The title of this thread is the best way I can describe what I wish to accomplish. You see, I have a column of information requests in an Excel spreadsheet, each of which his tagged with an alphanumeric request number, and I wish to sort and/or perform and min/max function on the request identification. However, each ID has a IDR in front of it - for instance, IDR000452 - and the letters make the system read the contents as text. Does anyone know of a formula I can use to create a new cell which contains only the numerical contents of the above example?
I am having an issue with formatting a cell to 'general'. I have a macro that runs using a formula (i.e. =MID(A12, 18,5)) to extract certain characters from an external data source. I then use only the values of that formula. There then is another macro that compares that value to another value in another worksheet. The issue I am having is when the macro runs, the code is read as ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3).Value...but instead of returning the value in 'general' format, it returns it with what appears to be text (i.e. "75.50" instead of 75.5). This acts as a mismatch since the quotes appear.
I have attempted several things to correct, but even if I try to format-->general it maintains the quotes. The only way it changes is if I click within the cell...then it turns to general (i.e."75.00" becomes 75.5). I am not sure what is the issue.
On my spreadsheet I have multiple rows and cells containing alphanumeric text (text is a combination of a person's name and goals scored) i.e. Holland1 appears in row 3 cell P3 then Holland3 appears in row 6 cell O6.
What I would like to be able to do is have a forumla that looks at every row and cell in my range and sum the numbers of the alphnumeric text if the cell contains a certain name i.e Holland.
I had tried to use the array formula =1*MID(A1,MATCH(TRUE,ISNUMBER(1*MID(A1,ROW($1:$26),1)),0),COUNT(1*MID(A1,ROW($1:$26),1))) which I found on the internet but this only works for one cell and doesn't allow for a set criteria to be met.
My Cells contain loads of text like this: ["16733:0:0"] = “Product ID”:1:1:0", now what i need is just the 16733 to be extracted into its own cell, and the Product ID to be extracted into the cell next to it... all other Text can be deleted. The problem is, pretty much the whole of the text changes in each line :-
In the Numbered part of it (the bit I actually need), it would be either 4 or 5 digits long. Im guessing what I need to do is remove parts bit by bit, but for a novice user - Its proving a bit difficult!
how would I go about pulling the three sets of numbers out of the following example:
Detected 2 resets. Imported 16 out of 22 bookmarks.
These sets of numbers could be single, double, or triple digits. I need to find the percentage from the second and third set of numbers in the long run.
Is there a way either by VBA or manually (preferably both, if possible) to actually unite the X amount of numbers that are in a cell given the contents is alphanumeric? I'll give you the following examples to see if you can understand what I' referring to?
DATA output should be asd67,h876 --------> 67876 2,3,ujdj5&34 -------> 23534 909k86m34 --------> 9098634
I import data from another program in order to evaluate it. Unfortunately, one of the fields I need contains copyright data, however, it has been very inconsistently entered into the database. For example, sometimes the data appears "c1999." or "-1999" or "" or "[1999]" or even "19?" and also sometimes "1999, 1990" and many other variations on that. I discovered the link in the excel help file about extracting numbers from alphanumeric strings, but my situation is still too variable for it to apply; that file didn't take into account that alphanumeric strings don't always lump numbers and letters together. I was able to correct a few things, but my command of excel isn't knowledgeable enough to really come up with something effective.
Some ideas I had that I don't know how to implement: is there a way to strip non-numerical characters from an alphanumeric string? (I've been doing some find/replaces to get rid of some of it, but that is obviously not very efficient when I have to repeat this process daily.) Perhaps then I could just detect the first 4 numbers of the string somehow. However, that doesn't solve the problem of when a wild card is used as in "199?" or "20?" etc.
Bottom line, I just need to grab the first four numbers that appear in the string (but NOT additional numbers that occur after a wild card or a space if the year was not completed in 4 numbers; in that case I'd just be happy with a null value).
I've been doing this with a formula so far. My only experience with macros has been in simply recording them, not actually writing them, but I'll give anything a try.
I have about 10000 cells of varying length in text and numbers but they all end with numbers on the ends of them. Using text to columns doesn't work because they're all different lengths and it cuts them off in the wrong place.
Is there a formula I can use that will return only the text from these cells and remove the numbers. It would definitely save me time from individually deleting the numbers at the end.
I have a list (SIC Codes) and I want to remove the numbers. The numbers range from 2 to 8 deep. The list exists in column B and I want the new list in column C.
01 Agricultural Production Crops 011 Cash Grains 0111 Wheat 0112 Rice 0115 Corn 0116 Soybeans 0119 Cash grains, nec 011901 Pea and bean farms (legumes) 01190101 Bean (dry field and seed) farm 01190102 Cowpea farm 01190103 Lentil farm 01190104 Mustard seed farm
I have a fairly large list (1200 rows) of part numbers that I would like to sort. The part number has text and numbers, with a number in the middle. I need excel to ignore this middle number when sorting (but not any of the other numbers). Excel currently sorts like this:
The first few letters in the part number or the numbers at the end aren't consistant. But it's always the numbers after the "/" and before the "-" (where there is one) that I want to ignore.
At the very least I would I need the list in alphabetical order. I don't need the list to be sorted by the "ignored number" at all. Meaning, I would be happy with this result:
I have this formula that extracts numbers from alphanumeric strings.
{=1*MID(A1,MATCH(TRUE,ISNUMBER(1*MID(A1,ROW($1:$100),1)),0),COUNT(1*MID(A1,ROW($1:$100),1)))} However this extracts only the 1st instance of the numbers
In a string like 123avfbsdf4556.. it'll extract only 123.
My questions are the following:
1. Is there a way that i could get the result as 1234556
2. A way which refers to a cell where I put in a number and it'll extract those many number instances. In the above example, if I put the number as 1, it'll extract 123. If I put the number as 2, it'll extract 4556 and so on.
I guess this would require some modifications to the Match function so that it does not look at only the 1st instance.
I have list of 15000 of Alphanumeric data for ex. ADEDO125ADSD589ADF121,UIEIROIWS12556ERE545,ADAS15455212AD4564AD2 And so on. Now I want to extract word from this alphanumeric. And i want to use only formula not MACRO OR VBA
Say for example I have ABCD-ABC12 basically an arbitrary length of alpha (A-Z) characters followed by an hypen "-" followed by another arbitrary length of alpha (A-Z) characters and then immediately followed by an arbitrary length of numbers. (with no spaces between alpha and number)
How can I extract just the numbers from the group of alphanumberic characters after the hyphen and set it to a LONG variable?
I am looking to remove numbers and symbols from a single cell.
For example, I start with something like: Cell A1: M. Flank1, T.D. Chang1*, T. Person2, J. Doe3 Cell A2: T.R. Money1*, Y.R. You2 ... and I want: Cell B1: M. Flank, T.D. Chang, T. Person, J. Doe Cell B2: T.R. Money, Y.R. You ...
And, there are about 300 more, with varying number of people per cell. I'm not great with Macros, so if there is a way without macros, that would be good, but, if a macro works best, I can give it a shot..
I posted my question on another site and didn't get very many responses. I've got a list of alphanumeric numbers that I'm trying to cross check against a bingo grid.
The bingo cards are in a PDF format, so here's a screenshot. There's a separate sheet for Red; White; & Blue.....
I have a column with product packaging sizes with different syntaxes, such as:
"2 x 5 kg" "200 l (212 kg)" "1000 l (1400 kg)" "5 kg" "20 l (20,54 kg)"
As you can see the syntax varies a lot! Now I need a formula to extract certain numbers for different calculations. E.g. if the string has a letter "x" then the number(s) in front of it would be extracted. Or if the string has the letter "l" or "kg" the numbers in front of them (including decimals) would be extracted while discarding the rest. Is this even possible? Personally, I would change the whole system and break the strings across a number of columns but unfortunately it is not up to me...
I have a large block of numbers in a spreadsheet and I am wondering how I can look at the whole block and pull out the top five most common numbers. So perhaps the number 4 is repeated the most times, it would be number 1, number 18 might be repeated the second most number of times so it would be in the number 2 slot etc etc.
I have 2 columns i want to find out which items match in each column and put the matching value in column c. I have tried Vlookup and continue to get an N/A .. I tried countif and I get either an N/A or a value error. I have tried turning the cells into text but that is not working either..
column A has about 1700 rows and column B has about 4000
MOST CELLS ARE 6-7 VARIABLES.. satrting with either 01, 02, 03 with 4-5 letters following or have a 6 digit number or 6 letter value.
i Am trying to get this project underway and can attempt this manually in excel but will take ages. I was wondering if there is a code I can use. I am trying to get a 7 character alphanumeric serial number for units as a 4(alpha) and 3 numeric number. like say AAAA001 , i want to list on a row all the numbers on a sheet right upto ZZZZ999
I need to automatically populate a column with an alphanumeric MFR0001 to MFR9999 and am currently using the formula below to add 1 to the start point (A1)...
A1=MFR0001 Formula in A2 =LEFT(C1,3)&(RIGHT(C1,4)+1)
This works perfectly if I start at MFR1000, but breaks and drops the 000 if I use it on the number I need to start with (MFR0001).