Not Sure To Use Dsum Or Vlookup For Multiple Searches

Feb 27, 2009

I would like to ask recommendations whether to use DSum or Vlookup, in order to do multiple search.

We receive a flat file on a daily basis, which contains four (4) columns. They are Group, Team, Taskname, and Number_of_Employees. The first three columns have text properties and the last one has number property. We copy this sheet into our workbook. There are more than 1,000 rows. I name this tab, "TotalWorkersbyTask".

Each group (first column) has its own tab. We try our best to name each tab to match the name of the first column.

We would like to find the unique value, in order to put the correct Number_Of_Employees into the correct column on each sheet. However, the relationship per column is many to many, which makes it more difficult.

For example,

Group,Team, TaskName, Number_of_Employees

12GR, Robert, Analyze raw data, 2.5
12OV, Tim, Analyze raw data, 1.25
12OV, Bob, Prepare reports, .85
16CJ, Jim, Prepare reports, .50
1008, Mary, Analyze raw data, .25

Each tab, such as 12GR, will have the task name on the line "Analyze raw Data" which matches the information "TotalWorkersbyTask" tab.

The problem is, if I do a Vlookup for Taskname only, only the first value of 2.5 will return in to the Number_of_Employees column.

For the tab of group 12GR, the logic supposes to be -> if the group is 12GR, and the name of the task equal to the one appeared in "TotalWorkersbyTask", return me the value of 2.5 in the specific row. With the same logic, on the tab 12OV, the same task name should return me the value of 1.25 as well.

As you see from the example, line 2 and line 3 are the tasks in the same tab, from the flat file received.

Then, this formula can be copied and populated into other rows and other sheets as well.


1. Is there anyway to write the formula to gather the required information? My thought was using the Vlookup. However, it can see only one column.

2. Do I need to rename all the tabs to match the name of the first column received from flat file in order to make it more efficient? (In the present, there are some tabs that match the name, such as 12OV, and some tabs are something like ->Engineering, Research, etc.)

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VLookup Function That Searches For Two Variables?

Dec 9, 2013

I need to figure out a vlookup function that searches for two variables and return an answer. such as the example attached;

vlookup -- 12253 & 605.34 (if these are matching then) 131001

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Using Multiple Match Searches In Index

Jan 10, 2014

To summarize - Columns B through E are current MLB Players who I am trying to compare with the data in Columns G though J. My goal is to both use index and match to find the following in Column L: A comparable player name using the criteria of having an exact match for both position and age, but the closest approximation match between Columns E and J.

I have deleted a significant amount of player data to be able to upload the document on this site.

I am trying to find a way to combined exact and approximate matches in one single formula, but have been unsuccessful thus far.

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Search Box Searches Multiple Worksheets

Jan 9, 2013

I love Excel and love learning new things to do in it to create some amazing number-crunching techniques. I have created a workbook with multiple worksheets [one for every month in the year]. I searched this amazing forum and succesfully implemented the search box macro to find and copy the found data on a separate worksheet.

My question is that the macro I found in the this post Creating a Search Box in Excel only searches for the data in one worksheet. How do I tell it to search for the inputted data in all worksheets?

Here is the first part of the macro. I was trying to fiddle around with the strDataShtNm but to no avail.


Sub myFind()
'Standard module code, like: Module1.
'Find my data and list found rows in report!
Dim rngData As Object
Dim strDataShtNm$, strReportShtNm$, strMySearch$, strMyCell$
Dim lngLstDatCol&, lngLstDatRow&, lngReportLstRow&, lngMyFoundCnt&

On Error GoTo myEnd

strDataShtNm = "Sheet2" 'This is the name of the sheet that has the data!
strReportShtNm = "Sheet1" 'This is the name of the report to sheet!

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Multiple Text Searches And Counts

Jan 21, 2009

I have data created by a program where it gives me a column "Code" with different text categories (in this case names of people). One person appears multiple times in this column as it track each time they register a statistic for the sporting event. The statistics are text fields registered under the column Labels

So I have two columns titled "Codes" and "Labels"

I need to extrapolate from this data a count of times each statistic happens for a specific player.

Code: Labels:
John FGA
John FGM
Zach TO

What I need is broken down by player with counts of each category FGA, FGM, OREB ect specific for each player creating a box score for the event.

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Multiple File Searches In One Macro

Apr 11, 2007

Is it possible to do multiple file searches in one macro? Or does the data get stored in such a way that they'd conflict? First I want to search a folder for other folders. Then I want to search each folder for a certain type of file and then run a macro that does a whole bunch of things to each file. Including saving the file as a different format in a folder with a similar but different name. Currently I have everything written except the loop that will go through each folder. I was kind of hoping to use a 2nd file search to do so.

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Dsum On Multiple Criteria

Dec 15, 2008

Ihave the following headings in a database. CSAMeeting DateMeeting typeCompanyInhouse Products/FundsJV Product 1JV Product 2VenueSales Manager2nd Manager (JP, KMcI SS)Inv. ManagerFilenote IssuedWorking DayNo. of AttendeesCancelledPack RequiredCompliance Required DivisionReason for no Compliance"Date sent to Compliance""Pack/Literature Used"Pack Path.

i want to use the Dsum to produce the total amount of managers met for a cvertain sales person for a certain type of meeting. I trued thr following but it is returninga #value =DSUM(A27:V1028,13,AND(3=$BH3,9=BI$2,12<>0)). where 13 applies to the number of managers column 3 is the meeting type 9 is the managers name 12 ensures that its only counted if teh meeting note is done.

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Using Power Query To Do Multiple Searches On Website?

Jul 10, 2014

I've been trying to get power query to search a list of parcel numbers on an assessor site: [URL]. The problem I'm getting, every time you put in a different parcel number, you get the same URL for the results. I want to extract just a few pieces of information for each parcel search, but I can't initiate a search through excel. I'm thinking the problem is in the Data source settings. How can just get it to show me the assessors page results for a single parcel search in excel?

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Dsum Based On Multiple Criteria

Dec 15, 2008

Ihave the following headings in a database

CSAMeeting DateMeeting typeCompanyInhouse Products/FundsJV Product 1JV Product 2VenueSales Manager2nd Manager (JP, KMcI SS)Inv. ManagerFilenote IssuedWorking DayNo. of AttendeesCancelledPack RequiredCompliance Required DivisionReason for no ComplianceDate sent to
UsedPack Path

i want to use the Dsum to produce the total amount of managers met for a cvertain sales person for a certain type of meeting. I trued thr following but it is returninga #value


where 13 applies to the number of managers column
3 is the meeting type
9 is the managers name
12 ensures that its only counted if teh meeting note is done.

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DSUM Multiple Criteria - Return Data

May 22, 2014

I have attached a very simple model of a much larger BI report that we use. I have written a DSUM that returns the correct result in all cases other than when one of the criteria columns is blank. When one or more columns is blank, the result returned is 0 whereas I need it return all data (for e.g. if you remove "sains" from cell B2, I need it to still return data for person "b", "c" and "d" (i.e. 51 for Mar14)).

Attached File : DSUM (2).xlsx‎

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Formula That Returns Value From The Same Row It Searches?

May 27, 2014

I need a formula that can return the value from a cell in the same row it searches. The row is unsorted and has blank cells. Seacchs row A12:X12 returns the text in C4 (data validation List) in A19 on a different sheet.

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Conditional Count With 2 Searches?

Mar 19, 2014

Table 1: in week 6, there is 1 unique client, in week 8 there are 2 unique clients,...


I want to create the following (not with pivot-table)

Nr Clients 1023

I tried with combinations SUMPRODUCT/COUNTIF/... The problem is that you must combine with W6/W7/W8...

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Using Find For Similar Searches

Mar 6, 2014

Problem is Findstring finds cells that contain "SS1" AND "SS1 EXT". These are separate grades.

I need Findstring to only find SS1. Using xlWhole doesn't work for me, as the cells also contain other data. For example: " SS1 48 /"


FindString = "SS1"
Findstring1 = "SS1 EXT"

With Sheets("Sheet1").Range(Rng4)
Set Rng = .Find(What:=FindString, _
After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), _

[Code] ........

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Dsum Or SumIf

Nov 17, 2006

I'm trying to keep a running total (in one cell) for a range of cells
(see below).

The cells in the range consist of two columns- account number and an
amount. Given that the account numbers range from those beginning with
2XXX, 3XXX and 4XXX. The running total should be derived from the
totals associated to accounts beginning with 2XXX and 4XXX.

First attempt using pivot tables doesn't work since the amount column
is dynamic and thus is changed by user input - pivot tables would need
to be refreshed regularly which isn't possible. My goal is to have
this running total also be dynamic and performed automatically.

Second attempt using SUMIf doesn't work because the 'criteria' also
changes and isn't statis; the criteria in this case would be moving
with each row of data.

Third attempt using DSUM doesn't work b/c I can't seem to get the
syntax correct.

Account Original Budget
535030 24,600.00
535030 -
535036 36,900.00
535037 -
247695 -
258804 17,936.10 ..........

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DSum Criteria ..

Mar 11, 2009

I have a list of data with salesperson and qty. (Excel 2003)

I am using dsum and it was working great until I add a new sales man who happened to be the son of another salesman.

when I just had Bill Gates his total (DSUM) was fine.
now I added Bill Gates Jr.
since then Bill Gates totals now include Bill Gates AND Bill Gates Jr.
FYI - Bill Gates Jr. totals are correct.

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DSUM Function

Nov 10, 2003

I am trying to convert the following Lotus .123 function into an excel function:


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Dsum For 2 Different Criteria

Sep 20, 2006

I have a workbook with three diffrent sheets (and more, but they are not relevant here), each with its own webquery. After a query has been done I check with the OnChange- event, and that works fine. My problem is that I want to save the document after the queries has been done, but if I save it after the first one is done, the second and third queries are aborted. Is there any way to see if a query is being refreshed or not. If I can see that a query is refreshing, I can tell the macro not to save, and when the last one is done it will save there instead (I have no idea if its going to be the first, second or third query thats being refreshed last, as they take diffrent time to perform). I was thinking of something similar to:

If Not ActiveSheet.QueryTable.Refresh Then
Call SaveDocument
End If

Now, this doesnt work since the querytable doesnt have the refresh-propery to cehck, but its something like this I would like.

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Create IF Function That Searches For Word No?

Jul 28, 2014

I am trying to create an IF function that searches for the word "No." I have created a table with monthly payments and if the payment is >= 0, it returns the word Yes. If the payment is

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DSUM Adjacent Criteria

Jan 5, 2009

You can see there is an equation for: The total profit from apple trees. The maximum profit of apple and pear trees. But, there is no example for the total profit from pear trees.

I have an excel spreadsheet that I need DSUM to work not only for A1:A2 (apple tree), But for A3 (pear tree), A4 (another tree), ext. But I don't want it to sum A1:A4 (A1 + A2 + A3 +A4), I just want A4's sum. Or from the example, I want just A3's sum for just pears, but when I put in A1:A3, I get the some for both apples and pears.

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DSUM Date Ranges

Apr 14, 2009

I an having trouble with DSUM, the result I get is 0. I have a Journal Entry and I need to total the amount for a particular range date.

For the header I have:
Date|Account|Debit|Credit|Total|Account Name|Description

This is located from A5:G21

For A1:C2 I have Account|Date Start|Date End
For both Date I used the formula =">="&TEXT(E2,"mm/dd/yyyy") and the same for the ending date which is ="

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Sumif V Dsum V Sumproduct

May 2, 2007

I am using the SUMIF formula to sum all the cells that meet a certain criteria and at the moment, this works fine. Now I want to extend the criteria to 2(3 later) conditions. I've read that the SUMIF function only handles 1 criteria. Is this correct? If so should I use SUMPRODUCT or DSUM? I eventually will have to check about 2000 cells in a workbook. Sample work book attached: where I need to total the price of all the items that are shoes and are red in colour. A pivot table beckons in the future, but for now I need this in a workbook format.

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Convert Sumproduct To DSUM

Jul 17, 2007

What would be the correct syntax to convert this sumproduct formula to a dsum formula
I can't seem to find any examples that match my exact need


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Dsum With Variable Criteria

Nov 29, 2007

I'm trying to do a DSUM based on a unique reference number. As I have 500+ such numbers, I need to automate the criteria array based on the reference number.

This is as close as I've come:

DSUM('Income'!$A$1:$Q$37735,"US FREE AMT", LOOKUP(A2,Criteria!$A$1:$BX$2,OFFSET(Criteria!A1:BX2,-1,1,2,2)))

LOOKUP, of course, wants to return a value instead of a range, so this only works as far as getting me to the right cell on my criteria sheet.

How can I get a range 2 rows deep by 2 columns high from the results of a lookup/search?

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VBA UserForm That Searches And Reads Open Worksheets?

Dec 24, 2013

Develop one system that can search and make changes on the user form. I already find the solution on my first worksheet(USER PROFILE) but when i used the same coding on my second worksheet(INVENTORY&RET), it doesnt work. Here is the example of my INVENTORY&RET worksheet example.xlsm

Hit MAKE CHANGE button to see the problem.

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Searches Through A Range And Changes Back Color To Values

Feb 11, 2014

I am doing a spread sheet for participation in a class. What I want is for whenever a student is absent, i.e. has a 0 in their point box for the day, that cell turns red. I have tried to make the .find method work but it has been uncooperative and so far and I can't seem to get it to even run. This is what I have so far:

HTML Code: 

Private Sub For_Loop_Click()
Set v = .Find(0, LookIn:=xlValues)
For Each v In [B6:B46]
If v.Value = 0 Then v.Interior.ColorIndext = 3
Set c = .FindNext(c)

End If
End With
End Sub

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Search Box That Searches And Retrieves Data From Different Sheet

Jan 5, 2009

I've got a spreadsheet (sheet1) that has details of vehicles helpline numbers.

I want to create search box on a seperate spreadsheet, where the user enters a reg number, and it is searched for in sheet1. The row containing the result is then shown under the search box. Is there anyway to do this?

Also, I'd like to lock sheet1 so people dont see anything other than their search criteria. (ideally, I'd like sheet1 to be in a totally separate workbook).

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DSUM When Criteria Field Is Blank

Jun 1, 2007

I have a DSUM function with multiple criteria that are linked to user selections on a different sheet. If the user doesn't set a value for a particular field, the cell is blank and the DSUM should sum records with both blanks and non-blanks in that field.

Unfortunately, simply setting my criteria formula equal to that cell does not accomplish this. I've implemented an if statement to help but am having trouble defining a single criteria for returning everything.

Simply pointing to named range doesn't work for blanks and nonblanks when the cell is empty because it returns a zero: =SelectedValue

Criteria formula #1 I'm using: =if(SelectedValue="",="=*",SelectedValue)
Criteria formula #2 I'm using: =if(SelectedValue="",="<>*",SelectedValue)

When the SelectedValue cell is blank, these two formulas ensure that all records are summed. I would like a criteria that sums both blanks (=*) and non-blanks (<>*) without having to use two separate cells for the criteria. This gets unwieldy when trying to combine it with criteria for other filter fields.

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Dsum With Non-contiguous Range Criteria

Dec 28, 2007

Is it possible to use a non-contiguous range for the criteria parameter of the DSUM function? I want to do something like this. =DCOUNTA(wholesale_all,"Assignment Date",D2:D3,G2:G3) This formulas won't work the way I have it typed, but is there a workaround to achieve the same result?

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A Formula That Searches A Range And Gives The Sums Of The Adjacent Cells!??

Jun 23, 2009

I am looking for a formula that searches a range of data and then returns the sum of the numeric values in the adjacent cells. I have a calendar style spreadsheet with 2 columns for each day. In the first column it has a list of names and the second column a number.

I would like a cell to return the sum of the numeric values next to each name. All the names are entered into the columns randomly and are unorganised. The same name will appear multiple times in the range and have different numbers next to it each time. I am currently using (for example) =COUNTIF(H6:AL14,"bob") to tally up the number of "bobs" but really what i want to do is find a formula that in plain english does:

Search a range of columns and where cell = "bob" take the value of the adjacent cell (to the right) and total them up!

i have attached an image - i hope it makes sense what i'm trying to do - i would like Q3 to total up the numbers to the right of all "bobs" across all the days - so it should return 42

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Write DSUM Which Calculate Only The Latest 15 Times?

Dec 27, 2013

I'm placing dsum on a table, and want to sum some criteria I've wrote, all I need is the sum of the 15 latest match of the event I've wrote - which needs to be Sum together , I can use "helping column" in the table, but is there is more elegant way to do this with a furmula which make dsum calculate only the latest 15 cases ?

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