Pasting Variable In Filter In VBA Macros?

Sep 30, 2013

I am trying to write a macro where I have to select a name, copy it and search in a Pivot filter if a certain condition is met. I am stuck at a place where I am unable to paste the selected value as a variable.


For Each cell In .Range("I2:I" & .Range("I" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
If cell.Value = True Then
Range("G" & N).Select
ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("QC POC").PivotFilters.Add _
Type:=xlCaptionContains, Value1:="selection.paste"

The portion which is in bold (Value1=) needs to contain my selection (which is actually a name)

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Assigning A Variable And Pasting Variable To Last Unused Column

Nov 19, 2008

to assign a variable to equal a Constant variable, then I need to find the last unused row on the worksheet, then paste that variable down the column (1-12200 or so rows). I also need to assign Strings for the first two Rows in the target column.

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Two Macros - Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set Error

Jul 11, 2014

I have two macros that run fine separately. I want to join them, but when I do I get an Object variable or With block variable not set error.

Here's the code


Sub border_highlight_insert()
' Change heavy border to new column, change tint - keyed to year A6
With ActiveSheet
Dim i As Integer


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VBA Copy List From Filter And Pasting Into Column?

Feb 22, 2014

I have columns on Sheet 1 with a filters and I want a way to make a list on Sheet 2 of each item (with out repeating) that is in the corresponding column on sheet 1.

This will be programmed in a userform to create the list when the form is loaded.

The end result being this: CopyFilterList.png

This is an example and there could be up to 50 or more options.

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Copying Data And Pasting To Visible Cells Only After Apply Filter

Jul 7, 2014

I have productivity data sheet of employees for a month and want to update in a tracker sheet.Every productivity sheet has 5 columns containing numbers.Since its monthly it would be contain 30-31 rows and.I want to copy this data then go to tracker apply filter with respective employee name and paste it there.Is there a way to do this using vba code?

I have prepared vba code to copy paste individual rows from productivity sheet to tracker.But preparing row by row code makes it way too big.Hence i am looking for another solution.

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Macro: Copy And Pasting Variable Ranges On Seperate Sheets

Nov 4, 2009

I have attached the xls. I have an input sheet with 3 columns to enter data. Each column is linked to a separate worksheet with a formula (Carrys 1000 rows long). I need to be able to pull the populated data from those 3 worksheets and paste into 1 column continuously on another worksheet so all data is on top of another without any spaces.

I made an if statement so that if there isn't data pulling from the input sheet the a blank cell is left to indicate the last row to copy data from and paste on the final sheet.

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Pasting Cells Using Offset Command Based On Variable Cell Data?

Mar 3, 2014

I am trying to paste data into cells that are offset from specific data in my excel sheet.

The code I've got so far is:

[Code] ....

What I am aiming for is to search my Columns G and H that contain the values 1 & 1. Then from the cells that contain those variables, move 2 row up and 7 columns to the left and then paste on that active cell.

I am completely new to VBA so im sure there plenty wrong with this VBA script but so far ive managed to paste the data but it just pastes across the whole row instead of just the cells ive copied.. now i just get errors on the script.

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Passing Variable To Two Macros?

Jul 25, 2012

I have the following code in 'ThisWorkbook':

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Call Meetdata
End Sub

It calls this macro which is in a standard module:

Public firstvariablename As String
Public secondvariablename As String
Sub Meetdata()
regionname = InputBox("Enter the name of the Region.", "Region Name: North, South, East, West")
meetdate = InputBox("Enter the date of the Meet.", "Date of Meet")
End Sub

This set-up should make the variables available to all the other macros in the workbook. I have two other macros that need to use the values stored in these two variables that are entered into the two 'InputBox' statements. These two macros are in the same module and follow the 'Meetdata' sub. When I run the first macro, it recognizes the variables. When I run the second macro for some reason the variables are not recognized. To test the values returned by the variables, I placed the following code at the end of the first macro and again at the beginning of the second macro .

MsgBox(firstvariablename & " " & secondvariablename)

At the end of the first macro, the MsgBox returns the correct values stored in the variables which means that when the macro completes its run, the variables still hold their values. When I run the second macro with the MsgBox at the beginning, the Msgbox returns a blank. Somehow, the variables have been re-set to a null value. I can't figure out why the variables have been re-set to null. [URL]

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Variable Data With Excel Macros

Jul 13, 2012

I am relatively new to macros and trying to understand how to modify a certain macro that I recorded. Here is what I'm trying to do...every month I have a file with a bunch of data. I need to take that file, filter it, and pull certain data from it into separate tabs within the same workbook. The number of rows of data will change from month to month however I'd like to have a macro that will capture however many lines of data. I have several rows/columns of info I need to copy between tabs but I recorded a macro with just one filter and one row of data for now just to try and understand what I need to do. I have copied it below.

Sub Intersegment()
' Intersegment Macro
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$AF$727").AutoFilter Field:=14, Criteria1:= _
ActiveWindow.ScrollColumn = 2

[Code] ........

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Pass Cell Variable Between Macros

Jun 11, 2007

I have a macro that nicely select the named range that the active cell is in. I want to chain on to that macro a macro that has a parameter a range with that active selection. I dont see how to "take" the active selection on the worksheet from within the macro and pass it to another. I assume I could change the cellInRange macro to return a range, however I dont yet see how to do that.

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Copy Paste With Macros - Variable Positioning

Jul 12, 2007

Using a macro, how do I tell Excel to:

1. Copy the xth row and paste it before the yth row

2. Copy the mth column and paste it before the nth column

3. Copy the cell a,b and paste it in he position c,d
where x,y,m,n,a,b,c,d are variables, the value of which the user inputs, say in cells A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7 and A8 respectively.

In other words, I need to read numbers m and n which are the values of cells A1 and A2, then I need to go to column number m (for instance, if m=4, I go to column D), copy the whole row, go to column number n (for instance, if m=6, I go to column F), and insert the copied column.

Also wondering if VBA provides any way to quickly horizontally and vertially flip copied tables while pasting. While I am aware of the transpose function which swaps rows with columns, I am looking for a way to reverse the order of either the rows or the columns as per my need, without having to copy-paste row-by-row or column-by-column.

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Using Macros For Custom Filter Giving 'Or" Criteria And Paste The Data In Sheet2

Sep 25, 2008

When I go one column and Click custom filter and give the command one number and or another numbers ( I Have attached an excel sheet with screen shot) This filters the data, and I need to copy the same and paste in the next sheet.

I have to do like this for about 20 times for 20 sets of data). I have already done this and pasted the data in sheet2. I did everything manually. ( sample sheet is attached) I need a macro to do this work for me.

When I run the macro If get 2 text boxes I can enter the numbers. and click ok,the data has to filtered in sheet1, and result has to be pasted in the next sheet.with the header. Again I will run the macro i will give 2 numbers and the result should be pasted in sheet 2 after the 1st set of data leaveing one row as blank. ( exactly like the sample data in sheet 2). If I run the macro for 10 times giving 10 different numbers, the result should be pasted one after the other in sheet 2.

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Excel 2007 :: How To Pass Boolean Variable Between Two Macros

Feb 10, 2012

I am attempting to pass a boolean variable between two macros. The SUBMIT macro calls the STATUS macro to do some verifications and the STATUS macro should return the boolean variable RDY back to the SUBMIT macro, but does not.

I am using Excel 2007. Both macros are in the same Module. The STATUS macro is called from several places in the code.

Public Rdy As Boolean
Sub Submit()
Call Status
If Rdy=True then msgbox("You have completed your form") else msgbox ("Not ready")
end sub


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Unique Filter From A Variable?

Mar 6, 2014

I need to write code to allow the user to select a range, and let the code filter out all the unique value once the range has been selected.

The following is my code :

[Code] .....

This doesn't work, it throws the 1004 run time error and says "Method 'Range' of Object '_Global' failed.

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Filter By Variable Captured From Input Box

Jul 17, 2007

I have a Workbook containing a list of records. I'd like to create some code to

1) Get the user to input their initials when the workbook opens, and capture the response
2) Clear any filters currently applied
3) Apply filters to a non-continous range of columns
4) Apply the input response as the criteria to one of the columns, and 'blanks' to another 2 columns

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Static varUser As String
'sets varUser variable as String & stores it
varUser = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter Intials (leave blank to view all)", Title:="Login")
'Activates input box to capture value
Dim ContractsSheet As Range
Set ContractsSheet = Worksheets("Contracts").Range("A1:AA999")
ContractsSheet.EntireRow.Hidden = False....................

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Automatically Filter Pivot Table Using Variable?

Dec 3, 2013

I have a workbook with several worksheets and several pivot tables. Based on the selection from a drop down box on the first tab, I want to automatically filter pivot tables on subsequent tabs. Is that possible?

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Using Macro To Operate Filter On Variable Data?

Feb 28, 2014

I have a written a macro to populate a filter criteria with a comma separated list, but the filter fails to work as each individual item on the list needs to be surrounded by speech marks (") and I don't know how to do this.

This may not be an actual vba issue?

The list I am using is derived from =SUBSTITUTE(TRIM(BK9&" "&BK15&" "&BK21)," ",",") There are 120 different cells that this formula references that could be blank. The SUBSTITUTE TRIM functions allow me to just use the cells that have data in. But I can't seem to get the " symbols in there. (I've tried the TEXT function on the original cells, & this doesn't work.

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Encourage Enabling Of Macros: Disable Macros When Opening Then The Worksheet Menu Bar And Other Command Bars Are Still Available

Aug 26, 2009

I have an Excel 2003 program that contains macros. One of the macros hides certain command bars and disables the worksheet menu bar. On close the opposite is true. The problem is, if a user uses the disable macros when opening then the worksheet menu bar and other command bars are still available. I would like to hide all of the data sheets and display another sheet that would normally be hidden displaying a message that the macros have to be enabled for the program to work correctly if disable macros is chosen. When the enable macros are used I would like the Error page to be hidden.

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Pasting Values Into Cells Without Pasting Over Existing Values

Feb 9, 2010

For simplicity sake if I wanted to paste the letter A in to a cell that already had the letter B in it to make the cell read AB how could I achieve this?

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Enable/Disable Macros When No Macros Are Present

Jul 28, 2008

I have a user that keeps a maintenance log in an Excel worksheet and sends an updated copy once a week to a board member. Two weeks ago, the board member started complaining that he was prompted to enable/disable macros on opening and became worried when my user stated that no macros were used in the book. He is now concerned that we have sent him a virus.

I know the file is clean because I've scanned it, and when I look at the file in VB, there are no modules or classes present just the Sheets 1-3 and the ThisWorkbook file. None of these objects have any code in them. My user does have some macros in PERSONAL.XLS but they are not used in the workbook in question.

No one else gets the prompt for enabling/disabling macros. Even if I set my security to prompt for any macros, I get no message. I'm convinced that there must be some setting in his Excel that is causing this individual to get this message. Is there anything else other than a macro that would cause this?

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How To Delete Another WorkBook Macros Using Macros

Jul 23, 2005

What is the commands or script for deleting a macro automatically using
another workbook macro.

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Hiding Macros From The Run Macros List

Jul 14, 2008

Is there a way to hide a macro from the list where you choose which to run, but not in the VBA editor? The userbox I just created calls upon 2 different macros, and has a macro to bring up the userbox. I need a way to hide the macros in Module3 from selection, but keep the macros in Module4 available to choose to run.

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Filter With Formula: FILTER A Range And Display The Unique Items, One Below The Other, WITHOUT Blank Cells

Feb 10, 2008

How can I FILTER a range and display the unique items, one below the other, WITHOUT blank cells - with only a FORMULA. What I came up with is shown in the attached WB. I would like to present the countries like in C11:C15.

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Excel 2013 :: Filter Data And Edit With A Search Instead Of The Filter Button

Oct 5, 2013

I have a database in Excel 2013 and now I want that when a value (a person's name) is entered in a cell. That then the database sort of filters the list for me, so it's still possible to make changes in the entries.


Picture above to specify the search, which I would therefore like to edit

Dashboard_Action Pool Team 7.2.xlsm

I have been all morning working on a simplified version of the tutorial from YouTube: Create your own Excel Search Pt. 4. But came back later so only then that I can not change the data:?

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Advanced Filter Code - Criteria Range More Than 1 Row Breaks Filter

May 1, 2014

I found a great bit of Advanced Filter code that works great, and fixed a problem of clearing a cell breaking the filter.

But if I want to increase the criteria from 1 row to 2, so you can start to include And , Or operations, it breaks the filter. Even an attempt at a manual one fails, until you put the criteria range back down to one row, then it's fine again.

I've tried changing the Target Row to >2 but that didn't work. how to make the criteria range bigger, and no problems of breakage if you clear the cells? It makes for a very useful automated Advanced Filter.

Here's the code :

[Code] .....

Database = the named area of raw data.
DATA is the name of the raw data worksheet
The criteria range should be AZ1:BC3, but of course royally breaks it...

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Automatically Filter Can Filter And Blue-colored Cells

Feb 20, 2009

How to automatically filter can filter and blue-colored cells.

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Save Filter Savings To Run Macro And Then Put Filter Back On

May 25, 2012

Writing code to do the following:

Save advanced filter settings
Remove filter (or simply set to be 'select all'
Run other code (I have this piece of course)
Put filter back on with same selections chosen as when it was removed

(Need this becuase the code in the middle does not work properly when the data is filtered)

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Excel 2013 :: Filter Date Using Timeline Filter

Dec 23, 2013

I just got into the world of PowerPivot, Excel 2013 and Pivot Tables and am in the process of creating a Dashboard which I will then be uploading to SharePoint 2013.

On top of page I added the new timeline filter which I've linked to my pivot charts. Now what I would like to do, is create an additional pivot chart which looks at whatever date range has been used in the timeline filter and subtract 5 years from that. So, when I select a date range of November 2013 - December 2013 in timeline filter, the additional pivot chart will show the details for November 2008 - December 2013. This is where I get stuck.

I'm using two SSAS cubes which I'm combining together in PowerPivot and then display in Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts.

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Set Variable: Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Jun 4, 2007

I have the following code (just pasting the relevant section) which crashes when it reaches the highlighted line of code. and a dialog box pops up with the text: "Object variable or With block variable not set"

Sub test()
Dim StartRng As Range
Dim Buffer As Range

Set StartRng = WorkSheets("Sheet1"),Cells(1,1)

ActiveCell. CurrentRegion.Select

Buffer = rngStart.CurrentRegion.Copy

' I also tried the following line of code but that didn't work either
'Set Buffer = rngStart.CurrentRegion.Copy
End Sub

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Filter>Advanced Filter>Unique Failure

Jun 14, 2009

Can anyone explain why the unique filter does not produce a unique result - sample attached?

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