Pivot Table And Column Headers

May 21, 2006

I want to include columns in my Pivot Table where there is no data for that column. For example, I want to show 12 columns, one for each month, but my data only has 9 months of values.

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Pivot Table Headers

Jan 29, 2008

I have a pivot that links to another tab, which has items categorised by Date ranges i.e. Date Group 1, Date Group 2, Date Group 3 and Date Group 4.

Sometimes none of the items will fall into a date group i.e. there is no date group 1's for that period, but my pivot simply removes the whoel date group 1 column when refreshed whereas I would like the pivot to always have the 4 headers and quote 0 if there is none in that category.

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Pivot Table With Repeating Headers?

Dec 29, 2012

I've built a table that is meant to track the quality scores of multiple teams of agents. The agents are assigned to leads who are doing the quality monitoring. The goal is to track and trend the date the monitor is completed, the score of the monitor (scale of 1 - 12), who completed the monitor (initials in Lead column), and the running average score. The Score and Lead column are drop down validations.

This is being one of my first exploits into excel, so I am not sure if I built this correctly structurally, or what. When I go to create a pivot table off the data I have created, it's not calculating the values correctly. As an example if I want to count the number of 'score' for CCR1 it's always 1. From what I have been able to research is that this is because I have essentially repeated the headers multiple times. Below is what the table looks like so far.



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Pivot Table Not Showing Data :: Only Headers Coming

Dec 24, 2009

I have one excel sheet where I write a macro to create pivot table.

It was successfully ran and created the pivot table but there is no data in that table. Only headers are coming.

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Reconstruct Data Table So That Column Headers Become Values In Table

Jul 15, 2014

I have a large table that I want to reconstruct. For simplicity sake, let's just says it's 3 rows (excluding headers) by 3 columns.

Item Description

Cheese Burgers

Hot Dogs


I want to reconstruct it so that the column headers become values in the table. The table headers are dates, in this case, if that gives clearer picture. So the new table would have 9 rows, (3 rows of data, excluding the header times four columns).

Item Description

Cheese Burgers

Hot Dogs

[Code] ....

The above example is sorted by date but I would be indifferent if it's sorted by the Item Description.

Is there an easy way to do this? Pivot possibly? Again, my data table is large: 36 rows x 181 columns. Using the copy/paste/transpose feature is pretty impractical.

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Create Pivot With Worksheet That Has Split / Complex Column Headers?

Jul 3, 2014

it doesn't like the fact I have split column headers and I was wondering if there was a way around it or another solution to save me time manually counting or filtering. I can't attach the actual spreadsheet for some reason but attach a screenshot to illustrate what I mean.

I need to count the number of 1's, 2's, 3's etc in each 'On Exit' column for each area. I then need to work out what percentage of the cohort they each are.

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Pulling Column Headers Based On Table Values (not Max Or Min)

Jun 12, 2014

I've done some searching and cannot find the right answer for my question. I need to create a formula that will pull column header text data based on cells within a table that contain a numeric value not equal to zero. The catch is that I cannot use any one specific numeric value as the basis for a Lookup.

I've attached an example spreadsheet for reference. Basically, I need two formulas:

1. Formula to pull column header (Receiver name) based on Sender. This is a necessity.
2. Formula to pull individual lines for those senders that have multiple receivers (Division D in my example).

My actual data file has 80+ senders and 100+ receivers.

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Listbox With Column Headers As Specific Sheet Column Headers?

Jun 7, 2014

I have a userform with two listboxes in them, i have set the columns in the listbox to 9 and would like to populate the column headers in the listboxes with the column header of one of the sheets.

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Adjust Column Label Selection Multiple Pivot Tables Based On One Pivot Table

Aug 16, 2013

I have a pivot table in the first sheet which includes the field "Date" as a column label.

In the remaining sheets, except for one, there are pivot tables based on the same underlying dataset which also include the field "Date" as a column label.

I would like to adjust the selection (i.e., exclude some dates) from the column label in the first sheet and see if it is possible to make the same adjustments automatically to the pivot tables in the remaining sheets as well.

note that the field "Date" is used as a Column label, i.e., it is not a Report filter.

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Column Shows In Pivot Table But Doesn't In Source Table?

Oct 5, 2011

There is pivot table for some reason the last column (YEAccts), which sums all the other columns values is exluding the 1st column for some reason. This "YEAccts" shows up fine in the pivot table "field list". And I followed the source for this and it's a table in a different tab that pulls data from an access query connection.

The name of the column that is summing up the rest of the columns is "YEAccts", but for the life of me I can't seem to find where this column is in the source table tab or even in the access query where the data is being pulled from.

How to find this "YEAccts" column? Also, why would it exclude not summing up the data in the first column?

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How To Show In One Pivot Table A Current Column And A Proposed Column

Jun 20, 2014

I am trying to figure how to show in one pivot table a current column and a proposed column. I have 15k rows of data. My data columns are employee, month, task, hours, proposed month. I can get a table that has months as columns and tasks as rows with sum of hours. What I would like to do is incorporate the proposed month, so that it shows hours in the months by current and proposed. That way my result would be January current, January proposed columns etc. I can change the propsed months by formulae so I want to play with the proposed task month the refresh the pivot table to see the results.

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Reference Is Not Valid When Moving Data And Pivot Table Together?

Mar 19, 2013

On a worksheet, I created:

- a list of data
- a pivottable based on these data

When moving this worksheet this worksheet to another workbook, the pivot table can't refresh anymore. This throws an error message "Reference is not valid". To work around this problem I need to adapt the datasource. The same occurs if the list and the pivot table are on separate sheet, with the added strange behaviour that, when data an PT are split, it is not possible to move both sheet together.

This would not be a big issue if my problem had to be solved manually. The real problem is that I need to move the sheets from a C# program.

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Table Headers Not On All Pages?

Sep 15, 2014

I have a long growing statistical report(18 pages + more), and 14 of the pages will use report table headers. I went into the page set up and selected the row to repeat on each page. I do not want the table headers on any pages after 14. The rest of the report is formatted differently and does not use the row headers. but all of the information is related. Is there a way to only show the row headers up to page 14? I can't use headers and footers, of course. The report will be set in one place and the user will print it out once a week. It seems as if this cannot be done but I this is my last resort.

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More Than One Column In Pivot Table

May 10, 2007

my table has the following fields: Zone (north, East, west, south), depots in each zone (D101, D102 in North and D201, D202 in South),product code (S101, S102...S100) then sales data for three stores 1, 2, 3.

My original table has the depot code, zone it belongs to and sales of each of the product made to each of the store per depot.

In the Pivot table, I shall need to show Branch and the Product codes on the row-side, and require store codes 1,2,3 to appear on the columns. The data area thus needs to be a summation of D101, D102 for North (for each of the product-codes) and D201, D202 for the South region.


I am unable to display 1,2,3 as separate columns.

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Table Headers Down Side Of Worksheet Instead Of Across

Dec 18, 2013

Is it possible to have table headers that are down the side instead of going across the top?

I have searched but have not found an answer so far.

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Remove Headers From Array / Table

May 29, 2014

I want to convert an array in excel back to normal cells. That is, I want to remove the header row / or undo the "format as table". how to do that?

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Reformatting Data In A Table Into Headers

Jan 24, 2009

I have a table with three headers:

Types: close to 4,000 total cells in the column with multiple repeats
Amounts: Obvious
Names: Only 6 available names (i.e. Tom, Bill, Fred, Richard, Sam, Alex)

It looks like this:

Type Amount Name
Type 1 | $$$$ | Tom
Type 1 | $$$$ | Bill
Type 2 | $$$$ | Fred
Type 3 | $$$$ | Richard
Type 3 | $$$$ | Tom
Type 3 | $$$$ | Sam
Type 3 | $$$$ | Alex
Type 4 | $$$$ | Fred

What I want to do is create a table with the parameters using the information contained in the previous table:

Type Tom Bill Fred Richard Sam Alex
Type 1 | $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$
Type 2 | $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$
Type 3 | $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$
Type 4 | $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$ $$$$

Is there any way to convert the first table to the second table? I'm using Mac OS/X

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Add Free Column To A Pivot Table

Aug 8, 2012

I have a pivot table with slicers to easily filter the data. I need to add a column with editable, free text that is filtered along when using the slicers.

If I try adding a column in my data source of the pivot and I change one value in the pivot then all rows that have this value change along.

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Count Zero In Pivot Table Column

Apr 18, 2014

How can I use a macro to count the number of 0 values in a particular column (one of the Values columns) of a pivot table?

I'd like to use the .PivotTables(1) if possible (rather than referring to the whole sheet range column).

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Pivot Table Second Row (column Headings)?

Apr 2, 2014

See the attached excel workbook:


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Description Column In Pivot Table

Aug 10, 2009

I often use pivot tables to summarize accounting data. I wish to summarize the data by account number, but also wish to display the account description next to each account number. Both the account number and account description are separate columns in my original table of data.

I've always managed to do this by the use of lookup formulas after the formation of the pivot table in a column outside the pivot table, but it would be preferable to have those descriptions as part of the table.

If I designate both the account number and account description as row labels, they land on two different lines.

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How To Move Column In Pivot Table

Aug 28, 2013

I have made a table with percentage in piviot table. But I can't move column in piviot table. How can I move column?

Find sample file : SAmple.xlsx‎

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Maximum Value In A Column In A Pivot Table

Jan 22, 2010

I am new to working with Pivot tables, and am working on a data set of survey results. We'd like to build a heat chart into the pivot tables for each column of data. To do this, I need to determine what the maximum and minimum values in each column are, and base the cell coloring on the difference between min and max values by quartile. Ideally, this would be able to update when the column headers change (from a list of departments, to countries for instance).

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Pivot Table Column Alignment

Apr 14, 2009

I feel stupid asking this, but for some reason I am having trouble keeping alignment of columns in a Pivot Table....

I have a Column of text in a pivot table and I am just trying to center the darn thing... but no matter what I have tried, when I refresh the table it goes back to left-aligned....

I have Preserve Formatting set on... in the Table Options.

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Create Pivot Table: Cannot Open Pivot Table Source File

Jan 4, 2010

I'm trying to write a macro that will create a pivot table, and am getting an Error code 1004: Cannot Open Pivot Table Source File "Sheetname". My code is below. I've tried to note what each section does, and it all seems to work well except for the Pivot Table creation.

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VBA - Adjust Pivot Table Included Fields To Match Another Pivot Table

Mar 14, 2013

I have a worksheet with two pivot tables, one of which is visible to the user. Ideally, the user should be able to change the "Row Label" field settings of the visible pivot table and then press an "update button" that then adds the same field to the second pivot table.

Ideally, the ordering of the fields should also be made similar between the two tables, though this is of less priority.

I imagine it would be something in the style of:

"If number of Pivot1 active row label fields = X then
Pivot 2.AddRowLabelField = Pivot1.RowLabelField(X)
end if"

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Pivot Table Query: Make A Pivot Table To Summarise The Data

Jan 22, 2007

attached is a spreadsheet 6 people in my area use daily(ive copied and pasted the sheet in question to a new worksheet, as the file was too big). Ive been trying for about 3 days now to make a pivot table to summarise this data.

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Assigning Headers To Table According To File Name And Location

Aug 12, 2014

I need to assign headers to a table according to the file name and location. I have attached the example spreadsheet. Sheet1 contains the table with the data and Sheet2 assigns the headers to each file and location. The code is skipping headers and I can not figure it out.

Macro Example.xlsm‎

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Insert A Frequency Column In My Pivot Table

Dec 18, 2008

I want to insert a frequency column in my pivot table. See frequency.jpg for an example.

The column has to count the number of times "artikel" is represented in the pivot. Is it possible to do this in a pivot table, and if so, how?

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Macro To Hide Last Column In Pivot Table

Feb 8, 2014

I have a report that has percentage of row totals that just displays as 100% for the grand total column. I want to hide that percentage of row column. I've attached the excel file below to see the pivot tables.

detail report.zip‎

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