Pull Data As Per The Date Entered?
Feb 10, 2014
I have a file in which records are saved in chronological order. What i want is when i click on a button it should prompt me for a date and when i enter the date it should retrieve the data from the database sorted in chronological order from the date i have entered.
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Aug 19, 2012
Any way to check if data entered is a valid date using a VBA function/routine?
For example, cdate() and isdate() functions accept dates like 31-Feb-12 and 29-Feb-11 when they are not valid.
If the cell is formatted as date format, then Excel replaces hyphens with forward slashes for dates, except invalid ones like 31-Feb-12 and 29-Feb-11, so in these cases I can test for existence of forward slashes in the following way
Len(Mid(pCell, InStr(pCell, "/") + 1, Len(pCell) - InStr(pCell, "/"))) 7
However this approach fails for Input boxes. Obviously I can't convert the Input box response using cdate function as it will incorrectly accept 31-Feb-12 as a valid date.
Any routines that will work for both cell entered and Input box entered dates?
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Jul 19, 2014
I own 3 restaurants and I use Excel to track my sales statics. I have to enter certain pieces of data on a daily basis and it can become slightly cumbersome when dealing with the sort of washed out look of Excel spreadsheets. I wanted to write a Windows application that would handle the process for me but my knowledge of programming languages is too limited and I don't really have the time to learn. What I'd like is to have a single page on my workbooks with which I can enter the data in on a field type view, and have it go to the appropriate cell on the "Raw" data sheets in the same workbook. For example:
Let's assume this is the Raw data sheet. I currently enter the data that I need here, and Excel does the rest for me. This gets hard to look at everyday when dealing with hundreds of numbers.
Net Sales
Prior Year Sales
Percent Increase/Decrease
Entering the data here would automatically fill in the data on the Raw sheet, and would know which cells to put the data into based on the date, which would of course be gotten from the =Today() formula.
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Aug 10, 2014
I am building a budget spreadsheet and would like the date to automatically populate in column H when data is entered into rows J through AN, or alternately update column H when a sum total is populated in column I
I need to repeat this for rows 4 through 63
I was trying to use the following code, but cannot get it tweaked right.
[Code] .....
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Feb 24, 2012
I'm having trouble while trying to use a variable in a cell reference. I have a sheet that is being used to record the time and date of data entered into the workbook. This sheet is divided into columns, each designated to a specific type of data. I have written a macro to enter the current time in the correct column, but that macro is embarrassingly long and complicated because I used a series of if statements to handle all the different data being entered. I'm trying to simplify by using vlookup, and assigning the column value to a variable, and inserting that variable into the cell reference.
Here is the line I need to insert a variable into:
Sheets("Current").Cells(Rows.Count, columnstart).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Value = Now()
Where columnstart is my variable. It is an integer, but it's value will change depending on the type of data being entered.
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Apr 22, 2014
I'm compiling data from field reps that comes in a big spread sheet. I want to pull the rows out that fall into a certain date range. For example, if it falls between January and March. How would I do this?
Company 1
Phase I
Company 2
Phase II
Company 3
Phase I
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Jun 22, 2014
I have a SS of a WW1 casualty list and one of the columns is Dates of Birth but the data has been entered in three different formats eg 21/2/1898 or 21.2.1898 or 21 Feb 1898. I have tried to Format Cells and change the date format to the slash but after highlighting a number of fields and right clicking they will not re format. Though i use Excel quite a bit i am a general user and dont understand it in depth.
article using =DATEVALUE(
am using Office 2007.
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Jun 15, 2006
I am trying to make Excel pull data out of a closed file based on a date range. The closed file is a log where people input data and enter the day they are doing it. I need to pull this data in my file and make it print into my worksheets so I can pass a report on to others with only the data they request from the log.
The range would be for 7 days and would have to be able to choose a few columns off this report.
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Apr 18, 2014
I am working on an Inventory Spreadsheet. I have need it to date time stamp that willpopulate a different cell /field when text are entered in a different cell/field and will not change all the previous dates entered on the spreadsheetevery time I re-open the spreadsheet. I formula I am using is =IF(E3<>"",IF(D15="",NOW(),D15),"")and it changes each time I open thesheet to do the inventory so I do not know the date of the last inventory. Iwant to capture the actual date that the inventory was completed in thesecond/different cell?
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Jun 20, 2006
What i want to do is copy all records from whatever date i enter, onto sheet test. The full excel file has over 80 worksheets for each individual rep, the example i attached has 8 sheets..
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Aug 8, 2014
I use my workbook to track sales data from one store to the next. I use my workbooks to compare data from year to year. Each year's data is displayed on a separate worksheet. '2013' has 2013's data, '2014' has 2014's. On the 2014 sheet, I have a Prior Year's Sales that pulls data from the previous year's spreadsheet using a formula which I just drag down each day I enter sales. I would like to automate this process and have the VBA code check for today's date and automatically pull the previous year's sales data from the '2013' sheet and put it in the appropriate cell on the '2014' worksheet. I hope I have explained this well enough to understand. I've included a link to my workbook for reference.
I had to use dropbox since I can't post a file over 1 MB. The file size is around 1.25 MB.
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May 19, 2009
I need a formula that will calculate the number of days from a date entered into cell A1 to today's date. Whether it's before or after todays date. Example:
5/10/2009 to today is -9
5/22/2009 to today is 3
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Aug 14, 2012
I have a input box that prompts a user to enter a date of a new month - it has to be the 1st of a new month. I have validation that it is a date that has been entered but then i want to validate the date entered is a month ahead of a date in a cell range on a sheet.
It is a monthly reset so it has to roll on from the previous month.
Here is what i have currently but it isn't working.
' Get user to input the first day of the new month to populate all dates with
dNewMonth = InputBox(Prompt:="Enter first Day of the new Month. Must be the 1st of the Month e.g. 01/10/2012", _
Title:="Enter Date")
' Validates the entered date is a valid date
If (IsDate(dNewMonth) = False) Then
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Jan 17, 2013
Cell B1 contains a date, then B2 contains a formula that says:
A1 contains a green tick and A2 contains a red cross.
What I am trying to add is that if B1 contains no date then B2 needs to be blank.
I tried using =IF((A1="",0),(A1>TODAY(),A1,A2) to get it to show a 0 if there was no data but this doesn't work.
I am using Excel 2003.
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Jun 25, 2014
I have a lost and found log that has 2 worksheets: (1) Unresolved and (2) Resolved. Data is entered into the Unresolved worksheet when something is lost or found. When a date is entered under Date Claimed / Sent to Capitol Police (column I), I would like the data in that row to be removed from the Unresolved worksheet and automatically inserted in the next blank row of the Resolved worksheet. I know very little VB,
Date Reported
Lost or Found?
Item Description
Name of Person Reporting Item
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Mar 24, 2014
I'm using nested SUBSTITUTE formula to make some changes to the some of the data. I'm also using IFERROR to return the input if it does not find the criteria I have specified. I have lot of variations in my input data.
The formula works fine for all except for date format input.
12/3/1923---->58936 (I want the date to be retained)
why the date format is changed even if don't specify any changes for it. I expect my IFERROR to just retain the input as it is.
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Apr 15, 2014
I'm working on the final stage of a project. I'm attempting to write code that will set off a chain of events if two dates are 91+ days apart from each other . I've attached a sample worksheet that shows the bare bones basics of what I'm attempting to do.
What will be the most efficient and effective way of accomplishing my goal: userform, functions, formatting, etc.? T
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Apr 2, 2008
DONNAS [Single cell, 1st row] 09/08/2003 15:34 [Single cell ( date and time combined) 2nd row]. Do you know of any way that I can move the name, date and time from the above cells to three separate columns on the same row?
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Jun 28, 2007
How can I add a date stamp that will populate a field when text is entered into another cell but will not change every time I re-open the sheet. I have been using =if(B4="",NOW()) which changes each time though and as soon as text is entered it disappears. I want to capture the actual date that someone enters text into a cell and save that date in another cell???
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Jul 8, 2014
I have to enter date into cells. It is being written from the lists of paper, where for date is entered only year (e.g. 1987), but I have to enter it into excel with day and month (the program working with data only recognizes this form; eg 01.01.1987).
I was thinking of writing a conditional formatting, to remind if I will forget to write 01.01. before year.
I prepared formula like this (to check for the dots):
But it is not working, because the function recognizes general formatting of cell instead of date formatting (28491 instead of 01.01.1987).
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May 4, 2006
I have been given a spreadsheet to "fix". We have 15 classes set up on it and we enter the dates of classes which then copy over into the rest of the classes using the "=+ cell" that contains the date we enter. There are 23 cells for date (maximum number of days we have class). If you enter class dates using 15 cells, the remaining cells on the second and subsequent classes get a 1/0/00 value which I then have to delete.
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Feb 6, 2013
I worked out the code below. I supposed to check the date entered in the text box, if that date is greater than the date in cell A2, is supposed to pop up a message box, but is only half working.
For example if I enter 3/1/2013, the code works, but if I enter 1/1/2014 it will not work, it thinks the date is OK and goes on to to the Else statement. In other words, is only looking at the first part (month and day) of my date and ignoring the fact that the year is in the future.
Dim frmDate As String
Dim toDate As String
Set ws = Sheets("Dashboard")
frmDate = frmEnterDate.txtReportEffectiveDate.Value
toDate = frmEnterDate.txtReportEffectiveLastDay.Value
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May 19, 2014
how to switch cells per date entered?
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May 7, 2014
One of our interns collected some data for me but they entered the dates "2 14 2014". I need to convert these into a usable date format in hurry.
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Oct 22, 2010
I am looking for a way to auto sort the info in column A based on the numerical account number. The auto sort also should move the rest of the info in the row along with column a. I want this auto sort to happen once a new entry has been entered with all the information in columns A -L.
Basically the goal is someone with very little knowledge about excel or computers in general can enter information in all 12 columns and then the table will auto sort itself based on the account number.
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Jul 24, 2007
i'm trying to form a macro that allows the user to enter a date and have excel auto filter for all dates prior to (or ON and prior to if it makes it easier) that date, and delete all rows with that auto filter criteria in place. i'm working with a old auto filter macro i put together, but cant seem to get the criteria to work with, say, <7/14/2007 for example.
Attribute VB_Name = "modDeleteVal"
Sub DeleteRowByValue()
Attribute DeleteRowByValue.VB_Description = "Macro recorded 7/9/2007 by KHenzel"
Attribute DeleteRowByValue.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "V
' DeleteRowByValue Macro
' Macro recorded 7/9/2007 by KHenzel
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+V
Dim rTable As Range
Dim lCol As Long
Dim vCriteria
On Error Resume Next
'Determine the table range
With Selection
If .Cells.Count > 1 Then
Set rTable = Selection
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May 21, 2008
I have a form that will allow the user to type in a date. I need to take that value and validate that it is between 01/01/2007 and 10 years ahead of the current day.
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Jul 11, 2014
pull out just the date from this thread: 01/01/14 0919
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Sep 28, 2011
I have this formula I use to pull the date and time that they place in 1 cell from a customer quote sheet. It was working well until we got to a double digit month.....
The thing is they are inconsistant in stating the dates. such as "09/03 10AM" or "9/3 10AM" or even sometimes "9/03 10AM".
Can this formula be altered to accept variables
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May 14, 2014
We have a table that tracks customer payment dates with corresponding payment details.
Our current Excel program works fine when the Customer payment dates progress (non-duplicate date entries) ... BUT .... sometimes a Customer will send multiple checks on the same date (duplicated date entries), and then our program gives incorrect results.
You will see that this Customer sent in three checks all dated 11/22/2013 ($100, $50, $50).
What we need is a formula that will look at the dates in Column-A, choose the last entry (before any zero or blank), then provide the corresponding value in Column-D.
So in this case, the result we need is (100.00) ... the value in cell D16. Our program is erroneously providing 100.00 ... the value in D14.
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