Open File With Variable Path & Part Name
Feb 27, 2008
1 I need to open a csv file in order to use data in it at location "C:BarkingEMCIN" to input into an xls spreadsheet. I then need to use the info from the xls spreadsheet along with other info input by users to produce another .csv and it be deposited at "C:BarkingEMCOUT"
The name of the file at "C:BarkingEMCIN" will change everyday or even multiple times a day and be in the format "AVA_DA_260208_BPL_EDF_001.CSV" "AVA DA " will remain the same "260208" will be todays date the next 2 will be interchangeable depending on requirements and use BPL EDF and SSE will be interchangeable depending on requirements and 001 will be the version whcih will be changable. _ underscores will be used as seperators
They will then be save in the format "NOM_DA_260208_BPL_EDF_001.CSV" using the same prinipals as before but automatically saving as the next available when needed with a prompt to tell the user what it will be
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Sep 15, 2006
I am having trouble getting a macro to open a specific file from an open workbook in the same folder based on the current path of the open file. The application is this... I have two files in the same folder. The first is for data entry and it contains a macro button that will open the second which is a template to which the data in the first will be copied. I can easily do this with a fixed path to the second file, however, I would like to be able to move or copy the folder containing these files to other locations or computers without having to change the path each time. I would like to base the path to the second file minus the file name on the first (already open file) path. Assuming that the first file containing the desired macro button is already open, here is one of many of my attempts...
Workbooks.Open " ActiveWorkbook.PathJob Tracker -.xls"
Assuming the second file is the active workbook, I achieved a similar path assignment when saving the file...
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "Application.Path/Jobs Active/" & "Job Tracker -" & Range(" '[Job Tracker -.xls]Specifications'!$A$6").Value
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Mar 20, 2014
I want to open a specific sheet and refresh only said sheet when i open another sheet for example x.xls
So opening x.xls will automatically open y.xls
I've tried this in the workbook code area but it doesn't do anything.
[Code] .....
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Feb 14, 2010
I found this code and maybe I'm almost there. I need to get the value of the Environment variable called HOME if it exists.
These macros collect all the environemnt variabes into an array and then show them in a messabe box.
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Jun 25, 2014
How could i get the below code to work with a variable as the file name?
Or could I use something like "thisfile" to determine where to import to.
[Code] .....
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Dec 10, 2008
hi, i need a macro that will open the below file path, and when i select the file i would like the macro to copy the active sheet from the source file being opened from range A2:L10000 and then paste special values to destination CELL A16 of the activesheet of the workbook.
I would like the date format for the below to be generic so it will apply for all months and years.
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Nov 21, 2008
If I have a file open called test file, How I can find the file path of the file that is open and how can I store that's as a variable?
What I am doing is trying to open a file that excel closes in a save as process!
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Feb 11, 2014
I need a VB code to open excel files located in a path (fixed path) by providing a part of file name through a input box
for ex: I have some files located in my local drive as below
1. colurgreen.xls
2. colurred.xls
3. colurblue.xls
I need a input box asking for file name and I input "green" or "red" or"blue" and it should open the resp file.
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Oct 27, 2008
I have an application that requires users to download a file from a location that is then imported at their execution into the application. I've done my best to counsel users to download the file to their desktop (for ease of locating) and to stick with a standard filename so that there are no errors. Some of these people just don't take direction well, will save the file wherever, or save the name inappropratly, or worse, open up multiple copies of the same file corrupting the name: ie: FileName.xls, FileName.xls(1), FileName1.
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Mar 25, 2009
File open dialog box, Get the path to textbox? ...
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Apr 27, 2014
How can I change this;
Sub GetData_Example4()
Dim SaveDriveDir As String, MyPath As String
Dim FName As Variant
SaveDriveDir = CurDir
MyPath = Application.DefaultFilePath 'or use "C:Data"
[Code] ....
So that it still prompts the user for the path but limits their selection to only Excel files and only those named 'Roles'?
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Jan 18, 2008
I'm trying to use vba open a new workbook and then edit it. But i can not select cell in the new workbook. but it can be activated!
it can open the file (fname) and activate the sheets (sName), but will flage an error on range select.
Workbooks.Open fileName:=fPath & "" & fName
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Dec 1, 2006
I am running a macro which ends up showing the save as dialog box. The name is correct (data) and the type is correct (XML files) but no matter what I try the file path is not right. Here is the section of
sDataFile = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("data.xml", fileFilter:="XML Files (*.xml), *.xml")
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set js = fs.CreateTextFile(sDataFile, True, False)
Set f = fs.GetFile(sDataFile)
sFilePath = f.parentfolder & ""
Set f = Nothing
How do I set the file path? I have already seen lots of answers to this but they are based on changing the path permanently or on there being no dialog box already open. I need total automation with the user not being able to see any of the save process.
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Jul 18, 2013
I would like to have a macro button that will open the file location (path were the excel is stored) in MS explorer.
I found something like:
Sub ExplorePath()
Shell Environ("windir") & "Explorer.exe " & ActiveDocument.Path, vbMaximizedFocus
End Sub
But that give the error that an object is needed. Would that also work for MS Word?
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Jun 21, 2009
Is there a way to use the open dialog box (like as if you where opening another workbook) and then with the selected item inster the path and file name into a cell.
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Jan 29, 2009
I am looking for macro that when run, will open a file explorer window and prompt the user to select a folder and file where they have data stored. Then I need it to be stored as a variable and used as a part of a "Workbook.Open Filename" command.
The reason for this is that, I have a huge formatting marco stored within a workbook. When a user extracts a report from SAP, I want the workbook to grab the file that is extracted, open it and import all of the data in order to be formatted.
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Jul 21, 2006
I have one excel file and i want to see the VBA code without open excel file. because when i open that excel file automatic delete userform and save then open that file. i have a second copy of that file in that file there is a one other option to see and learn from it. computer security is High but when i open the file one userform is come and ask me about enable or desable the macro when i check the box that file is open and run properly.
and after that never ask for Enable or desable the macro, every time that file is open in high security without for your information many vba code in that file. i have only one question how see the code without open that file ?
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Jun 27, 2008
the Data Grabs and pastes perfectly now but the Macro copies the data from the open file - the problem is that every day the filename (eg stats_01_02) changes according to the date so what I want to know is how to have the macro copy the data from an open file using just the first part of the filename.
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Mar 11, 2014
I have a Workbook "forecast.xlsx" and several Workbooks which have a individual Number in the Filename (E.g. "3960........xls", "3961.......xls etc.) in the same directory as "forecast.xlsx" + projects"
Now, I would like to browse through "forecast.xlsx" in column H, searching for hyperlinks. In Column H are these Projectnumbers located which are used in the filenames above. Whenever the Cell cointains a hyperlink, following should happen (that far i managed it by myself):
- Store the Cellvalue in a String Variable
- Go to the Directory this.workbook + projects
- browse this folder, searching for a File which contains the stored string in its filename
- open the file
- copy a range
- close file
- This.workbook.Activate
- follow the Hyperlink which has been stored as String before
- paste selection
- continue browsing through column H, looking for the next hyperlink.
I have a VBA which runs bugless, but it copies the wrong range, but to the correct destination.
See the code below:
Dim cell As Object
For Counter = 1 To 1000
Set cell = Worksheets("Projects overview").Cells(Counter, 8)
If cell.Hyperlinks.Count > 0 Then
[Code] ......
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Jun 7, 2014
I have 800+ files the problem is that the file name ends in 80 different combination so I need to try all of those for each file.
eg: one of the 800 is "109 st no 103 av" the file could be called:
"109 st no 103 av nb1_cleaned.xls" or
"109 st no 103 av nb 1_cleaned.xls" or
"109 st no 103 av nb 1._cleaned.xls" or
"109 st no 103 av sb1_cleaned.xls"
I wrote a code to try all those combinations, the issue lies a space the code adds before _cleaned, how to remove it?.
So the name should be
"109 st no 103 av nb1_cleaned.xls"
but my code is letting it be
109 st no 103 av nb1 _cleaned.xls
Where the variable Ord is the "1" after nb.
Find the code below:
[Code] ....
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Jan 20, 2010
I am trying to open a external excel document using this code.
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Mar 4, 2013
is it possible to configure Excel in order to save the Hyperlink path for a file with absolute path and non relative?
I notice that the hyperlink is ....pdf ry.pdf
if I change the position of the file excel there is a problem!
I would like to save es. d:invoichepdf ry.pdf
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Sep 27, 2006
I have a variable ("DestFile") that defines a path to a file (used in saving the file)...
I'm in the process of getting a Sub to hyperlink to this file, but in some circumstances, I may only want to hyperlink to the folder, not the actual file...
How would I go about trimming the "DestFile" address to get a "DestFldr" address?...
An example of "DestFile" might be;
S:BryanFor KenGulf ConstructionST0609014-t.xls
(the file name length may vary)
What code can I use to consistently trim it back to;
S:BryanFor KenGulf Construction
as the "DestFldr" variable?
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May 29, 2014
I need a code which will open up a previous days file. I have the code to pick the correct file but I am stuck because the folders are multiple levels down to year then month.
Eg. Folder Name > YYYY > Month
So i need to have a code which can look in to the relevant folder based on the current date and then be able to open the file i need.
I.e. today is 29May so i need the code to open the 2014>May folder.
For 1st day of month I would need it to open last months folder I.e. 01June Open May folder
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Oct 3, 2012
I want to run a macro to separate File Name and Path from the given complete path
For Example
In Column A : Given Complete Path " C:MainFolderRecordsSubFilesFile1Record.pdf
I need it separeted like
In Column B :File Name = Record.pdf
In Column C :File Path = C:MainFolderRecordsSubFilesFile1
Is there any way to do this through a macro
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Oct 10, 2011
VBA coding for automatically saving an excel file as another file using the current date as part of the file name together with "32ga" as a constant add-in. I also what this macro to run at a particular time of the day let say 00:20hrs. The excel file i want to save as is always open . It has data that changes every 24-hrs.
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Nov 3, 2009
I am trying to import some csv files so I can combine them, but am having probs with the filename and location.
Sub test()
Dim wsName As String
wsName = ActiveCell
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
LastRow = .SpecialCells(11).Row
End With
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT; &thisWorkbook.Path &" " & wsName &", Destination:= Range("A" & LastRow))
.Name = wsName
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False
.FillAdjacentFormulas = False
.PreserveFormatting = True
.RefreshOnFileOpen = False
.RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells.....................
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Dec 20, 2009
How to save a file, with file- name. but the directory is to be read in worksheet "towns" in Cell1 (brussels) and filename in worksheet "names" in cell B2 (i.e. winter), so it saves to c:russelswinter.txt as a wordpad or kladblok txt file, that keeps a number, so each time we push a button "go back from worksheet names to worksheet towns" the "number" that is saved in the txt document goes up by value +1. In Flemisch, the "old" code goes as follows, and saves the number in the txt file Factuurnummer7.txt. But I want that the file name (here: FactuurNummer7) can be a variable text issue, which has to be read - as already noticed - in cell B2 (with the word WINTER). So the are 2 worksheets: towns, ans names
pad$ = Application.DefaultFilePath
'controle = Dir(pad$ + "FactuurNummer7.txt")
'If controle = "" Then GoTo EerstAanmaken
'Open pad$ + "Factuurnummer7.txt" For Input As #10
'Input #10, Nummer1
'Close #10......................
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Jan 26, 2008
Below is the current code I have for File Copy before the workbook closes. This file will be distributed all over and obviously will not have the same old path and new path locations as I have in my code also will not have the same file name. Is there anyway to still perform the file copy without knowing the old path and file name and possibly have message box pop up to ask the copy to location and use that in the new path string?
Sub Macro1()
Dim fs As Object
Dim oldPath As String, newPath As String
oldPath = "I:EXLDATAMC Daily" '<---Where the file is currently located
newPath = "H:South RegionOrlando Mail Services2008DI" 'Since the super shared drive is super slow we will just copy and replace this file each time before we close and of course after we save
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fs.CopyFile oldPath & "" & "OrlandoMail.xls", newPath & "" & "OrlandoMail.xls"
Set fs = Nothing
End Sub
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Feb 8, 2012
I am using a script within excel as part of this script I want create a new folder to store information
ChDir "C:Documents and SettingsAdminDesktopMIKEPAYROLL2011-12"
However I want to use a variable called "NEWYEAR" which holds the 2011-12 part
For example this part stays the same
ChDir "C:Documents and SettingsAdminDesktopMIKEPAYROLL
folder 2011-12 held in variable NEWYEAR may or maynot exist.
if the folder exists I want to be able to use the folder, however if it doesn't I need to create it.
The problem is I am not sure how to incorporate the variable into the path.
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