same sheet using different dates. The Access query asks for a date each time it's run
I have only found ways to retrieve the entire results of the query into Excel based on the settings within the query.
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Jul 6, 2014
I have a situation where I have source data formatted like this:
Document ID
Document Name
What I would like to do is to get each author on a separate row. I am able to do that using Text to Columns using the carriage return and then doing a transpose. I've also seen some threads where VBA is used to accomplish similar. However where I am stuck at is getting everything else to drop down accordingly. I.e. with the data set above I'd like to get to:
Document ID
Document Name
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Apr 19, 2008
I have a nice case to prepare and need weekly riskfree interest returns on the UK treasury bond. Right now I have daily returns and want to convert them into weekly. The problem is, weeks do not always contain five trading days. How can I turn my data into weekly average riskfree interest returns?
******** ******************** src="*********>*********>Microsoft Excel - UK interest daily.xls___Running: 11.0 : OS = Windows XP (F)ile (E)dit (V)iew (I)nsert (O)ptions (T)ools (D)ata (W)indow (H)elp (A)boutA1=ABCD1DateInterest rateweekday 24-Jan-889.871 35-Jan-889.992 46-Jan-8810.053 57-Jan-8810.094 68-Jan-8810.135 711-Jan-8810.051 812-Jan-8810.072 913-Jan-8810.283 1014-Jan-8810.114 1115-Jan-889.985 1218-Jan-889.871 1319-Jan-889.962 1420-Jan-889.913 1521-Jan-889.864 1622-Jan-889.715 1725-Jan-889.71 1826-Jan-889.762 1927-Jan-889.693 2028-Jan-889.564 2129-Jan-889.555 221-Feb-889.741 232-Feb-889.622 243-Feb-889.643 254-Feb-889.684 265-Feb-889.755 278-Feb-889.931 289-Feb-889.852 UK interest daily [HtmlMaker 2.42] To see the formula in the cells just click on the cells hyperlink or click the Name boxPLEASE DO NOT QUOTE THIS TABLE IMAGE ON SAME PAGE! OTHEWISE, ERROR OF JavaScript OCCUR.
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May 26, 2006
In my current worksheet, IF(0 = "CS") returns TRUE, but on any other file this same argument returns FALSE. The cells' formats are both general. I want it to be FALSE.
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Sep 19, 2012
I have a udf that returns a string to the cell. The string is made up of multiple string "objects". What I am wondering is if I can set the font color of certain objects so that when the final string is built and returned, the font of those portions is set.
Ex. of simple idea (this is not actually my code, just a way to illustrate. I realize there is no point to this UDF):
Function StringReturn (Str1 As String, Str2 As String, Str3 As String) As String
StringReturn = Str1 & Str2 & Str3
End Function
Now what if I wanted Str1 and Str3 to be blue, and Str2 to be red for example. So that when the UDF calculates it would return: Str1Str2Str3
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Dec 26, 2013
In column D I have the time of the end of my shift. When I try to input =MIN(1;$D:$D) in column E, i get the same answer (0,625) for any row, while =$D:$D gives correct values. So I guess it has something to do with the MIN function
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Dec 27, 2013
I am facing a problem using Hlookup function. I am using Hlookup to do a control check of consolidation i am doing here, however it only returns the first found value instead of all correct values (or range).
I am attaching a file with an example. In the file formula is used in Supply(S) sheet on row 73.
Attached File : HlookupExample.xlsx
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Mar 18, 2009
I am using the formula =VLOOKUP(F4,Scoring!$B$3:$C$66,2,FALSE) in column 'G' to return values from another sheet, 'Scoring', if column 'F' has a name in it the value is returned. The problem is if column 'F' is blank the formula returns ### and I cannot SUM column 'G'.
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Apr 18, 2009
I have a vlookup formula for a table (attached), where for some reason, I cannot get rid of the #N/A value that is returned. I am referencing on the first sheet the 'No." column, and in checking for that number in the second column, am wanting to put the value in the 'moldules' column. I have tried converting the reference cells to text, numbers, have done =LEN to look at character counts, etc etc. I have also tried to build a simple dummy vlookup on a different set of data. The file is in Excel 07.
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Jun 24, 2009
When I save my file as text and upload into a program, I get a response saying that my file can't be processed due to carriage returns. What are these things and how do I get rid of them? My excel file has about 6000 rows and 50 columns of data.
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Feb 3, 2010
I want the A column to find it's match in the G column and place the corresponding number from the H column in the the B column. See attachment. formula is so basic: =VLOOKUP($A2,G1:H8806,2)
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Feb 5, 2010
I have a problem with a spreadsheet that has three tabs. In Sheet1 is the first set of values and in Sheet2 is the second set of values. My boss wants me to make a third tab which pulls items from both sheets. He wants is so that any items from Sheet2 that AREN'T on Sheet1 are listed in the 3rd sheet. If they ARE listed on Sheet1, it returns a blank space. I can get it to return a blank space but every other value it pulls (In other words, values that are not on both sheets) returns a N/A instead of the value itself. Attached is the spreadsheet with just the values. Here is the formula I use in the 3rd tab to pull the info:
=IF(VLOOKUP(Sheet2!$A3,Sheet1!$A$1:$A$1044,1,FALSE),"",Sheet2!$A3). Do I just use regular lookup or MATCH instead of VLOOKUP.
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Jan 19, 2010
I have some cells full of user entered information that has returns in it, so that it's multiple lines long. What's the best way to remove returns from a string?
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Feb 23, 2009
I am Facing is I get this error as #DIV/0! when i use the formula where fields are blank or 0.
The Formula is: -
What changes can i do in this formula that it calculates exactly as it is doin now but instead of #DIV/0! error it returns the value 0.
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Jul 14, 2014
I have a column of values in C and a column of values in A. I have a cell in C24 that returns the largest value in C1:C20. I would like to have cell C25 = whatever is in the equivalent A column cell across from the value found in C24. I was thinking an IF THEN statement might do this?
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Dec 31, 2007
I am still haveing problems with my sum product I'm trying to total Row E below, I know I can do this with sumif but I was trying sumproduct to read when the file was closed.
Manchester United .......
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Apr 29, 2009
I am having problems with the following formular in that it does not return what I am expecting.
I have 2 columns of data that hold Y/N values and I would like either "Yes" or "No" to be displayed in Col C for the 4 possible combinations that the interaction of Y and N in columns A&B give.
The data is
Col A:A = Y or N
Col B:B =Y or N
The four possible combinations and outcomes are:
Col A = Y & Col B = Y outcome in Col C = "Yes"
Col A = N & Col B = Y outcome in Col C = "Yes"
Col A = N & Col B = N outcome in Col C = "No"
Col A = Y & Col B = N outcome in Col C = "No"
The formular I have tried is:
However while three of the outcomes for the combinations are correct (N/Y, Y/N, Y/Y), the output for the N/N combination is incorrect and returns "Yes" instead of "No".
Just wondering if anyone has any ideas as to what is wrong with this?
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