Opening Excel Files In File Path Which Includes Folders?
Nov 7, 2007
I am trying to open excel files in a file path which includes folders which also have excel folders i wish to open there are quite a few.
At the moment i am working with this code but it fails to open excel files which are within the folders in the specified file path. Its fine for excel workbooks in the folder specified by file path.
This is the code
Sub RunCodeOnAllXLSFiles()
Dim lCount As Long
Dim wbResults As Workbook
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May 1, 2014
I have a macro that will create 15 reports based on a filter in a Pivot Table and will save them to a folder based on the filter names. This work great, however in one of the reports I have a few vlookups as an example of one of them,
. Now when the report is created from the macro, the vlookup is changed to,
=VLOOKUP(Selector,'Z:ISB DataISR RASC non transactional dataISR dataNational and Zone Reports[ISR National and Zone Template v18a.xlsm]Trends2'!$B$6:$LV$22,AI50,FALSE)
Is there any way to stop this from happening? Is it a general thing in Excel? Code below that creates the reports if needed
Sub Create_National_Report()
'Start of report creation process
Sheets("Pivot Tables (2)").Select
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Jan 1, 2013
I build a VBA that search for 445 files in folders on specific path.
The code opens each file, take each time the same 31 rows, filter them and paste in the main data base file and then close the origin file.
So, for 445 files it takes about 6:30 minutes.
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Jun 12, 2014
I need to back up files, which may be excel or MSword, by copying them from different directories, say C: to the backup directory, say X:. any vba to backup the files? I expect the vba can copy all file listed in column A.
E.g. C: est1File1.xls or C: est2File2.doc, and then pasted to the directory in column B. e.g. X:BackupFolder1 or X:BackupFolder2.
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Jan 12, 2010
I'm using Excel 2007. I didn't change a single option but for some reason this problem came up. When I open an already saved Excel file it opens up in a newly created file. For example, if I open a file saved as "Monthly Sales" it will open it up and rename it as "Monthly Sales1." When I go to save it again, which would normally just save it where it currently sits, it basically acts as if I hit Save As and pops up the box asking me where I want to save it. This is extremely annoying as most of the places where these files are saved are several folders deep which makes it time consuming every time I open and alter a file. I can't find any options that looks something like this and it only happens in Excel.
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Dec 5, 2011
I've made a macro that would create some folders on a shared drive.
there is an issue if the path i want to create is too long.
I get this error.
Uploaded with
is there anything we can do to pass this or any solution for it?
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Jan 24, 2008
Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim myPlace
Const mFileLoc As String = "c:documents and settingsdcrakerdesktop est location.xls"
Set myPlace = Sheet1. Range("F1") 'currently has formula ->=CELL("filename",A1)<-
If myPlace = mFileLoc = False Then
MsgBox ("Warning, File is in incorrect location. Please contact David for corrections"), vbCritical
'add codes to disable macros from running (still need to find this)
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
>What happens, is it always tells me that the file is in the wrong location. I want it to be able to see what is hardcoded in VB and compare it to active workbook paths, and if it sees a change then it knows that it is in a different location.
> used the macro recorder also to make sure that the filepath was correct in the code also.
It happened, and could happen again someday. The company upgraded the server, and all the files were moved around. When the User accessed the file that I had created awhile ago, he couldn't figure out what happened. For some reason, my computer did okay on finding the correct file.
What it's suppose to do:
It will popup a message, informing the User that the file is no longer where it should be and may not work properly.
And then I have to add/find codes that will not allow the macros to run, so that I can come in and fix the problem.
It took me about 2 1/2 hours to figure out what happened and since I might not remember next time this could happen.
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Aug 16, 2009
I have managed to get this far - I have put together a macro (from different threads on this site) that opens closed workbooks, copies data in one of the sheets (same sheet in each of 28 books), and pastes the data it into a master book sheet, each paste starting below the last. So that bit is working. The first bit of help I need is a line of code that will make the macro loop through a number of sub folders in a main folder. My code at the moment works as long as I specify a path that ends with the name of one subfolder, and it only loops through this subfolder. I would like the path to end at the folder that holds all the subfolders ('Workbooks' in the path below), and then add some code that tells it to apply the macro to all subfolders in this folder, so it loops through them all.
The second issue is that after the macro goes to the closed book(s), copies the data in there and pastes it into the master sheet (into columns E:FG), I then need it to go back to the workbook it just copied from, go the same sheet, to three specific cells on that sheet (FH1:FH3), copy the content, go back to the master sheet, and now repeatedly paste the content (values only and transposed) of these three cells into three cells (in columns B:D, with row number being dependent on what rows the first lot of data was copied into) next to every row it just previously pasted in for me. When it loops to the next workbook, it needs to do the same, and the three cells will have different content than the ones in the previous workbook paste.
I dont know how to define the range it needs to paste into the second time. I tried using the definition I used for the first paste (MCDrow), to tell it that it is the same rows, just different columns, but this is not working.
Here is what I have so far, which does the first part of what I need, except for needing a way to have it loop through all subfolder in the 'Workbooks' folder (at the moment it lists Barwon South West as a subfolder in that path, but I actually have multiple subfolders, not all called Barwon South (all different names) that it needs to loop through and do both the first and the second paste for. I have taken out the code I was trying to use to do the second paste, as this was not working and the code is pretty messy as it is (I sort of bumble along, being so new, and I know the code is not very clean or efficient!).
Can someone help me put in the few lines I need to loop through all my subfolders (if you give me an example I can probably extrapolate), but to get you started, three of the subfolders are Barwon South West, Eastern Region and Gippsland. And can someone help me put in the code that will do the second paste for each workbook?
Sub Click2()
Application. ScreenUpdating = True
Dim MCDrow As Long
'Dim SubFolders As String
MCDrow = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Client Data").Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
Fpath = "Q:Clinical ServicesCS Statewide DatabaseWorkbooksBarwon South West" ' change to your directory
'SubFolders = True
Fname = Dir(Fpath & "*.xls")
Do While Fname <> ""
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Client Data").Unprotect
Workbooks.Open Fpath & Fname
Worksheets("Client Data").Activate
Worksheets("Client Data").Unprotect
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Mar 9, 2011
how to traverse all files in SharePoint folders using Excel VBA and have not come across an answer I could use because, by configuration design, I cannot map a SharePoint URL to a drive letter.
Here it is:
Sub SPDir()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim dummyFile As String
' The file specified by dummyFile must reside in SharePoint in order to use SharedWorkspace
' The way the code is set up, the path and filename in dummyFile should NOT substitute %20 instead of spaces
' There is logic later to ignore dummyFile on output
' Substitute your own dummy file name below
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Jun 2, 2014
What I want to create is an excel file such as:
Where Qty sets how many copies for that particular doc, and Yes/No determines if it needs to be printed at all.
Each file will be in a subfolder relative to the excel file.
So it would work like this (somehow)
If Cell, C2 = 1, then print CurrDirSection1examplefile.xlsx, qty= B2 , defaultprinter
If Cell, C3 = 1, then print CurrDirSection2examplefile.docx, qty= B3 , defaultprinter
If Cell, C4 = 1, then print CurrDirSection2examplefile.docx, qty= B4 , defaultprinter
and so forth.
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Sep 6, 2006
I do a search on my directory for all *.xls files each month which produces a list some 11,000+ lines long. Attached is a very small sample.
I then import this into Excel – see tab Raw Data
What I want to produce is a list shown on tab Finished Data, so that I can then sort etc.
Has someone already done this before and got the code, or can someone point me in the right direction on how to arrive at the finished data?
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Mar 1, 2010
Ive got about 300 different excel files all with the exact same format the only thing that is different is the values in the columns but they are all raw reports dumped into excel.
because I had to run them all seperate for certain reasons is there a way to combine all these files into one file without copy pasteing them all into one sheet.
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Mar 11, 2014
I have the following code written but I'm wondering if it's possible to modify this to change the red line to update to the path that the workbook is saved in? Meaning that User1Folder1 would change but [Workbook1.xlsm]Sheet1'E1 would always be the same.
[Code] .......
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Feb 8, 2013
My problem is to create a macro that will list all folders, subfolders and files in an order in excel. So that I know which folders and files belong to which main folder, more like a hierarchy.
For example,
Subfolder 1
I have code that list all files in folders and subfolders, but it does not put them in a hierarchy fashion.
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Sep 22, 2013
For the last year I have been downloading cash register X1 and Z1 files onto an SD card. Each night's files (X1 & Z1) are stored in a new folder with the naming convention "RP + [DATE]", (EX: RP120910, [YYMMDD]). I have 265 folders! I need to go through each folder, select the Z1 file (I don't care about the X1, X2 or Z2 files) and rename each with the following naming convention: "Z1 + folder_name + .xls". For Example: Folder RP120910 contains the Z1 file named "Z1_T1729.ECR". After renaming, the file should be "Z1RP120910.xls". As the VBA code loops through each subfolder, selecting and renaming the Z1 files, I would like the new files to be placed into a new folder named "Z1Files". Note: All subfolders are currently in a directory named "RegisterFiles". I am using Excel 2010.
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Nov 7, 2013
I have Mac 2008 Excel. For my work, I download .asp files and open them in Excel. No problem. The problem is... I'm wanting to use another computer at work that has Mac 2011. When I open the exact same .asp files, they show coding (html?). I can fix this by changing the name of the file extension from ".asp" to ".xls." But I convert these files a lot during the day and this is an extra step I don't want to take. And it works fine in version 2008. So what can I do in version 2011 to make it open the files without all the coding?
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Jul 30, 2014
I would like to be able to open multiple .txt files into one excel document. I had been using a code that opened all the files I wanted into a NEW excel document. I have a template that I use and I want the files to open in sheets following the main template sheet. This is what I have been using:
Sub CombineTextFiles()
Dim FilesToOpen
Dim x As Integer
And it worked just fine for that purpose but how could I edit this?
how I could use VBA to make a table out of data that would be cool too.
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May 5, 2014
I have a drawing index in excel sheet as shown below "there are thousands rows but here is only an example":
And in the same folder I have all the drawings in PDF format and all the drawing are exactly named as listed under FILEID column.
I just want to click the drawing number in the excel sheet and get the drawing opened automatically.
Currently what I am doing is searching the index for a particular drawing and then searching the folder for that drawing to open.
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Jun 20, 2008
I have about 20 plus workbooks in a folder. Each has 52 sheets, Fridays date, that I want to copy all the data from each sheet.
Is there a way to open all workbooks in a folder and copy all data from on all the various sheets into a single workbook?
I'm trying to gather the info and make a small data base from the various books. I'd like not to have to call each workbook by name as the file names change or get added to.
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Oct 23, 2012
Is there a way of reading .csv files and copying the data from say Sheet1 without actually opening the file itself? I have .csv's that will take some time to open due to size so dont really want to open them, but want to copy the data from all of them within a specific folder.
I am running windows 7 x64 and office 2010 x64.
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Apr 29, 2014
When I attempt to open a file I get a blank screen. If I try to close the window it asks if I want to save the file so it is must be open but not visible. Have I inadvertently clicked on an icon with which I am not familiar?
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Feb 7, 2013
All of the sudden, I've started having issues on one PC with Excel opening CSV files.
I work with these files every day and they work on other computers.
The problem is that if the field value starts with a dash, Excel will not show any records before that. Meaning, if there is a record on line 50000 that starts with a dash, it will not show the previous 49000 records.
I can open the file in Notepad++ and find all '- and replace it with ' and it will work fine. But I have hundreds of files.
This just started. I'm using using Office 2010 x64. I'm tempted to get Office 2013 to see if this will resolve it as something has obviously went wrong.
In the past, I would open the CSV files just like any Excel file and NEVER any issues. I would do this with multiple files each day but even the file that I use to not have issues with in the past is now an issue if it has a dash in a field.
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Sep 9, 2013
I received a few 1-3gb xml files from the government and I would like to open them in an Excel format. I have tried opening them using Excel 2013 (both as an xml table and as a read only workbook) with a machine running 8gb RAM and a 3.4 ghz i5 processor. I left it running overnight but Excel continues to "not respond". The file is intended to display thousands of line items with around 40-50 columns of data. For previous (and much smaller) similar files, the saved workbook is a manageable file. The only hurdle here is getting these open.
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Aug 17, 2009
I have a workbook "revision.xls" i have two excel workbooks "A.xls" and "B.xls" in a folder ( revision ) in my desktop. the location of this folder is " C:Documents and SettingskrishnaDesktop evision )
Both the excel files inside this folder ( "A.xls" and "B.xls" ) have columns B to F in each of them filled with some data.
The no.of rows upto which the data is filled in these two files can vary.
What i want is a macro which can open both these files automatically and can copy the contents in column B to L in both these excel files into revision.xls in such a way that the column B TO L of the excel file alphabetically first in the folder has to be copied to A to K column of revision.xls then after leaving one column blank i.e leaving L blank column ,the column B TO L of the excel file alphabetically 2nd in the folder has to be copied to M to W column of revision.xls.
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Jan 4, 2014
how I can loop through folders to select files starting with a certain word and copy all of them to a different folder and rename them. The folder structure is given below
Company 1(parent folder)
North South East(sub folder) West(sub folder)
Jan Feb Mar.... Dec Jan Feb Mar.... Dec Jan Feb Mar.... Dec Jan Feb Mar.... Dec
In the above structure, the files are present inside each folders Jan, feb...Dec under the regions North, South East n west. note that I have to select files starting with "Sales" and copy them into a new folder(say results) and rename copied files as Sales1.xls, Sales2.xls etc. (Files are not present in the folder company1, north, south, east and east.)
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May 31, 2013
loop and range function to apply in the below code through which I can avoid writing code for all the rows.
I am trying to open excel files located in single folder from files name (along with the path) in single worksheet (Column B and Row 1 to 500).
I have created follwing code which opens the file and then runs a macro in it.
a Sub Test()
Dim strFName As String
strFName = Sheet1.Range("B2").Value
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Sep 27, 2013
I have this code that copies existing folders to a new destination path. How do I change the code so that the From path and To path is based on cell value rather than writing it into the code?
Sub Copy_Folders()Set Fobj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Fobj.CopyFolder "C:UsersHengDocuments1243-01234photos", "C:UsersHengDocumentsCasework1243-01234photos"
End Sub
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Feb 8, 2014
I have my code here:
Sub openfiles()Dim Path As String
Dim ExcelFile As String
' Path = GetFolder("C:UsersKinteshDesktop")
Path = "C:UsersKinteshDesktopVBA programmingMaps"
ExcelFile = Dir(Path & "*.xls")
[Code] ....
GetFolder = sitem
Set fldr = Nothing
End Function
My problem is that the code all actually works (including the function and when I use the commented part), but pointing to this one specific directory (the one I'm using right now), literally nothing happens.
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Aug 3, 2014
I have an Excel sheet that contains a few thousand folder paths in the first column. The first few cells in the column look similar to below.
C:UsersNameDesktopFolder Copy12010360
C:UsersNameDesktopFolder Copy12010361
C:UsersNameDesktopFolder Copy12010362
C:UsersNameDesktopFolder Copy12010363
C:UsersNameDesktopFolder Copy12010364
C:UsersNameDesktopFolder Copy12010365
I am trying to create a macro that will copy any folders that exist in any of the paths listed in the first column. The folders should be copied to the path of the open workbook containing the macro. Below is the macro I have currently, much of which was taken from information I found in this thread [URL]....
Sub wrapper3()
x = 1
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
While Sheets("Air").Cells(x, 1) <> ""
v = InStrRev(Sheets("Air").Cells(x, 1), "")
dest = ActiveWorkbook.Path & Mid(Sheets("Air").Cells(x, 1), v, 99)
This code seems to work fine if all of the folders exist to be copied. My problem is that some do not and it is creating a "Path Not Found" error for which I need a fix. If the folder doesn't exist at the path nothing should be copied and the next path can be evaluated.
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Jul 5, 2014
how I could perform a simple file path check using excel.
For example:
File Path
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