Prevent To Take Me To Another Sheet When Clicking On A Locked Cell.

Jul 11, 2009

I have one issue with my protected worksheet. Some locked cell contents are linked to cell contents located in another sheet. When I double clicked on these cells, a warning window poped up but also opened the sheet in which the corresponding cell is located. This is quite annoying to have to go back to the former sheet. How can I prevent it ?

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Run Code When Clicking Locked Cell

Nov 1, 2006

I have programmed a Form in VBA that initializes by clicking a button on a worksheet. The Form features combo boxes, text fields, and a couple option buttons. Once completed, the Form enters the values entered by the user (as strings) in contiguous colums in a single row. The worksheet is locked so as to not allow users to input values into the worksheet directly and bypass the Form.

The question:
Once a row is filled by submitting the Form, i want to allow a click event on that cell (like double-clicking, for example) to pop-up the Form, but containing the corresponding values from the cells in the matching combo boxes, text fields, option buttons. I want to do this so that I can allow modification on a row without letting the worksheet be modifyable without passing through the Form. Here's the code for submitting the Form values into the worksheet:

Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("ALTEC Growth Report").Activate
If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = False Then
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
Loop Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell) = True
ActiveCell.Value = Trim$(txtName.Value)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = cboCC.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2) = cboProdServ.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3) = cboStatus.Value ..................

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Clicking Locked Cell Activates Hyperlink

May 29, 2007

I have created a workbook of 12 monthly worksheets, with an index page with hyperlinks to each worksheet. There is also a hyperlink on each worksheet to return to index page. Each worksheet is protected, but the cells which users can enter information are not locked. The protected worksheets have the 'select locked cells' unticked.

I have found that an inadvertant click on any of the protected cells in the worksheet will take users back to the index page. This is very annoying, what have I done wrong? The hyperlink is one of the unlocked cells.

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How To Prevent User From Clicking On Days In Calendar Control 8.0

Jun 22, 2013

Is there a way to prevent a user from clicking on the days in the Calendar Control 8.0? I am trying to place 12 calendar controls on a worksheet for reference only. I am using a linked cell to reflect what date the Calendar is to display.

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Prevent Unlocked Cells Becoming Locked Via Copy/Paste

May 9, 2008

I have users that are using a protected Excel Workbook where they sometimes have a need to copy values from Internet Explorer paste them into the protected Excel Workbook. When this happens, if the users select the cell and don't actually paste the text into the formula bar (or by double clicking the cell), they can replace the destination cell's formatting - which in this case makes the cells a locked cell instead of a unlocked cell.

Now is there a way to automatically have the pasted value keep the destination formatting? Or perhaps is there a way to set the copy and paste settings so it only pastes text from Internet Explorer into Excel and not the formats?

It is not an option for the userbase to select the option choice of matching the destination formating when pasting as it is a very large user base without much Excel experience.

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Allow Cell Formatting On Locked & Protected Sheet

Jun 22, 2008

I have locked some cells on my Spreadsheet so other people can not change them. What I would like to know is how do I change the colour of the font? I also would like to Bold/unbold the font.

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Allow Locked Cell Comment Viewing On Protected Sheet

Nov 16, 2008

I just realized that some of my comments on a worksheet are being cut off or not viewable. By Default the Comment is displayed to the Right of its cell. I have a Scroll Lock to prevent users from scrolling off the work area. Some of the comments are being displayed past this scroll area and the user is unable to read the comments as they are being cut off or being displayed beyond the scroll area.

Is there anyway to reposition or set the area that these comments are displayed? For Example, to the Left of the cell so that they are able to be viewed. The Workbook is Protected and the Cells with comments are locked so the user won't be able to click on the cell. I found 2 Codes that would work if the user could either click on the cell or if the comment always visible(they are not)

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range
Dim cTop As Long
Dim cWidth As Long
Dim cmt As Comment
Dim sh As Shape
Application.DisplayCommentIndicator _
= xlCommentIndicatorOnly
Set rng = ActiveWindow.VisibleRange
cTop = rng.Top + rng.Height / 2 ................

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Disable User Access To Master Sheet Through Doubleclicking Locked Linked Cell

Feb 23, 2010

I have a master spreadsheet that houses most of the information that remains in my control, and several other user spreadsheets that update cells from that master through links.

I am having some problems lately with users doubleclicking the locked linked cells in their workbooks, and excel then wanting to open and give the user access to my master spreadsheet. Is there a way to disable this feature? I would like it to not even acknowledge the action if that's even possible because it confuses them as to why they are getting a prompt to open another document.

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Refresh Particular Sheet On Clicking A Button

Sep 2, 2012

I want to make it possible to refresh a particular sheet on clicking a button. i can create the button and even assign the macro. but the code for macro, to refresh i don't know how to generate the code.

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Web Query Fails When Sheet Locked

Jan 26, 2007

I have a web query that returns a value to the first column of the row.

I have unlocked the cell (Format -> Cells, Protection Tab, uncheck the Locked check box).

If I run my web query, it works fine. If I then lock the worksheet, the web query fails, even though the cell that I am returning the web query to is not locked.
Code below:

Sub create_pay_proposal(pUserId As Range, pRespID As Range, pWorksheet As Worksheet, pRange As Range, pParms As String)
Dim strURL As String

'On Error GoTo WebConnError 'Error handling if unable to connect to database/URL

strURL = <removed For security>

With pWorksheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"URL;" & strURL, Destination:=pRange)
.Name = "fnd_web"
.FieldNames = True
.RowNumbers = False
.FillAdjacentFormulas = False
.PreserveFormatting = True
.RefreshOnFileOpen = False

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Open Hidden Sheet With Clicking Button?

Aug 23, 2013

I have a workbook including several sheets.

I'd like to hide all worksheets and in the excel there is only one visible sheet which is Navigation Page. I want to add several buttons on this sheet and each button will be clicked to call the other sheets.

For example, there is a sheet called Sales_Approval_Form and I'd like to add a button on navigation page called Sales Approval Form and when the user clicks the button the sheet will be open for entering data.

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Display The Chart Sheet By Clicking Buton

Mar 18, 2009

I have designed a software in excel/vba and when I run that project then startup form appears which has various buttons on it and they perform different functions.

My problem is when I click on button "View MI Report" at first out of various buttons then it works fine and displays me the excel chart sheet. But If click on any other button first and then on view MI report button then startup form disappears and a file is created at the desktop and then after few seconds startup form again appears but it doesn't display the excel chart sheet. I have written the following code on the button

Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
For Each wssheet In Worksheets
If Not wssheet.Name = "chart1" Then
wssheet.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
End If
Next wssheet

end sub

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How To Copy Data To Other Sheet Upon Clicking A Push Button

Jul 13, 2007

I have master data in sheet1 with 4 headings (EmpNo.; Name; Grade; Status) and i put a push button beside it. what i want to happen is that, if i push the button, all data with a value of "Inactive" in sheet1 will be COPIED to sheet2 with the heading but only the EmpNo and Name will be transfered to sheet2.

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Insert Row While Maintaining Merged Cells - Locked Sheet

Oct 28, 2011

I have a protected sheet with merged cells. I would like the user to be able to insert a row and have the formatting (including merged cells) duplicated on the new row. I've searched and seen some different options using VB but I'm clueless as to how to use those. Is there a simple way to do this?

Copying the row and using "insert copied cells" won't work because they get an error because of the sheet protection.

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VBA - Allow User Select Locked Cells While Sheet Is Protected

Mar 29, 2012

Here is an excerpt of my code

Sheet8.Unprotect Password:="rm123abc"
Sheet8.Range("V" & rw) = "Item is not found in the Data Base. Please Contact DME for all documentation requirements for this item"
Sheet8.Protect Password:="rm123abc", AllowFiltering:=True, AllowInsertingRows:=True, AllowDeletingRows:=True
End If

Unfortunately, once the code has run and has finished re-protecting my sheet, it doesn't allow the user to select locked cells. These locked cells contain hyperlinks, and they need to click on these hyperlinks to navigate through my workbook.

So I have two questions:

1. How can I enable allow user to select locked cells
2. Do I have to allow the user to select locked cells to access my hyperlinks, or is there another option?

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Protected Sheet With Timestamps And Locked-after-saving Cells

Dec 31, 2013

I have this excel sheet I'm trying to create (to make my life better at work). It's to track credit card refunds. It'll be saved on sharepoint. So my department will fill in the data on the "Ops" side, and then the accounts department will fill in their side. It's very rudimentary, but anything is better than the old, tattered BOOK we are currently using.

So far, I have the user/date/time stamps autofill, when the user fills in "Entered by" or "Recieved by". I have those cells locked so no one can edit it. I have separte passwords for both sides (Ops and Accounts).

What I want now is to be able to:

1. Lock each line once it's been entered and saved. Say my department fills in one entry. We save it. After that, it CANNOT be edited. If there are any changes, I'll put in a remarks column so people can enter stuff.

2. If someone enters the first two columns (Guest name, booking number), then the "Entered by" HAS to be filled, or the workbook cannot be saved.

3. ONLY letters can be used for Guest Name and Entered by. I've tried different things for this. While I've managed to make it work if the user enters a digit first, I can still enter John56, and it'll pass. I need it to only allow letters (and spaces).

4. The "Booking Number" should only allow six digits. No less no more than six digits. It can be 000001 even. But it has to have six. And, obviously, no letters, no spaces.

In the "ThisWorkbook" module, I've got this code:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim wSheet As Worksheet
For Each wSheet In Worksheets
wSheet.Protect Password:="hurlEy!", _
Next wSheet
End Sub

In the sheet1 module, I've got this code:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
On Error GoTo enditall
Application.EnableEvents = False
If Target.Cells.Column = 3 Then
With Target
If .Value "" Then
.Offset(, 1).Value = Environ("username")


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Open Formula Sheet And Hide All Sheets Except Clicking Hyperlink

Feb 22, 2013

I have a file having around 57 sheets.But here,I have taken a example.I want a file whose show me only summary sheet.But when,I click the cell no.C7 then the related sheet should be open i.e.FNDADRSCC,and all the sheets should be hide.I have little knowledge of HYPERLINK formula but not to the desired stage.

For more clarification, refer attached file.i.e. BOM Sheets

Desire result file have attached also i.e. Excel_formula

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Clicking Cancel On InputBox To Delete Newly Created Sheet

Mar 4, 2010

I created with code to copy a template, hide that template, and pop up a box to rename the copy, I noticed she clicked "Cancel" on the InputBox. When she did, she received an error (400). What I would like to do is when the "Cancel" button is clicked, the newly created copy would be deleted. Is this possible?

Here is the code for my full "Create New Project" sheet procedure:

Sub CreateNewProject()
'This code will copy the Project Data sheet, hide it and then
'rename the new copy to the MSA number. Code also prompts user for
'MSA Number and fills that in on the form.
Dim RenameSheet As String
Dim oSheet As Worksheet
With Sheets("Project Data")
.Visible = -1
.Copy After:=Sheets("FHWA Quarterly Report")
End With...............

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Excel 2007 :: Clicking On Cell Auto-selects Cell Next To It - Cannot Disable

Nov 16, 2010

Whenever she clicks on a cell, the cell to the right of it is also selected. When she tries using tab to move to a new cell, she can only move between the two selected cells. Same with using the enter key. As such, it is extremely difficult for her to modify only one cell, since she always has two selected.

The F8 key, as well as Ctrl+F8. However, pressing the F8 key only adds more cells to the autoselection, and Ctrl+F8 allows her to select one cell, but also highlights the cells around it, and when we tried to select other cells, every cell we clicked stayed highlighted.

Additionally, sometimes when she clicks a cell, it will just select that one cell. Click it again, and the problem is back. I haven't been able to determine any patterns to this behavior, and I know there is no problem with the input (the keyboard and mouse are standard-issue in our lab, and we keep them well maintained).

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Excel 2010 :: Changing Cell Color And Border By Clicking A Cell

Apr 25, 2014

I would like to accomplish 2 things in my Excel 2010 spreadsheet by click a cell which already has a number and formatting in it.

1. How do I change the color of the cell, the color of the number in it, and the border around it. (Make it look like I just pressed a button by clicking it.)

2. At the same time have the text in different cell and the number in the selected cell appear in another different cell. (Text in a different cell = A , and the number in the selected cell = 23, the value in the resulting cell be "A 23") Everything I would like to happen at the same time by clicking the selected cell. I would also like this to be done several times by clicking different cells and not changing the previously selected cells.

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Run A Macro By Clicking A Cell

Nov 6, 2008

I would like to run a macro by clicking a cell. I don't want a toolbar button/menu item and Hyperlinks don't work. Can this be done?

More info: My macro selects the current row in Sheet A and moves it (cut & Paste) to Sheet B in the workbook. The macro then goes back to Sheet A and deletes the now blank row.

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Changing Cell Data By Just Clicking On It.

Apr 6, 2007

i have made (found) a way to change the data in a cell by clicking on it, however i can only make it go from 1 to 0 or 0 to 1...heres the VB
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error Resume Next
If (ActiveCell.Value = 1) Then
ActiveCell.Value = ""
If (ActiveCell.Value = "") Then
ActiveCell.Value = 1
End If
End If
End Sub

however, i would like the code to do a different task, i would like it to add one to the number everytime you click on it...i.e. it goes from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 to 5 etc. everytime you click on it...

if it is possible, i would also like it to be restricted to a few cells, which i can determine afterwards and change

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Clicking On A Cell To Get Additional Details

Feb 3, 2009

I have seen this on many spreadsheet but never figured out how to do this - click on a cell in a spreadsheet to open up a new spreadsheet?

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Change Color Of A Cell By Just Clicking On It?

Aug 25, 2009

I'm trying to do. I have 2 columns, both have empty cells with borders. I would like to make it so that when the user clicks one of the cells, it turns grey and the one beside it turns white. I set up two macros as follows:

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Start Macro From Clicking In Cell

Oct 30, 2007

I have created a macro that autofilter values in sheet 2.

In sheet1 I have a cocpit of values from Sheet 2, 3, 4 and 5.

In the monitoring cells in Sheet1 I would like to doubleclick (or similar) in the cell where I have a value from ex sheet 2, and then trigger the macro which does the autofiltering.

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How To Get A Userform By Double Clicking A Cell

Jul 26, 2008

how to get a userform by double clicking a cell.

I have created a userform, (my first one)-very simple form, i have created a massive textbox, so when i doubleclick a cell in Sheet 1, userform pops up and I can write comments.

I am not sure how to write a code for this? I know it will have Private Sub Doubleclick, not sure on the rest?

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Run Macro When Clicking On A Specific Cell

Aug 15, 2006

I am trying without success to for a macro to run when a specific cell is activated. i.e. if a users selects cell A1, macro X will run.

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Display Message By Clicking Cell

Dec 12, 2007

I want to display a comment/note that is always visible however:

*The text in the comment should change "only when" the user of my worksheet "clicks" on a specific cell in the worksheet;
*I do not want that a comment appears/disappears/ changes when the mouse moves over any of the cells
*I do want that the same comment/note is used to display different text when the user clicks on another cell in the worksheet
*I do want that the user can position this comment on his screen where he wants it to be.

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Line Connecting A Cell To A Table....and Locked On The Cell

Jan 21, 2010

I have multiple data tables in one sheet...and each one has a that sheet. To better allow the viewer to coordinate quickly which data table corresponds to which cart...i want a line between them. Excel already has the draw line function, but if you move the chart around, the line doesn't move.

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How To Copy A Locked Cell Without Formula

May 13, 2013

I have created a spreadsheet that will be viewed/used by various users (read only as I have protected the sheet except from three fields), although I would like to give them the ability to copy the contents of a specific cell that is protected.

I have tried to give them the ability to select the locked cells and then copy, but that means that the formulae in the cell is copied as well.

how I can let people copy a locked cell without the formulae?

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