Multiple Users Updating Same Sheet Simultaneously?

Jul 17, 2013

I have a workbook with a list of drawing numbers (with customer, date, author etc.). New drawing numbers and their associated row of information are entered onto the sheet...

..HOWEVER, multiple users can be at least viewing and potentially entering information simultaneously.

I have written code where multiple people can view the same read only file, but not edit it and it be updated.

It seems quite unlikely, but is there anyway of 'live' updating a workbook whilst multiple people are viewing it? Or at least notifying other users when the sheet has been updated?

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Sharing Workbook With Multiple Users Entering Data Simultaneously

Feb 2, 2013

My Workbook contains several UserForms in which employees will be entering hours and activities on a daily basis. In the UserForm, they select their department and enter hours for each specific type of work/activity that shows up for that department in the userform. They click the submit button and all the data (date, name, department, type of work and hours) is added to a database table in another sheet, which in turn feeds a number of reports.

I need to be able to have anywhere from 20 to 100+ employees enter their hours on a daily basis, many of them at the same time, all from different locations (within the network of the client's system), using the same UserForms.

We've experimented with Google Drive, but that seems not to be the solution. It kind of works, but is not secure (it installs a copy of the entire workbook on the users system and then synchs the data back to the server upon "save") and way too cumbersome. I've heard of SharePoint, but not every client has that installed (and frankly I don't know how it works).

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Updating Info In 2 Worksheets Simultaneously

Aug 9, 2006

I am installing over 1000 phones for a business. I was provided a list created in excel (not by me) of all of the phones with their locations and phone numbers. Upon successful installation I simply search the spreadsheet for the phone number and place an "X" in the completed column. I do know how to filter the spreadsheet to print only those with an "X" that I submit weekly to show progress.

Now I am given a separate list of specific phones that someone wants completed by a certain date. I have copied this list to " Sheet 2" of the spread sheet. Is there anyway I can have exel mark and "X" in the completed column on Sheet 2 when I update Sheet 1? Can I update the list on sheet 2 with those that are already "X"ed as complete on Sheet 1?

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Updating All Validation Drop Down Lists On All Worksheets Simultaneously

Nov 26, 2009

I have a workbook with 20 worksheets. All tabs are identical in format and layout. On B3, I have a drop down list (this may be irrelevant, but it's to select one month of the year) using simple data validation. Now, I initially had a formula in B3 equal to B3 of the first sheet, so that if I changed the month in the first sheet it will change on all sheets, it will do it the first time without touching the drop down lists on the subsequent sheets.

However, if I changed the date on any other sheet other than the first sheet, it will erase my formula and replace with the value I selected from the drop down list.

Can you guys please help me to device a way (code or formula; open to anything) where if I select, say September, on ANY sheet, it will change all the others to that selection (September) as well?

PS: B3 is actually a merged set of cell merging cells B3:D3. I know this is important because code and merged cell don't really mix.

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Simultaneously Copying Data From Multiple Sheets To A Single Sheet

Jun 4, 2009

I have a workbook containing about 20 sheets. I need to find a way of pasting all the numbers in the A column in each sheet (sheets 1-20) to the last sheet so I get a great big list of all the numbers in the 20 sheets. How would I go about doing this?

Right now I'm cutting and pasting from sheet 1 to my last sheet, then from sheet 2 to my last sheet, then from sheet 3 to my last sheet... Is there a quicker way? The ranges in each of the sheets start at A2 and go down a few cells. Sheet 4 might have 4 numbers in the A column, sheet 12 might have 47, sheet 17 might have 8 and so on.

How would I go about getting all the A columns in the sheets to the last sheet?

I'll throw up a few screenshots if the problem is unclear

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Updating Master Sheet With Data From Multiple Sheets

Oct 10, 2013

I have multiple data sheets with tables and I want to create a master sheet table that automaticly will update when now rows/data is added in to the sheets in any of the data sheets.

Master sheet will look like this (the first 3 letters is the data sheet name), this is just the first column there a a lot more columns to be added


[Code] .......

So when let's say in sheet AAB I add another row AAD13 I want the master sheet to update automaticly so it looks like this


[Code] ......

Is this possible?

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Edit Multiple Excel Files Simultaneously?

Jul 6, 2011

I need to copy information from one excel file and paste it into the same location (A1-A1, B6-B6, etc) in many other files all at once. Essentially I have several thousand files that need to be updated right now. I need to copy and paste both the cell contents and the formatting.

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Macro To Press F2 Key For Multiple Cells Simultaneously

Nov 2, 2011

I am trying to use Vlookup and match on a large volume of data. The Vlookup true function was having trouble when an exact match occurred. I changed the table to allow for all options (sizes in this case) but the Vlookup with false came up with #N/A. The Vlookup key was the result of a formula. I then typed the same data and the formula was successful. I then copied and pasted Value the entire contents of the cell. I still received the #N/A. I then pressed [F2] to edit the cell and then pressed enter and this was successful. I have over 60,000 cells to edit and can not do manually. Any macro run the [F2] function on a range of cells or another way.

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Enter Data On Multiple Worksheets Simultaneously

Nov 2, 2006

See the file attached (there are the same columns on all sheets, apart from on "BLANK"). The "Sort" sheets 1-4 contain rows that are repeated various times on the "Raw data" sheets. The "Sort" sheets are mutually exclusive; there is no repetition of rows among them. When I make an entry into an "ACTION" or "REASON" cell on any of the "Sort" sheets, I want that entry to be replicated on all identical rows throughout the "Raw data" sheets. Matching of the rows is to be via Criteria 1 and 2. I would preferably like the replication to be as I make the entries.

I am currently looking into writing a private sub for each "Source" worksheet. This would activate when a change was made to that sheet's ACTION and/or REASON cells, group that sheet with the three "Raw data" ones and change the relevant cells/rows (assuming that finding the relevant cells/rows within this function is possible). Or the macro could just loop through the rows of the three "Raw data" sheets and copy IF, but this would be long. Does this sound like the way forward or am I barking up the wrong tree? Should I be looking into VLOOKUP or pivot tables? Or is my data structured badly in the workbook from the outset? How straightforward will this macro be? Has anyone any pointers, magic routines in their libraries or links to relevant info?

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Excel 2010 :: Sort Multiple Columns Simultaneously?

Jan 3, 2012

I am trying to sort each "Pct" column in descending order. Of course, I can do this manually, but I have over 100 to do, so I'd like to know how I can automate this (of course, the two columns to the left of "Pct" must move along with it).



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Single Scrollbar To Scroll Multiple Textboxes Simultaneously

Aug 10, 2006

how does one use a single scrollbar control to change the scroll position of two textboxes simultaneously?

The reason why this is required is because the textboxes are both multilines and the data in each is related. So there isn't much point in the user scrolling through textbox1 and then trying to find the same scroll position in textbox2 by changing it's scrollbar.

I've tried changing the Curline property of the textboxes within the scrollbar change event but this is obviously a poor method as it involves changing the focus every time the user scrolls...

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Copy Formula To Another Sheet And Simultaneously Change Reference Cell?

Apr 29, 2014

I have an excel workbook that has many spreadsheets (each one sheet has a client name)I have another excel workbook that has these client names on one sheet (on a list) and next to every name I have a number (i.e total turnover of the year).

In the first workbook (where every client has his sheet (tab named after the client) I want to have a cell that equals to the sum of some cells on the other workbook, that refer to the specific client

(it looks like this ='[comissions NF 10-14.xls]comissions 14(auto)'!$J$81+'[comissions NF 10-14.xls]comissions 14(auto)'!$J$197+'[comissions NF 10-14.xls]comissions 14(auto)'!$J$313+'[comissions NF 10-14.xls]comissions 14(auto)'!$J$429)

I want this sum to be added to every sheet of this workbook. each sheet refers to a client, so $J$81, $J$197 etc must be changed for the correct cell that refers to the name of the client. The tab names are alphabetical and so s the list.

Is there any way to do it, without re-entering the formula to each one?

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Program Multiple Elements Of Multi Dimension Array Simultaneously

Aug 23, 2012

Is there any way to do this part of code without calling out each element individually?:

Dim aSequence(7, 1) As Integer
'setup Evaluation sequence
aSequence(0, 0) = -1


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Search For Multiple Text Strings Simultaneously In Single Cell?

May 23, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that has relatively clean data, but at the end of every row is a long notes fields (often filled with several paragraphs of text). I'm trying to search inside each one of those notes to see if it contains certain boilerplate language / legalese / key words.

If I was just looking for one word, it would be easy -- I would write =IFERROR(IF(SEARCH("keyword",E2)>0,"Yes",""),""). That way, if the keyword is present, it returns "Yes", and if it's not present, it returns a blank.

What I want to do, though, if look for a long list of keywords simultaneously, and if ANY of those keywords are present, have it return a "Yes".

So I could do something like =IFERROR(IF(or(SEARCH("keyword1",E2)>0,SEARCH("keyword2",E2)>0,SEARCH("keyword3",E2)>0,SEARCH("keyword4",E2)>0)),"Yes",""),""), but that seems horribly inefficient. Especially since my list of keywords is likely to change over time.

So what I want it to do is search each cell by simultaneous reference to an ever-changing table of keywords (call it [KeywordTable]). And I can't figure out how to do that. The search function is resisting all of my efforts to put multiple search values / a range of words inside of it.

To reiterate: the goal is to look at one cell filled with text, ask "does the text in that cell contain any of the keywords contained in [KeywordTable]", and if the answer is "Yes" return yes, and if the answer is no return no (or blanks).

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Multiple Users To One Spreadsheet?

Mar 5, 2013

We have a place where all our documents are stored. We have a log where we all log in what we're working on. Our trouble is, if one person has it opened nobody else can add their items to it. Is there anyway to have multiple people be able to open and enter their work for the day, save and close it out?

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Add-ins & Multiple Spreadsheet Users

May 29, 2009

I've created a model that uses an add-in to calculate otherwise cumbersome formulas, and 4 or so people need to access this model at any given time. It's saved (along with the add-in) in a public folder on our network drive. Everyone is able to access the model, and is able to load the add-in directly from that folder, but the cells that use the add-in point to where the add-in is stored locally on my drive (C:Documents and SettingsmeApplication DataMicrosoftAddIns) and thus they are not able to use the add-in functions without redirecting every reference to me with references to their add-ins (basically just by finding and replacing every 'me' with 'them' in those cells at this point). So I guess what I'm wondering is how do I make it so the add-in is 'universal' (instead of local) such that as long as each user has the add-in loaded they can fire up the model and use the needed functions.

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Protect Or Unprotect Sheet By Various Users?

Jun 22, 2014

Is there is any way we can protect sheet in such a way that; if user - Mr. A inputs his password he can only go and is able to input his data in sheet 1.

I've a file which have multiple sheets say about 80 tabs are present. My colleague only works on one of the tab (sheet) enters data, that file is placed on our general sharing folder I want to know if it is possible that I can assign protection in such a way that when she enters her password she is able to input data only on the sheet in which she works and cannot roam around to other sheets?

Or is it possible that on first sheet there is username or password can appear? And if the data inputting person opens that file and enter her password option appear which can take her to that particular sheet? And if a guest open that file he/she can only view particular sheets which contain reports?

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How To Disable Cut In A Specific Sheet For Users

Aug 8, 2013

how can i disable "Cut" in a specific sheet for users?

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Disable Users From Printing The Sheet

Jan 19, 2009

I tried to disable users from printing the sheet
with this

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Protected Sheet Not Behaving The Same For All Users?

Mar 22, 2012

One of our password-protected shared workbooks is acting oddly, but only for one user. The protection is supposed to allow users to expand and collapse grouped columns using the "+" and "-" symbols on the sheet, and for most users it is; but one user is getting an error message that she can't perform that operation on a protected sheet. I've had her close and reopen the file and we have confirmed that she has the same version of Excel as the users who aren't having the issue (Excel 2007). This is a shared file on a server, not a local copy on her computer.

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Updating A Summary Sheet From A Different Workbook Sheet

Nov 12, 2007

I have a summary sheet which shows a range of information to give a full overview of the main information from individual feature forms.

At present, the manager is manually linking the cells from this sheet from the individual feature sheets with the normal =A1 kind of formula.

Is there an easier way to do this?

The solution would need to insert a new row each time in the summary sheet and pull out about five key bits of information from the feature sheet.

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Multiple Users On Same Spreadsheet But One Tab At Time?

Jun 13, 2014

Is it possible to allow access to multiple users on one spreadsheet but they can only access one tab at a time each?

prevent multiple changes for the same thing.

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Outlook For Multiple Users Or Excel?

Apr 23, 2013

I'm trying to identify a way of setting up a booking system for some meeting rooms we have at work. Always looking for a way of simplifying something that soaks up one of my colleagues time.

I read this post about a golf booking system and it looks like it could be adapted to suit, I can imagine a different worksheet for each room and the fields for entry on choosing the timeslot being the meeting title, who booked and a contact number and the slot showing the meeting name when hovered over possibly.

I noticed a similar thread about Outlook, I know nothing about this sort of stuff within Outlook and not sure it may be possible. I am just in my infancy with hyperlinks and macros and do not feel confident enough to start there as I do not know where to begin. Keen to learn and would love to figure out and play around within a program; learn best this way.

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Save Macro For Multiple Users

Apr 6, 2009

When saving a file, you get a popup with a suggested path. I need to find a macro that will either offer a suggested file name based on a cell's date value (a1) and a suggested path (to the desktop) for any user that uses the spreadsheet - or simply will save the file using the cell value as the name to the user's desktop.

Each user will have their own version of the file, to save to their own desktop. The macro will need to overcome the issues that each user's path to their desktop will be unique since each will have logged in to the window's session with their own profile.

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Multiple Users & Accounts Sheets

Jan 22, 2010

I’ve thought up a workbook with four sheets named “Employees Summary”, “EMP001”, “EMP002”, “EMP003” and a number of customer account sheets. Customer account sheets are named by their account numbers.

Now for the hard part. I will have three employees. All of us will have to login to the workbook with a username and password. Usernames would be. Administrator, EMP001, EMP002, EMP003. You should be able to change your password at any time.

All sheets will be visible to the administrator. Employees will only be able to see their respective “EMP” sheet and "Employee Summary" sheet. the rest is hidden. And the really hard part Every employee will enter all their transactions for the day into their respective sheets....

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Multiple Users In Excel File?

Aug 1, 2013

I was wondering if it's possible for several users to be working in an excel file at the same time? I know that 1 person can be working in a file & other users can look at it in Read-only, but is there any way for more than 1 user to be WORKING in it at a time?

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Share Spreadsheet With Multiple Users

Sep 11, 2007

I have a speadsheet, and at the moment, another spreadsheet access it via a vb code. but i have 3 - 5 agents needing it sometimes at the same time. All that happens, is the agents excel sheet passes some info to the server sheet, so the vb codes opens and closes it. So only one person can do it at the same time.. but i need this so anyone of the agents can enter info via the vb code.

When i tested it, it asked me when i opened it, if i wanted to save what the last person did, I need that not to come up, so really its like the sheet is always open, but not... and lines are added. The info is added to the same sheet, and line by line.

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Error Log On Network For Multiple Users

Mar 13, 2008

I am creating an error log as a text file for my application. Since it is being used by many different users, I decided to keep it logged in a specific folder (that is protected) on our network.

I have tested the code and it works, even if I have the log file open when I run the module, it still writes to the log file and saves (as long as I don't save the opened log file after the module runs)

What I am worried about is when 2 or more users are trying to write to the log file at the same time. I wanted to add something that checks if the file is open, and if it is, wait a second or two and then try to write to it again. Maybe try it a few times?

Below is my sample code.
Note that I am using the log creation in another module.

Sub datatopass()

LogInformation Worksheets("Email"). Range("L2").Value & "|" & _
Application.UserName & "|" & _
Worksheets("Email").Range("M2").Value & "|" & _
Worksheets("Email").Range("N2").Value & "|" & _
"other things"

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How To Allow Users To Copy And Paste In Protected Sheet

Aug 13, 2014

Enabling users to copy and paste values in a protected sheet.

The sheet is protected because some of the columns are autopopulated based on formulas and I do not want someone to spoil the file.

Users are complaining that in many cases half of the information which they enter in one row have to be repeated in the nect 10 rows.

[Code] .....

is already in place to allow users to select and copy. How to enable them to paste in the same protected sheet?

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Multiple Users In Excel File At One Time?

Aug 1, 2013

I was wondering if it's possible for several users to be working in an excel file at the same time? I know that 1 person can be working in a file & other users can look at it in Read-only, but is there any way for more than 1 user to be WORKING in it at a time?

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