Populating Data From Another Sheet Using Dropdown List?
Apr 22, 2013
I have a workbook that contains data on a different sheet that I would like to populate on a different sheet by selecting a value from a drop down list. The format of the data is identical just different numbers. But are broken out into different projects... I am incredibly new at this and just barely learned how to make a drop down list.
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Mar 28, 2014
I am using the form control data validation drop down list with 9 entries in the list. How can I get the entry that is selected in the drop down list to populate exactly into another cell on a separte worksheet? I have linked the drop down list to the cell, but the value is populating as a number rather than the text entry that is in the drop down.
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Oct 24, 2011
I am using windows 7, excel 2010 I have a work book, my price list is sheet one and my list of customers and what discounts they get per item in sheet 2.
I choose customer on sheet 1, say i choose a & L sales, well on sheet 2 it shows they get a discount of 45 percent. so I want the 45 percent to show in cell 4r on sheet one, but if the dropdown box shows customer a & V it should show 35 percent because that is what it is on sheet two in cell 3c.
sheet two has 158 customers and each get a difference discount for that product
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Dec 27, 2012
it has been eye opening to say the least. I have a question however, I am in the process of creating a workbook of different things for my construction company and I am stuck. Is there a way that I can pull a cost code from a drop down and have whatever data is inputted into the cell to the right automatically transfered to a budget report (another sheet)? Example - Inputting time for my crews - select a code from the drop down list say for "concrete" Then I input the crews hours per day in subsequent columns and then sum it up at the final column. Can the sum of the hours worked doing "concrete" then automatically be transposed to the budget in the "concrete" section?
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Jul 19, 2014
I am doing a spreadsheet where I have 1 main sheet and 2 sheets with data.On the main sheet I have a drop down list to select either one of the 2 sheets and upon selecting,all the data from that selected sheet will be displayed on the main sheet.
What i do not understand is the code given below
data:=IF($C$7='A2'!$A$2,INDEX('A2'!$A$6:$B$20,ROW( $A3),COLUMN(B$1)),
INDEX('A1'!$A$6:$B$20,ROW($A3),C OLUMN(B$1)))
How do i attach spreadsheet in this forums btw?
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Jan 11, 2013
I'm trying to make a spreadsheet that can be used to easily build a collective list of steps, for a user to read and follow line-by-line.
I want a source sheet of "steps" that I can change over time, and the resulting tabs that reference the source sheet get updated/populated automatically.
I've pieced together some VBA code from other sources, which kind of does what I want it to:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Row > 1 And Target.Column = 1 Then
Dim SourceSheet As Worksheet
Set SourceSheet = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Steps")
Dim TargetSheet As Worksheet
Set TargetSheet = Target.Worksheet
Dim c As Integer
Dim Source As Range
But there are some problems:
1) The data auto-populates into a row. It would read better if each step was in the same column, meaning rows would need to be automatically added upon selecting something from the drop-down list. The number of rows that need to be added vary based on the number of steps in the source sheet, for the selection made from the drop-down list.
2) If you make a change to the source sheet, my goal is to have the other sheets referencing the source sheet's lists of steps update automatically, so you only need to update the steps in one spot and everything you've built from them gets updated instantly. Currently, you must select a different choice from the drop-down list, and then change it back, before it populates the "new" steps from the source sheet.
This is my first time using VBA.
What I have so far is attached: testAutoPopulate.xlsm
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Apr 18, 2009
I want to populate a Data Validation based on values in another cell on another worksheet--but, I want to populate it with the values stored in the cell right next to the cell. http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d3...n/untitled.jpg. would be an example....
What I want my Data Validation List to do is to look at column B and wherever it sees a certain color--for example, red, I want it to put the corresponding value in column A in the list.
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Sep 20, 2013
I'm working on a workbook with several names for every month and I'd like to populate the names from the different worksheets to have a list in another worksheet to make a summary avoiding duplicates and making sure every name is captured.
I have attached a sample sheet....populate_2013.xlsx
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Aug 28, 2013
I am trying to auto-populate a table with data looked up from another sheet. The functions I have used are: Data Validation, vlookup, ISerror and if functions.
Cell B4 in sheet2 uses Data Validation to pick data from sheet1 (in this case "tax") and auto populate the table with the information- Job type, Name, employee type and Job title. If i change from Tax to HR, the table should get auto-populated with the correct information.
I have setup vlookups but I am unable to get it working. I am a novice at using vlookups (I learn it just 2 days ago) and am struggling to get it work. I am not even sure if vlookup is the right tool to get this job done.
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Jan 14, 2010
I need help to create a formula that would grab data from one sheet and populate another sheet based on the employee that is selected from a drop down list.
Attached is a draft of what I am looking to do.
Basically this would allow us to enter employee variances from several employees on one sheet and get a detailed break down of their history on another sheet.
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Apr 26, 2013
I want to create a sort of complex logging system for my work.
As of right now i use a simple temple. Column A has the job number, column B has drawing numbers. Each cell in column B has multiple drawings. So for example cell B2 might contain 101, 102, 103, 104 and so on or something like 101...104. Depending on the situation. The ... means drawings 101 thru 104. What i want to do is have a second sheet that has Column A be the job number but column B has just one drawing #, so an example would be . A1 = 10939 and B1 = 105, 107, 109..111. Sheet 2 would then have A1 = 10939, B1 = 105, A2 = 10939, B2 = 107, A3 = 10939, B3 = 109, A4 = 10939, B4 = 110, and so on. Is something like this possible.
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Apr 24, 2012
I want to have same drop down list on several sheets
For example i have 2 sheets (erik,david)
I create dropdown list in cell a1 (erik)
I want to have same 1 on david sheet
when i change the dropdown list in erik it should be changed also in david and The opposite
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Jun 11, 2013
I'm creating a spreadsheet to keep track of my costs of production in an online game. Within the game there are a range of spawned resources that appear for only a short time before being unobtainable these resources have specific types that is shared between multiple spawns of the resource but each resource spawn has a unique name.
My first worksheet lists all the resources and their various qualities and the later worksheets are meant to allow me to choose from a list resources matching the requirements of the item I'm looking to craft. The example i have shown in the second picture requires Tatooinian Fiberplast and Lokian Wild Wheat to craft so in the Chosen Resource column I would like to have a drop down list allowing me to select the named resource type i would like to use - for Tatooinian Fiberplast the only thing on the list should be Omnitwixi and for the Wild Wheat it should show Fizi and Krad
I am aware there are people with more pressing problems than computer games and as such
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Oct 28, 2011
I'm looking for a way to get a unique list from a column to a data validation drop down list. Any fancy formula or vba script to create a UDF which. Does this?
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Mar 17, 2007
I Attached a sheet for what i'm asking about ,, i sent it before but the sheet showing it more clearly
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Dec 4, 2013
I am trying to create a sheet for identifying work hazards based on the job assigned. So what I have set up is a drop down list to select the job type. Once this job type is selected I want the pre written hazards to autopopulate in the hazard box. I would also like the required PPE to appear in the PPE box for the job selected.
I have 6 different choices in the drop down list. For each choice I have the hazards and PPE in a separate sheets in the worksheet.
Is there a way to get this information to autopopulate?
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Sep 12, 2006
There's a table with all the raw data in it
camp name
session name
to put in the correct format I am thinking of usinf drop down boxes so that the user can selct the camp name from drop down and based on that the session name can be populated and alos the rest of infomration of that accput in to the specified fields
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Feb 20, 2009
I am working on Excel document(Microsoft office-2007) with 2 sheets(Sheet1,Sheet2).
In sheet1 i have a dropdown list and the respective data is saved in Sheet2.On selection of dropdown lists in sheet1 ,respective rows should get copied from Sheet2 to Sheet1.
I am having trouble with the macro command. This is a first for me and I am stuck. I just dont know the how to write the Macro for this.
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May 1, 2014
with the following....In the first sheet of attached file I keep data regarding all invoice sheets next to the data sheet (not visible in this example). I like to print an invoice in all sheets (area H3-AI43) from a selected invoice sheet out of a drop-downlist in the "data"sheet. After printing the actual printdate must be placed in column F of the "data" sheet next to the sheet number. Would be great if this is possible! Maybe I'm not clear enough. The purpose is to print only 1 invoice from a selected sheet out of the drop-down list.....and not all invoices from all sheets!
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Jan 3, 2013
I am after some VBA code that chooses each value from a drop down list (in cell A1) then copies a separate sheet 1 (sheet 1) into another workbook (can have both workbooks open at the same time or the first step will have to create a workbook) with the name of the added sheet renamed to the value chosen from the list. When the second value is chosen then sheet 1 should be copied into the newly created workbook as well.
Sheet 1 has lookups that are updated when the new value in the drop down list is chosen
There are around 85 values in the drop down list so I'm expecting a workbook with 85 tabs (copy pasted values and formats)
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Apr 26, 2014
I'm trying to auto populate a calender style sheet in Excel 2010 based on data from a Work Schedule sheet. The work schedule sheet contains a list of jobs, with each row representing a different job. There is a column for the start date (e.g. 25/04/14) and a column for the end date (e.g. 26/04/14). There are other columns which select resources such as people and vehicles. Each resource may appear on any one of several columns for each row, e.g. Site Operative 1, Site Operative 2 etc.
On the calendar sheet, in which one cell represents one day (e.g. 25/04/14), all the dates are shown along the top going right and all the resources are shown on the left going down.
On the calender sheet, in every cell I want a formula that will look at the Work Schedule sheet and see if that particular resource is being used on that particular date. If it does, the cell can display information from another cell such as the job number or job name to which the resource is assigned; if it doesn't, the resource isn't being used so it can display "Free" or "Available".
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Feb 13, 2014
im looking to have a drop down list on sheet2 that displays unique items in column A on sheet 1.
then when an item is selected from the drop down list, i want to be able to display all unique values that correspond to that option. i have attached an example worksheet
data on sheet1 is ever changing
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Feb 12, 2014
I am trying to write a simple macro to copy a drop down list I created in cell O2 and then paste in the same sheet. I need it to paste starting in cell A2 and then move to A4 and so on for every even row cell through A9778. I would also like it to keep a border around the cell. I can't find direction on how to tell it every even cell or defining x and then doing x + 1...
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Mar 27, 2009
I have attached a sample workbook, (Pricing Sheet - Major) within this work book there is a worksheet entitled Price Book which has commonly-used materials, unit prices and labour rates. What he wishes to do is use the contents of the Price Book worksheet within a worksheet called Pricing Sheet to enable him to prepare quotations.
I had the idea to first sort the items in the Price Book worksheet and then produce a dropdown list of these items for use within the Pricing Sheet worksheet and used the VLOOKUP function to obtain the values for unit prices and labour within the Price Book and use them in the Pricing Sheet worksheet.
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Sep 26, 2013
I'd like to create a drop down list in data validation from a column of data that contains numerous duplicates.
For example, let's say column A contained hundreds of transactions with either North, South, East and West, how could I create a drop down list in another cell that only had four selection options?
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Feb 25, 2014
I have a list on one worksheet and I use a dropdown list from Data Validation to select the name required.
My list is so long that I would like to be able to type a letter or two to access to the name quicker instead of scrolling down.
I copied a formula that worked for someone else that put this formula in the data validation
I do not wish to use VBA is possible.
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Mar 23, 2014
I am currently stuck with a drop down list problem. I am trying to make a benchmarking solution for a group of 20 stores. All stores sell products uniformly and their sales are displayed in percentages of the cumulative total. Currently there is a benchmarking page where all stores sales per product is displayed, however I would like the ability to select specific stores data from a drop down list. I have pictures displaying the basic concept of what I want to achieve.
On the left a list of products and the quantities sold in percentages per store for benchmarking purposes.
What I would like to achieve relates to the drop down list on sheet 2.
store 1.PNG
Here store 1 can see its sales in percentages, and has a drop down list to compare to different stores. If store 3 is selected I would like the data to be pulled into that column from the benchmarking sheet and the same goes for the other stores of course.
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Mar 6, 2013
I have a query with data validation.....
Can I have a cell rage.. say A2:E20...and every cell in it has a drop down data validation list, from data inputted into L2:L27 (For examples lets say L2 is A, L3 is B, L4 is C, L5 is D and so on).
if somewhere in the range A2:E20, say B6 I was to select D from the drop down list, I want the remainder of the cells in range A2:E20, to have the drop down list without the value D in it, and so on, so the more cells in the range I fill from the list, the list for empty cells gets smaller and smaller until there are none left.
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May 5, 2013
I'd like to create a data validation with 1 dropdown list in the second worksheet in B4, relating to 3 cell ranges on the first worksheet (COS, Expenses & Capital). If 3 can't work, I've created 1 called 'dropdown' which incorporates all 3.
which formula I need to write into the validation, or what else I need to do in order to find a solution to this.
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Jun 13, 2013
i created a drop down list from data validation and it's a list of names. as i select from the list of names, i just want the initials of the names to be shown, not the entire name itself.
based on this example, what i want is to select from the list of names and only the initials are shown!
i believe its something related to custom number formats...
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