Open Excel File From Unknown Path But Specify Name
Apr 27, 2014
How can I change this;
Sub GetData_Example4()
Dim SaveDriveDir As String, MyPath As String
Dim FName As Variant
SaveDriveDir = CurDir
MyPath = Application.DefaultFilePath 'or use "C:Data"
[Code] ....
So that it still prompts the user for the path but limits their selection to only Excel files and only those named 'Roles'?
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Jun 17, 2009
is there a VBA way to determine an unknown path in which a KNOWN WB is located !?
Assume a WB named: 1X1.xls Located at C:TEMP
[In case the user uses more than one partition and/or more than one HD - it might alse be located at: D:TEMP
The known open command for a known file AND Path is:
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Jul 18, 2013
I would like to have a macro button that will open the file location (path were the excel is stored) in MS explorer.
I found something like:
Sub ExplorePath()
Shell Environ("windir") & "Explorer.exe " & ActiveDocument.Path, vbMaximizedFocus
End Sub
But that give the error that an object is needed. Would that also work for MS Word?
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Feb 28, 2014
I'm trying to build a macro to open multiple files at one time that will always be saved in a consistent drive. The problem is that sometimes there will only be one file for a month (ie only at month-end) and other times, there may also be additional files for different dates throughout the month. I wont know ahead of time how many files there will be, but they will always be saved in the same file name type that is "FILE DESCRIPTION MM-DD-YYYY". How can I build a loop that looks for a file on each possible day but doesn't error out if the file doesn't exist?
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Mar 20, 2014
I want to open a specific sheet and refresh only said sheet when i open another sheet for example x.xls
So opening x.xls will automatically open y.xls
I've tried this in the workbook code area but it doesn't do anything.
[Code] .....
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Dec 10, 2008
hi, i need a macro that will open the below file path, and when i select the file i would like the macro to copy the active sheet from the source file being opened from range A2:L10000 and then paste special values to destination CELL A16 of the activesheet of the workbook.
I would like the date format for the below to be generic so it will apply for all months and years.
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Oct 27, 2008
I have an application that requires users to download a file from a location that is then imported at their execution into the application. I've done my best to counsel users to download the file to their desktop (for ease of locating) and to stick with a standard filename so that there are no errors. Some of these people just don't take direction well, will save the file wherever, or save the name inappropratly, or worse, open up multiple copies of the same file corrupting the name: ie: FileName.xls, FileName.xls(1), FileName1.
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Mar 25, 2009
File open dialog box, Get the path to textbox? ...
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Jan 18, 2008
I'm trying to use vba open a new workbook and then edit it. But i can not select cell in the new workbook. but it can be activated!
it can open the file (fname) and activate the sheets (sName), but will flage an error on range select.
Workbooks.Open fileName:=fPath & "" & fName
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Feb 27, 2008
1 I need to open a csv file in order to use data in it at location "C:BarkingEMCIN" to input into an xls spreadsheet. I then need to use the info from the xls spreadsheet along with other info input by users to produce another .csv and it be deposited at "C:BarkingEMCOUT"
The name of the file at "C:BarkingEMCIN" will change everyday or even multiple times a day and be in the format "AVA_DA_260208_BPL_EDF_001.CSV" "AVA DA " will remain the same "260208" will be todays date the next 2 will be interchangeable depending on requirements and use BPL EDF and SSE will be interchangeable depending on requirements and 001 will be the version whcih will be changable. _ underscores will be used as seperators
They will then be save in the format "NOM_DA_260208_BPL_EDF_001.CSV" using the same prinipals as before but automatically saving as the next available when needed with a prompt to tell the user what it will be
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Jun 21, 2009
Is there a way to use the open dialog box (like as if you where opening another workbook) and then with the selected item inster the path and file name into a cell.
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Apr 25, 2012
I have run into a problem in a project where I know what the folder root of the file I would like to import into excel is, but I do not know the file name.
I would like to open a dialogue open where I can select the file I wish to import from the known root supplied and retain the file name as a string.
All solution I have read assume the full file root is know or file name is known but root is unknown
I am working with Excel 2003.
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Feb 8, 2014
I have my code here:
Sub openfiles()Dim Path As String
Dim ExcelFile As String
' Path = GetFolder("C:UsersKinteshDesktop")
Path = "C:UsersKinteshDesktopVBA programmingMaps"
ExcelFile = Dir(Path & "*.xls")
[Code] ....
GetFolder = sitem
Set fldr = Nothing
End Function
My problem is that the code all actually works (including the function and when I use the commented part), but pointing to this one specific directory (the one I'm using right now), literally nothing happens.
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Jul 5, 2014
how I could perform a simple file path check using excel.
For example:
File Path
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Mar 4, 2013
is it possible to configure Excel in order to save the Hyperlink path for a file with absolute path and non relative?
I notice that the hyperlink is ....pdf ry.pdf
if I change the position of the file excel there is a problem!
I would like to save es. d:invoichepdf ry.pdf
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Sep 27, 2006
I have a variable ("DestFile") that defines a path to a file (used in saving the file)...
I'm in the process of getting a Sub to hyperlink to this file, but in some circumstances, I may only want to hyperlink to the folder, not the actual file...
How would I go about trimming the "DestFile" address to get a "DestFldr" address?...
An example of "DestFile" might be;
S:BryanFor KenGulf ConstructionST0609014-t.xls
(the file name length may vary)
What code can I use to consistently trim it back to;
S:BryanFor KenGulf Construction
as the "DestFldr" variable?
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Nov 7, 2007
I am trying to open excel files in a file path which includes folders which also have excel folders i wish to open there are quite a few.
At the moment i am working with this code but it fails to open excel files which are within the folders in the specified file path. Its fine for excel workbooks in the folder specified by file path.
This is the code
Sub RunCodeOnAllXLSFiles()
Dim lCount As Long
Dim wbResults As Workbook
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Jan 18, 2012
How to pass data from userform to excel sheet using file path?
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Oct 3, 2012
I want to run a macro to separate File Name and Path from the given complete path
For Example
In Column A : Given Complete Path " C:MainFolderRecordsSubFilesFile1Record.pdf
I need it separeted like
In Column B :File Name = Record.pdf
In Column C :File Path = C:MainFolderRecordsSubFilesFile1
Is there any way to do this through a macro
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Oct 29, 2013
I have an Excel sheet that I use as a mailing automatism for reports. As it currently is it attaches an actual copy of the excel workbook to the email and send them out. The mailer contains several different people, and they get different report each day. Due to the size of some of the files, I am starting to run into an issue where I cannot sent the emails anymore because they are too big, so I am wanting to switch to sending links to the files instead, and I have hit a wall.
I use Lotus Notes 8.5. The VBA will cycle through a range, and each cell has a list of report delimited by a ",". It takes the list and passes it to the mailer as a string. The mailer takes the string, turns it into an array and splits it out, and then checks to make sure the reports are current. One email could have up to 10 different reports in it. I have tried creating an HTML MIME email to include the links.
Here is the code I currently have:
Sub Send_HTML_Email(ByRef Name As String, ByRef Address As String, ByRef Reports As String)
Const ENC_IDENTITY_8BIT = 1729
'Send Lotus Notes email containing links to files on local computer
Dim NSession As Object 'NotesSession
Dim NDatabase As Object 'NotesDatabase
Dim NStream As Object 'NotesStream
Dim NDoc As Object 'NotesDocument
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May 15, 2009
I have my VBA Codes set in a workbook (Production) that my supervisors open to calculate production. So when they open the workbook (Production) I have a button that they push that starts the code however I need to put something in that activates the other open workbook, The problem is that the name of the workbook that they run the code on can change.
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Feb 11, 2014
I need a VB code to open excel files located in a path (fixed path) by providing a part of file name through a input box
for ex: I have some files located in my local drive as below
1. colurgreen.xls
2. colurred.xls
3. colurblue.xls
I need a input box asking for file name and I input "green" or "red" or"blue" and it should open the resp file.
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Apr 24, 2014
I need to open an excel file based on a date mentioned in the file name, but minus 1 day. The file name is composed with Statistics_date_time.xls
Example: statistics_20140423_142754.xls
Once I need to open the file (only in the mornings), it has to be the one from the previous day to see the yesterdays performance. How can I create a macro that will look at the date in the file and take the one from yesterday?
This will be a part of a macro I'm making. The rest of the macro will just format the file and combine a few ones from different departments.
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Dec 7, 2013
I have some daily text files in a folder (so about 30 of them each month), which in the end of month, I need to open them up in excel, format them so that I can use the information for my analysis.
I would like to create a macro, to quickly open them all up at once and save them each individually in .xls or .xlsm format.
I am new to VBA and after some research online, I was able to have the files open with the following code. but now I don't know how to proceed further to save them one by one with the same name but in .xls or .xlsm format.
Sub Opentxtfiles()
Dim MyFolder As String
Dim myfile As String
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Feb 18, 2009
I have a folder that contains many excel files. Each excel file is named as that date it was created, i.e. 02/18/09.xls
I would like to have some vba code that will open 'todays' file. Here is what I have so far:
An Excel file with the date founction in A1, =today(). I'd like to have a button that reads cell a1 and opens an excel file in a specific folder.
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Jan 13, 2013
do a code to open a closed .txt file. Once opened, the data inside of it should be copied on the macro workbook sheet 2 column F. I want the macro to perform a loop until all the .txt files have been opened and copied on the specified sheet and column. No worries I will still include some codes in between .txt files so no overwrite will happen. By the way I want to open the .txt file in sequence base on the file name listed in sheet1 column B2 onwards.
see below list
File Name
So the first .txt file to be open is 1.txt followed by 2.txt and so on it will loop until all filenames have been opened and copied. Path of the file will be in C:SAMPLE
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Jan 31, 2014
I have a excel file that opens and will automatically run a bunch of tasks if a certain user opens it. This user is only used to automatically run this excel file, other users need to open the file occasionally to edit emails address, add clients etc stuff like that, that the automation part of it works off.
Currently I have this user running the file every hour using Win7 Task Scheduler. This is working well, except for the time when another user is editing the file on the hour and of course the Automated user gets the "this file is open blah blah blah, open as read only, cancel etc" popup, this stalls everything, and if I dont notice it, it could sit like this for days.
The file runs in Read Only fine, so... Basically my question is, how to open this file as "Read Only" using Task Scheduler? As if it just ran as Read Only all the time then it wouldnt matter what other users were editing at any given time.
One of my ideas was to have Task Scheduler run a VBS script instead of running the Excel file directly, and having the VBS script simply load the Excel as Read Only.
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Oct 12, 2013
I was able to open and read this file before installing Windows 8.
The background to this is that after installing Windows 8 and reinstalling Windows University 2010 my word documents and excel files where all opening up as word pad documents. I figured out the solution to the above on my own and I am now able to properly read the excel and word documents that I tested. But I am not able to read a very important excel file. It is very important that I restore somehow this file.
When I open the excel file a dialogue box open up saying "Excel found unreadable content in "Account.xlsx". Do you want to recover the content of this workbook? When I choose Yes the following dialogue box opens up saying "Excel cannot open the file "Account.xlsx" because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the extension matches the format of the file".
The file extension is set to xlsx however how do I test to see if it is corrupt. Is there anything I can do to restore this excel workbook?
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Apr 26, 2012
While opening one Excel file I get an error message saying that a 2nd file could not be opened because it cannot be found. I do not want this 2nd file to open. WHere do I find the "command" that is telling this 2nd file to open.
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Nov 8, 2012
I seem not to be able to solve, regarding an Excel VB6 integration.
I wish to check if a specific Excel file is open at any given time (I'm using a timer for this.)
This is what I had so far, but I need it to be checking prior to this and I don't like this solution really (wasn't complete.)
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim oXLApp As Excel.Application
Dim oXLBook As Excel.Workbook
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