Extracting Data In One Cell And Populating Another Sheet?

Apr 26, 2013

I want to create a sort of complex logging system for my work.

As of right now i use a simple temple. Column A has the job number, column B has drawing numbers. Each cell in column B has multiple drawings. So for example cell B2 might contain 101, 102, 103, 104 and so on or something like 101...104. Depending on the situation. The ... means drawings 101 thru 104. What i want to do is have a second sheet that has Column A be the job number but column B has just one drawing #, so an example would be . A1 = 10939 and B1 = 105, 107, 109..111. Sheet 2 would then have A1 = 10939, B1 = 105, A2 = 10939, B2 = 107, A3 = 10939, B3 = 109, A4 = 10939, B4 = 110, and so on. Is something like this possible.

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Extracting Data And Populating A Graph?

Oct 23, 2013

I've been working on this project for my work and having a little trouble getting it to work. What I want to do is have E3:E32 populate the last 30 times the cycle (J3) was run on furnace(J1) (These are drop down lists). I originally had it run the last 30 dates, but since some cycles don't run every day the graph was missing dates. I want it to be able to just fill in proper HRC/HRB readings from the sheet "DATA" which can be found in column "U" on that sheet according to which furnace is selected along with the cycle.

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Auto Populating Excel From Data In Another Sheet

Aug 28, 2013

I am trying to auto-populate a table with data looked up from another sheet. The functions I have used are: Data Validation, vlookup, ISerror and if functions.

Cell B4 in sheet2 uses Data Validation to pick data from sheet1 (in this case "tax") and auto populate the table with the information- Job type, Name, employee type and Job title. If i change from Tax to HR, the table should get auto-populated with the correct information.

I have setup vlookups but I am unable to get it working. I am a novice at using vlookups (I learn it just 2 days ago) and am struggling to get it work. I am not even sure if vlookup is the right tool to get this job done.

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Populating Data From One Sheet To Another Based On Selection

Jan 14, 2010

I need help to create a formula that would grab data from one sheet and populate another sheet based on the employee that is selected from a drop down list.

Attached is a draft of what I am looking to do.

Basically this would allow us to enter employee variances from several employees on one sheet and get a detailed break down of their history on another sheet.

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Populating Data From Another Sheet Using Dropdown List?

Apr 22, 2013

I have a workbook that contains data on a different sheet that I would like to populate on a different sheet by selecting a value from a drop down list. The format of the data is identical just different numbers. But are broken out into different projects... I am incredibly new at this and just barely learned how to make a drop down list.

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Excel 2010 :: Auto-populating Calendar Based On Conditions From Data Table On Another Sheet?

Apr 26, 2014

I'm trying to auto populate a calender style sheet in Excel 2010 based on data from a Work Schedule sheet. The work schedule sheet contains a list of jobs, with each row representing a different job. There is a column for the start date (e.g. 25/04/14) and a column for the end date (e.g. 26/04/14). There are other columns which select resources such as people and vehicles. Each resource may appear on any one of several columns for each row, e.g. Site Operative 1, Site Operative 2 etc.

On the calendar sheet, in which one cell represents one day (e.g. 25/04/14), all the dates are shown along the top going right and all the resources are shown on the left going down.

On the calender sheet, in every cell I want a formula that will look at the Work Schedule sheet and see if that particular resource is being used on that particular date. If it does, the cell can display information from another cell such as the job number or job name to which the resource is assigned; if it doesn't, the resource isn't being used so it can display "Free" or "Available".

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Extracting / Transposing Sheet Data?

Mar 9, 2014

I have the attached file with two worksheets D30(1) and Sheet 2.

I need to extract some of the information contained on the D30(1) sheet into the format as contained on Sheet 2. It is almost like a transpose but because all of the information is not needed and all cells don't have info in it, I didn't even try to transpose the D30(1) info.

Is there an easy way to extract the information from sheet D30(1) to present it in the format of Sheet 2? I need to do this for approximately 50 sheets similar to D30(1). Some sheets might even have more columns than the example provided.

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Extracting Dates Data From The Same Sheet?

Apr 1, 2014

I'm attaching the test file with one example sheet. Within the same sheet, there is month end dates in column A, and from column B till column E, there are 4 variables (Foreign LT Debt, Local LT Debt,Foeign ST Debt and Local ST Debt). Their respective month end values are already given from column G till Column R. How it is going to be extracted is that against each effective date for that variable (Foreign LT debt, for example), the Rating is given under Rating header. So, for instance, for Foreign LT debt, rating from 25/8/1993 till 4/2/1997 is BB-. So, for all CELLS in column B between these dates, the rating should be BB-. Before that, since there is no value given, I want to put it NA. I have filled the values in column B for demonstration. I want to write a function or perhaps a macro to do that automatically for these 4 variables. There are 50 + sheets with the same layout, so I hope the macro or look up function have not to be written 50+ times.

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Protecting Data When Extracting From Another Sheet

Feb 17, 2010

I need is for the Roster sheet, which has the exact same column and row headings as the Leave sheet, to read the data from the Leave sheet and change dynamically if the Leave sheet is changed. If there is data in any cell then I need to protect just that cell in the Roster sheet so that the user creating the staff roster is unable to edit it out.

I have created a plain cut and paste macro on open from Leave to Roster but this doesn't give me the dynamic linking, and doesnt help solve the problem of needing to check each and every cell in Roster against a corresponding cell in Leave, but also if its blank in Leave to allow the user to update that cell in the Roster sheet.

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Extracting Matching Data From Two Sheets Into Third Sheet?

Jan 17, 2014

I'm not sure if this is best handled in the Formulas & Functions section or elsewhere, but this is my best guess. I have a spreadsheet used for tracking hardware issues with data in two worksheets:

1. PageCount
Column 1: Date
Column 2: Serial#
Column 3: PageCount

2. Tickets
Column 1: Date
Column 2: Serial#
Column 3: TicketNumber

What I'm trying to do is find a way to extract from those two sheets the date, serial number, page count, and ticket number where the date / serial # are the same and dump this to a new sheet. I've thought that I may need to concatenate the date / serial number together into a single cell or something, but I'm really at a loss as to how to pull this data. Part of me thinks this should be done in SQL, not a spreadsheet, but that's how our reports are produced.

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VBA Macro - Formula Extracting Data And Transpose Into Another Sheet

Feb 3, 2014

Extract data from one sheet to another sheet then transpose automatically.

I have attached the work book of what I'm trying to accomplish.

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Extracting Similar Data From Different Worksheets And Displaying On One Sheet?

Apr 13, 2012

I have two work sheets as-



Sheet 2

nameschooldate of admission
abcpublic school2/9/2011
efgpublic school3/4/2010
hijprivate school5/9/2011
klmprivate school8/9/2011
mnoprivate school9/10/2011

now what i want is - on sheet 3 compiled data as-

idnameclassscoresschooldate of formation

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Extracting Data From 1 Sheet And Place Result Into Another In Same Workbook

Jul 16, 2013

I am working on a workbook in which I extract data from a SQL database into a sheet with more or less the following format:



The aim is to extract a list of any employee that has been tagged as "NEW" in the last column, with his/her detail as per the column headings - and place the resulting list in another sheet. The extract is done dynamically and varies from month to month. So in other words the column headings 2013.MAY and 2013.JUN will change next month to 2013.JUN and 2013.JUL respectively - and so would the detail of the data below them as well. The "NEW" tag is simply assigned through an IF statement.

I had a look at most of the Excel Magic trick video clips on YouTube and managed to get a data extract from my main data sheet - BUT was only able to do the extract on the SAME sheet and NOT onto another sheet in the same workbook.

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Excel 2003 :: Extracting Sub Sheet Of Data From Larger Schedule

Dec 31, 2013

I have sheet containing a schedule of data. It is a record of changes on a project, each change is sequentially numbered and contains a row of data (date of change, whether approved, cost of change etc). Each change is given a cost centre reference (1 of 10 cost centres are being used) depending on the type of change being made.

I need to keep that record of the overall schedule of changes but I also want to extract each of the cost centre categories into a sub table on the sheet to give a schedule of changes against each category.

I have almost achieved what I want but one method leaves blanks in the sub table which I want to avoid and the other method I used to remove the blank lines but needs the first method sheet calculated before it then goes to work and seems rather cumbersome and I suspect there is a much easier method. (I also want it to be compatible with excel 2003 so it can be used across several platforms.)

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Extracting Data And Posting In Another Sheet Based Upon Macro Selection

Mar 9, 2009

I have written basic macros (probably not the most efficient solution, but its what I know how to do). Up to the present point things are going well. (I tried to attach file, but without success - So I will email the file directly it is pretty easy to figure out) I have option buttons tied to macros that populate a data sheet based upon the input.

This works out quite well and I am able to generate the statistics I desire quite easily. Now comes the second phase, (this is where I am stuck) - when I click the option button "no", I would like this to generate a line item in a separate existing worksheet which lists the item number, tells the discrepancy (as written in the column on the inspection criteria sheet), has a text field for the inspector to briefly explain the exact nature of the discrepancy, and also keeps discrepancies in proper order. Conversly, if "yes" is selected, I would like to be able to check the associated comment page, search the page for that discrepancy number, and if found, delete the line item, then re-oder the page.

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Populating Userform With Cell Data When Initializing?

Jul 8, 2012

I am trying to populate a text box in a user form when initializing the form. I have reviewed many posts in this forum regarding this problem, but have been unable to resolve. My code looks like this:

Private Sub frmFeed_Initialize()


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Excel - Check For Duplicate Data When Populating A Cell?

Jan 27, 2014

I have a big database of customers, each one has a unique reference number. They are spread accross a bunch of different tabs (21 in total to be exact)

One issue I have had is staff entering a customer whos already in the database, causing a duplicate entry. I dont need excel to tell us where the entry is, just to give some kind of indicator it already exists. I thought I may be able to use data validation/conditionality to turn the cell fill Red when it already exists in the data base.

The reason I think that method would be best, is that the sheets that data is entered on are seperate that the master sheet then pulls the data through from. Its the master sheet that would need to indicate a duplicate has been entered, as thats the only sheet where the entire database can be viewed.

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Excel 2010 :: Cross Checking Info With VLookup And Extracting Data From Sheet

May 9, 2014

So in my excel document I have it such that on the first sheet (Labeled 'Sorted') the data is set up as follows: LOCATION, EXTENSION, NAMEWith the appropriate data under each header. On the second sheet (Labeled 'Locations_Ext') I have a named range called Locations; it contains extensions from a separate document, names of people associated with the extensions from the document, and their locations on the map. I am trying to have it such that the excel matches the extension number given on the first sheet with the ones that I extracted from the document on the second and output the location into the first column on the first sheet. The code I have set up for that process is:


I then want the excel to cross check the information that I took from the Visio to see if the visio is up to date with the latest info we have received (Which is the data on the first page under Extension and Name). The code:


Both codes seem to be giving me this: #N/A as the results for every cell.. I'm using MS 2010

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Extracting Data From File In Directory And Extracting Filename

Mar 20, 2014

I have a directory folder with an active workbook and another workbook id like to copy data from. The Following macro opens up a file in the same directory, copies some data and pastes it in the active workbook. However with this code I have to specify the filename, 'Data.xlsm' in the example code. I would like it to copy data from the only other workbook in the current directory WITHOUT having to specify the name in the code, so just opening it up no matter what filename it has.

In addition I would like to extract the filename from the workbook im copying data from and paste it into the activewoorkbook in sheet 1 Cell A1. I had a look at getopenfilename function but cant seem to make it work for my purpose.

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Populating A Cell With Data From Another Cell In A Different Workbook?

Dec 13, 2013

I am entering data into one workbook 1 (WB1) that contains a worksheet for every month. I manually extract some of the data from WB1 and put it into workbook 2 (WB2), which also contains a worksheet for every month. Is there a way to populate WB2 from WB1? For example, I want cell B5 from WB1 to automatically populate B5 in WB2, and so on. I have to update this every day and would like to way to automate it to cut down on data entry errors since they need to match. And both of these files are stored in SharePoint for others to access if need be.

I have attached a sample of the workbooks (yet only have one month in each of these wb).

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Populating Multiple Columns In On Sheet By Referring To A Column In Another Sheet

Mar 14, 2013

i'm having in excel- I'm looking to populate rows in 2nd tab based on the data entered in the 1st tab. The rows to be populated in the 2nd tab resides in the 3rd tab. So a match has to be made on the data entered in the 1st tab. When a match is found on the 3rd tab then the corresponding rows from the 3rd tab should be listed on the 2nd tab.

I have an example.xls attached for clarity.


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Populating Sheet 2 With Combobox Values After Sheet 1 Full?

Dec 14, 2012

Below is the code for completing Sheet 1 using various comboxes on a User form. There are only 15 lines to which values can be entered on sheet 1. After the 15 lines have been completed, I would like to begin adding new data to sheet 2. However, I'm not really sure where to begin in terms of setting up a counter and then calling sheet 2 once the counter hits my limit. Sheet 2 is exactly identical to sheet 1 in layout and also has 15 lines.

Private Sub btnAdd_Click()
' This button will add medication info to excel worksheet
'RowCount will help find next empty row


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Extracting Data From A Cell

Jul 24, 2013

I have a bunch of contributions events and I am trying to extract the date ... for example. each line has "contribution 11/02/2011" or "contribution 12/17/2010" is there a formula that will pull out the date. this way I don't have to do it manually.

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Extracting Data Based On Partial Data In A Cell

Jan 23, 2013

I have a spreadsheet full of data and I need to extract only those lines of data which can be identified by the last three letters in a cell. I am adding an example spreadsheet which highlights the rows I am trying to extract based on the contents in column B but only where column B ends in KY.

Example data extract requirement.xlsx‎

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Extracting Parts Of Data In A Cell

Sep 1, 2007

i have a cell which contains data like this

in cell A1
12. John Smith (67)

There are hidden spaces in cell a1 as well which are not needed, which i can get rid of using TRIM so that may need taken into consideration ??

In Cell A2 i would just like John Smith
In Cell A3 i would just like the 67

the number and . at beginning is not needed just the name and number (no brackets)

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Extracting Data From Cell After Particular Character?

Sep 19, 2012

How di I extract charaters from a cell after a particular character/symbol

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Extracting Part Of Cell Data

Sep 8, 2008

I need to extract part of the data from a number of cells. I was thinking a vlookup would be the right way to go about this but i don't know how i can make it look for only part of the data in a cell.

example data Required Extraction Data
PXC-WIS-HAR075/001 = I need the data HAR075/001
GXR-Cru-WOO046/001 = I need the data WOO046/001
LST-Wis-KAV001/001 = I need the data KAV001/001
GXR-CAP-EDL001/001 = I need the data EDL001/001
RXW-ACT-WAL081/001 = I need the data WAL081/001
SXS/mf/SMI085/001 = I need the data SMI085/001
SYM-CEN-HAP001/001 = I need the data HAP001/001
SYM-Act-MAY025/001 = I need the data MAY025/001

I should have also wrote that I do have a list of the file numbers for the vlookup to.

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Extracting Part Of Data From Cell

Apr 24, 2009

Extracting part of data from cell .....

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Auto-Populating Values From One Sheet To Another Sheet

Jul 28, 2013

I have a master list. I want to create an excel sheet that will follows when I key in the code number according to the master list all the rest of the value in the master list will automatically populate accordingly into their respective sequence into the created excel sheet.


Master list


0001 Lucy 8 Walton primary
0002 Rachel 9 Dermouth primary

The created excel sheet

Code 0001
Name Lucy
Age 8
School Walton Primary

I want to key in the code 0001 and the rest of the value will auto populate from the master list into the created excel sheet. The master list data go in accordance row by row. That means the master list is listed in a sequence where all the related value for the particular code into one row only.

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Extracting Data From Within Excel Cell Range

Jul 18, 2013

I have this text in excel in every cell, but I want to extract only certain data from within the cell eg:

Name: John Doe
Price min: $2000
Price max: $3000
Contact Number: 1800-600-400
E-Mail: john doe@somewhere.com

*** Please note that we are trying our best ***

I need to extract only the name, contact number and e-mail from withing these cells, or delete the info I don't need from all the cells. The text does appear exactly like this in the cell. see attached screenshot

This info was extracted from Outlook into a CSV format and this is the body of the mail only....

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