Resize Print Range To Fit A 4
Oct 14, 2009
I am trying to print a range that falls just outside of a normal A4 size. Is there a way of scaling this range to fit the page. Withough changing the column sizes before printing(each column is diffrent size). Or will i need to load the column sizes into a array and resize for the print then back to original size from array.
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Feb 11, 2009
I have a (semi-inherited) macro that prints different pages of a workbook, based on whether and what their entries are. One of the pages contains a text box, where users will enter different lengths of text. When the macro runs, it prints right the first time but also "resizes" the text box so that future print attempts only print part of it.
I put "resize" in quotes because the text box does not appear to change shape. However, when I look at its properties it suddenly says it is much smaller than it was before (and still appears to be).
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Feb 18, 2009
I have a (semi-inherited) macro that prints different pages of a workbook, based on whether and what their entries are. One of the pages contains a text box, where users will enter different lengths of text. When the macro runs, it prints right the first time but also "resizes" the text box so that future print attempts only print part of it.
I put "resize" in quotes because the text box does not appear to change shape. However, when I look at its properties it suddenly says it is much smaller than it was before (and still appears to be).
FWIW, I'm using Excel 2003.
Here's the code in question (the problem is on the "narrative" page):
Sub CLCMprintall()
' prints all pages (with data) on the CLCM spreadsheet
Dim x, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i As String
Dim y, z, q As Integer
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="***"
'notes active cells on each sheet to return cursor there afterwards.
x = ActiveSheet.Name
Sheets("page 1").Select
a = ActiveCell.Address(True, True)
d = ActiveCell.Address(True, True)
'(repeat for other worksheets - also sets values for Loan2Amt, Q & Z,
'which govern whether other unrelated sheets need to be printed.)
'tests whether there is text in Overflow sheet and sets print area if there is
If q 0 Then
Call OverflowPrintArea.............
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Sep 8, 2007
I have the following
Cells(c,r) = Range("fa:" & "fa.Offset(0,5)").value
Fa is a code that searches, once it's found something, it then puts that one cell.value into Cells(c,r). it then moves on until the next cell found with the required contence. I need it to put that one cell, and the next 4 columns along side it starting in Cells(r.c)
The problem is, I keep getting a global error. I am sure I have done something like this before, but cannot find it, or remember how i did it.
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Apr 29, 2009
Range.Resize to an entire row? I have a range variable:
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Oct 20, 2005
Macro to CHANGE number of rows “3” to a variable range
(end.xlDown) on the macro below.
Sub GotToRangeResizeCopyPaste()
Application.Goto Reference:="MyRange"
ActiveCell.Resize(3, 10).Select
End Sub
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Feb 7, 2010
Before I will hand in my proposal I have to check if my ideas are achieveable in excel. To keep it simple, the idea is to use different moving averages and the Min/Max(t-1, t-n).
For example, a buy signal is given when a fast MA crosses the slow MA from below. Or a buy-signal is given when the price on t is greater than MAX(t-1:t-n). Due to the scientific aspect I have to analyse a lot of variations of these moving averages and breakouts.
My question: How can I change the range of a formula with an other cell.
For example: Range: B1=20
How can I program it such that when I change the value in A1, the range of the formula will change with that value?
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Sep 27, 2009
how can I resize a from my active cell to a specific cell (eg. L1) and select all the cells in between? I am using this code to select the last cell after my data (active cell is in column A).
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May 14, 2009
If I omit the column arguement in resize I get error.
Dim ii As Range
EndRow = MyPL.Range("c" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Set ii = Range("Data")
q = (EndRow - ii.Rows.Count)
Names("Data").RefersTo = "=" & ii.Resize(ii.rows.count+q, ).address
End Sub
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Dec 21, 2007
There are 4 lists containing accounting data and within each list the data rows beneath the headers are named ranges.
The parent input list is on the Payments worksheet with headings in A3:R3 and the data rows underneath are a named range entitled Payments.
The child lists contain formulas to pull the required information from the parent Payments list. These lists are identically sized and headed with headers in A1:K1. The data rows underneath the headings are named ranges entited Debits, Credits and VAT. The worksheets on which each resides have the same names.
I am looking for a way to automatically contract / expand the child lists as each row is added / deleted from the parent Payments list, ie so each list always contains the same number of rows.
The formulas already within the child lists will then ensure that the apprpriate data is copies to them from the parent Payments list.
the named range Payments will always contain at least a single row to ensure the retention of the required formulas and validation.
Note also please that there is a macro which automatically resizes the range Payments to a single row when a command button is pressed.
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Feb 24, 2014
I have a pretty large spreadsheet set up that invoices our clients. A few tabs in the front allow us to globally invoice if we did certain services for all clients and then we can also go into each tab and invoice each client for specific services performed on their property. Some invoices are two pages long and other may be up to seven pages long and anywhere in between... So that's the first issue, how do you find how many pages to print and then set the print range for each invoice.
The second issue centers around being able to print all the invoices at one time.
The spreadsheet is set up in this manner: A recap sheet we print to check off that each invoice was printed; an IIF statement to get the Excel info into QuickBooks; a template to set up each invoice's information with dates, dates services were performed,etc.; then there are five Global billing tabs where I can invoice all accounts globally or by their type of account (Saturday or Sunday open, 24/7 etc.); then we get into the tabs for each account. Each account has its own tab with an invoice loaded inside where we can itemize the services they received. Inside all these individual account tabs we have set up 'Zone' tabs where we can invoice all the clients we set up within a zone. There are about twenty of these tabs. Then at the end I have a few more tabs that aren't used any longer, there are about ten tabs there...
Is there a way I can hit Print and get all of my invoices to print out at one time versus having to go into each and every tab, set the print range, and then hit Print for all 250ish invoices?
This is the biggest complaint I have right now about the invoicing program I have set up...
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Feb 25, 2009
Using Excel 2003 I am trying to write a macro to set the print area according to the amount of data in a particular range of cells. I find I can include this instruction
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Jun 10, 2009
setting up a print range macro:
I have a sheet where:
1) column A (rows 1-54) needs to be printed with every printing
2) other columns (b-e) or (f-i) etc need to be printed out with each printing
Is it possible to setup a macro to do this as long as I know which columns need to be printed every time (will be same number of rows every time)
Basically, there is info in column A that needs to be printed every time, then I want to be able to print out a months worth of data (b-e for january) for each printout. It is essentially a calendar that I need to print up a hard copy of.
I know zero about vba and much of what I have found on the internet has only confused me more.
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Sep 18, 2008
I have a excel sheet that has a range of cells (Q39 - Q49) that I required to be filled with yes or No befroe the user is able to print off the sheet.
what I thought of doing is creating a command button to print the sheet once it has checked to see if the range is filled?
Does anyone know how to disable the print functions and make the cmd button to check the cell range before printing the sheet?
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Nov 1, 2009
I found this code on the forum, I have tried to use it but it looks for the last row in column A and then prints to that. How do I set it to find the last row used in Column C and not A
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'Find the last row used - uses Column A for search
Dim r As Long
r = Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
'Sets Print Area
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "C1:X" & r
MsgBox "Worksheet Printed"
End Sub
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Oct 16, 2006
I would like to have a code that allows user to print. The print area is fixed at A1 to U50 and should be printed in 1 page. The sheet name is called "apple".
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Apr 12, 2008
Print rows in a range that contain data. There could be rows at the bottom of the range that are blank and don't need to be printed.
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Feb 27, 2009
write this in VBA on the Workbook Level, "ThisWorkbook" : IF range (B20:B53, E20:E53, H20:H51) are all filled through user keypunched values--checks and coupon amounts.AND range (C20:C52, F20:F52, I20:I50) are equal to = " "
-- these ranges contain formula that spits out values only when there are discrepancies with the manually keypunched values above' otherwise it's equal to " ".THEN call batch02. batch02 is a macro that prints the specified batch.I have attached the filed I am working with. There are 25 batches, hopefully I can replicate the codes by just changing the ranges and the print macro.
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Jan 27, 2010
This one seems tricky to me. I have a spreadsheet which is being used to collect data. Depending on what is selected in my drop-down menus in row 8 (columns B-N) my print range needs to change. The goal is to create a button that allows the end user to select the range without having to find the end of the spreadsheet.
- I have attached a grid named RANGE.xls that shows the logic Im looking to automate.
- I have also attached the data collections spreadsheet (FY10 Data Collection Tool_V0.6.xls)
The end users of this spreadsheet are very Excel naive and Im trying to make this semi-idiot proof.
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May 6, 2004
I am still having some difficulty in getting a macro to select a print range on a text file imported into excel. All the data pulls into column A which is OK. I'm trying to get my macro to highlight & select the print range by going Home, End Down, Tab right Tab right and then select whatever that highlighted range is. This range will change from file to file.
My macro reads as follows:
Sub PrintToView()
' PrintToView Macro
' Macro recorded 5/5/2004 by
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May 13, 2006
Is it possible to set a print range according to Text in cell? For instance I want to VBA to print A1 to P?. The range would stop depending on the data in Column B.
Column B consists of either "CON" or "CP". I want the print range to extend until the last "CON", it should stop before the "CP"
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Jul 12, 2006
I have some code which selected a certain amount of columns depending on
whether they contain values or not. Once I have this range set and I select
it I want to set this as the print area. I am not quite sure how to do
this. for example I tried:
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = ActiveCell. CurrentRegion.Address
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Jul 26, 2006
I have a worksheet called "ComplaintData".
In this worksheet I have data in following range : "N1:V2".
N1 to V1 is headings and N2 to V2 is data transfered from listbox on userform.
I am trying to print this range via command button on my userform.
I am wondering anyone can help me with the code for selecting and printing this range when user clicks on the "Print" command button on my userform?
how I can format this print out to look different than the tabular format? I mean if possible I would like to print this in portrait, fit to one page and possibly not look like a table. (If it has to look like a table then I will have to go with landscape as the table wont fit portrait without getting too small and un-readable)
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Aug 1, 2006
I am trying to create a command button on my userform that will allow me to print all the records in the other words it should only print the rows with data......
*my worksheet is called "complaintData" - this is hidden and not active sheet.
*I have columns A to J with information, with heading from A1:J1.
*I want to be able to print all the rows with values in column A. (Not all the columns except "A", will have values for every record....some may be blank for some records...
*I want all the columns to fit in in one page with headings (A1:J1) being first row on every new page.....
*page setup should be landscape...
I have tried a few codes from this forum, but not sure where I have goofed still trying learn VBA.....would appreciate if anyone can fix this code for me....cheers
Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
Sheets("ComplaintData").Visible = False
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("complaintdata")
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Dec 17, 2006
I have a sheet with a top portion like a fax cover letter.
Starting at row 17 I merged from B thru L.
This is where the user will type in a message.
The message can extend several pages long, so I merged about 100 rows same as 17.
My sheet only will extend to column N.
There may be instances where the user may leave several rows blank in between what they type.
I am looking for a way to set the print area from A1 to the last row of data and not the last row with formatting.
I have a command button the user is supposed to click when they want to print the sheet.
This is acceptable, but if there was a way around that it would be better.
I do have code in the sheet that will automatically adjust the row height in the merged cells if the data gets too wide. I do not want to upset that.
I have just recently started to learn VBA, so my knowledge of the various commands and syntax is limited.
This is what I have right now that doesn't work.
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
Dim LastCell, DataCells As Range
Dim LastDataRow As Integer
Set LastCell = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlLastCell)
Set DataCells = ActiveSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(xlconstants)
LastDataRow = DataCells.Cells(DataCells.Cells.Count).Row
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = Range(ActiveSheet.Cells(1, 1), ActiveSheet.Cells(LastDataRow, LastCell.Column)).Address
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
End Sub
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Jan 6, 2007
i am trying to come up with some code to print many sheets in a workbook based on user clicking a button on each sheet.
I would like the code to be reusable and based on the activesheet, this way I don't need to write code specific for each sheet.
My first thought was to use something like ActiveSheet.UsedRange, but the rows may span several pages, so I'll need the header row to repeat on each page
Here's a snippet I recorded
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$2:$E$12"
With ActiveSheet.PageSetup
.PrintTitleRows = "$2:$2"
But I can think of a way to use UsedRange but drop out about rows 1-4 which do not need to be printed on the reports
Number of Cols varys on every sheet as well and diff start/stop cols
Ex one sheet A:G, another sheet C:T
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Jul 20, 2007
I have a print range set up that is based on a named range that is an offset formula. The problem is that I would like to set it up as portrait instead of landscape, but if I do that the area to the right doesn't all fit on the page. The print area will always be a certain width, just different hights. I just want to be able to have the print range adjust downwards and still fit the whole area on one page wide.
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Jan 5, 2008
I have an Excel file that I believe was a template, maybe from MS. It's a loan calculator. Anyway, whenever you change the interest rate or number of payments it somehow knows to only print those rows - even though there are formulas in many of the rows beneath the print range.
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Jan 8, 2008
i have a excel sheet which i use to schedule my service team. Basically i have horizontally the dates ((a colum for every day of the year) and vertically the guys names (about 25 rows).
I would like to add a function so i can push a button and i automatically print the past, current and next week of my shedule on one page.
In addition it should print my usage chart which is on a different work sheet in the same file.
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Jan 11, 2008
the macro simply copies a master sheet, then re-organizes/re-sorts the raw data in the new sheet. At the end, I'm trying to set a print range to 1 page wide and inifinity pages long, figure out where the end of the fourth page is, then reset the print range to accommodate four pages. In case it matters, the macro starts with a form that allows the user to input a company ticker and name used in output.
The problem is that when I use the debugging step function (very tedious), it works perfectly. But when I run it normally, it locks up for about 30 seconds when setting the print range to 1 page wide, and cuts off the print range vertically at just over 2 pages tall. Brief explanation of a couple variables:
ColLetter is a function as follows:
Function ColLetter(ColNumber As Integer) As String
ColLetter = Left(Cells(1, ColNumber).Address(False, False), 1 - (ColNumber > 26))
End Function
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.PrintArea = "$A$1:$" & ColLetter(j + 3) & a + 7 .............................
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