Remove References Programmatically & How To Prevent Debug Error

Jun 19, 2009

i m working on an excel 2007 workbook with ms project functionality. in order to be able to use ms project from within excel i m using early binding. for those who dont know what early binding is:

this works fine if the user has ms project installed on his/her pc.

if the user does not have ms project installed i remove the broken references. this works fine.

but my problem is that when i remove the reference to ms project, my vba project will not compile correctly. thus each time when a user opens the workbook the user gets a "compile error in hidden module" , since the functions of ms project are not available.

for example i get a compile error in the following source

Public Function getResID(ResName As String, ActiveProject As Project) As Integer
Dim res As Resource
For Each res In ActiveProject.Resources
If = ResName Then
getResID = res.ID
Exit Function
End If
getResID = -1
End Function
i just want to know what i can do to prevent the compile error? would the use of late binding remove the problem? actually i dont want to use late binding since my source code is already very complex and it would be a huge effort to change it.

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Remove Reference Library Programmatically

Jan 11, 2010

I'm trying to programmatically add and remove the Outlook 11.0 Reference Library in Excel 2003. So far, I have found the following code which successfuly adds the reference:

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Programmatically Remove A Control From Userform

Nov 17, 2009

Suppose I have a userform named myUserForm and a checkbox on it named myCheckBox. How on earth do I remove myCheckBox from myUserForm at run time? I've tried every which way I can think and I always get "error 444". Some things I've tried are:

myUserForm.Controls.Remove "myCheckBox"
myUserForm.Controls.RemoveControls "myCheckBox"

I've put this in a standard module, the ThisWorkbook module, even in the myUserForm code module and each time it's the same error.

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Programmatically Built UserForm Doesn't Always Remove Itself?

Nov 7, 2011

I have wirtten a sub routine that builds a userForm dynamically based on user specific data. The form builds just fine and 9 times out of 10 the code at the end of the sub routine removes the form from the workbook. Since it's built on the fly I don't bother renaming the form. The times when it does not remove itself and the user restarts the program, part of the code written to the forms module references "UserForm1". and the the code halts. I know there is a way I can verify that UserForm1 has been removed and if not remove it before executing the next sub routine, I'm just tired and can't remember anything. Note that the UserForm1 contains CommandButtons that direct the user to Static UserForms that do not get removed, and those can trigger the sub routine to rebuild the dynamic UserForm.

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Debug Error 13

Jun 22, 2009

I have a working Excel 2007 macro that accesses two worksheets. I then added a third worksheet and want to access it from the macro. I get a debug error 13 Type Mismatch when the macro tries to access the third worksheet. I know I need to add the third worksheet on a pop-up but I don't remember how to open it.

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Error In Runtime First Go, No Error In Debug Or Second Go

Jul 6, 2006

The code thats generating the error is the following:

For Y = 8 To 131
TmpDate = Empty
Range("A1").Value = "=" + Path + Sheet + "B" + CStr(Y)
TmpDate = Range("A1").Value

For Langd = 1 To Len(TmpDate)
TmpChar = Mid(TmpDate, Langd, 1)
If Not TmpChar = " " Then
TmpComp = TmpComp + TmpChar
End If
Next Langd

TmpDate = TmpComp
TmpComp = Empty

If Len(Dag) = 1 Then
Dag = "0" + CStr(Dag)
End If

Macro continues before the Next-statement...

(it might not be good programming, but I think it should work).
A little explanation to the code.
I have a spreadsheet located on the intranet that has values I need in my spreadsheet. These figures are sorted by date, so I search for the date to find the right figures.
The line Range("A1").Value = "=" + Path + Sheet + "B" + CStr(Y)
works prefectly. I can see the value in my spreadsheet in the cell A1. its the next line that causes the error "Type mismatch".
The value I get from the intranet spreadsheet looks similar to this:
"1 Jul 2006 " (note all the spaces).
What I do is just run it through a loop and cut of all spaces so it will look like this: "1Jul2006" to be sure I dont miss a space or anything.

Now to the funny part.
The error only happens at runtime on the first go.
If I chose to END the macro then and there, and then run it again from the top it works perfectly.
If I set a stopsign to debug the code, it works perfectly on the first go too.
Can anyone explain to me why that happens??

I know enough about programming to handle my syntax errors and so on, but I cant see anything wrong in this one...

Please note that this isnt the the entire code.
I'm building a report on 12 diffrent spreadsheet. The main macro is almost 2000 rows of code, and it call other Subs too (because of limitations in the VBA-editor. A macro cant to be too big), so its impossible for me to post the entire macro...

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Worksheet Before Save - Getting Debug Error?

Feb 12, 2014

I am trying to take the template I have created and after the information is entered, if all required is not filled in, it will highlight the cells that need filled in. I get a debug error on

Cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 6

And the file does not save elsewhere. It goes into never never land. Here is my whole code:

Option Explicit
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim Start As Boolean


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Using Call Module1.Offset = Debug Error

Sep 25, 2009

I created a long macro as follows with 2 Select Case structures and the macro works fine.

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Selecting Variable Worksheets - Debug Error

Mar 19, 2012

I have below code which I was thinking is very simple to select variable worksheets. However I get Debug error when running:


Dim rng As Range
Dim cl
Set rng = Sheets("Budgetted sku's").Range("A2:A24")
For Each cl In rng

Next cl

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Pasting Data Debug Error On A Sheet With Borders

May 1, 2009

I have code that selects and copies data from one sheet onto another sheet. the sheet that is getting data copied too has borders defined. When i run the code i get a debug error. Here is the issue.... when i remove all the borders it works fine. I have tried everything i can think of to solve the problem but have had no luck. anybody have an idea what is causing this. i attached the workbook file so you can see what is going on.

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Prevent Formula References Changing When Add/Delete Rows

Jul 11, 2006

On my excell I have a lot of data on sheet 2 that i automatically pull form a database.

I have this fomula in a cell on sheet 1.

= SUMPRODUCT(--( 'Sheet2'!P5:P50000=1),--('Sheet2'!T5:T50000>TIMEVALUE("01:00")))

The problem is that when the data on sheet 2 gets updated and more lines added, the computer changes my formula for the cell on sheet 1 as well. the new formula will change to

=SUMPRODUCT(--( 'Sheet2'!P5:P50126=1),--('Sheet2'!T5:T50000>TIMEVALUE("01:00")))

when there is 126 lines of new data addes in on Sheet2. Id only 50 lines were added in on sheet 2 then the Formula would change to

=SUMPRODUCT(--( 'Sheet2'!P5:P50050=1),--('Sheet2'!T5:T50000>TIMEVALUE("01:00")))

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Prevent Formula References Changing When Deleting Rows

Apr 21, 2008

What I have is basically a form on the main sheet. Here other users can add and/or delete information in a form. I refer to the information in another sheet with formulas.

Now everything was great when using protections/ validations, to the where they fill in the information, but the problem occur when they are allowed to delete and remove rows.

This is something that I want to allow them, even though I do realise that this is something that many advice against it.

To begin with I found the post about changing relative references to absolute references (ConvertFormula). Still the formulas changes when rows are added or deleted and I would have to redo all formulas and run the macro again. I then found posts advicing on the use of the INDIRECT forumla. This formula was exactly what I needed as the formulas would not alter when rows were added/deleted. Now the problem is a combination of the use of INDIRECT and the the ConvertFormula. Now if I write a formula, for example:


Then when I try to expand the formula over to the rest of the cells, then the references stay pointing at A1, when I want them to continue pointing at A2, A3, etc...

Now what I am looking for is some way to tell all my formulas, after expanding the original formula, that they should all have the INDIRECT function. If it was possible it would be great if you could implement it in the same way as with the absolute reference, for example:

For i = 1 To MyRange.Areas.Count
MyRange.Areas(i) = Application.ConvertFormula(MyRange.Areas(i).Formula, xlA1, xlA1, xlIndirect)
Next i

Now the above code sample does not work of course, as there should be xlAbsolute instead of xlIndirect, but I hope you understand my intention. Do anyone have the answer to my problem? Is there an easy way to implement the INDIRECT function into a big amount of formulas?

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Prevent/Remove Duplicate Data From PivotTable Source

May 29, 2008

I am working pivot tables off of one large excel spreadsheet for my data. I have multiple pivot tables on each of 5 worksheets. The problem is this. Every other week I am sent an updated spreadsheet with the same column names each week which I then copy and paste it into the spreadsheet of the last one. When I refresh the pivot tables, I end up with duplicate field sets. For example, on column in the original data sheet is gender. On the first sheet I went through and renamed the "M"'s and "F"s to be "Male" and "Female" so that it is better looking when printed. Now when i get the new information and copy and paste it to rplace the old, and refresh the pivot tables, I end up with "Male" "Female" AND "M" "F". Now the "Male" and "Female" fields are empty and the "M" and "F" fields have the information. Is this a result of me renaming the fields?

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Code "debug" Error 13

May 29, 2009

The two code extracts below are associated with two separate worksheets in the same workbook. They work fine. They simply are used to assign either a PO# or a Temp Unit #, located in a third sheet, in their respective sheets.

The problem is that when I'm in either the Master or the Work Orders sheets where these two codes are used, and I do something simple like drag down some values or paste something in a cell, I get the "Run time error "13" type mismatch error" in the popup debug window for my VBA code. And in each case, it highlights the codeline I've color coded below:

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Prevent Do While Loop From Doing Go To Error

Apr 4, 2014

I've got the following code which opens/gets the excel files from a specified directory and imports them into an open workbook. I've added a GoTo Error before my loop which checks if there are any files in the directory and shows an error message if it's the case. Problem is since the loop goes on till there are no more files in the directory, it goes back to the error. How to change that ?

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How To Prevent User Error

Jan 6, 2009

I have a simple spreadsheet which requires a date (mm/dd/yy) in Column A. Columns B-F use formulas to break this date down into the month, quarter, year, etc. Users frequently need to add new rows at the top of the sheet just below the column headers.

To be sure the formulas in Columns B-F are included when adding new rows, I put together a simple macro which copies the top ten rows, inserts them at the top of the sheet, and then clears existing data from the new rows (keeping formulas intact).

I put a button on the sheet to run this macro. However, sometimes users insert new rows without using the macro. This results in no data in Columns B-F for these new rows because the formulas weren’t copied.

How can I prevent this from happening? If I protect the sheet and prevent users from inserting new rows, the macro won’t run. Is there something I can add to the macro that will allow it to run properly while the sheet is protected? Below is the macro code.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub

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Hide/Prevent #DIV/0 Error

Apr 6, 2008

My wife is trying to use an Excel Spreadsheet to help teaching fractions and decimals to children.

She wants a cell where the children enter the numerator and a cell where they enter the denominator and a cell where the result (to two decimal places) is shown. I have designed an appropriate sheet but would like to "fancy it up" a little.

If the denominator cell is empty, the result cell shows the error message "#DIV/0!".

I'd like this message to be hidden until the children have entered both a numerator and a denominator.

The numerator is in cell D2, denominator is in cell D6 and result is displayed in merged cells C8 - E8.

I've tried conditional formatting the cell with white text if the cell is zero and black if it is non-zero and also tried to specify white text if the cell value is equal to "#DIV/0!" but both do not do what I want.

If there was a way to specify white text for this cell if another cell was zero, that would do it too (ie. if cell D6=0 then conditionally format cells C8-E8 to be white text).

I've also tried a rather inelegant solution where the denominator cell has a "dummy value" (say 0.1) and then conditionally formatted this cell to make the text white (so that it doesn't show up). The results cell can then be conditionally formatted with two conditions: 1. If cell = 0 then white text and 2. if cell is non-zero black text. However, this means that as soon as any number is entered into the numerator, the results cell becomes visible.

Example. Initially cell D2 is blank, D6 has "dummy" value 0.1 and results cell (C8 - E8) has the value 0 in it (0 / 0.1 =0) conditionally formatted to be "invisible".

When a positive number is entered into cell D2 (the numerator) such as 2, the result (2 / 0.1 = 20) is non-zero and so 20.00 is displayed.

How can I hide the error message "#DIV/0!" until the denominator is no longer zero?

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INDEX/MATCH: How To Prevent #N/A Error

Apr 6, 2009

I have a situation in which I want to SUM several costs in separate columns according to the date to which they correspond.

(see attached sheet with dummy example)

eg: any cost falling on April 3, sum them and give the total amount.

I can achieve this using iterations of the following formula:

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Prevent/Stop #DIV/0! Error In Formula

Apr 21, 2009

The attached file contains hypothetical data on a basketball player's success from the free throw line. It lists the number of free throws attempted and the number made and then divides the number made by the number attempted to calculate the free throw percentage. However, I keep getting a # DIV/0! error in the games free throws weren't taken. How do I write the code so that when the error occurs, a message is displayed to the effect that no percentage can be reported because no free throws were attempted by checking the cell in column D? How do I use the IsError function to figure this out?

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Prevent #REF! Error When Deleting Rows

Mar 18, 2008

I have a form on a SheetA wherein all cells are referencing the data in cells on SheetB. When I delete or add a row on SheetB, the cells in that row on SheetA read REF#. I need the row in SheetA to be added when I add it in SheetB and vice versa for when I delete a row.

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Missing References VBA Fix (to Avoid Compile Error)

Nov 3, 2009

I have an excel database which links into Outlook and Word via macros to automate sending of e-mails and creating documents, etc. Obviously, I have created the correct VBA references and things have been working fine for a while.

However, this is a shared workbook over a small number of machines and due to a recent upgrade, one of the machines is running Vista and Office 2007, whereas the rest run Office 2000 and NT.

All works well until the workbook is opened and saved on the Office 2007 machine as this then changes all the references to Word 12, Outlook 12, etc, instead of Word 9 as seen in Office 2000. Then, when an office 2000 machine opens the workbook, it has a compile error as it cannot find the office 12 references!!

I have created some code to fix this, which uses the AddFromGuid method, which works ok, e.g.:

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Prevent Formula Showing Error Values #DIV/0!

Jan 18, 2008

I Spoke too soon here, I am getting value errors, how to do it with conditional formating. I tried if cell value is =to #DIV/0! then white (dosent work). Richard this dosent seem to work mate =IF(SUM(F6:V6),"",AL6/SUM(F6:V6))

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Sumif Giving VALUE# Error When Mixing Sheet References

Jul 29, 2009

I am very comfortable with using sumif statements although I have tried it link two data from 2 different sheets and I keep getting returned #VALUE!

I get a message "Unable To Read File" in a pop up box before fully opening.

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Prevent Loss Of Data - Error Message Pops Up

Sep 11, 2013

What is this error message that is popping up when I try to insert a blank row of cells?

"To prevent possible loss of data, Excel cannot shift nonblank cells off of the worksheet. Select another location in which to insert new cells, or delete data from the end of your worksheet.

If you do not have data in cells that can be shifted off the worksheet, you can reset which cells Excel considers nonblank. To do this, press CTRL + End to locate the last nonblank cell on the worksheet. Delete this cell and all cells between it and the last row and column of your data then save."

This excel document we have has LARGE amounts of data

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Stop/Prevent #VALUE In Formula Reference Error Cell

Sep 3, 2006

A1 refers to B1 which contains a number or #VALUE!

What could I use in A1 to return a number and if B1 = #VALUE!, a zero.

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Check User Input To Prevent Run-Time Error

Dec 28, 2007

what I want. It relies on an input box asking the user to enter a part code, which when found creates a duplicate copy. However, if the user enters a part that doesn't exist I get a run-time error. Can anybody point me in the right direction so when a user enters an incorrect part they get a message telling them it doesn't exist.

Private Sub SortTest_Click()
Dim s As String
Dim r As Excel. Range

s = InputBox("Enter the number you wish to find")
If StrPtr(s) = 0 Then
MsgBox "You must enter an existing part number!"
Set r = Cells.Find(What:=s, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)

Range(Cells(r.Row, "A"), Cells(r.Row, "AH")).Copy
Sheets("APL").Cells(r.Row, "A").Insert Shift:=xlDown

Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.Goto Sheets("APL").Cells(r.Row, "H")
Selection.Offset(-1, -5).ClearContents
Selection.Offset(-1, 0).Select
End If

End Sub

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Prevent #DIV/0 Error In Average When All Cells Are Blank/Empty

May 19, 2008

I'm looking for a function that will display the average of a row of cells, while at the same time not displaying any error messages. It's easy to average cells without blank values, but to combine that with no errors is difficult for me. I saw many ways to do the average, one of which is:

= SUM(A1:E1)/COUNTIF(A1:E1,">0")

That function doesn't work for a row of blank cells (i.e., hidden rows), though. The result is an error message.

I also read about a way to ignore an error in a computation:


The problem is when I combine those functions I get a blank cell no matter which function I put first, and without regards to cell values or not. The reason I want this to be error-free is that I have to average the "average column" at the bottom of the table, too (i.e., F100).

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PRINT Macro: Prevent Error When Canceling At InputBox Level

Apr 18, 2009

I have a macro that asks the user what pages they would like to print on a particular sheet. In the example below, a button will be assigned to pages 1-5 on a sheet and thus the user has the option of printing from page 1 up to page 5. Any page number outside this range will result in an error message and the user will be asked to re-enter the end page number. This is the code I pulled from this forum and partially modified:

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Prevent Linked Cells Showing Error When Deleting Rows On Other Sheet

Feb 14, 2013

I want to establish a link from my worksheets. Using the conventional link method I was able to link the values from my first worksheet to the second worksheet. My problem is when I delete a particular row. The reference of the second worksheet will have an error #REF! since I deleted those cells. Is there any way that I can link my two worksheets without any error that even if I deleted a particular cell/row the reference is still intact?

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About To Remove #VALUE! Error

Aug 15, 2009



Q.1 :

I Want to remove "#VALUE!" error but I do not want to remove "-" sign. I want "-" sign to be treated as "0".

I also cannot use "sum" formula due to some reason & the value can be changed.

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