The problem is that when the data on sheet 2 gets updated and more lines added, the computer changes my formula for the cell on sheet 1 as well. the new formula will change to
What I have is basically a form on the main sheet. Here other users can add and/or delete information in a form. I refer to the information in another sheet with formulas.
Now everything was great when using protections/ validations, to the where they fill in the information, but the problem occur when they are allowed to delete and remove rows.
This is something that I want to allow them, even though I do realise that this is something that many advice against it.
To begin with I found the post about changing relative references to absolute references (ConvertFormula). Still the formulas changes when rows are added or deleted and I would have to redo all formulas and run the macro again. I then found posts advicing on the use of the INDIRECT forumla. This formula was exactly what I needed as the formulas would not alter when rows were added/deleted. Now the problem is a combination of the use of INDIRECT and the the ConvertFormula. Now if I write a formula, for example:
Then when I try to expand the formula over to the rest of the cells, then the references stay pointing at A1, when I want them to continue pointing at A2, A3, etc...
Now what I am looking for is some way to tell all my formulas, after expanding the original formula, that they should all have the INDIRECT function. If it was possible it would be great if you could implement it in the same way as with the absolute reference, for example:
For i = 1 To MyRange.Areas.Count MyRange.Areas(i) = Application.ConvertFormula(MyRange.Areas(i).Formula, xlA1, xlA1, xlIndirect) Next i
Now the above code sample does not work of course, as there should be xlAbsolute instead of xlIndirect, but I hope you understand my intention. Do anyone have the answer to my problem? Is there an easy way to implement the INDIRECT function into a big amount of formulas?
I'm working in a workbook with several sheets, the first two collums of each sheet are =to the first sheet. some times I need to insert a line, but when I did that, I need to type again all formulas or drag the previous ones, and format again the cells. is there another way to do this?
I am running a research experiment in triplicate. Upon generation of data for all three, I create an averaged value of the three. I then take this value and do more calculations with it on a separate sheet. I wanted to know if there was a way in which I could quickly generate formulas based on a changing reference cell.
Example Data:
V1A 28 V2A 26 v3A 30 AvA 28
V1B 20 V2B 22 V3B 18 AvB 20
Vxy represents the value of y sample, x triplicate. V1A being sample A, first triplicate. AvX is the average of the three values.
I want to be able to generate a formula that references AvA which can be applied to the cell immediately below to reference AvB. A simple example would be to square the average.
I want to copy =d8*k10 into several cells, but the references keep changing. I've tried several things that I've found on the internet, but nothing seems to work and the I can't seem to copy to a columnof cells.
I've got an issue where Formulas Referencing Cells on another sheet are getting changed automatically to refer the the moved cell data. The formulas on a sheet (2) refer to specific cells on sheet (1) within my workbook. I update Sheet(1) data with a macro. When sheet (1) updates, the present data gets shifted to the right.
In other words, I need to prevent the formulas from changing to reference the moved data values and keep referencing the initial cell with the new values. xample of change that occurs with update:
I have one sheet with all the formulas for the entire workbook and would like to copy and paste the formulas from Sheet 1 to Sheet 2...Sheet 1 to Sheet 3 etc. without changing the cell referening in the original formula. I am not too sure how .formula works.
Sub CopyAndPaste() ' To copy formulas from Summary sheet to their respective sheets
With Worksheets("Summary") .Range("R3").Copy Worksheets("2").Range("X3").Formula = Worksheets("Summary").Range("R3")
I have a number of statements within the Sheet Event Code (Excel 2007). Three times lately I have added a column and had to go back into the code and find all of the references that needed changing to reflect the new column.
I have been working on this for a couple of days and even tried EE, but to no success.
I have read that Defined Names / Constants should be used as often as possible, but even trying that, the VBA code errors out or "hangs up". Even within Bill Jalen's book (VBA and Macros 2007), there is nothing that addresses this, especially using Intersect.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim rng As Range
On Error GoTo mEnd Set rng = Sheets("Log").[F14:F10000] If Not Intersect(rng, Target) Is Nothing Then If Target = "" Then With Sheets("Log")
I have a worksheet with many different formulas in many different cells. When I insert or delete a row, there is one formula in one cell that does update to reflect the change in rows. The cell is located several rows below the section where rows are changing. It is a simple formula too. Here is the formula: "= SUM($E$3:E11)*0.09". If I delete more rows that cause the highest row number to be less than 11, this formula updates. If I insert more rows and go beyond row 11, the formula does not update. I have tried using $E$11, $E11, and E$11 to no avail.
i m working on an excel 2007 workbook with ms project functionality. in order to be able to use ms project from within excel i m using early binding. for those who dont know what early binding is:
this works fine if the user has ms project installed on his/her pc.
if the user does not have ms project installed i remove the broken references. this works fine.
but my problem is that when i remove the reference to ms project, my vba project will not compile correctly. thus each time when a user opens the workbook the user gets a "compile error in hidden module" , since the functions of ms project are not available.
for example i get a compile error in the following source Public Function getResID(ResName As String, ActiveProject As Project) As Integer Dim res As Resource For Each res In ActiveProject.Resources If = ResName Then getResID = res.ID Exit Function End If getResID = -1 Next End Function i just want to know what i can do to prevent the compile error? would the use of late binding remove the problem? actually i dont want to use late binding since my source code is already very complex and it would be a huge effort to change it.
I want to allow users to select a cell in a column, but not allow them to change the contents of the cell. Also, don't want to allow them to select all the cells on the sheet.
I'm guessing that I need to use the Change event, and restore the contents back to what they were before the change.
I have been searching for a way to prevent a user from changing a worksheet name. I ran into some code from the post below (see link) but I find that the code lets the user change the name and save the changed name of a sheet; only when the user selects a different sheet does it change the name back to the set name (sname) from the code.
I'm sure there must be a way to make this happen without deactivating the sheet, but I can't figure it out. Is there some other sort of event that could cause this to happen.
I am trying to do a simple copy and paste of number of cells A42:H76 to another sheet (in the same workbook) and have all the references stay when pasting to the new sheet. Instead when I paste it I get #Ref and the cell formulas no longer point to the right cell (they are all off by the same number because I did not paste the cells on the same row/column on the new sheet). Also, they don't refer to the older sheet where I want them to refer to.
I would like to write a macro that performs the following function:
I have a value in cell A1
In cell A2, I have the formula "=A1"
I want to make it so that cell A2 can never be directly changed; the only way to change the value in A2 is by changing A1. A2 should always equal A1.
I want a message box to pop up and alert the user whenever they attempt to modify A2, instructing them that if they wish to change A2, they have to change A1.
I had written this macro, and it kinda does the trick:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Range("a2") Range("a1") Then MsgBox "text goes here" Range("a2").Value = Range("a1") End If
End Sub
When I attempt to change cell A2, I get the MsgBox popup and it works how I want it to. However, when I alter cell A1, I get the same popup before cell A2 updates (to be precise, the popup occurs after I click another cell). I would like this to be immediate and without a MsgBox.
Now what I want to be able to do is when I add a new row to worksheet 1, in this case row 3, then the references in worksheet 2 either to automatically (or manually do it in one simple go) increase by one and now refer to the new row. So the references now become =A3, =B3, =C3 etc.
I have about 85 files that I need to rename. These files contain data concerning delivery and quality data of each of our suppliers...1 file per supplier.
Current File Name: SupplierA 2012.xlsx New File Name: Supplier A 2013.xlsx
Is there a way to do mass rename the files..
and that leads to my second question...each of these files contain vlookups to 2012 data...which is contained in the a file with 2012 in the file name. I need to replace source data file (i.e. 2012 Index) with the new file containing the 2013 data (i.e 2013 Index). Is there a way to replace that source data across 85 or so files using some time of mass find and repalce? All the cell references remain the same
I have a large workbook with LOTS of large formulas. However they dont contain $ characters before the ranges as I haven't needed to manipulate them til now. Now I am changing the sheet and I cant seem to move or copy these cells without the ranges whithin the formulas changing! Is there a way to do this? If not is there a way in VBA that I can check through selected cellls and enter a $ before all the ranges?
I have a table of consolidated data that consists of the date at which certain payments occur and their amounts that other sheets need to reference to perform calculations. I am currently using the formula below to put the data under the correct date column. =INDEX(ImportedData!$B$10:$DB$10,MATCH(B3,ImportedData!$B$4:$DB$4,FALSE)). The problem that I have is that the INDEX range, currently B10:DB10, will need to change depending on the number of files that are consolidated ie with more files the row will increase.
When I enter this : =now(). it gives the local date and time in my PC in that exact cell. assume it is in (A2). when I enter in Any cell in the spreedsheet the sam formula =now(). then the previous formula (A2) is changed to the new date and time.
I'm working on an excel report that handles reporting for a large number of people. Another person at work is doing the VBZ coding, and I'm doing the formulas that aggregates the data. which has led to an interesting problem whenever I use a vlookup. I copied the sheets with the formulas from the test document I had been working on to an updated version. And all the vlookups automatically adjusted themselves to reference the document they had been created in. I had also moved over the tabs they were supposed to reference, but they keep looking at the old document. I spent an hour removing the references last night, but I don't want to do it again when I get the final product.
How to get excel to copy a formula EXACTLY as written, and not att in the name of the original document?
It should say =VLOOKUP($A438,totals!$A$1:$AH$63,32,FALSE)
and instead it says =VLOOKUP($A438,'[reporting formulas.xlsx]totals'!$A$1:$AH$63,32,FALSE)
I have formulas in wksheet #1 going down 20 columns (they are all the same formulas). On wksheet #2, I need to understand how to switch all column references in only one column to another (from wksheet #1) to show different sums. Clear as mud? The way I want to do this is by having one cell on wksheet #2 where I change a number from 1 to 20. This in essence would be the column heading in wksheet #1.
Example: *There are more formulas but for the purpose here I'll use 3 for each Wksheet
In wksheet #1 I have C24 is =SUM(C14*C15,C16*C17,C18*C19,C20*C21,C22*C23)*12 C55 is =IF(B66=0,"",C7/B66) C56 is =IF(C11=0,"",C7/C11)
In wksheet #2 I have .......................................
Is it possible to write VBA code that will prevent a user from changing a cell's contents, depending on the cell's font color?
More specifically, I have a column of text in range B15:B64. Some of the cells will have a black font, others will be blue. Is it possible to lock the black font cells only, leaving the blue cells unlocked for users to change?
I am trying to create a worksheet_change event that will prevent a user from changing or deleting data in the totals column of my worksheet yet allow them to insert rows and delete rows on the worksheet. I have a few issues I can't get resolved. First, if I delete a row and then click the undo message, I get my error message about trying to change the totals. Second, I cannot copy and insert copied rows. I can only insert blank rows. Here's my code and data.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Static lngRow As Long Dim iStrtRow As Integer, iEndRow As Integer, rRowMrkr As Range
Defined range names: "Header" in cell A1 and "Totals" in cell A12
I have the following codes to delete all blank rows in column A
Dim lastrow As Long lastrow = Sheet1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row MsgBox lastrow
With Sheet1 For t = 1 To lastrow If Cells(t, 1) = "" Then Rows(t).Delete End If Next t End With
End Sub
Although it is working , it is not deleting all the blank rows at once, I have to keep pressing on the macro button running the macro several times, until all blank rows are completely deleted.
The following block of code is evaluating the term in the array, if it exists and the value in col. M is a non integer, (which what I am testing for are fractions) then format the cell to a fraction number format. That is ok, except it is changing the numberformat on text terms. I want it only to change the numberformat on numeric values. I added the function Isnumeric to this line:
Isnumeric(cells(i, "M").value) Int(cells(i, "M").value) which I thought would only evaluate numeric cells only, but this was unsuccessful.
Original Code: Unedited.
For i = 4 To LRowf For Each Item In Array("HAT", "FTWR", "BOOT", "BOOTG", "BOOTY", "HWRISR", "HWBLTS") On Error Resume Next If (Cells(i, "F").Value = Item Or Cells(i, "G").Value = Item) And _ Cells(i, "M").Value Int(Cells(i, "M").Value) Then Cells(i, "M").NumberFormat = "# ?/?" On Error GoTo 0 Exit For 'End If End If
I'm working in Excel 2010. I'm trying to create a dynamic range, using the OFFSET function. I've got it working beautifully but as soon as I save it and close the Name Manager the range stops working. When I go back into Name Manager I find all the cell references have changed (from C1:C600 to C1048572:C595 - or some other strange range).
P.S. What it's doing isn't so important as when the cell references are right it works. But just for full info: It's an OFFSET function, starting at A1. It will look at a list of companies and use a Match function to find out how many rows to offset (based on where the first instance of a particular company. And it uses the COUNTIF to make the range the same number of rows as there are entries for that company.
why is pivot table changing numbers to dates. It was fine all along, numbers retained the fromat of source data and now, all numbers in field columns are turning into dates. is there a setting I can change to prevent excel from reformatting numbers to dates?