Print Range :: According To Text In Cell?

May 13, 2006

Is it possible to set a print range according to Text in cell? For instance I want to VBA to print A1 to P?. The range would stop depending on the data in Column B.

Column B consists of either "CON" or "CP". I want the print range to extend until the last "CON", it should stop before the "CP"

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Print If Cell Range Has Value

Sep 18, 2008

I have a excel sheet that has a range of cells (Q39 - Q49) that I required to be filled with yes or No befroe the user is able to print off the sheet.

what I thought of doing is creating a command button to print the sheet once it has checked to see if the range is filled?

Does anyone know how to disable the print functions and make the cmd button to check the cell range before printing the sheet?

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Write/print A Cell Value In A Text Document

Aug 21, 2009

I am trying to write/print a cell value in a text document but am having problems (I know what the problem IS, just can't find a solution).

Right, so my code is as follows

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Identify First Cell Of Print Range

May 27, 2008

I'm looking for a way to identify the first cell of a page without using the pagebreak function: Sheet6.Range("B" & Sheet6.HPageBreaks(i).Location.Row). The reason being is for overall speed and performance as well as avoiding <out of range> errors on the last break. If I use totalPages = Sheet6.HPageBreaks.Count + 1
to determine the number of page breaks, is there a way to identify the first cell of page i in this way?

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Find Print Range And Print Invoices From 250 Tabs

Feb 24, 2014

I have a pretty large spreadsheet set up that invoices our clients. A few tabs in the front allow us to globally invoice if we did certain services for all clients and then we can also go into each tab and invoice each client for specific services performed on their property. Some invoices are two pages long and other may be up to seven pages long and anywhere in between... So that's the first issue, how do you find how many pages to print and then set the print range for each invoice.

The second issue centers around being able to print all the invoices at one time.

The spreadsheet is set up in this manner: A recap sheet we print to check off that each invoice was printed; an IIF statement to get the Excel info into QuickBooks; a template to set up each invoice's information with dates, dates services were performed,etc.; then there are five Global billing tabs where I can invoice all accounts globally or by their type of account (Saturday or Sunday open, 24/7 etc.); then we get into the tabs for each account. Each account has its own tab with an invoice loaded inside where we can itemize the services they received. Inside all these individual account tabs we have set up 'Zone' tabs where we can invoice all the clients we set up within a zone. There are about twenty of these tabs. Then at the end I have a few more tabs that aren't used any longer, there are about ten tabs there...

Is there a way I can hit Print and get all of my invoices to print out at one time versus having to go into each and every tab, set the print range, and then hit Print for all 250ish invoices?

This is the biggest complaint I have right now about the invoicing program I have set up...

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Too Many If Statements: Refer To A Cell And Use The Value Of That Cell To Print The Range

Aug 10, 2006

I use macros to print pages, depending on the number of entries I have. If I have 1500 entries, I have to have 1500 If statements. Is there a way to write VBA in a macro to where I can refer to a cell and use the value of that cell to print the range.

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Print Range Of Cells To PDF To Folder Saved As Cell Value

Apr 1, 2014

I am unsure of the print functions and parameters in VBA. What I would like to do is print a range of cells, say A5:E40, to a pdf using Adope PDF. I would also like the name of the created pdf file to be that of a certain cell value, say C7. How do I go about doing this? I read on a post that because Adobe takes time to print the pdf document, you have to add in a delay timer to the code to allow Adobe to create the pdf, not sure if this is true?

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Excel 2003 :: Printing - Text Box And Image Print Cell Data Doesn't?

Aug 30, 2013

She has a spreadsheet created in Excel 2003 (she is still using 2003) which contains an image with a textbox in the top left corner then all other cells contain data.

When user prints this spreadsheet all that prints is the image and the textbox.

I have cleared the print area reset the print area removed the picture (prints only the text box)

and none of these changes have changed what prints.

I have checked all printer setting and these appear normal.

previously user could print this spreadsheet fine and all other worksheets in the workbook print fine as well.

other users are still able to print to the same printer correctly from this spreadsheet.

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If Text Of Cell In Range Matches Text Of Cell In Column - Match Formatting

Jul 5, 2012

Trying to create a button that, once clicked performs the following task:

Checks whether the text in a cell in the column X2:X40 matches the text in a cell in the Range A2:U14.

If it does, the formatting of the cell in X2:X40 (eg background) must change to match that of the corresponding cell in A2:U14.

Only 1 cell in the range will match 1 cell in the column

For example:
Before click:
Cell A9 has "John" written in it and a yellow background
Cell X4 has "John" written in it and a clear background

During click:
matches these cells
changes X4 so that it also has a yellow background

After click:
Cell A9 has "John" written in it and a yellow background
Cell X4 has "John" written in it and a yellow background

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Programmable Print Area: Macro To Set The Print Area According To The Amount Of Data In A Particular Range Of Cells

Feb 25, 2009

Using Excel 2003 I am trying to write a macro to set the print area according to the amount of data in a particular range of cells. I find I can include this instruction

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Macro To Print Sheets With Value In Cell A1 But Print Dynamic Ranges On Certain Sheet

Sep 24, 2013

I've found some code which works to print certain pages with value in cell A1 but I need to print dynamic ranges on some of the sheets as they will have filters on so the rows ranges will be different each time.

So far this is what I have but the dynamic range part is not working:

Sub Print_All_Worksheets_With_Value_In_A1()
Dim Sh As Worksheet
Dim Arr() As String
Dim N As Integer

[Code] ....

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If Cell Text Equals Cell Text In A Range Of Cells Display Value From Range Of Cells

Oct 4, 2012

I have the following formula that is supposed to grab a value from C2 and check for that value in a range of cells and if it matches it is supposed to display the corresponding value in another range of cells. What am I missing??

=IF(C2='Google Doc'!$B1122:$B1266,"'Google Doc!K1122:K1266'","Not OK")

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If Cell Contains Text - Copy Text From Another Cell Over A Range Of Cells

May 22, 2014

I have a list of text quotes in column A. I then have column B which will have a Y entered if the quote is used in a presentation. I currently have around 100 quotes.

On a separate sheet, I want to be able to effectively say in one cell - If column B has text in it, copy the quote from column A. But the difficult part is how do I make this happen so that I can have multiple quotes being pulled into one cell?

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Find Last Cell In Range, And Changing Another Cell Based On Offset Text

May 4, 2009

If i have a range say E12:O12 and want to find the last cell before blank, lets say it finds m12 as the cell with the value before blank. then with m12 it needs to determine weather row 11 in the same column has Text either "S" or "F" if "S" then m12 = t if "F" then m12 offset(1,-1) = t. And just to make things more difficult i need the range E12:O12 to step 2 as well until it gets to E208:O208 .Noting that row 11 never changes and will always have either an "S" Or an "F"

and also t = time()

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Change Text Of Cell If Cell Is Greater Than Nothink Withen Range

Jul 16, 2009

I would like to change the name of all cells withen xrange with a text value greater than nothink.

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Text Box To Print

Jun 2, 2006

I have a text box that I couldn't get to print properly on one page of A4 (margins). The text box then grew beyond an A4 sheet of paper and I made two text boxes. I've managed to get the first text box to print, but I can't tell Excel how to print the second text box.

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Use Text In A Cell For A Formula As Cell Reference To Create Range

Mar 10, 2013

I have a list of headings and items and I have a set of formulas that work out depending on the heading what items are listed.

Say theres 10 items and the heading starts at C4 and that heading has 10 items, so it puts "C5" as text in G1 and "C15" as text in G2 so i now know my cell range of items

How can i use the text in those cells to put in a formula to call that as a range?

If I use the indirect formula it shows me the value of the cell, but im after using it to reference the cell

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Find Specific Text In Cell That Matches Range Then Display Specific Text?

Aug 5, 2013

I'm trying to find vehicle make and model in a cell containing a lot of text and then display that in the formula cell. For example if A1 is a paragraph that contains somewhere within it "Ford" & "Ranger". I want B1 to display "Ford" and C1 to display "Ranger". I have a list of vehicles makes (column A) and models (column B) on a seperate sheet.

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Check Each Cell In Range For Value & Put Text In Offset Cell

Jun 7, 2008

I'm trying to look at a value in one column (Column A) and if it matches a set of criteria, I'm trying to change the value of another cell 6 columns to the right.(Column G) I've been trying for a couple of days now to get this working, but to no avail. I've tried to modify the code below that I've found on this site but can't quite figure out what I'm doing wrong.

Sub RatingsFix1SP()
Dim FindWhat, rngCell As Range, i As Integer
FindWhat = Array("BB", "B", "CCC", "CC", "C", "CCC+")
For i = 0 To 3
For Each rngCell In Range("A2", Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp))
If InStr(rngCell, FindWhat(i)) <> 0 Then
rngCell.Offset(0, 6) = 0.15
End If
Next rngCell
Next i
End Sub

To try to clarify a bit: If column A in the attached spreadsheet has a rating code of BB, B, CCC, CC, C, or CCC+, I want the Haircut % rate in column G to be 15%. It seems the code that I'm using changes the % rate to 15% if any "B" or "C" shows up in any part of the string in column A.

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How To Make Text Background On Editable Cells And Print Without Text Background

Oct 28, 2013

How to make a text background on editable cells and print without text background?

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Set Print Area To End Of Text On Page

Aug 7, 2009

I have a problem when I want to print, it will only print a set area. How to I make it print everything, so it prints everything till the last letter on the page?

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Print Dialog Seems To Resize A Text Box - ?

Feb 11, 2009

I have a (semi-inherited) macro that prints different pages of a workbook, based on whether and what their entries are. One of the pages contains a text box, where users will enter different lengths of text. When the macro runs, it prints right the first time but also "resizes" the text box so that future print attempts only print part of it.

I put "resize" in quotes because the text box does not appear to change shape. However, when I look at its properties it suddenly says it is much smaller than it was before (and still appears to be).

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Make Text File And Print To It With VBA

Oct 12, 2007

Instead of me saving a blank text file in the folder where the workbook resides, I would like it incorporated in the macro if possible. The name of the text file would be the value (string?) in cell B5.

Sub MakeTextFile()


Dim txt As String, r As Range
Dim Answer As String, MyNote As String
MyNote = "Do you have an empty text file ready in the" & vbCrLf & _
"folder where this workbook resides?" & vbCrLf & _
"This text file needs to be named" & vbCrLf & _

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Print Dialog Seems To Resize A Text Box

Feb 18, 2009

I have a (semi-inherited) macro that prints different pages of a workbook, based on whether and what their entries are. One of the pages contains a text box, where users will enter different lengths of text. When the macro runs, it prints right the first time but also "resizes" the text box so that future print attempts only print part of it.

I put "resize" in quotes because the text box does not appear to change shape. However, when I look at its properties it suddenly says it is much smaller than it was before (and still appears to be).

FWIW, I'm using Excel 2003.

Here's the code in question (the problem is on the "narrative" page):

Sub CLCMprintall()
' prints all pages (with data) on the CLCM spreadsheet
Dim x, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i As String
Dim y, z, q As Integer

ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="***"

'notes active cells on each sheet to return cursor there afterwards.
x = ActiveSheet.Name
Sheets("page 1").Select
a = ActiveCell.Address(True, True)
d = ActiveCell.Address(True, True)
'(repeat for other worksheets - also sets values for Loan2Amt, Q & Z,
'which govern whether other unrelated sheets need to be printed.)
'tests whether there is text in Overflow sheet and sets print area if there is
If q 0 Then
Call OverflowPrintArea.............

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Resize Print Range To Fit A 4

Oct 14, 2009

I am trying to print a range that falls just outside of a normal A4 size. Is there a way of scaling this range to fit the page. Withough changing the column sizes before printing(each column is diffrent size). Or will i need to load the column sizes into a array and resize for the print then back to original size from array.

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Print Range Macro

Jun 10, 2009

setting up a print range macro:

I have a sheet where:

1) column A (rows 1-54) needs to be printed with every printing
2) other columns (b-e) or (f-i) etc need to be printed out with each printing

Is it possible to setup a macro to do this as long as I know which columns need to be printed every time (will be same number of rows every time)

Basically, there is info in column A that needs to be printed every time, then I want to be able to print out a months worth of data (b-e for january) for each printout. It is essentially a calendar that I need to print up a hard copy of.

I know zero about vba and much of what I have found on the internet has only confused me more.

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Print Range :: Find The Last Row Used

Nov 1, 2009

I found this code on the forum, I have tried to use it but it looks for the last row in column A and then prints to that. How do I set it to find the last row used in Column C and not A

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

'Find the last row used - uses Column A for search
Dim r As Long
r = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row

'Sets Print Area
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "C1:X" & r
MsgBox "Worksheet Printed"
End Sub

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Macro To Print Specified Range

Oct 16, 2006

I would like to have a code that allows user to print. The print area is fixed at A1 to U50 and should be printed in 1 page. The sheet name is called "apple".

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Look Up Text In Cell From Specified Named Range?

Jan 8, 2014

I've got a workbook set up. One tab has a bunch of named ranges, let's say Tables 1-6. The second tab has vlookups for selected values from a sharepoint data pull (in order to parse through the sharepoint stuff, most of it is nonsense).

What I am trying to do is write a formula for cell E2 that:
-Step 1: Looks into whichever range the user specifies, 1-6 (probably using the indirect function).
-Step 2: Searches the specified range for text found in cell F2 (a string of text with values from one or more of the ranges 1-6)
-Step 3: Returns the text.

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How To SUM Cell Range Using Text From Cells

Jul 20, 2014

I need to build a calculator that sums cells. I want to be able to manually plug in the start cell and end cell into different cells then have the calculator return me a number.

Start Cell


End Cell



Calculated Value



Now if I change the text in B2 from "D3" to "D5", the calculated value should change as well. Is there even a way to do this in excel?

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