Change File Path Name In VBA Code Based On Files Location
Mar 11, 2014
I have the following code written but I'm wondering if it's possible to modify this to change the red line to update to the path that the workbook is saved in? Meaning that User1Folder1 would change but [Workbook1.xlsm]Sheet1'E1 would always be the same.
[Code] .......
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Jul 18, 2013
I would like to have a macro button that will open the file location (path were the excel is stored) in MS explorer.
I found something like:
Sub ExplorePath()
Shell Environ("windir") & "Explorer.exe " & ActiveDocument.Path, vbMaximizedFocus
End Sub
But that give the error that an object is needed. Would that also work for MS Word?
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Jun 5, 2006
I am looking for a VBA Code which will:
1. Search for a specific File.
The file will the same file (ABC.xls) BUT the user might want to change it by typing a new name & Extension in the first Inputbox.
2. A second InputBox (Drive & Path) should now Pop-up.
If it will be left empty - the search should take place throughout ALL the installed HDs.
If the user decides to minimize the search range he/she will type a Drive & Path, the search should reduce/constrain itself to the specific Path ONLY.
My task is to show its Path location in a MsgBox (or to show "file not found")
It might be a good idea if the code can be extended beyond presenting the Path to:
1. Open the Windows "Explorer" (or "My Computer") in the specific Path with the file being selected (marked).
2. Opening that file, in "Excel", upon finding it.
A 3 section, VBA, code will be more than appreciated.
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Apr 13, 2009
to fix a .xls file that wasn't created by me.
In order to do that I need to change the path of an External Data that is an access 2003 file (.mdb file).
The only way that I imagine it is possible is to select a cell that is an adress for the query result, than click on properties and change it selecting the new path of file (the path moves depending on the user of the .xls).
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Sep 6, 2006
I do a search on my directory for all *.xls files each month which produces a list some 11,000+ lines long. Attached is a very small sample.
I then import this into Excel – see tab Raw Data
What I want to produce is a list shown on tab Finished Data, so that I can then sort etc.
Has someone already done this before and got the code, or can someone point me in the right direction on how to arrive at the finished data?
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Nov 7, 2007
I am trying to open excel files in a file path which includes folders which also have excel folders i wish to open there are quite a few.
At the moment i am working with this code but it fails to open excel files which are within the folders in the specified file path. Its fine for excel workbooks in the folder specified by file path.
This is the code
Sub RunCodeOnAllXLSFiles()
Dim lCount As Long
Dim wbResults As Workbook
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Feb 8, 2014
I have my code here:
Sub openfiles()Dim Path As String
Dim ExcelFile As String
' Path = GetFolder("C:UsersKinteshDesktop")
Path = "C:UsersKinteshDesktopVBA programmingMaps"
ExcelFile = Dir(Path & "*.xls")
[Code] ....
GetFolder = sitem
Set fldr = Nothing
End Function
My problem is that the code all actually works (including the function and when I use the commented part), but pointing to this one specific directory (the one I'm using right now), literally nothing happens.
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Jan 1, 2009
how can i write the year and month in generic code for the following file path
.SaveAs Filename:= _
"S:RecsReportingRec StatsSummary Stats2009JanStat Summary_" & Format(Date, "dd-mm-yy") & ".xls"
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Jun 14, 2007
I have a question. How to code the filepath name to make sure it change when i move my files from one directory to another. Example:
I need to update 4 files from this directory, but i am moving them to another directory.
c:documents and settingTesting
The file being able to follow which ever folder.
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Oct 9, 2009
I have a master workbook that is referencing data from several other workbooks whose file names are based on the years data was taken. In the master work book on any given sheet, I would like to be able change the data being used in the formula calculations by simply changing the year value in a single cell. By changing the date value, the formulas are directed from one data workbook to another.
e.g. in the master workbook in Sheet1, if you enter 2008 into cell A1, all of the formulas in Sheet1 now pull values from 2008.xls; if 2008 was replaced with 2009 in cell A1 on Sheet1 of the master workbook, then all of the formulas on Sheet1 would now pull values from 2009.xls.As I am completely new to VBA (bought my first book last night), I am looking for any help that is out there. I am not entirely new to programming (used C++ to write numerical simulations) but I have zero experience writing macros and the like.
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Feb 23, 2014
I have a requirement to download a lot of historical data files from the archieve of an website. The url goes something like this: [URL]....
This downloads file for 21022014 ie. 21-Feb-2014. I need to be able to have a facility to have a selection criteria on my user form (in excel) where I specify a date range and the macro automatically downloads all the valid excel files available within that date range (files for Saturday, Sunday and some holiday dates will not be available in the website archive database) one after the other (like at single clcik of button) into a specific location (predefined viz.. c:/Users/EOD files/) on my laptop. Best would be if I am able to select the save location run time by using a 'Browse' like feature where I go and choose my local laptop folder...same type when we try uploading a file from our laptop to the web..
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Mar 14, 2008
Essentially, the Engineering Dept has given me 550 AutoCad files I have dumped into a folder located in this path: C:/DrawingsDump
From these 550 DWG files I need to manually filter and separate 260 drawings that I actually need to use and move them to a folder located in this path: C:/DrawingsFiltered . This manual filtering process takes a lot of time and is tedious work and it has got to be done everytime Engineering changes drawings because they are not kind enough to provide me a delta list.
In Excel 2003 I have setup a list of all 260 drawings I am interested in and that I call my filtered list. Is it possible to create a script that will enable Excel 2003 to compare my filtered list to all of the files inside C:/DrawingsDump, and then copy only those files that match to my Excel Filtered list and then paste only matching files into the C:/DrawingsFiltered folder?
If Excel 2003 can't handle this, is there a third party application that will let me perform a file management function like this with minimum startup time?
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Sep 28, 2008
I use an image analysis program ImagePro which can call Excel within it's macro language (which seems to be visual basic). I looked up on this site how the change the drive (ChDrive command). But still when the Excel section (after With oExcel) executes the default file location in the browser is in My Documents on the C: drive.
Prior to this code Excel has been launched by this ImagePro macro, and a file Cumberland Template has been opened from the C: drive. Now I would like to do a Save As, but have Excel start at the I: drive location.
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Mar 19, 2008
I want to create a macro that saves my file this way:
in a folder named after B2
as a file named after B4n.
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Jan 8, 2008
I have a script that generates various worksheets based on the day and puts these in folders based on the year/month/day. So a report run today would be in the F:200817 folder.
At the end of each month and then again at the end of the year I need to pull all the reports into a single workbook. The macro I have now allows you to select the folder you want to import the sheets from, but it doesn't recurse subdirectories, so I can only import sheets from a specific day into a workbook, but not from a month/year.
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Mar 4, 2013
is it possible to configure Excel in order to save the Hyperlink path for a file with absolute path and non relative?
I notice that the hyperlink is ....pdf ry.pdf
if I change the position of the file excel there is a problem!
I would like to save es. d:invoichepdf ry.pdf
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Sep 27, 2006
I have a variable ("DestFile") that defines a path to a file (used in saving the file)...
I'm in the process of getting a Sub to hyperlink to this file, but in some circumstances, I may only want to hyperlink to the folder, not the actual file...
How would I go about trimming the "DestFile" address to get a "DestFldr" address?...
An example of "DestFile" might be;
S:BryanFor KenGulf ConstructionST0609014-t.xls
(the file name length may vary)
What code can I use to consistently trim it back to;
S:BryanFor KenGulf Construction
as the "DestFldr" variable?
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Oct 3, 2012
I want to run a macro to separate File Name and Path from the given complete path
For Example
In Column A : Given Complete Path " C:MainFolderRecordsSubFilesFile1Record.pdf
I need it separeted like
In Column B :File Name = Record.pdf
In Column C :File Path = C:MainFolderRecordsSubFilesFile1
Is there any way to do this through a macro
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Jan 10, 2008
Is there a way to display the location of an active workbook on my local drive and save it into a varible. I'm new to Excel and VBA but I'm trying to create a template to use for multiple vehicles. When the macro is run...
1) the workbook will have to identify what Workbook and worksheet it is in and save it as a varible so that it can access it later. Each workbook is specific to a vehicle.
*(The reason is because I will need to refer to the address of the original workbook when pasting the copied data from the "OilChart" Workbook.)
2) Copy the vehicle identification # and save as a varible. (Dim vehicleNumber As Variant)
3) Open another workbook on the local drive (OilChart.xls)
4) Run the macro in the new workbook (OilChart.xls) to update the data
5) Search Column B in (OilChart.xls) for matches of the vehicleNumber, and for all rows that match, select and copy all rows and paste it back into the orig workbook (Vehicle Specific Workbook).
This is the code I have so far.
Private Sub btnFind_Click()
Dim vehicleNumber As Variant
Dim sourceLocation As String
Dim sourceFileName As String
Dim fileName As String
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
I have'nt figured out how to do step 5 yet so if anybody has any ideas I'd be open to them. I tried looking at Aaron Bloods Kickbutt VBA Find Function but I got a little lost on how his code would relate to my code. It also looks like it doesn't copy or paste anything to another workbook.
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Oct 9, 2008
I have a directory where our customer service people deposit forms each day. The form is always the same, with a number of columns that need to be copied into a master list. From there they are analyzed, sorted, etc, then exported, so the number of rows in that list varies from day to day as well. Is there some way to have VBA import each file sequentially from a directory if I do not have the exact file names?
I am using this import code from a macro to start with:
Sub importdata()
' importdata Macro
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=Array(Array( _
"ODBC;DSN=Excel Files;DBQ=C:Documents and SettingsMy DocumentsTender Document(1).xls;DefaultDir=C:Documents a" _
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Oct 9, 2008
I have a directory where our customer service people deposit forms each day. The form is always the same, with a number of columns that need to be copied into a master list. From there they are analyzed, sorted, etc, then exported, so the number of rows in that list varies from day to day as well. Is there some way to have VBA import each file sequentially from a directory if I do not have the exact file names?
I am using this import code from a macro to start with: .....
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Apr 9, 2014
I have a bunch of workbooks in a folder and I'm basically trying to take the average of the same specific range for each file. I have somewhat of a method for doing this where I separate it into several steps and grab bits of code for each step (there's descriptions on the code). How I can improve or streamline it?
'run this first to combine multiple files/workbooks into one file
'Change MyPath to the folder location
Sub Merge2MultiSheets()
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Oct 22, 2009
I have attached the file I am working on. I am attempting to create a link to an external file based on the value of cells in column A. Then I would like to simply copy the formula down, lets say in Column B, the rows and as I do the external file reference will change depending on the value within the cell in Column A. I hope that I am making sense.
I am using Windows Vista with Excel 2007. The files will all be within the same file folder, however, there are hundereds of files so I won't be able to open them all for the indirect to work.
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Mar 12, 2009
I have an Excel workbook which operates as a template. When it is opened, it runs an OnOpen routine. When it is saved under a different name, is it possible to ignore the OnOpen routine if that file is re-opened? I suspect it could be done by testing the name of the file, but I can't figure out the code.
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Mar 20, 2014
I want to open a specific sheet and refresh only said sheet when i open another sheet for example x.xls
So opening x.xls will automatically open y.xls
I've tried this in the workbook code area but it doesn't do anything.
[Code] .....
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Aug 15, 2014
All my files is in C:UsersmarrecoDownloads All files has name formatt (yyyymmdd) -> 20140814 I need import only last month files
Every day a system plays text files within the (C: Users drake Downloads ) folder.
E.g. I have to import only the files that have the name (yyyymmaa) based on last month.
[Code] ......
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Nov 3, 2009
I am trying to import some csv files so I can combine them, but am having probs with the filename and location.
Sub test()
Dim wsName As String
wsName = ActiveCell
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
LastRow = .SpecialCells(11).Row
End With
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT; &thisWorkbook.Path &" " & wsName &", Destination:= Range("A" & LastRow))
.Name = wsName
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False
.FillAdjacentFormulas = False
.PreserveFormatting = True
.RefreshOnFileOpen = False
.RefreshStyle = xlInsertDeleteCells.....................
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Aug 27, 2009
I have a folder that contain a list of files in shortcut type. So that i can just click it without going to different drives and paths to open those files and it really save my time.
After updating those files, i need to zip it up. There are many files to zip up and it takes time by going to its path one by one. Do you guys know is there any method to zip up those files without going to its relevant drives and paths?
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Dec 20, 2009
How to save a file, with file- name. but the directory is to be read in worksheet "towns" in Cell1 (brussels) and filename in worksheet "names" in cell B2 (i.e. winter), so it saves to c:russelswinter.txt as a wordpad or kladblok txt file, that keeps a number, so each time we push a button "go back from worksheet names to worksheet towns" the "number" that is saved in the txt document goes up by value +1. In Flemisch, the "old" code goes as follows, and saves the number in the txt file Factuurnummer7.txt. But I want that the file name (here: FactuurNummer7) can be a variable text issue, which has to be read - as already noticed - in cell B2 (with the word WINTER). So the are 2 worksheets: towns, ans names
pad$ = Application.DefaultFilePath
'controle = Dir(pad$ + "FactuurNummer7.txt")
'If controle = "" Then GoTo EerstAanmaken
'Open pad$ + "Factuurnummer7.txt" For Input As #10
'Input #10, Nummer1
'Close #10......................
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Jan 26, 2008
Below is the current code I have for File Copy before the workbook closes. This file will be distributed all over and obviously will not have the same old path and new path locations as I have in my code also will not have the same file name. Is there anyway to still perform the file copy without knowing the old path and file name and possibly have message box pop up to ask the copy to location and use that in the new path string?
Sub Macro1()
Dim fs As Object
Dim oldPath As String, newPath As String
oldPath = "I:EXLDATAMC Daily" '<---Where the file is currently located
newPath = "H:South RegionOrlando Mail Services2008DI" 'Since the super shared drive is super slow we will just copy and replace this file each time before we close and of course after we save
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fs.CopyFile oldPath & "" & "OrlandoMail.xls", newPath & "" & "OrlandoMail.xls"
Set fs = Nothing
End Sub
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