Pasting Multiple Lines Of Text Into One Cell?

Jul 24, 2014

I am trying to cut and paste from a PDF document into excel and a grab of text when pasted sits in three boxes instead of one. How can I manage this?

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Multiple Text Cells In One Cell On Multiple Lines

Jan 23, 2010

share a macro to copy cells from range C20:C300 and paste them in C2 on multiple lines. If possible two lines gap between each cell's value when they are pasted in C2.

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Join Text To Multiple Lines

Oct 27, 2006

For the following formula:


The result is:


Is there any kind of modifier that I can use to force the output to multiple lines, i.e.:


If this wasn’t a formula I could just use ALT+ENTER. Wrapping the text will not work because I need fixed break points not dependent on the text box width.

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Display MsgBox Text On Multiple Lines

Sep 12, 2007

How can I break this onto 3 lines in Visual Basic Editior to make it more readable:

MsgBox "Only enter data in white cells." & vbNewLine & "Yellow cells contain formulas or dates entered automatically", &
vbNewLine & "Do not insert blank rows. Copy row(s) and Insert/Paste" , vbInformation, "Spreadsheet by GJF"

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Importing Selective Lines From Multiple Text Files

Jun 18, 2009

I have many text files basically with the same data from different dates. I am trying to select specific lines from each text, one that includes ".txt" which is the date, ex: "2008_308" and one that includes the word "PIXEL" and the following 5 lines after that.

I found a very similar post to mine and someone provided the script using VB for the question. It works, but it was only for one text file. I would like to use it for multiple text files. The files are all dated, i.e. "2008_308.txt". Although some of the dates are missing.

This is the script, from another posting, for importing selective lines from one text file:

Sub test()
Dim fn As String, txt As String, delim As String, a() As String
Dim i As Long, ii As Long, iii As Long, n As Long, x, y
fn = "c: est.txt" ' ©Change here (File Path)
delim = vbTab ' ©Change here (delimiter)
temp = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(fn).ReadAll
x = Split(temp, vbCrLf)
ReDim a(1 To UBound(x) + 1, 1 To 100)
For i = 0 To UBound(x)
If InStr(1, x(i), "txt", 1) > 0 Then
n = n + 1 : y = Split(x(i), delim)
For ii = 0 To UBound(y)
a(n, ii + 1) = y(ii)..........................

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Import Multiple Text Files - Delete Rows Between Lines With File Name

Apr 10, 2014

I have around 50 text files with similar design per attached file. I need to import the text files with criteria below:-

1. include file name
2. let user choose the folder
3. exclude data from "work in process summary" to "work in process cost totals"
4. only have one title in the excel files which all text files is combined "Item, Line ....."
5. If the text files do not have title like "Item, Line, ..." do not import

Is it possible to have all criteria listed above by running a macro?


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Excel 2007 :: Multiple Lines In One Cell To Multiple Cells?

Mar 24, 2012

I have a column of cells with Customer info and address in each row, that I need to move into multiple columns. ie Cust name, acct #,address, city,state, zip the problem is ALL of the info for each customer is in ONE cell.To be clear, cell B1 has complete name address etc for one customer, B2 has the info for another, B3... on and on. To complicate matters as in the example, there is not a pattern in the lines. the first example shows the info beginning on the 2nd line of the cell, but the 2nd example shows info in the first line. I have tried the text to column fixed width. Didn't work because names and addresses are of varying lengths. Then I tried delimited, but there isn't a common separation between different data. I am using excel 2007. FYI I did go through many many threads and found some that were close to my problem but not close enough to work.




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Separate Multiple Lines In Cell To Multiple Rows?

Jul 10, 2014

I have a challenge where in have a list of about 4000 rows and each cell have mutiple lines. ( i know there is a thread about this but that did not address my issue).

So my data is as follows - (I have attached teh sample file)

"Pari bom - GP and CFO 02547895452

papa bom - GP and CFO 23365789541

mama bom - CFO 2587412589

nana bom - CFO 2587412589

masi bom - CFO 2587412589


I want to be in a position to seperte each line in exclusive rows and then seperate teh name, number and the email ... the later eing easier but cant get my head around seperating the cells.

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One Cell With Multiple Lines Into Multiple Rows?

Jun 24, 2010

I need a macro that will seperate multiple lines in more than one cell into multple rows.

Cells G-N contain multiple lines of data that I must split out into multiple rows; the multiple lines of data must be parced out into the same row.

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Combine Several Lines Of Text Into One Cell..

Oct 23, 2008

In column A I have product names, in B I have product categories and in C:H the product categories from column B are titles and the name of the subcategory is written in the cell. Because there are mutlipule sub categories that a product can belong to the report produces mirrored lines with one sub category on each line. What I need to do is combine all of these subcategory entries into one cell separated by a comer (,).

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Pasting Entire Row To New Sheet If Cell Contains Certain Text?

Jun 29, 2014

I am looking at trying to develop a workbook for my job that would make things alot more efficient.

Firstly, I download data from a web based app into excel. I now want to take certain full rows and paste them into another sheet depending if they have certain text in a cell. So i want to search the entire coloumn for a value of "OR" and if this is present copy the entire row into a new sheet ?

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Delete Lines In A Multiple Cell?

Aug 5, 2014


147943F00KNQ TTHBF251863100
O/RTT HBF251863100

I need a macro to transform my multiple lines cell as above ( 5 lines ) into a one line cell as below.


As the cells needing changing will always be different it would be good if I could have a macro working on the selected cells only, not a specified range.

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Extracting Value From Multiple Lines In Cell?

Jun 7, 2012

I have values in a column of cells in the format (All numbers in a single cell)


up to ten such entries may appear in each cell with an arbitrary number in each cell. They were entered using the ALT+Enter method. Is there an easy formula to extract each row (such as 44049,99820,'1') to use in a formula. If there are two entries I would like to write two separate rows like:

LINE 34567,43510,'1'
LINE 44049,99820,'1'

If a macro would be required I understand and could use that also.

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One Cell To Generate Multiple Lines On A Second Sheet

Apr 3, 2013

I am using Excel to generate a CSV file to load into a industrial cutting machine. The CSV file is used to import the cut list. As such formatting and the data per cell in Excel is important.

What I am presently trying to do is input the dimensions and type of the overall part and have the individual pieces be generated in a second sheet. I can presently do something of the sort using extensive 'if' statements. The problem with this is that I can only generate one line for every line I enter.

So this leads to what my problem is. I want to be able to have the info on 'Row one' 'sheet one' generate its parts list (which maybe 1-3 rows) and post that to sheet 2. Then 'row two' 'sheet one' generate it's info, but place it into the next unused row on sheet two. One of the issues I am having is that each row on sheet one may need to generate between 1-4 lines, maybe more, and I don't know how to not overwrite or have gaps on sheet 2.

Am I looking at going into macros or learning VBA?

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Coply Multiple Lines Into Single Cell

Jul 6, 2004

I have a table in word that I'm trying to copy into excel.

The problem is one of the columns in the row in that table may have multiple lines with hard returns.

When I copy and paste into excel, the result gives me multiple lines. I want a single line, with the exact multiple text in a single cell. How can I do this?? Nobody in the world seems to know.

To try this set up a word table with a single row, 3 columns. In the 3rd column put the following value.

Value 1
Value 2
Value 3

Now copy the entire row and attempt to past into excel. Watch as it creates 3 rows.

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Add Multiple Lines From Cells To Cell Comment

Aug 20, 2007

I am trying to add multiple lines in comment. problem is the text to this mutiline comments is stored in a range

Range("J15").Comment.Visible = False
Range("J15").Comment.Text Text:="Line1" & Chr(10) & "Line2"

(This is recorded). assuming that range "A1:A15" is where text for this comment is stored from a different VBA program.(15 number of line is the max i have programmed to accept). assuming there are 10 cells currenty full. how can i add this 10 text lines to a comment box.

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Count Number Of Lines (Wrap Text) In Cell

Jun 11, 2008

I need to count the number of Carriage returns in a string of text in a group of merged cells also I need to add a carriage return after the 1024 character because I have the wrap text on. My overall goal is have copy text fit into a group of merged cells without any being cut off by excel.

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Move Lots Of Data From A Cell To Multiple Lines

Mar 16, 2009

I have a problem that i don't know how to solve. I have one cell with values like this: 127;71;512;458;1250;722;2154;742;29;350;

and what to put in lines like this:


Has i have a lot of data in the cell and everyday it changes, i take several hours doing it manually. I have tried using the command data/ text in colluns but because i have huge data it leaves a lot out. Do you have any idea how to put that values in lines automatically?

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VBA - Displaying Values In Multiple Lines If Multiple Checkbox's Are Selected

Sep 10, 2012

In my userform I have a list of check box's that can be selected. Currently if more than one is selected, they will appear in the spread sheet in the same line one after another with a space between them. How do I make it so they either appear with a comma appearing after each, so the next value appears on the next line below or most perferably the cell turning to a drop down list with the values?

Current code

If CheckBox1.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox1.Caption
If CheckBox2.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox2.Caption
If CheckBox3.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox3.Caption
If CheckBox4.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox4.Caption
If CheckBox5.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox5.Caption
If CheckBox6.Value = True Then ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value = ws.Cells(iRow, 2).Value & " " & CheckBox6.Caption

Spreadsheet current cell appearence if all 6 are selected ' Chinnook EH101 Lynx Puma Sea King Fixed Wing'

Required appearence:
Sea King
Fixed Wing

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Select One Text Cell From Multiple Text Cells With Checkboxes Reproduce Into One Cell

Jan 24, 2013

I have four cells that contain text. All have connected check boxes with TRUE FALSE.

I need to be able to select anyone one of these cells with a check box, and have it's text appear in one separate cell eg: A1.

I have no issue connecting check boxes etc. I have no issue reproducing the text from any of these cells into multiple cells with a check box. But they have to be selectable and reproducing in one cell only (eg"A1").

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Pasting Multiple Selections Next To Each Other

Jun 13, 2013

What I'm trying to do is to select multiple groups of cells (say 5x4) which are below each other, but then paste them next to each other

For example, copy cells A1:E4, A8:E11, A15:E18 and paste them to A20:E23, A23:E26, A27:E26

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Pasting In Multiple Worksheets At Once?

May 30, 2007

Is there a way for me to paste one line in multiple sheets at once? I have 65 worksheets in one book and the top line on each of them needs to be the same. How do I not only paste the message in the line in each spreadsheet at once but also keep the format. how to copy and paste with formatting, I want it done all at once throughout the entire workbook.

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Hide Lines Containing Certain Text

May 2, 2008

I have an automated formula which i have to fill down to line 250, yet in the majority of cases i only need it to say line 20, and as a result i have loads of lines stating "Not Found" has anyone got a way to hide any lines containing either "Not Found" or a blank cell??

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Extracting Lines Of Text

Dec 17, 2008

I have a series of cells, each having multiple lines of text within separated by hard return breaks. For example, cell A1 has the following text:

John Smith
123 Main St.
New York, NY

I want to extract line 1 into cell B1, line 2 into cell C1, and line 3 into cell D1.

Is this possible without VBA or Macros? I'm using Excel 2008 for Mac OSX so that's not an option.

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Excel VBA - Copying And Pasting Text To New Row

May 19, 2014

I'm trying to write a macro that looks in cell A1:VGH1 for the text "Name:" within the row, then copy that cell and other following cells and paste into a new row. This macro can loop through the row until all instances of the text "Name:" and the following cells are on their own row.

What I have currently.

Name:xxx From:xxx Name:xxx To:xxx From:xxx Name:xxx: To:xxx

The result

Name:xxx From:xxxx
Name:xxx To:xxx From:xxxx
Name:xxx To:xxx

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Pasting Text To Bottom Of Data With VBA?

Sep 13, 2012

I use the code below to copy formulas to the bottom of the data in a spreadsheet so I know how to do this with a formula.

I have a need to do the same but with a text string that I define.

No conditions, just normally need to copy the text from the cell 2 of a column down to the last row where data is in any column (Usually being col A).

Dim Last_Row As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Last_Row = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Range("S2:S" & Last_Row).Formula = "=b9/a9"
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

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Pasting Text Without Retaining The Formatting

Nov 20, 2009

I am in a situation where I have to copy-n-paste text from a webpage into Excel. When I do this, the pasted text keeps the formatting of the webpage. The font is the webpage font. The background color is the background color of the webpage. Etc.

I know that I can paste just the text itself, without any of the formatting, by right-clicking, selecting "Paste Special...", and then selecting "Text" instead of "HTML". I am wondering if there is an option somewhere that will do this automatically when I hit CTRL-V instead of requiring me to pull up the Paste Special dialog box.

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Multiple Lines In Header

Jun 21, 2006

I have to the following lines in the header (left side).
Canadian Mutual Fund Industry
Gross Sales By Fund Company
As at January 31, 2006
(FYTD Tier 1 Firms)
(C$ 000's)

the date is Strored in strDatey. the problem I m having is that I don't know how to make muliple lines in the header through the code.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim strHeader As String
Dim strDatey As String
Sheets("FYTD Gross (Tier 1)").Select
strDatey = "April 20"
MsgBox (strDatey)
strHeader = strHeader & "Canadian Mutual Fund Industry " & strDatey ' text strDatey

ActiveSheet.PageSetup.LeftHeader = strHeader
End Sub

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Copying From Multiple Locations And Pasting At Once?

Jun 27, 2014

Do we get the option in excel to copy from different locations (just copy a part from say Sheet A, Sheet B and some other excel file) and then pasting all at once in some other file?

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Clean Same Lines And Text To Columns

Sep 24, 2013

I need to do in excel, clean same lines and text to columns.

In the 1fs sheet "Sheet1" is the file I need to clean same lines and text to columns;
In the 2sd sheet "final" is the result I need in the end of the clean lines and text to columns;

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