I am trying to write a list of pivot table page filter pivot items to the Immediate window - but only hidden items. The code below should do the job where the active sheet is a pivot table.
However when I change the page filter pivot items being hidden, the pivot items returned by the macro don't change. It seems to assume that all pivot items are hidden when in fact it may be only one or two. It will work though for pivot row items (pvt.RowFields) and pivot column items (pvt.ColumnFields) where the user changes them.
Does the pf.HiddenItems collection work for RowFields and ColumnFields but not PageFields? If so, is there a pivot field object that reliably holds hidden pivot items residing in the page filters?
Sub ListHiddenPageFilterPivotItems()
Dim wb As Workbook Set wb = ThisWorkbook Dim ws As Worksheet Set ws = wb.ActiveSheet Dim pvt As PivotTable Dim pf As PivotField Dim pi As PivotItem
why is pivot table changing numbers to dates. It was fine all along, numbers retained the fromat of source data and now, all numbers in field columns are turning into dates. is there a setting I can change to prevent excel from reformatting numbers to dates?
I have used the archive and Mr Excel and cobbled together a code which does what I want - that is to use a remote cell entry to update a specific page field cell in 4 pivot tables. I then use another remote entry to do the same to two secondary Page Field Cells in 2 of the 4 pivot tables.
However, if my remote cell has a number in it that IS NOT in the the pivot Page Field List then rather than breaking the code it simply overwrites (and therefore changes the value in the pivot table Page Field List) - disaster!! My code is
Sub testflash()
Range("B15").Activate Dim mycell As Integer mycell = Range("b15").Value Sheets("Dissection Table").Select ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable21").PivotFields("Serial Number").CurrentPage = mycell ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable22").PivotFields("Serial Number").CurrentPage = mycell ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable23").PivotFields("Serial Number").CurrentPage = mycell ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable24").PivotFields("Serial Number").CurrentPage = mycell Application.Run "'KPI Mastercopy Data.xls'!testing" End Sub
I have a pivot table with Sales and Budget, if i need to find the difference in pivot table i think i need to use field settings, however i am not getting the result
I have my raw data in one Worksheet and have made multiple pivot tables based off this data. Since I needed to have the same calculated fields in all these Pivot Tables, I used to simply duplicate the pivot table sheet and edit the pivots to create a new table.
Now, I'm trying to create a new pivot table from scratch, by selecting the base data table and going to "Insert Pivot Table". However I see the same Calculated Fields and upon removing, the field is removed from all other Pivot Tables.
I know in Pivot tbale we could add calculated field into the data ,but I fail to put the added in the "Page","Row" or the "Column". Eg. in the sheet of data,I have a column " DATE",but no column for year.Is it possible to add year in the "page" without adding anything into the "data" sheet?
Is there any way how you can change value in page field in pivot table using formulas? I know this can be done with couple of lines of VBA, but I need to create VBA-free excel file.
One of the few flaws I have found using pivot tables is that when selecting from the the page field it does not filter the other page fields to match your current selection. It does in the actual table, so why not the page fields?
For example we have a pivot table like the following |Country| (ALL) |City| (ALL)
|Count of People| |YEAR| ________ |Gender| _______________Male__________Female 2008__________1000 _________500000 2009__________9999999_______1
If I select England from the country, when I go to select a City I do not want to be able to select only the cities in England and not every city in the world.
The Attached File shows you how to deal with this Problem.
I have an array set up with values I want to look in a Pivot Field for and then pull data back based on that selection. It works great until there is an item in my array that is not listed in the Pivot Field. Then it pulls the data from the last item again, which skews my results. So my questions is, how can I skip to the next item in an array if it is not listed in the Pivot Field? Here is the section of code
I have created a system where users input data from a report into a spreadsheet, and after input it is sent off to various other workbooks depending on what was entered. I.e. The user is inputting test data on a location in a region. The regions make up the workbooks, and each location is a worksheet (While I can think of better ways to organise the data changing this is not an option here).
When the macro encounters a location in a region that hasn't been entered before it adds a new sheet based off the name of the location in the region's workbook, and creates a new named range for that sheet.
I'm running a pivot table in the central workbook, and I want to add the new named range to the page field when I create a new sheet. This is what I don't know how to do. EDIT: To clarify, the page field is choosing between which worksheet(via named range) is being shown currently.
I have two pivot tables on one sheet and I want the page fields on the second to change when I change the first pivot table. I found the below code and have applied it to one of the three page fields I have, but can't seem to duplicate it for the other page fields:
i have pivot table that has a field called "supp" is it possible to write a macro that will open up the "supp" drop down box select the first result .print the results of the pivot table. then goto the next selection in the same drop down box and print them results . repeat this until allresults have been printed.
when the pivot table is run weekly the results in the field "supp" will change
in my Pivot Tables page field i could have 20 results. 10 could be customer identification codes 5 material codes, 5 a different material code, i called "inter", and the rest supplier codes, example i05,i05/1,i05/2, fo1,f01/1,f01/2 are both material codes,
what i want to do is have a macro /macros to select and print groups as follows
1. (all) 2. inter 3 any containing the words i05 and f01 which includes i05/1 etc 4. then the rest
if any does not exsist ignor. if possilbe a macro for each or a drop down box to select
I have linked a graph to update from a pivot table. I would like to print a copy of a graph and pivot table for each item in the page field. Can a macro loop through each page field and print?Is there a way to send them to the printer all at once? (I noticed the printer hangs when manually printing page by page)
I've tried "view all pages of pivottable" but then I lose the view of the chart. I tried recording the events but the number of items in the page field changes with each data update and I'm not sure how to write code to accept this.
I want to print one sheet for each of the values in a page field drop-down. I can do this by supplying the values individually (code below) but would rather determine the list of values dynamically. Can this be done?
Private Sub pbPrintAll_Click() Dim cix As Integer Dim Ctrct As String cix = 3 While (Sheets("Database"). Range("B" + Trim(Str(cix))).Value <> "") ' Get value from database sheet Ctrct = Sheets("Database").Range("B" + Trim(Str(cix))).Value ' Set CurrentPage value Sheets("Customer P&L Pivot1"). PivotTables(1).PivotFields("Cust 1A_Name").CurrentPage = Ctrct ' Print formatted sheet Sheets("Customer P&L").PrintOut cix = cix + 1 Wend ' Reset Current Page value Sheets("Customer P&L Pivot1").PivotTables(1).PivotFields("Cust 1A_Name").CurrentPage = "(All)" MsgBox "Prints sent to printer." End Sub
Using Pivot Table, I added a field to the "Values" field in order to give me a sum of the numbers. The title automatically changes to "Total", I am needing it to show "Total Invoice to OOM Delta". Is there a way to do this? I tried the Active Field option, but that's not working for some reason.
I've created a pivot table and I'd like to index through each "value" in the page field and then copy the results to another sheet, one sheet per field returned.
I can't figure out if it's possible to index through the list though. Is it possible?
I often use the same file/pivot table for both month and weekly reporting. In my source data my field headers show 1,2,3,4..etc. This way I can use for month or weekly. But I often change the "Custom" name on the Field Value Settings to something more descriptive like "Jan" or "Week1"
The problem is that each time I update the the "Custom" name the Pivot Table auto refreshes and it takes forever to re-label all the columns.
Is there a way to suppress this refresh when updating the Custom Field Name?
I was wondering if it is possible at all to hide or delete the default page field option to select "(All)" in a pivot table, and to just have the pivot default to the first list member in that page field.
In building my pivot table my data that I want to show in the column area is showing up as rows stacked on top of each other. In the column section I'm trying to show Total Budgeted Amount next to Total Actual Amount but on the layout it's showing the two stacked on top of each other is there some kind of hidden key that I'm missing?
I have a pivot table in the first sheet which includes the field "Date" as a column label.
In the remaining sheets, except for one, there are pivot tables based on the same underlying dataset which also include the field "Date" as a column label.
I would like to adjust the selection (i.e., exclude some dates) from the column label in the first sheet and see if it is possible to make the same adjustments automatically to the pivot tables in the remaining sheets as well.
note that the field "Date" is used as a Column label, i.e., it is not a Report filter.
I have a single workbook with multiple worksheets. Each worksheet has a different pivot table displaying a different view of the data. Each pivot table uses the same source data at worksheet1.
Each week i add new data to the end of the source data, which means that I need change the source data reference separately in each pivot table to update each pivot table view to include the new data. This is laborious as there are quite a few pivot tables.
Was wondering if there is some way of changing the pivot table source data reference on all pivot tables at the same time.
I currently have several pivot table that's linked to a single pivot table(let's call it X) in the same workbook. I'm doing this to limit the file size because the data in X comes from a text file that has millions of lines. However, it's such a pain every time I need to update the tables because simply clicking "refresh" does not update those tables that are linked to X with new data. I would have to instruct the wizard in every linked table to point to X every time. I'm trying to write a small program to re-point to X for each of those other pivot tables whenever i refresh data. However, after trying to record the steps to do this I'm still unable to run these
1. I am trying to record a macro where I select a Pivot Table. But in the recorded macro "Pivot Table name" is not recorded neither the Pivot Field Property only the Range name is recorded. But on other systems (workstations) these details get recorded. Does this have something to do with excel settings?
2. I uploaded a macro enabled excel file on my company's "sharepoint" the drop down boxes present in the file get populated via a macro in "ThisWorkbook" page but sometimes these drop down boxes don't show any values. What can be the reason for this? Can't share the file because of data security policy of my organization.
I have several pivot table templates built, and had to add in additional items to the page field. They are now out of order (they need to be alphabetical). If I was starting from scratch, I would just pull the pagefield down, sort it, and add it back to the top. However, since the entire page is built with formulas and formatting and such, I need to use code. SO! Here's what I have so far: