Protect VBE Project Using Code
Mar 31, 2009
Is there a way to protect a VBE project using a macro instead of going to the properties and manually typing in a password? I'm using a macro that emails just one worksheet in my workbook (creates a new temp file, emails, and deletes it) but when the new file gets to the recipient the VBE project is unlocked.
I found a way to protect the worksheet before saving the temp file, so the worksheet is protected as it should be, but the project explorer window is completely open. Then anybody can see the passwords I'm using to protect the sheet in the first place. So I need to somehow re-protect the project before it saves and emails.
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Apr 27, 2007
I have tried to record macro to protect VBAProject / lock project for viewing. But can not success by that way.
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Dec 7, 2006
I am looking at the code in a MODULE, I can use "F8" to step through it.
But if I have no module just the main project code I cannot find a way to step through it.
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Jan 19, 2008
I understand that we can protect the VBA coding through check the "Lock project from viewing in the Tools>VBAProject Properties. However I would like to know if this is possible in code?
I have a mainworkbook for users that has the VBA coding protected (it contains passwords to unlock protected sheets / main workbook). In my program, the users will be entering data and then push a button which calls a macro to email a "skinny down version" of the main book to other users. Problem is, these users that receive the email will be able to get into the VBA code and see what the password is on the sheets. (even if the new workbook/worksheets are password protected) Is there any way when I save the new book to add this protection to the VBA code?
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Jun 20, 2009
i have my employees data in sheet1. If i entered any project code in sheet2
column b1 it will diplay all the employees details along with emp code and name in next rows
sample data file attached
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Aug 4, 2014
I have a table of projects with 1) duration in year, 2) time window (number of years of our planning cycle), and 3) start year of the project. I want to generate a list of project parts of all projects where they may take place. This will serve as an input to an optimization program.
So a project of 2-year duration should have 2 parts over any year within the time window. I am including the "impossible" ones for my developer to tag them as "0" when we run it through his code.
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Sep 5, 2013
My task is to consolidate 4 Excel Project Lists (Workbooks) to a Master Workbook. The Project Lists has a different structure and almost different content. The relevant information is always on Sheet1 but it has completely different ranges. The only constant is the Project Number, which should be used to sort the information. Every Project should be listed only once with all the existing information.
I found a code written by Ron de Bruin which has already some components that I want to have in my VBA but I think there are still a lot of necessary adjustments to do.
Sub MergeSelectedWorkbooks()
Dim SummarySheet As Worksheet
Dim FolderPath As String
Dim SelectedFiles() As Variant
Dim NRow As Long
Dim FileName As String
Dim NFile As Long
Dim WorkBk As Workbook
The Master Project List should has the headers in Row1 and the information listed below. The Macro should automatically places the correct information to the correct column. Some of the information are in 2 or more of the lists but they should be listed only once in the Master List.
Project Number
Project Description
I guess a problem is that the structures of the Lists are quite different so there must be a kind of sorting process.
In the end I want to have an Excel File with the Macro and a Command Button and by clicking the Macro creates a new Workbook with the Master List.
It would be better if there is a variable range instead of a defined. Like the Macro searches the last row and starts at this row and column.
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Jul 30, 2013
I am trying to get excel to open a MS Project file and then run a project macro on it.
What is happen is that when I run my code it works, and then excels VBA window freezes up and the run arrow goes away, and if I try to open project I just get a chiming noise and it won't open.
For now I have to select the MS Project file from a directory, but in the future I would like it to go through the folder and open all of the file in the folder
Sub ImportMSProject()
Dim FileToOpen
Dim mpApp As MSProject.Application
Dim prjmacro As Object
'Identify the File to Open - START
FileToOpen = Application.GetOpenFilename("Microsoft Project Files (*.mpp), *.mpp")
If FileToOpen = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
'Identify the File to Open - END
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Nov 5, 2012
I have a 2010 excel workbook with several locked worksheet (to which I manage the PW). I and another staff member manage different section of the macro but the other staff member doesn't have access to the locked areas.
Is there a way I can encrypt the password within VBA so it's not visible to the other staff member?
Locking the VBAProject doesn't work as the other staff member has to be able to edit his VBA section.
Many staff run the macro (via a button) and don't need to access the Macro and don't have access to the protected sheets.
I understand excel isn't ideal with PW protection for people wanting to bypass the protection and this isn't an issue.
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Dec 8, 2008
is there any hard code out there that protects formulas in a cell
i have a sheet with formulas down a column
that used once disappear
is there any way to code this so they are always there?
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May 18, 2009
I would like to protect the VBA modules I have written in a spreadsheet. Is there any way of password protecting these (as there is with Excel workbooks/worksheets) -such that users can not see the VBA code unless they enter a password?
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Aug 4, 2006
I understand that we can protect the VBA coding through check the "Lock project from viewing in the Tools>VBAProject Properties. However I'll still need to open some of the code for other users to customize the program while some of the important code are protected.
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Nov 9, 2008
I have used the below code to make hide/unhide some columns in my excel sheet. It works fine. Now, I need to protrect the sheet except the coloured cells. So I unlocked the cell by clicking the property of the colored cells & then did this :- tools- protection-Protect sheet - protect unlocked cells. But after protecting this sheet the macro code of hiding/unhiding of the columns are NOT WORKING & Errors is coming. I have used the below code:-
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Aug 26, 2009
how to protect source code from user or give the password when the user view code, right click on a sheet.
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Oct 31, 2011
i'm looking for a vba code to solve the following problem a .xlsm workbook, the protect workbook passwork is known as "111111", the VBA project password is "222222", and how to write vba code to insert a new sheet, suppose the workbook has three worksheet, now using vba code to unprotect workbook, and auto insert a newsheet, then protect workbook again, whcih the password remains as "111111" using a commondbutton to do this, everytime you click, insert a new sheet.
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Aug 14, 2008
I am trying to add a command button that will set a custom view, password protect all worksheets, and finally password protect the entire workbook structure. The code I am using will correctly set the view and add the password to the worksheets, but it will not apply the password to the workbook structure. What do I need to add?
Private Sub cmdReset_Click()
ActiveWorkbook.Unprotect Password:="test"
ActiveWorkbook.Protect Password:="test"
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Password:="test"
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=False, Contents:=True, Scenarios:= _
ActiveSheet.Protect Password:="test"
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Jul 9, 2007
I need to be able to save a copy of my spreadsheet but protect the structure so that the hidden rows cannot be opened by the person that I e-mail it to. At the moment I am using the current
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
fName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename
Loop Until fName <> False
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=fName
Call ProtectRobin
End Sub
Private Sub ProtectRobin()
ActiveWorkbook.Protect ("Robin")
End Sub
The saving part of the macro is working perfectly, however I cannot get the protection to work. It must have a password - I do not want the receipient to be able to go 'Tools' > 'Unprotect Sheet'.
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Aug 28, 2007
I need to write a couple of functions. Firstly I want to do a count on column B (project $) depending on the criteria on column A (project description). For example a total count of all values in col B if project description is "P" or "A". [I can do sumif functions but this is a countif and I cannot get this right].
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Jan 28, 2014
following code so as to have certain cell ranges protected and unprotected USING COMMANDBUTTON/PASSWORD
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim Password As String
JamesPassword = "MyPassword" '
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May 24, 2008
I am trying to design a tool which dynamically results in different cells depending on users inputs. Yet, I am willing to protect most of the cells to avoid any user involuntarily (or voluntarily!) modifying the formulas/contents of the calculated (and locked) cells. Is there any way to protect my sheets, allowing only a certain macro to modify the locked and protected cells?
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Aug 25, 2009
I need this code below to work in a macro on a hidden sheet.. FYI the sheet name is "Closed".
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Jul 24, 2014
Okay, I have this code and it works very well - but it only works if my WORKBOOK is unprotected. I know how to Unprotect then Protect an ActiveSheet, but I can't figure out how to Unprotect then Protect my workbook when the macro runs..
Dim WS As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each WS In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
[Code] ......
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Nov 7, 2008
I've used VBA to make a picture appear when all the correct answers have been entered and it all works well. However, not to be too mean to 15 year olds, many of my students can be devious little feckers, and I want to hide and password protect the VBA code so that they can't just change the pictures visible section to true. I can password protect the workbook and worksheet, but not the VBA.
I'm entering the Visual Basic editor and I can see my simple script. I then click Tools - VBproject properties - protection. I'm clicking the "Lock Project for Viewing" box then filling in the password and confirming the password and clicking OK. But I can still see and edit my script, despite protecting the sheet and workbook.
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Jan 17, 2013
Some sensitive data is held on worksheets that are used by people that do not have access to see the data.
It would be most convenient to keep the data in these worksheets but hide it from view of the users.
Is there a way to password protect a users ability to unhide a column?
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Jan 12, 2007
I have a sheet that is password protected. I have this code attached to a command button. It will unlock the worksheet, autofilter it, print it, unfilter it, and password protect the sheet again. However it is protecting it without a password. I need to have it protected with the password so that someone will not be able to just go to tools to unprotect the sheet.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
ActiveSheet.Unprotect "rainforest"
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=">0", Operator:=xlAnd
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True _
, AllowSorting:=True, AllowFiltering:=True
End Sub
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Jul 26, 2006
I would like to protect the intellectual property of an application and have read differing opinions of the merits of protecting VBA code. What are the opinions of the experts on this forum? Are the password breaker programs so advanced that protecting code is a waste of time and only a hinderance to debugging and troubleshooting?
I am using MS Excel 2003 (11.5612) on XP.
I apologize if this topic has already been covered on this forum. I searched but did not find exactly what I was looking for. I am happy to review an old post if one exists.
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Jun 30, 2007
I am looking for a forum or where I can find advice on using VBA with MS Project.
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Feb 12, 2009
I'm trying to protect my project so that others can't unhide a sheet I have tagged as veryhidden within VB.
I followed these steps:
1. Select project in the projects window
2. choose Tools
3. Project Properties
4. Protection tab
5. checked lock porject for viewing
6. entered passwords twice
7. clicked ok and saved
On another file this has worked perfectly as I wanted it to.
However on another very large file with multiple VB projects it is not "taking" on the project I need it to.
I can open the file, the VB project and change the setting on any sheet I need to without entering a password.
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Mar 9, 2009
Add Project to 'database' I recorded my marco.
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May 7, 2008
I have a macro in a workbook (WB1) that opens another workbook (WB2). After performing several other macros through user invocation with buttons, I close WB2 with the following statement:
ActiveWorkbook.Close (False)
While the WB2 workbook closes okay, the WB2 project is still open in the VB editor. Does anybody know why this code isn't closing the project in the VBE?
The WB1 process can occur multiple times while Excel is open and each time a separate occurrence of the WB2 project is left open in VBE.
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