Populate Cell Comment Text In UserForm TextBox?
Jul 4, 2014
I have a table with huge amount of data. I use a UserForm with textboxes to populate the information of the required row.
There's a Comment Box text on a specific cell that I need to populate on one of the textboxes but I am unable to do it.
The code I have that works well, populates the cell content:
Now, on that cell, there's a comment text that I need it populated as well on another textbox but it doesn't work. I tried:
[Code] .....
But this doesn't work.
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Jan 17, 2012
I have a user-form with around 10 text-boxes. Each one of them has labels.
I was wondering if there was any way to add a function similar to the "insert-> comment" available in excel? So that there would be a tiny marker and when the mouse hoovered over it, some text in a comment bubble would be revealed? Or even better that somehow using VBA that each time you enter a text-box a comment would temporarily appear?
For a variety of reasons I can't just add labels with this info. This info would be instructions on what sort of data you should add to the field, and the instructions in some cases will be quite long and the user-form is too big as it is.
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Feb 10, 2010
Userform1 is a basic search and find using the text the user enters in a text box, followed by 'ok' commandbutton.
If a matching cell is found in the worksheet, the row is selected and the second userform asks for text via textbox2. This text will be placed in the end column of that row (column L) that was found to have the text input in Userform 1.
What's important is that if on that row some text already exists in column L, that this appears in textbox2 allowing the user to modify it.
I'm ok with the search and find :
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Apr 22, 2014
I am trying to populate (via VBA) a textbox/combo box from one user form to another user form.
The first user form has a room number in a text box1. If certain conditions exists, a button is selected to bring up another user form (both forms are modeless).
I want to pass/populate some of the 1st user Form info into the other user form.
I have tried the on initialize textbox1.value = textbox other.value but no dice. I can populate a user form text box from a spreadsheet but from box to box in separate user forms has me a little stumped.
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Jun 28, 2007
I have a userform that pops up upon opening a file. The user form has
5 text boxes names Zero, Two, Four, Seven and Nine. I would like each of these text boxes to automatically populate with the values last used. The values last used are stored in Worksheet "Index Settings" in Cells "C3:C7".
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May 1, 2006
I've created a userform to populate rows in a worksheet. The userform gets details of flights with inbound and outbound dates. I'd like a calendar to popup so the user can just select a date with the click of the mouse which then resides in the textbox until sent to the sheet. I know how to get the calendar to pop up when entering directly into the sheet but I don't want the user to have to touch the sheet unless making amendments.
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Apr 25, 2008
I need to populate the textBoxes from the selection from ComboBox I've created in a UserForm. I have attached the file that I was working on. I want to be able to keep selecting then populate the text box until I have finsihed.
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Sep 24, 2006
A textbox on a userform is populated through cell references which have formulas. Works OK. I want to change this by getting rid of the formulas in the cells and have the textbox populated by a name. The following formula is entered in the "Refers To" box =DEGREES(ATAN(RADIANS(ATAN2(Sht1!$G$34-Sht1!$G$33,Sht1!$H$34-Sht1!$H$33)))*(LastDep-Sht1!$G$33))+Sht1!$H$33
The name is "TopLine" (without quotation marks) When I enter =TopLine anywhere in the worksheet, it gives me the proper answer. I have been trying to populate the textbox with "TopLine" but without success. I tried a listbox but that doesn't work either. I have exhausted the search possibilities (I think).
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Nov 22, 2007
I want to populate a textbox (output) on one userform with data from a textbox (target) on another userform.
The data in the textbox (target) is the result of calculations in the userform code and is not gathered from or saved to a cell.
I want the textbox (output) to be populated at "Userform intialize" event.
I have tried various other methods without any success.
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Jun 3, 2014
I am working on Excel 2010 and am still new at this
Attached is a UserForm with a Multipage
I have added TextBoxes to Page 1 to Page 3
Here is my problem
The Macro to show the form is not working.Also I need to populate TextBox1 with information on the "Data" sheet.
TextBox1 must show information in C3
TextBox2 must show information in C4, and
TextBox3 must show information in C2
I have tried some VB on the TextBox but it does not update, not sure if i need a command button.
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Apr 9, 2014
I have a userform which inputs data based upon a chosen item from a combobox. Combobox3 pulls numerical items from Rows17 and below in columnA of active worksheet. The first problem I am having is that the combobox itself is cutting numerical numbers short. Items go out to the thousandths (ex. 1.001) but in cases where there is a "0" at the end of the decimal it abbreviates it (ex.1.01) is there anyway to fix this? The second issue is I would like to populate "Textbox4" with the columnC content of the item chosen. (Ex. User choses Item 1.001 (found in row118) then Textbox4 would = the value of C18) Below is the current code utilized for this userform.
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Oct 12, 2011
Private Sub cmdSearchButton_Click()
Dim txtbox As String 'stores lookup value
Dim x As Variant 'value for wwid txt box
Dim ForeName As String
Dim SurName As String
Dim wwid As Variant
Dim iPosition As Integer
[Code] .......
Here is my code, it does a vlookup and if the persons name is not found it will split the text entered into forename and surname but when i try and add
frmAdd.txtForename.Text = "&ForeName &"
frmAdd.txtSurname.Text = "&SureName &"
It actually displays &ForeName & in the text box of the next from rather than what ForeName is..
eg. John Smith -> search button -> user not found msg -> user wants to add user -> string is split into forename and surname -> forename = John , surname = Smith -> display this in the second form.
What code should i be using to do this, i thought that &ForeName & would work.
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Apr 11, 2008
I have got a userform with lots of controls,
One of the action's on a large group of the controls is the same but except for one number
here is an example
If TextBox107.ForeColor = 255 Then ActiveCell. Offset(0, 53).Font.ColorIndex = 3
If TextBox108.ForeColor = 255 Then ActiveCell.Offset(0, 54).Font.ColorIndex = 3
If TextBox109.ForeColor = 255 Then ActiveCell.Offset(0, 55).Font.ColorIndex = 3
This makes a cell that correlates to the textbox red if the text in the textbox is red.
Now, I loads of these textboxes that all need to run the same code with just the Offset value one digit higher than the last and I was hoping I could create a loop to avoid a huge block of code but I can't work out how to make a constant that will +1 with each loop.
Also, can I assume that a loop will start with the control with the lowest number i.e. Textbox1 and then work its way through the rest of them in order?
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Jun 17, 2009
way to have more than one font style and/or to allow carriage returns within a TextBox?
Trying to use one large TextBox for "Help", but it won't be very readable if it's got no headings or paragraphs!
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May 14, 2008
I want to add variable content to a textbox in a userform. I want to duplicate a Msgbox as closely as possible to allow me to position the box properly, and I would like a procedure to add a prompt to the userform as you would to a Msgbox.
That is, I have found a solution using a cell in my spreadsheet, but I would like a fully vba oriented solution. In the message box you can say
MsgBox Prompt:="Put your message here."
For a textbox in a userform, I can link it to a cell (say A1) and then put data into the cell
Range("A1").Value = "Put your message here."
and it shows up in the text box when I do a
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Jan 5, 2007
I have a userform with multiple textboxes and comboboxes, the contents of which are saved to a database sheet, each time on a new row. Everything else is now all set but I still need to create a unique id number for each entry. I set the value of the textbox in question to the last cell value in the id column incremented by 1 in the userform_initialize but for some odd reason it doesn't work. However, if I use a direct reference to a cell it does work. Here's my
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
On Error Resume Next
txtRahtikirja.Value = ""
txtPvm.Value = ""
cboRahti.Value = ""
txtTavVast.Value = ""
txtOsoite1.Value = ""
txtOsoite2.Value = ""
txtKasittelyPvm.Value = ""
txtKasittelija.Value = ""
txtLahettaja1.Value = ""
txtLahettaja2.Value = ""
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Feb 1, 2010
I have a fixed height userform textbox that i would like to show the last line of.
After there is text in the textbox, enable=false.
I can see how to align for left, right and centre, but not for bottom.
I don't want to change the height or size of the textbox and just need to display the last line of data.
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Nov 16, 2007
I have a spread sheet were the area is getting very limited. I need to insert a small icon and when the mouse goes over (like it does in a form tool tip) will show the value of a cell (text value) located in another sheet in same workbook, or I was thinking inset a comment next to the icon and link the comments of the comments text to cell with the text value.
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Nov 16, 2007
I have a spread sheet were the area is getting very limited. I need to insert a small icon and when the mouse goes over (like it does in a form tool tip) will show the value of a cell (text value) located in another sheet in same workbook, or I was thinking inset a comment next to the icon and link the comments of the comments text to cell with the text value.
I've look the properties of this to objects and can figure it out.
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Jun 8, 2014
I have a listbox1 which lists items from a rowsource, when i click on an item within the listbox i would like to call the value from another cell and populate into textbox1 on the same sheet1.
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Nov 11, 2011
why the text box "txtjobnum" wont populate with the active cell in my "COMPLAINTS" sheet. The green code below is in the userform and the red text below that is in module 3.
Private Sub cancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
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Aug 3, 2012
I have a calendar userform that enters a date into a userform textbox in the format mm/dd/yy.
I am in the UK, so default date format is dd/mm/yyyy but i need it as above - mm/dd/yy
So, when I get a MsgBox to repeat Textbox1.Value (the date from the calendar object, formatted mm/dd/yy) and repeat it in format dddd mmmm dd yyyy, it reads the value not as I want it, mm/dd/yy, but as the usual dd/mm/yyyy - so instead of reading 08/01/12 as Wednesday August 01 2012 it is giving me Sunday January 08 2012 - even though in the cells on the worksheet that are populated from the textbox, the date reads correctly, so 08/01/2012 is indeed 1st August 2012 not January 8th 2012...
So it's the MsgBOx function reading the textbox in the userform wrong, and formatting makes no difference...
Can I fix this without changing my regional settings? Is there a way to set the region in vba then unset when leaving the program? I don't want to have to change regional, and anyway, the program will be used by others who won't know / want to do that.
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Jan 6, 2010
We can center horizontally with TextAlign (Left, right or center). Can we center text in a textbox on a userform vertically? I am working with multiple fonts, when a user selects a font I attempt to format a textbox as a display to show what is being created (Best WYSIWYG as I can). I have this particular font that is just ugly but is required. My textbox is set for a 12 point font but the displayed characters partially appear below the lower portion of the textbox. Think of cutting off about 1/3 of the bottom of all text in the textbox.
In my textbox it seems like the text could be moved up (some type of top margin?). All other fonts appear to display in the textbox vertically central, so I believe its the particular font selected causing the as displayed anomaly.
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Apr 26, 2008
Is it possible to selectively format text in a textbox on a userform ie. to make some of the text bold, other parts underlined and other parts italic etc. The text which appears in my text box is entered automatically by a piece of code which extracts the contents of certain cells and arranges them in the text box as needed. I would now like to be able to display the text box with the text formatted so that its not just all in plain text.
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Mar 31, 2009
If it is how do I convert the user input for the text box field as number. thx
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Aug 23, 2009
I have a form “RiseSpan” with three TextBoxes, “txtInSpan”, “txtDepth” & txtOutSpan”.
I wish to enter values in “txtInSpan” and “txtDepth”. These values are placed in cells A1 and A2. If both “txtInSpan” and “txtDepth” are greater that zero, I want “txtOutSpan” to show the value of cell C11.
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Dec 11, 2008
I have a user form on which I need to create a textbox every time the user clicks a button. There are too many to create them all in advance and make them visible when needed. The sample attached, from this forum, is good, except, the numbers in the text box just scroll along and I need to see all the text typed into my textboxes. I would like the textboxes to be multiline, wordwrap and have them resize according to the amount of text.
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May 28, 2007
if choose a cell then the code works fine, but when i choose a selection of cells
(ex. A1 A2A3 A4) then the code fail to excute in this line: Invalid proceduer call or argument error
.AddComment "hmk :" & Chr(10) & " value was " & ActiveCell.Value
and then fail to excute in this line: typr mismatch error
Selection.Value = (Selection.Value) * r
now here, does have to be loop to solve
here is the full code
Sub test()
Dim r As Integer
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Mar 6, 2008
I have some textboxs and some comboboxs, on a user form I want them to populate according to the row the cell is selected on.
cell c15 is selected,
UserForm1 Textbox2 populates with value of A15
UserForm1 Textbox1 populates with value of D15
UserForm1 Combobox2 populates with value of F15
And is the user changes a value I need it to update the cell.
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Feb 12, 2009
Cell B4 is selected by user and then runs the macro. The macro then looks UP (A3, A2, A1 etc) cell by cell until it finds the first cell that has a valid date in it and if that date is same as the date that the macro is being run pastes "This Text" into the comments section (Not replacing everything in the comments but simply adding to it.)
Column A
(empty cell)
(empty cell)
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