I have a pivot table & want use the following to convert the cell from number to text under the Format Cell -> Custom. If I just type in [=1]"COA Denied";[=2]"Deferred to Future Class"; .... it works
However, I add more condition after , it won't work
[=1]"COA Denied";[=2]"Deferred to Future Class";[=3]"Offer Accepted - Confirmed";[=4]"Offer Declined";[=5]"Offer Waitlist Position";[=6]"Student Withdrawal Post Interview";[=7]"Waitlist Declined";
Ive created a pivot table which looks at an Access Database in the form of a Cube. One field has numbers in, but when it comes through as a cube, it treats these numbers as text. So when I have a the rows as this field, they appear in text order, eg. 1, 10, 100, 101, 2 etc (instead of 1,2, 3, 4 etc). How can I get this field to be recognised as a number field in the pivot? (its a number field in the access database). Ive applied a sort to the data where Ive made my own custom list, but this is just a temporary fix. Can i specifiy somewhere that this field is a number and should be treated as such??
I have a very large excel data file, which I want to analyse using pivot tables. The problem is that while most of the columns are headed with the variable name (e.g. country) and have the list of variables displayed under that heading for each observation (e.g. Italy), the years are spread across the columns - i.e. the heading for column X is not "Year", but is 2003, with the next column being 2004, etc.
Is there a quick way I can re-arrange the data so that the layout is consistent and so that I can use it for pivot tables? I have way too many observations to do this by hand.
I have a problem that when I try to convert text to number and format the number without 2 decimal places as seen on the link I have given below, Instead of 1607.947, I get 1607947. I have Excel 2010 loaded. The details are in below picture.
refer to the attached workbook for reference. I am looking for a function in Sheet1, Column E that will search for the value of Sheet1, Column A within Sheet2, Column A. When a match is found, the function should look across Sheet2, Columns B - V for values of 1. When such values are found, the function should return the associated value from Sheet2, Row 2. There may be multiple values of 1, and as such, the function should separate values with a comma.
I created a pivot table, but having a bit of difficulty. Here is what it tells me to do....
"...pivot tablet that calculates the number and average salaries by position."
I had no problem included in the table the average salaries by position, however I can't figure out how to calculate the number as well. It's apparently supposed to be another column since the instructions tell me to change the label above 'count' to 'number'.
Whenever I make one with numbers, I get formatting for a number as below
1234567.78(no commas and 2 decimal places)
I normally want the formatting as 1,234,568 (comma inserted, no decimals,), (the last digit is changed just becasue of round off, other wise number in both cases is same).
Now I can double click the field, goto number--> number and then apply this formatting.
My question is whether there is a setting in excel somewhere so that this formatting will come as default (after I create the pivot table each time)?
I have a combobox embedded into an excel sheet with a linked cell and a range defined in the combobox properties. Every time I change the value in the combobox, the value in the linked cell is stored as text instead of a number.
I have tried copying a cell containing 1 and copying and pasting as special into the linked cell but that only fixes it for the time being. If I change the value in the combobox again, the value in the linked cell is again stored as text. I tried =value() in the linked cell but that again only worked temporarily. Every time I change the value in the combobox, the value in the linked cell is stored as text.
Here how to convert Number to Text..Like 100 means One Hundred.For this any formula is there? i want to change Full A Column numbers to Text..Number To Text.jpg
I'm trying to write a macro that will convert a number into text but can't hone in on the right coding
here's what I want to do:
a.) I select a cell in my spreadsheet that contains a number, it can be in any format ie: 100, 7.7442, 22.3 b.) I launch the macro c.) the macro converts the number into text and adds the letter T in the front so the new cell value becomes: T100, T7.7442, T22.3
I'm new to using VBA and have been recording macros and then trying to edit them where I need to and using Google to get the answers that I need, however I have hit a snag when I create a pivot table using my current macro.
The data sheet that I am creating my Pivot Table from will always have a different number of rows from week to week, but I am unsure of how to code this into my macro. When I recorded this, I used the range A1:S10000, which gives me (Blank) as the last row in my pivot table. change my code so that it only selects the data rows to stop these blanks appearing?
'Pivot Table DATA Tab to show Call Out Times for all Centres in file ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Add(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _ "DATA!R1C1:R10000C19").CreatePivotTable TableDestination:= _ "PIVOT!R3C1", TableName:="PivotTable1", DefaultVersion:= _
I need a formula to copy a number stored as a text to the number.
I have a formula in, let's say on Sheet1, cell A1: =IF($M$3,TEXT(N7,"0%"),TEXT(N7,"0.0%"))
I then copy this cell to another sheet, let's say Sheet2, cell A1 =Sheet1!A1. I have then have a bar chart linked to this cell, but it's reading it as text and no bars are appearing in the chart - even though the cell in the second sheet is formatted as a number!
FYI - my work around is to link my chart to the underlying data in the formula above, in this case, N7. But then I'm not getting the whole number (%) or decimal (%) that I want when the value is displayed in the chart.
Let's say 1) column A1 value is "35", any formula/macro can auto convert to "bc" at B1? 2) column A1 value is "ab", any formula/macro can auto convert to "13" at B1?
I have a column of data that is a weight measurement. Some of the numbers are in lbs while some of the others are in kg. I am looking for a way to convert the kg measurements to lbs, then delete all the text (non-numbers) from the column leaving only the numerical weight values.
Code: Sub RemovePercentSign_Untested() Dim LastRow As Long, UnusedCol As Long Const StartRow As Long = 1 Const ColNum As Long = 3 Application.ScreenUpdating = False LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, ColNum).End(xlUp).Row
I just copied a range of data from a website however these numbers are in TEXT format.
Basically each number in this data set has a SPACE behind. This turn the number into a text itself and i cannot do a sum for this range of data. I tried TRIM function and also tried to format it to number but no luck. Also tried to mutilply the range to 1 yet they're still in text format.
I have been using Excel to display, sort and present data in a professional way. I have created a pivot table with two columns below. Column C indicates the start date. Column D indicates the completion date. Blank cells show live data. I need to determine the number of days. 1) That have been - completed - a) That were < 2 Days, b) >2 but less than a week, c) > than a week (all). I have used the following formulas. a) countif(D4:D61, "<3"), b) countifs(D4:D61, ">2", D4:D61, "<=8"). Easy for completed data. My problem is, how do I determine the number of days, live data that following the same queries as above. I have figured out I can use countif to count the number of blanks by - countif(D4:D61, "(blank)") but how to put it all together and what formula should I use. I am trying to use countifs or if statements but am totally lost.
Column C Column D ---------- ---------- 06/01/2014(blank) 25/11/2013(blank) 13/12/201314/01/2014 27/12/201317/01/2014 27/12/201310/01/2014
My ultimate goal is to take my spreadsheet listing a large number of events and attendees and create a graph that gives a breakdown of the distribution of events by type.
Etc. (Note I don't need the date for my information, I was just including it to give an idea of what I'm working with.)
I'm trying to create a pivot table that lists the all the different Types and then the number of Events that each Type has, so I can make a graph that shows it.
I have a column C which list Unique ID and this ID can be repeated several times in Column C. For each row the Unique ID has a value in Column D of how many sick hours are taken. I would like to create a pivot table which would provide a count of the Unique IDs and the total number of hours for the Sector in Column A.
I'm using Excel 2007. My pivot table seems to be limiting me to 256 columns in the Values/Data area. In researching below I believe that I should be able to have 16,000 columns in my Pivot Table.
[URL] The "Big Grid" and Increased Limits in Excel 2007
PivotTables Maximum rows displayed in a PivotTable report is 1 million. Maximum columns displayed in a PivotTable report is 16,000. Maximum number of unique items within a single Pivot field is 1 million. Maximum number of fields visible in the Fields list is 16,000.
I'm trying to format an Excel 2010 spreadsheet so that I can import it into another application. I need to convert a number to text with four digits and a leading apostrophe - '0000 for example. How do I do this without having to type everything in manually?